Ashurova Zulxumor
Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service.
Abstract. The research is dedicated to the linguopoetic features of the literary text, the author's individual style, peculiarities, as well as the ideological and thematic area reflected in the text, the set of dominant characters.
Keywords: Word, Text, Metaphor, Metanimy, Synecdoche, Composition, Lexeme, Sema, Permanence, Unity, Expression, Emotion, Feeling, Experience, Style, Poetics.
It is known that lingvopoetics is one of the important areas in linguistics in determining the linguistic units reflected in the literary text and their functional significance, ideological and artistic content, in estimating the philosophical and aesthetic appeal, in the comparative-typological aspect. After all, the text is a key component in revealing the reality that is reflected in the macro and micro fields.
Linguvopoetic characteristics of the artistic text is a very complex process, and such research has been written by many scientists in their scientific works. Linguvopoetic characteristics had been studied by Potebnya A.A. [1] , Shmelov D.N. [2] , Anvar Obidjon [3], [6], [7], Jumanazarova G. [4] and Yuldoshev M. [5].
In this research, we used of methods of grouping, comparative and structural analysis, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, and monographic observations.
"The phenomenon of the initialization of a literary text is understood, first of all, the interrelation of artistic coloring, grammatical structure, stylistic features of subtitles and subtitles in a single center, the dominant units". In the poetic text, however, these units not only reveal the ambiguity, but also open up a wide range of ways to express the peculiarities of the tags in them. It should be noted that A.Obidjon, O.Damin, D.Rajab, who were successful during the independence, were able to use the units of words in their poetic skills in their place and situation. Linguopoetics is recognized in linguistics as the third level of study of literary text. Indeed, the analysis of semantic levels can open a wide way to determine the dynamics of lingvopoetic elements. In particular, when the poet writes about what - it is expedient to understand, depending on who he means.
It is noteworthy that in most of the poems about children, the ideas about what - about whom the message opens up a wide way to know: There was a field middle of the Hill and forest. The Elephant built a bathroom here in Autumn time.
The crocodile was the head for water heating. The white cat was a ticket seller, The black dog was a cleaner.
The analogy of the creatures in this poem, pitching and irony, gave rise to a light humor. The child who reads this will have the impression that never interfering in something he or she cannot do will lead to terrible mistakes. As a result, children's worldviews become clearer, their reserves of knowledge and energy accumulate, and they are able to draw conclusions about life. In the poems of A. Obidjon, the most important aspects, which are often aimed at cultivating the worldview of the Mittvoys, that is, the depiction of reality from the inside, are called to be the highest value of the human personality, the sign of respect for adults. Water snake on my back I'd like a belt. From crocodile skin If a hot cap. From polar bear skin I am wearing a fluffy hat. From the path of the lion I'd like a pair of wool socks.
This piece is taken from D. Rajab's bouquet of poems " A screaming boy is a good boy". Now the attitude towards poetry has also changed. The expansion of the gleaming spiritual layer in its essence led to a slight increase in the child's imagination. As a result of the scientific and technological revolution, children have moved to the effective use of advanced technological products.
We were able to determine that the methodological dominant characters in the works of poets such as O. Damin and A. Obdijon, D. Rajab are a complementary component.
Linguopoetic elements simultaneously create the conditions for the emergence of new artistic styles as a result of the fact that it has the status of an aesthetic "internal norm" of the work or literary direction (for example, abstract works of futurists, violating the canons of the genre of oberiutov). This opens the way for A.Obidjon to express the epic essence, O.Damin for the oriental, D.Rajab for the beautiful essence in the traditional way. As a result of unity of interpretation and imagination, stylistic painting also intensifies: I have a choice
If so, my friend. 2
Even close to the bad I would never go. Everyone loves, per, I'd like a lift.
Falling into the hands of the helpless, I'd like a soccer ball.
In this poem, reality is manifested in two dimensions. Naturally simple in style, this poem is of great interest to children. After all, in most of D.Rajab's creative researches there are many cases when things are called by symbolic interpretation and not by their names.
As the textologist G.Jumanazarova emphasizes: "It is expedient to divide the words in the stylistic layers of the language into two groups in terms of the epic protagonist's subjective emotional attitude to the object of speech, to certain events: lexical units representing positive and negative attitudes. In addition to their nominative function, the words in both groups serve to highlight the subjective assessment of the epic hero in relation to the concept they represent. This feature of theirs is only evident when compared to words that are absolutely neutral in terms of emotional-expressive coloring. One linguistic aspect here is the most important means of creating emotionally-expressive coloring.
Textual scholar M. Yuldashev emphasizes: "It is not right to look at private-author analogies as a mere disturbing, beautifying means of a literary text. The skilled artist appeals to such analogies with the necessity of an artistic-aesthetic need. Such analogies are extremely important in concretizing concepts that are difficult to imagine, in defining abstract concepts, in embodying the most delicate aspects of things, events, and situations in the eyes of the reader. This means that the poet is prone to analogies, even in the face of unexpected circumstances, circumstances, and perspectives. This kind of analogy is very common in the work of A. Obidjon. Apple, fox, wolf, mouse, bear, tiger, uncle, old man, crow he was able to place the analogies of such names in the poetic lines in such a simple, clear and ironic way that in its essence it is understood as a spiritual layer that does not interfere with the work that you could not do: If I were a bear Be my wolf. If I were an oven, Be my pipe.
The central core of the word in this poem is the child. He likens himself to a bear, a furnace. The image of a bear and a wolf also shines in a unique way. It is used in the form of a furnace and a pipe in the sense of a vessel. In poetic texts, parables are demonstrated as the primary goal of astonishing children. Whoever found it is the finder, The head is flat. Like an owl Blindfolded.
It should be noted that A. Obidjon often refers to an extraordinary, unexpected form of analogy. Forming children's worldview, distinguishing between black and white, seriously preparing them to awaken their personal attitude to each process, creates the basis for the demonstration of independent thinking skills. It is no secret that A. Obidjon's poem " Sparrow children from Poloson" is one of the unique works that teaches to react to different issues. In it, the issue of time and space - a sign that motivates the delicate feelings in the heart of the child - swells when it can give originality.
[1] Potebnya A.A. From notes on the theory of literature. // Kh.: Potebni, 1905, - 19-21 p. Also this author: Aesthetics and poetics. // M.: 1976, - 614 p.;
[2] Shmelov D.N. Word and image. // M .: Science, 1964, -3 p.;
[3] Anvar Obidjon. The joy of the little ones. // T.: Uzbekistan, 2019, -145 p.;
[4] Jumanazarova G. Linguopoetics of the language of the epics of Fozil Yuldash oglu. // T.: National Library named after A. Navoi, -169 p.;
[5] Yuldashev M. Secrets of the word of Cholpon. // T.: Manaviyat, 2002, - 60 p.;
[6] Anvar Obidjon. Sparrow children from Poloson. // T.: Uzbekistan, 2018, - 15 p.;
[7] Anvar Obidjon. Sparrow children from Poloson. // T.: Uzbekistan, 2018, - 14 p.