ISSN 1606-867Х (Print) ISSN 2687-0711 (Onine)
Condensed Matter and Interphases
Kondensirovannye Sredy i Mezhfaznye Granitsy
Original articles
Original article
Liquidus surface of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS
I. B. Bakhtiyarly, R. J. Kurbanova, Sh. S. AbdullaevaH,° Z. M. Mukhtarova, F. M. Mammadova
Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Сhemistry, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 113 H. Javid pr., Baku AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
A projection of the liquidus surface of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS was constructed as a result of experimental studies of quasi-binary and non-quasi-binary sections and based on the data on binary systems comprising a ternary system. Each section (six quasi-binary and four non-quasi-binary ones) was studied separately using complex methods of physicochemical analysis: differential thermal analysis, X-ray phase analysis, and microstructural analysis. It was found that the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS has six fields of primary crystallisation of separate phases and eleven monovariant equilibrium curves along which two phases are co-crystallised. Non-variant equilibrium points were obtained through the extrapolation of the direction of monovariant equilibrium curves.
The quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS is characterised by 17 non-variant equilibrium points, where Et-E5 are triple eutectic points.
The projection diagram of the liquidus surface is characterised by three crystallisation fields of the initial components (Cu2S, In2S3, FeS), four fields of binary compounds, and one field of a complex compound (CuFeIn3S6). Since complete solubility of the initial components in liquid and solid states is observed in the quasi-binary section CuIn5S8-FeIn2S4, the fields of primary crystallisation of CuIn5S8 and FeIn2S4 are absent; they are replaced by an unlimited solid solution based on these components.
The fields of primary crystallisation of Cu2S, FeS, and CuInS2 are the most extensive in the ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS. The reactions occurring at monovariant equilibrium points are presented. Keywords: system, quasi-ternary, eutectic, liquidus, section
Acknowledgements: the study was supported by the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, grant EIF/MQM/Elm-Tehsil-1-2016-1(26)-71/15/1.
For citation: Bakhtiyarly I. B., Kurbanova R. J., Abdullaeva Sh. S., Mukhtarova Z. M., Mammadova F. M. Liquidus Surface of the Quasi-ternary System Cu2S-In2S3-FeS. Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases. 2021;23(1): 16-24.
Для цитирования: Бахтиярлы И. Б., Курбанова Р. Дж., Абдуллаева Ш. С., Мухтарова З. М., Маммадова Ф. М. Поверхность ликвидуса квазитройной системы Cu2S-In2S3-FeS. Конденсированные среды и межфазные границы. 2021;23(1): 16-24.
И Abdullaeva Shahri Seyfaly, email: [email protected]
© Bakhtiyarly I. B. , Kurbanova R. J., Abdullaeva Sh. S., Mukhtarova Z. M., Mammadova F. M., 2021
The content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
I. B. BakhtiyarLy et al.
Original articles
1. Introduction
The object of the study was the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS.
The Cu2S-In2S3-FeS system is formed by con-gruently melting binary compounds [1-5]. The Cu2S compound exists in the form of three modifications: a low-temperature modification a-Cu2S is stable below 376 K, a b-Cu2S form of hexagonal syngony exists in the 376-708 K temperature range, and above 708 K there is a g-Cu2S form with FCC structure which melts at 1402 K [6-8].
The In2S3 compound also exists in several structural modifications and belongs to semiconductor materials of type A2mB3VI. This compound is a wide-band semiconductor. In recent years, it has been of great interest to researchers as the "window" material in thin-film photovoltaic devices with the purpose of substitution of CdS. It is used in optoelectronics to create light-sensitive heterostructures as well as in microelectronics and solar energy as a material with a number of unique properties [9, 10].
Ferric sulphides are usually found in the form of natural compounds. They have been attracting a lot of interest from researches for many years as they possess various crystal structures and phase transformations as well as unusual electric and magnetic properties [11]. Metal-insulator phase transformations, transitions into superconductive state, etc., are observed in these compounds. FeS is used in some technical areas, and another developing application of the compound is the substitution of silicon in solar photovoltaic industry [12].
Therefore, the study of the patterns of physico-chemical interaction and phase formation between the specified chalcogenides is of special scientific and practical interest and it allows developing new multi-functional materials based on them.
There is a number of works in scientific literature dedicated to binary chalcogenide compounds Cu2S, FeS, and In2S3 [13-15] that were necessary for the discussion of the obtained results in the present work.
