УДК 33 Yayylova O., Dowletov A., Akmyradov Y.
Yayylova O.
Teacher of the Department of Economic management in enterprises Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)
Dowletov A.
Student Faculty of Economics and Management Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)
Akmyradov Y.
Student Faculty of Economics and Management Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)
Аннотация: this article provides a brief overview of the communication processes and elements and stages of the communication process in enterprise management. It also discusses simple and complex models of the communication process.
Ключевые слова: economics, management, business economics, protections, formal, informal, legal claims, competitiveness.
We discussed the communication in different parts of the organization and their impact on the effectiveness of the organization. You know from your own experience that communication in organizations is not always efficient enough. In fact, their effectiveness is usually less than you think.
In most cases, the message given is misunderstood by the recipient, which is a sign of poor communication effectiveness. J. Miner, a well-known scientist in the field of management, believes that only 50% of the relationships in the organization lead to mutual understanding of the parties. Typically, this is because people fail to recognize that communication is an exchange.
Both parties play an active role in the exchange. For example, if you, as a manager, inform your subordinate that his job assignment has changed, then this is only the beginning of the exchange process. For communication to be effective, your interlocutor must demonstrate that he understands his role and what results you expect from him. Communication can only be effective if one party offers information and the other receives it correctly, and for this it must be taken very seriously.
A communication process is the exchange of information between two or more people. The main purpose of communication is to achieve understanding of the information being exchanged, i.e. messages. But sharing information alone does not guarantee that the process is successful. To better understand the essence of this process and what determines its effectiveness, it is necessary to have an understanding of what stages it consists of.
Elements and stages of the communication process. The communication process includes four main elements. 1. The sender is the person who forms the opinion or selects the information to be communicated. 2. Message - information encoded in symbols. 3. A channel is a means of conveying information. 4. Recipient -the person who intends to receive the information and comment on it.
In the course of communications, the sending and receiving parties go through several interrelated stages. Their job is to prepare the message and use the channel to deliver it in such a way that both parties can understand the other idea equally. This is a difficult task because at each stage the meaning of the idea can be distorted or lost entirely. These stages are as follows: 1. Generating the idea. 2. Encoding and channel selection. 3. Delivering the message. 4. Open the code.
1. Forming an idea. Communication starts with generating an idea or gathering information. The sender decides what important idea or message to convey. Unfortunately, most such attempts fail at the first stage because the sender does not think enough about the idea. K. Davis also emphasizes the importance of this stage: "A poorly designed message cannot be improved by a glossy paper or a sound amplifier." The meaning of this stage is - Don't start talking without thinking! should be the motto.
2. Encoding and channel selection. Before transmitting an idea, the sender must convert (encode) it into specific symbols - words, intonations and gestures (body language). Coding like this turns an idea into a message. It should also be able to select a channel that matches the type of characters used for encoding.
3. Delivering the message. In the third stage of the communication process, the sender uses the channel to convey the message (an encoded idea or ideas). It's about the physical delivery of a message, which is often misunderstood as traditional communication. But as we have seen, communication is only one of the important steps that another person must go through in order to communicate to another person.
4. Open the code. By receiving the message, the recipient decrypts it. Decoding is the act of transferring the sender's characters to the receiver's mind. If the characters chosen by the sender have the same meaning for the receiver, he will understand what the sender meant by forming the idea. If no response is required to the idea, then the communication can be considered complete.
1. Law of Turkmenistan "On State Support of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs". - Ashgabat, 2009;
2. Law of Turkmenistan "On Enterprises". - Ashgabat, 2000