Lexical means of creating the image of the 2022 olympic games in beijing in russian new media
UDC 796.011.3
PhD A.Yu. Lonskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Burskaya1 Dr. Philology, Professor N.M. Karpukhina1 L.V. Panova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Corresponding author: а[email protected]
Objective of the study was to identify the characteristic lexical means that form the actual image of the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing in the new Russian media.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, an analysis was made of the Russian websites of the newspapers «Izvestia» and «Arguments and Facts», which are included in the «Top 10 Russian Media - January 2022» (according to the Medialogy website). In total, 100 articles on the Beijing 2022 Olympics were analyzed, complex analysis, linguocultural analysis, descriptive and comparative methods, observation and classification methods were used.
Results and conclusions. An analysis of the texts of new media dedicated to the 2022 Olympic competitions allows us to conclude that rhetorical figures predominate in them, including pun (38% of the total volume of the analyzed vocabulary) and metaphor (33%), as well as vernacular and colloquial lexical units (28% ), which are distinguished by anorativity in the field of vocabulary, which, in turn, brings vivid expression and expressiveness to the text. The image of the Olympic Games is made up of lexical expressive means that have a strong connection with the linguistic culture of readers: puns have a comic basis, which attracts the reader's attention; metaphors with mega-spheres-sources "medicine", "theater", "war" allow you to create an image based on the conceptual system of a person; colloquial and colloquial lexical units contribute to the formation of the most relevant and accessible image of the 2022 Olympics.
Keywords: new media, lexical means, linguoculturology, sports, Olympiad.
Introduction. A large number of domestic studies are devoted to the study of the image of Russian sports in the media, since the activities of athletes are an important component of the image of the state [3]. The representation of the achievements of Russian athletes in the media becomes part of both political and sociological, cultural and other discourses [1, 4]. Linguistic ways of creating imagery in journalistic texts are also one of the hot topics in Russian science [2]. The Olympic Games in this context are not only the most important event in which Russian athletes can demonstrate their professional qualities, game results and personal achievements. It should also be taken into account that key events such as the Olympic Games affect Russia's geopolitical image and patriotic sentiments in society.
The study of ways to represent the image of the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing in the context of Russian new media seems relevant in the light of the current policy of ousting Russian sports from the international arena in the modern world community. Understanding the principles of creating a memorable image of the Olympiad in the minds of recipients allows them to update their attention on the achievements of Russian athletes, and contributes to the formation of public interest in Russian sports. The relevance of the presented study, on the one hand, lies in the great potential of modern mass communications as a popular-izer of Russian sports, and on the other hand, in the linguocultural value of lexical means used to create an attractive image of Russian sports in the minds of new media recipients.
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I January I № 1 2023
Objective of the study was to identify the characteristic lexical means that form an attractive image of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games for recipients of new Russian media.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, an analysis was made of the Russian websites of the newspapers Izvestia and Arguments and Facts, which are included in the Top 10 Russian Media - January 2022 (according to the Me-dialogy website) [6]. In total, 100 articles on the Beijing 2022 Olympics were analyzed, complex analysis, linguocultural analysis, descriptive and comparative methods, observation and classification methods were used.
Results of the study and their discussion. The
analysis made it possible to identify the most common lexical means with which the image of the 2022 Olympics is created in new media, including puns (39% of the total volume of the analyzed vocabulary), metaphors (33%), vernacular and colloquial vocabulary (28%).
Puns as a means of linguistic expression are most often found in the headings of articles, their purpose is provocation, they draw the attention of readers to articles of an analytical nature, and update the novelty of the article's material.
During the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, pun headlines contained information about the opening of the Games in the context of the coronavirus pandemic ("Beijing Morning: which Russian will win Olympic medals in China" ("Izvestia" 04.02.2022); "Parade is a victory: how was the opening ceremony of the 2022 Olympics" ("Izvestia" 04.02.2022); "Game constructions: in what atmosphere the Olympics in Beijing open" ("Izvestia" 03.02.2022); "Olympic pressure: how the 2022 Games begin in a pandemic "("Izvestia" 02/01/2022); "It's covid for the state: how the departure of athletes due to coronavirus will affect the Russian national team" ("Izvestia" 01/31/2022), about the victories of Russian skiers and successful matches of hockey players ("Ski hills: how the Russian team performed on the first day of the Games in Beijing" ("Izvestia" 02/05/2022); "We did it in China: how Bolshunov won the skiathlon and broke the podium" ("Izvestia" 02/06/2022); "Bronze Vik: the heroes of the fourth day of the Games became Wilde, Ivanova and Terentiev "(Izvestia" 02/07/2022); "About Fedotov the catcher: the goalkeeper helped x the hockey team to win the first victory" ("Izvestia" 10.02.2022); "And all for one: Bolshunov took the second medal in Beijing" ("Izvestia" 02/11/2022); "Relay
lifesaver: how Russia took the third gold of the 2022 Games" ("Izvestia" 02/12/2022).