It should be noted that there are no publications on the study of the ternary system. However, there is some literature data on the study of two quasi-binary sections (CuIn5S8-FeIn2S4 and CuInS2-FeS [16-18]). We studied the CuInS2-FeS section [21].
The purpose of the work was to construct a projection of the liquidus surface of the Cu2S-In2S3-FeS system: to establish the position of the fields of primary crystallisation of phases in the system, to compose equations of non-variant phase transformations, and to identify the nature of interactions in subordinate triangles.
2. Experimental
For the experimental part of the study of the Cu2S-In2S3-FeS system we used a complex of physicochemical methods: differential thermal analysis (DTA), microstructural analysis (MSA), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) as well as microhardness measurement, and density determination [21]. DTA was conducted using a Jupiter STA 449 F3 (NETZSCH, Germany) in synchronous thermal analysis mode. The accuracy of detection of thermal effects was 0.10-0.15 K/deg. XRD was conducted using a "D2 Phaser" X-ray diffractometer (Bruker, Germany). Microhardness of the phases in the alloys was measured on a PMT-3 tester using a well-known method [19]. The load on the diamond pyramid was 0.01-0.02 N. The microstructure was studied on a MIM-8 metallographic microscope. The density was determined at a temperature of 300 K using a pycnometer (with toluene as the filler).
The samples were synthesised from the elements (reduced iron, In - 000 indium, copper with 99.999 % purity, extra pure sulphur 99.9999 %) in evacuated to 1.33 Pa and vacuum-sealed quartz ampoules with the length of 15-18 cm and the diameter of 1.5 cm using direct ampoule method in a single temperature furnace while stirring the samples. Before being put into electrical furnace, the ampoules were heated up to 800 K, then gradually immersed into the furnace together with the samples while the temperature was increased by 50 - 70° C above the melting temperature. The melt was kept at this temperature for 7 hours. The process was repeated several times. After that, the ampoule was hardened in iced water. Then the ingot was subjected to homogenizing annealing. Homogenizing annealing was conducted at a temperature of 900 K for 200 h.
3. Results and discussion
In order to understand fully the processes occurring in the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS, we studied the following quasi-binary
I. B. BakhtiyarLy et al.
Original articles
and non-quasi-binary sections: CuInS2-FeIn2S4, CuJncSQ-FeIn,S,, CuJncSQ-CuFeIn„S,, CuFeIn„S,-
359 2 4 3 5 9 3 6 36
FeS, CuInS2-FeS were quasi-binary; FeIn2S4-
(^VW^^W (5Cu2S)o.5o(7-5FeS)o.5()-(5CU2S)o.16(3In2Sз)o.84, (5CU2S)0.16(3In2S3)0.84-FeIn2S4, (5Cu2S)0.350( 3In2S 3)0.650-(7.5 FeS)0.350(3 In2S3)0.650
were non-quasi-binary.
Among the studied sections, a complex phase was found only in the CuInS2-FeIn2S4 section -a compound of the CuFeIn3S6 composition that participates in the triangulation of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS. Below is a brief description of the studied sections of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS.
The CuInS2-FeIn2S4 section is a quasi-binary section of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS. A compound of the CuFeIn3S6 composition which melts congruently at a temperature of 1365 K was found with the component ratio of 1:1. Coordinates of the eutectic point were 31 mol. % and 68 mol. % FeIn2S4 at temperatures of 1240 and 1290 K respectively.
Based on the initial components and the compound of the CuFeIn3S6 composition, solubility was observed. The limits of solid solutions were specified and it was established that the resulting solid solutions based on the modifications of the CuInS2 (a, b, g) compound reached 12 mol. % FeIn2S4 at 300 K and 20 mol. % FeIn2S4 at 1175 K [20].
The Cu3In5S9-CuFeIn3S6 section is a quasi-binary section of the quasi-ternary system. Its phase diagram is of the simple eutectic type. The eutectic composition corresponds to 55 mol. % CuFeIn3S6 at a temperature of 1200 K. The solubility based on Cu3In5S9 at 900 K is 13 mol. % CuFeIn.S, and 20 mol. % CuFeIn.S, at 1200 K.
