LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PROVERBS IN GERMAN AND UZBEK LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
proverb / thematic / Uzbek language / German language / Uzbek proverb / German proverb. / пословица / тематика / узбекский язык / немецкий язык / узбекская пословица / немецкая пословица.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ibrogimova, Sojida Panjiyevna

This article presents the theory of cognitive-comparative analysis of German and Uzbek proverbs, components of the theory, and examples of comparative-cognitive analysis of English and Uzbek folk proverbs.

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В данной статье представлена теория когнитивно-сопоставительного анализа немецких и узбекских пословиц, компоненты теории и примеры сравнительно-когнитивного анализа английских и узбекских народных пословиц.



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1), Jan., 2023



This article presents the theory of cognitive-comparative analysis of German and Uzbek proverbs, components of the theory, and examples of comparative-cognitive analysis of English and Uzbek folk proverbs.

Key words: proverb, thematic, Uzbek language, German language, Uzbek proverb, German proverb.

В данной статье представлена теория когнитивно-сопоставительного анализа немецких и узбекских пословиц, компоненты теории и примеры сравнительно-когнитивного анализа английских и узбекских народных пословиц.

Ключевые слова: пословица, тематика, узбекский язык, немецкий язык, узбекская пословица, немецкая пословица.


Proverbs have always encouraged people to be good and virtuous, to be honest, to learn, to respect the elder and to honor the younger, to be humble, to live by honest work, to be loyal and kind to each other. Because of this, the meaning expressed by the proverbs covers different topics according to the verdict.


Now let's compare the thematic aspects of Uzbek and German folk proverbs. First of all, if we compare Uzbek and German proverbs thematically, universal values, virtues and customs, philosophical concepts determine the main theme of the proverbs of both nations.

For example:

a) German proverb "Mein Nest ist das beste" (Literally: My house is the best), "Mein Haus ist mein Burg" (Literally: My house is my castle) and the alternative Uzbek proverb "The theme of the homeland in the proverb "Oz uying-olan tashangingda";

b) the topic of peace in the German proverb "Wo Friede, da Glück" (Where there is peace, there is happiness) and its alternative Uzbek proverb "Peace brings happiness",

Ibrogimova Sojida Panjiyevna

2nd year master's student of Termiz State University




SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1), Jan., 2023

c) German proverbs such as "Zeit ist Gold" (Time is money), "Heute ist besser als zehn Morgen" (Today is better than ten tomorrow), "Früh auf, gut Lauf' (The way is open to the early riser) and Appreciating time and life in the alternative sayings "Time is gone - your money is gone", "Getting up early gets the job done, gets up late too";

d) "Arbeit macht das Leben su b " (Work makes life sweet), "Erst die Arbeit dann das Spiel" (First work, then play) in German proverbs, in Uzbek "Wealth comes from work, marriage is beautiful" " glorifying work;

e) German proverbs "Einigkeit ist die stärkste Stadtmauer" (Solidarity is the strongest wall), "Eintracht bringt Macht" (Solidarity gives strength) and its alternative Uzbek proverbs "Strength is in unity", "Solidarity is strength, unity is the state - unity in the proverbs." theme of harmony;

f) The German articles "Gesunder Mann, Reicher Mann" (Healthy man, rich man), "Gesundheit ist der größte Reichtum" (Health is the greatest wealth) are equivalent to the Uzbek proverb "Health is the wealth of the district". personality and its importance;

g) "Wer ein Kalb siehlt, stieht eine Kuh" (He who burdens a calf also steals a


German proverbs "Wer mit Hinkenden umgeht, lernt hinken" (If you walk with a limp, you will learn to limp) and their alternative "A learned heart can't let go", "If you walk close to a cauldron, you will get black" in Uzbek proverbs evil and the effect of evil on others;

h) "Ein Affe bleibt als ein Affe" (The monkey remains a monkey), "Der Fuchs ernhardt den Balg und bleibt ein Schalk" (The fox changes its skin but remains cunning), "Als Esel geboren als Esel gestorben" (The donkey is (born as a donkey, dies as a donkey) Uzbek proverbs such as "You dig, you dig, you draw your original offspring", "It is not halal even if you take a donkey to Mecca", humanity is glorified and has a human character. Issues such as the fact that a person who does not exist will remain in this state until the end of his life have been reflected.