The Russian mass media paid special attention to the performances of figure skaters at the 2022 Olympics, who fell into controversial doping scandals that undermine the morale of athletes: almost every day, articles were published with pun headlines in support of Russian figure skaters ("Put on a medal: when Russian skaters receive a well-deserved award! "(Izvestia" 02/10/2022); "Star on the ice: how Tatyana Tarasova made the country fall in love with figure skating" ("Izvestia" 02/13/2022); "Not at CAS: will pressure on Valieva stop after her victory" ("Izvestia "02/13/2022); "Ice and plans: Russian skaters remain the main characters of the Olympics" ("Izvestia" 02/14/2022); "Ball dance: Va-lieva continues to fight for the gold of the Olympics" ("Izvestia" 02/14/2022).
Metaphors are also often found both in the headlines and in the texts of articles devoted to the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, since they are "closely connected with the linguistic culture of native speakers, reflect the linguistic picture of the people's world, are a kind of transmitters of "cultural information", a source of cognitive development reality" [5, p.2690].
In sports, there is always an element of competition, rivalry, struggle, which makes it possible to reveal the image of the 2022 Olympics through metaphors with the megasphere-source "war" ("Instead of fighting on the tracks, they had to fight in the courts" ("Izvestia", 02/04/2022). Such lexical units such as fight, defense, attack, fight, sniper, kill, are often found in these metaphors ("Instead of explosive attacks, the audience saw viscous defensive hockey" ("Arguments and Facts", 02/23/2022); "On home arenas and tracks they they'll definitely give a fight" ("Izvestia" 02/04/2022); "One of the best KHL snipers Stanislav Galiev took the place of Kirill March-enko from SKA" ("Izvestia" 02/09/2022); "Valiev was "killed" at the Olympic Games in Beijing" ("Arguments and facts" 18/02/2022).
Metaphors with the mega-source "medicine" represent sport as a living organism, the purpose of such metaphors is to influence the recipient's emotional and volitional sphere, to arouse their sympathy for athletes: "and now being a standard-bearer is at least some kind of compensation for that nightmare" ("Izvestiya", 02/04/2022), "political negativism has not given way, in fact, to sport" ("Izvestiya", 02/03/2022).
The visual appeal of the Olympic Games, the conflicts of interests of various countries, organizations, teams, athletes that arise during the competition give the image of the 2022 Olympics theatrical features, which is achieved through the use of metaphors with the megasphere source "theater": "it has Olympic gold, but played he is far from a key role in that team" ("Izvestia", 04/02/2022); "The disqualification of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) team in the mixed relay at the Beijing Olympics was the result of bad luck and an "offensive drama" ("Izvestia", 05/02/2022); "The main heroine of Beijing 2022 is in first place after the short program" ("Izvestia", 02/15/2022); "But if in a personal race it's just a shame, then in the relay race, having a minute lead, it's a real tragedy" ("Izvestia" 02/16/2022); "At the Olympic Games 2022, a lot of dramas were played out with the participation of Russian athletes" ("Arguments and Facts", 02/13/2022).
Colloquial and colloquial lexical units encountered in the process of creating the image of the Beijing Olympics contribute to the convergence of the language of the mass media and the language of the recipients, present the Olympic Games as an event understandable and close to the reader: "before the first medal draws, nothing at all" ("Izvestia", 04/02/2022); "... the ski team is more popular than him. Yes, biathlon. We are not talking about skaters at all. ... But there are no questions about Fatkulina" ("Izvestia", 04/02/2022); "San Sanych was more than a minute ahead of his closest pursuer in the skiathlon Russian Bolshunov corrected his karma, now the Olympic gold medal is in his pocket" ("Izvestia", 02/06/2022); "We have an awesome future in ski jumping" ("Izvestia", 02/07/2022); "It would seem that the words on duty, but they materialized. At the 2014 Games, Irina Av-vakumova failed to perform successfully - 16th place, but every year the results went up. And now in Pyeo-ngchang in 2018 it is already the fourth" ("Izvestia", 02/07/2022); "Too many bright players didn't get into the application", "The first one played for Detroit last season ("Izvestia", 02/09/2022); "After the victory of the Russian women's team in the 4 5 km relay, everyone dreamed of continuing the banquet - a repeat of the success of our guys in the 4 10 km relay" ("Arguments and Facts" 13.02.2022); "But how cool that at this moment the team is on his side" ("Izvestia", 02/15/2022).
The analysis of lexical means of expression shows the contrast between the stylistics and semantics of
the used vocabulary. When a metaphorical mosaic is included in the text, all its functions are realized, including the aesthetic one, but the accent role is played by its emotive variety. Carrying out various semantic and contextual functions, these educations help to form a positive image of a Russian athlete participating in the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, draw the attention of an ordinary reader to the current problems and help him formulate an adequate attitude to what is happening in the space of the Olympiad.
Conclusions. By 2022, an ambiguous attitude towards Russian athletes has developed in the world sports community, which indicates the need to provide them with psychological and moral support from commercial and state media, which can be expressed by creating a positive, prestigious, attractive image of Russian sports in the minds of recipients.
The appearance of catchy puns, metaphors, colloquial and colloquial vocabulary in the headlines and texts of articles makes it possible to form a specific image of the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, using the symbols of the era, culture, language that are relevant for the recipients, to fill this image with seman-tically significant details, emphasize the drama and tension of situations, in which our Olympians turned out to be, as well as to objectively present the role of Russian athletes in such an important international tournament.
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