3 6 3 6
The CuInS2-FeS section is a quasi-binary section [21] of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS. The liquidus of the section consists of the primary crystallisation branches a, b, g of the modification of the CuInS2 compound. Under the influence of FeS the temperature of the gCuInS2 ^ bCuInS2 phase transition decreased and belonged to the eutectoid type. The crystallisation of the alloys ended at 1130 K and 50 mol. % by the reaction liq (e) ^ a + FeS.
It was found that the solubility reached 12 mol. % FeS at room temperature (300 K) [21].
The CuIn5S8-FeIn2S4 section is quasi-binary. Based on the initial components CuIn5S8 and
FeIn2S4 we observed their complete solubility in liquid and solid states. The liquidus of the section consisted of one curve of primary crystallisation a-solid solution. A continuous series of the a-solid solution solidified below the solidus line.
The data that we have obtained corresponds well with the results of the authors who studied the CuIn5S8-FeIn2S4 system [16].
The Cu3In5S9-FeIn2S4 section is a quasi-binary section of the eutectic type. Co-crystallisation of the branches of the solid solutions based on the initial components occurred with the composition of 42 mol. % FeIn2S4 at a temperature of 1150 K. The solubility at room temperature was 3 mol. % FeIn2S4 based on Cu3In5S9 and 5 mol. % based on FeIn2S4.
The CuFeIn3S6-FeS section is a quasi-binary section of the quasi-ternary system of the simple eutectic type. Co-crystallisation of the initial components finished at a temperature of 1100 K and had the composition of 30 mol. % FeS. There was solubility based on both components.
The (SCu2S)oso(7.SFeS)oso-(SCu2S)016(3In2S3)0g4 (e6-e2) section is a non-quasi-binary section (Fig. 1). This section of the ternary system crossed the fields of subordinate ternary systems Cu2S-CuInS2-FeS, CuInS2-CuFeIn3S6-FeS, CuInS,,-CuJncSc-CuFeIn„S • CuJncSQ-Cu-
7 2 359 3 6' 3 5 9
FeIn3S6-FeIn2S4, and CuInS2-FeIn2S4-CuIn5S8. Therefore, its phase diagram consisted of five independent parts. The liquidus of the section had the form of four branches of primary separation of a, g, a, 8-phases. A part of the section went through the subordinate ternary system Cu2S-CuInS2-FeS in the range of the concentration 0-61 mol. % (5Cu2S)050(7.5FeS)0 . There was one ternary eutectic (E5) equilibrium at 990 K in this part of the section. The second part of the section crossed the secondary ternary system CuInS2- CuFeIn3S6-FeS in the range of 61-79 mol. % (5Cu2S)016(3In2S 3)0 84, where a non-variant eutectic reaction was formed:
liq ~ g(CuInS2) + g1(FeS) + 8(CuFeIn3S6).
The crystallisation of the alloys in the third part of the section ended with the solidification of the triple eutectic at E2 at a temperature of 1100 K (Fig. 2).
T h e (5Cu2S) 0.350( 3 In2S 3) 0.65 0 -
(^FeS^o^^^o (c-d) section. To study the processes occurring in compound triangles Cu2S-CuInS2-FeS, CuInS2-CuFeIn3S6-FeS, and
I. B. Bakhtiyarly et al.
Original articles
Fig. 1. Phase diagram of the 5(Cu2S)0507.5(FeS)050-5(Cu2S)0.163(In2S3)0.84 system
(5Cu2S)0,,(3In;!S,)oev20 60 «о(7Э№8з)в
Fig. 2. Phase diagram of the 5(Cu2S)0.333(In2S3)0.67-5(FeS)0.303(In2S3)0.70 system
I. B. Bakhtiyarly et al.
Original articles
CuFeln.S-FeIn„S-FeS, as well as to deter-
3 6 2 4 7
mine the composition and temperature of triple non-variant points, we studied the interaction in
the (5Cu2S)0.350(3In2S3)0650-(7.5FeS)0350(3In2S3)0.650
section. This section is non-quasi-binary and it crossed two extensive areas of primary crystallisation. Its liquidus is shown as two curves of primary crystallisation of the components
(5Cu2S)0.350(3In2S3)0.650 and (7.5FeS)0.350(3In2S3)0.65<>.