As you can see, the topic scope of proverbs is very wide. There is no front that they do not cover. In this respect, the proverbs of both nations are not different from each other. We observe this situation again in the alternative of proverbs. In the oral works of all the peoples of the world, there is no genre that is very close to each other, or even exactly the same, in terms of proverbial form and meaning. We can see this situation only in proverbs. Let us consider the similarities between Uzbek and German proverbs as a proof of our opinion.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1), Jan., 2023

The German proverb "Der Ton macht Musik" (Sounds make music) means that sounds can produce a work (music) only when combined together . corresponds to the proverb "ununited tozar". Also, another German proverb "Begossene Hunde furchten das Wesser" (Be afraid of the drowned dog) is translated into the Uzbek proverb "He blows his mouth and drinks burnt yogurt", German "Der Appetit kommt beim Essen" (Appetite while eating) comes) Uzbek proverb "There is a time for everything", German "Löwen fangen keine Mäuse" (Lions do not catch mice) Uzbek proverb "Equal with a bag of dung", "Den Esel erkent man an den Ohren" und an den Worten der Toren" (A donkey is known by its ears, a fool is known by its words) expressing the meaning of the Uzbek proverb "You tell me who your friend is, I will tell you who you are" and its alternative (equivalent) ) can be. This line can be continued for a long time.


Also, alternative versions of proverbs, which are considered international genres according to their genre characteristics, are found in the works of other nations as well. For example, if we prove our point by analyzing the commonalities and differences in the proverbs of Uzbek and other nations. One of the Russian proverbs: "A person is welcomed by his clothes, respected by his knowledge" or the Mongolian proverb "A person is greeted by his appearance, observed by his insides" Uzbek folk proverbs: "They are welcomed by his clothes, behavior (so' to the proverb, "If someone cheats you once, it's his fault. If you are deceived the second time, it is your fault" or the German proverbs "The first time is nothing" are similar to the Uzbek proverbs "A believer is stung once in a scorpion's nest" or "A blind man loses his rod once" in Japanese folklore. "The first wife is sent to you by God, the second by people, the third by the devil", the Dutch proverb "Marrying once is a duty, the second marriage is fun, the third is pain" to the Uzbek proverb "The first happiness is happiness, the second is black happiness", the German proverb The proverb "Eyes trust themselves, ears believe others" is similar to the Uzbek proverb "Believe what you see, not what you hear", the American proverb "Unification is the beginning, achieving unity is progress, working together is success" or the German proverb "Sounds together create music". It can be an alternative to the Uzbek proverb "Strength in unity" or "Birzhalsan ozar, una zazhinate zozar". There are many such sayings. The reason for their similarities is the closeness between peoples and the basis of universal aspects. But they differ from each other in terms of their artistry, used symbols, metaphors, and similes.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1), Jan., 2023


Also, among German proverbs, along with proverbs equivalent to Uzbek proverbs, we find such proverbs that are not found among Uzbek folk proverbs. Examples of them are "Durch Schaden wird man klug" (Kulfat makes a man sober), "Redden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold" (Speaking is silver, silence is gold), "Halbes Wissen ist kein Wissen" (Chala knowledge is not knowledge), "Salz und Brot machen die Wangen rot" (Salt and bread make the face red), "Was dem Herzen gefält, das suchen die Augen" (What the heart desires, the eye seeks), "Wo viel Licht ist, ist starker schatten" (When there is a lot of light, there is also a lot of shadow), "Das Gerücht tötet den Mann" (Gossip kills a man), "Die erste Gedanke ist nicht immer das Beste" (First impression is deceiving) can be cited as an example of this.

This situation can be observed in proverbs found in other folklore. Rebuke yourself as you rebuke others, forgive others as you forgive yourself (Chinese proverb), - More people drown in a glass than those who drown in the sea (German folk proverb) , — Gold is tested by fire, a woman is tested by gold, a man is tested by a woman (American proverb), —A boyfriend is in war, a friend is in pain, a perfect person is known when anger comes (Arabic proverb), — When you lend, you will either lose money or a friend (Albanian proverb), — A sneeze in love is never hidden (Australian proverb), — True love is not forgotten in separation (Belgian proverb), — Love is like playing a bow, it produces bad tunes you don't know (Bolivian proverb) ), "It is possible to cite more proverbs (Bulgarian proverb) than the stars in the sky, but the herds on the earth." And the meaning they convey surprises a person and encourages him to increase the demand for himself.


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