A part of the section went through the ternary system Cu2S-CuInS2-FeS in the range of concentration of 0-68 mol. % (7.5FeS)0 350(3In2S3)0650 There was one ternary eutectic equilibrium E5 at 990 K in this part of the section. The second part of the section went through the ternary system CuInS2-CuFeIn3S6-FeS in the range of concentration of 68-84 mol. % (7.5FeS)a350(3In2S3)a650 where the equilibrium ended at a temperature of 1030 K in the triple eutectic E4. The third part of the section crossed the ternary system FeIn2S4-CuFeIn3S6-FeS in the range of concentration of 84-0 mol. % (7.5FeS)0 350(3In2S3)0 650. There was also one triple eutectic equilibrium E3 here.
Depending on the concentration below the solidus line, the section is represented as a mechanical mix of the three phases.
The (SCu2S)0.„(3In2S5)0.67-(7.5FeS)0.30(3In2S3)0.70 (a-b) section is a non-quasi-binary section of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS which crossed three secondary triangles (Fig. 2).
The phase diagram consisted of three parts. The liquidus of the system which went through the subordinate system CuInS2-Cu3In5S9-CuFeIn3S6 consisted of the primary crystallisation of the high-temperature modification of a1(Cu3In5S9). In this part the crystallisation ended at the temperature of triple eutectic E1 (1150 K). The liquidus of the system which went through the subordinate system Cu3In5S9-CuFeIn3S6-FeIn2S4 consisted of two branches: primary crystallisation 8-modification of the CuFeIn3S6 compound and a-solid solution based on FeIn2S4.
Final crystallisation occurred at 1100 K, the temperature of triple eutectic (E2).
The third part of the section crossed the Cu-FeIn3S6-FeIn2S4-FeS phase triangle. There was one triple eutectic point E3 here. The liquidus of this part consisted of the branches of primary crystallisation of the solid solution a(FeIn2S4 )1 (CuIn5S8) .
The (7.5FeS) 286( 3 I ^S s)0.714-
(5CU2S)0.83(3In2S3)0.17 (D4-e4) seCtion is a non-
Fig. 3. Phase diagram of the (FeS^.^ 3(In2S3)0.714-5(Cu2S)0.833(In2S3)0.17 system
I. B. Bakhtiyarly et al.
Original articles
quasi-binary section of the ternary system. Its phase diagram consisted of three parts (Fig. 3).
The liquidus of the section consisted of the curves of primary crystallisation a-, 8- and g-phases of solid solutions based on the compound Cu3In5S9, FeIn2S4 and solid solution of g-phase transition CuInS2 respectively. There were three triple eutectic transformations E3, E4, and E5 in the section. We present the reactions occurring in these non-variant eutectic points as follows:
liq ~ 8(CuFeIn3S6) + a(FeIn2S4) + g1(FeS) E3 liq ~ g(CuInS2) + g1(FeS) + 8(CuFeIn3S6) E4 liq ^ a1(Cu2S) + g(CuInS2) + g1(FeS) E5
3.1. Projection of the liquidus surface
Through the quasi-binary sections (there are 6 of them), which are triangulating section lines, the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS was triangulated into six subordinate triangles:
1. Cu3In5S9- In2S3-FeIn2S4
2. CuInS,,-CuJncSQ -CuFeIn„S,
2 3 5 9 3 6
3. CuFelnS -CuJncSQ-FeIn,S.
3 6 3 5 9 2 4
4. Cu2S-CuInS2-FeS
5. CulnS-CuFelnS -FeS
2 3 6
6. CuFeIn„S,-FeIn,S.-FeS
3 6 2 4
Each of them can be represented separately as an independent ternary system.
Below we provide the nature of the chemical interaction for individual secondary ternary systems.
The Cu3InsS9-In2S3-FeIn2S4 system
A quasi-binary section D1(CuIn5S8)-D4(FeIn2S 4), where a continuous series of solid solution was formed, did not participate in the triangulation of the ternary system. Therefore, crystallisation in the Cu3In5S9-In2S3-FeIn2S4 system ended in curves e1p1 and e2e7 in a double non-variant point instead of a triple non-variant point. A monovariant curve e1p1 characterises the equilibrium:
liq ~ pfln^) + aKCu^^Feln^J,
while curve e2e7 characterises the following one:
liq ~ a[(CuIn5S8)1_x(FeIn2S4)J + C1(Cu3ln5S9)
CuInS2- Cu3In5S9- CuFeIn3S6
One eutectic transformation occurred in this compound triangle, therefore this system is characterised by the presence of one non-variant point E1 where the reaction occurs: liq ^ a1(Cu3In5S9) + 8(CuFeIn3S6) + g(CuInS2).
The crystallisation field of this system is mainly represented by fields CuInS2 (5), Cu3In5S9 (3), and CuFeIn3S6 (4).
Three monovariant equilibrium curves e3E1, e8E1, and e9E1 converge in a non-variant point E1 at a temperature of 1150 K.
The CuFeIn3S6-Cu3In5S9-FeIn2S4 system
The liquidus of this system is represented by the fields Cu3In5S9, CuFeIn3S6, a(FeIn2S4)1x(CuIn5S8)x separated by monovariant equilibrium curves
e8E2, e7E2, and e10E2.
The system is characterised by one non-variant point E2 where these monovariant equilibrium curves converge, and the chemical reaction occurred here at a temperature of 1150 K:
liq ^ a1 (Cu3In5S9) + a(CuFeIn3S6) + + ^(Fe^^Cu^^ fly.
The Cu2S -CuInS2-FeS system
The crystallisation surface of this secondary system was occupied by the fields Cu2S, CuInS2, and FeS. One eutectic transformation E5 occurred in this compound triangle, and the following chemical reaction occurred here:
liq ~ a1(Cu2S) + g(CuInS2) + g1(FeS)
Three monovariant equilibrium curves e4E5; e6E5, and E5e12 converged at this point separating the fields Cu2S, CuInS2, and FeS.
The CuInS2-CuFeIn3S6-FeS system
Only one eutectic transformation E4 occurred in this secondary ternary system. Monovariant curves e9E4, e12E4, and e11E4 converged at this point. Three phases CuInS2, CuFeIn3S6, and FeS were co-crystallised in a non-variant point E4 at a temperature of 1030 K.
The CuFeIn3S6-FeIn2S4-FeS system
The field of this secondary system is mainly occupied by the area FeS as well as by the fields CuFeIn3S6 and (FeIn2S4)1-x(CuIn5S8)x. Only eutectic transformations occur on the three sides of this triangle. This triangle has one non-variant eutectic point E3 at a temperature of 1070 K where three monovariant equilibrium curves e10E3, e11E3, and e5E3 converge.
The following chemical reaction occurred in this compound triangle:
liq ~ S(CuFeIn3S6+a[(FeIn2S4)1-x(CuIn5S8)J + + g^FeS) (E3)
I. B. BakhtiyarLy et al.
Original articles
Fig. 4. Liquidus surface of the Cu„S-In2S-FeS system
The projection of the liquidus surface of the ternary quasi-ternary system Cu2S- In2S3-FeS (Fig. 4) was constructed based on the data on phase equilibriums in double systems comprising a ternary system and on a number of experimentally studied internal sections which were briefly characterised above.
The diagram of the projection of the liquidus surface is characterised by three fields of crystallisation of the initial components (Fig. 2) (Cu2S, In2S3, FeS), four fields of double compounds, and one field of a complex compound (CuFeIn3S6).
Since complete solubility of the initial components in liquid and solid states was observed in the quasi-binary section CuIn5S8-FeIn2S4, primary crystallisation fields CuIn5S8 and FeIn2S4 are absent; they are replaced by an unlimited solid solution based on these components.
The solid solution area found in the CuIn5S8-FeIn2S4 section occupied a part of the crystallisation field of the secondary ternary systems CuIn5S8-FeIn2S4-Cu3In5S9 and In2S3-CuIn5S8-FeIn2S4. There are 7 fields of primary crystallisation of separate phases in the ternary system. The most extensive fields in the ternary
system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS are primary crystallisation fields Cu2S (6), FeS (7), and CuInS2 (5).
The separating primary crystallisation fields of the line of monovariant equilibriums intersect at ternary non-variant points (Tables 1 and 2).
4. Conclusions
There are 5 non-variant equilibrium points in the system, which are triple eutectic points, and there are nine monovariant equilibrium curves. The temperatures and compositions of the discovered non-variant points were compared to the data obtained during the study of non-quasi-binary sections as well as to the thermograms of alloys near the alleged points.
Therefore, for the first time, we constructed the projection of the liquidus surface of the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-In2S3-FeS. We also determined the areas of primary crystallisation of the phases and the coordinates of all non-variant and monovariant equilibriums.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have influenced the work reported in this paper.
I. B. BakhtiyarLy et aL.
OriginaL articLes
Table 1. Non-variant reactions in the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-
Symbols Equilibriums Compositions, % T, K
5Cu2S 3In2S3 7.5FeS
e1 liq o ß^) + a(Dl)(CuIn5S8) 7.00 93.00 - 1340
e2 liq o a(D1)(CuIn5S8) + CT1(D2)(Cu3In5S9) 16.00 84.00 - 1330
e3 liq o al(D2)(Cu3In5S9) + y^xcu^) 33.00 67.00 - 1345
e4 liq o a1(Cu2S) + Y(D3)(CuInS2) 77.00 23.00 - 1260
e5 liq o a^XFeInS^ + Yl(FeS) - 51.00 49.00 1375
e6 liq o a1(Cu2S) + Y1(FeS) 52.00 - 48.00 1200
e7 liq o al(D2)(Cu3In5S9) + a(D4)(FeInS4) 15.50 72.50 12.00 1150
e8 liq o al(D2)(Cu3In5S9) + S^XCuFe^) 22.00 70.00 8.00 1200
e9 liq o Y(D3)(CuInS2) + 5(D5)(CuFeIn3S6) 25.50 66.00 8.500 1285
e10 liq o 5(D5)(CuFeIn3S6) + a^XFeIn^) 12.00 69.00 19.00 1290
e11 liq o 5(D5)(CuFeIn3S6) + Y1(FeS) 12.50 46.50 41.00 1100
e12 liq o Y(D3)(CuInS2) + Yl(FeS) 18.50 31.50 50.00 1130
E! liq o al(D2)(Cu3In5S9) + S^XCuFe^) + Y^XCuInS^ 24.00 68.00 8.00 1150
E2 liq o al(D2)(Cu3In5S9) + S^XCuFe^) + a^D^JD^ 16.00 71.50 12.50 1100
E3 liq o S^XCuFeIn^) + afl^JD^ + Yl(FeS) 7.00 58.00 35.00 1070
E4 liq o Y(D3)(CuInS2) + Yl(FeS) + S^XCuFeIn^) 17.50 45.00 37.50 1030
E5 liq o a1(Cu2S) + Y(D3)(CuInS2)+ Y1(FeS) 38.50 18.50 43.00 1090
Table 2. Monovariant reactions in the quasi-ternary system Cu2S-
Symbols Equilibriums T, K
e2 e7 E2 liq o CT(CuIn5S8)l.x(FeIn2S4)x + ^(ОцВД 1330-1150-1100
e3 E liq o a1(Cu3In5S9) + Y(CuInS2) 1345-1150
E1 e8 E2 liq o a1(Cu3In5S9) + S(CuFeIn3S6) 1150-1200-1100
E1 e9 E4 liq o S(CuFeIn3S6) + Y(CuInS2) 1150-1285-1030
E e E ^ Cj2 E5 liq o Y(CuInS2) + Y1(FeS) 1030-1130-1090
e4 E5 liq o Y(CuInS2) + a1(Cu2S) 1260-1090
e6 E5 liq o a1(Cu2S) + Y1(FeS) 1200-1090
E4 e11 E3 liq o S(CuFeIn3S6) + Y1(FeS) 1030-1100-1070
e5 E3 liq o CT(Cub5S8)l.x(FeIn2S<)x + Yl(FeS) 1375-1070
E e E C2 C10 П3 liq o a(CuIn5S8)l.x(FeIn2S4)x + S^uFe^) 1100-1315-1070
e1 p1 liq o ß(In2S3)+ a(CuIn5S8)l.x(FeIn2S4)x 1340-1305
e2e7 liq ~ a^^JFe^S)^ а^МД) 1330-1150
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Information about the authors
BakhtiyarlyIkhtiyarBahram oglu, DSc in Chemistry, Professor, Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail: [email protected]. ORCID iD:
KurbanovaRuksana Jalal kizi, DSc of Philosophy in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan; ORCID iD:
Abdullaeva Shahri Seyfaly kizi, postgraduate student, Junior Researcher, Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail: sehri. [email protected]. ORCID iD: https://orcid. org/0000-0003-1723-2783.
Mukhtarova ZiyafatMamed kizi, DSc of Philosophy in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail [email protected]. ORCID iD: https://
Mammadova Fatmahanum Mamed, Researcher, Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail: Fatma.mammadova.1959@mail. ru. ORCID iD:
All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Received3 September2020; Approved after reviewing 15December 2020; Accepted 15March 2021; Published online 25 March 2021.
Translated by Marina Strepetova
Edited and proofread by Simon Cox