LEXICAL MEANING OF THE WORD AND ITS TYPES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
lexical meaning / word / semantics / denotation / connotation / polysemy / homonymy / synonymy / antonymy.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Jahongir Khayitov, Diana Valeryevna Abduramanova

This article examines lexical meaning and its various forms. Language heavily depends on words and their meanings to communicate thoughts, feelings, and information. Effective communication requires an understanding of the complexities of lexical meaning. This article provides a thorough analysis of the various forms of lexical meaning and emphasises their significance in various linguistic contexts.

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Текст научной работы на тему «LEXICAL MEANING OF THE WORD AND ITS TYPES»


Jahongir Khayitov

Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical University

Scientific adviser: Diana Valeryevna Abduramanova

Senior teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical University diana1207saliyeva@gmail .com


This article examines lexical meaning and its various forms. Language heavily depends on words and their meanings to communicate thoughts, feelings, and information. Effective communication requires an understanding of the complexities of lexical meaning. This article provides a thorough analysis of the various forms of lexical meaning and emphasises their significance in various linguistic contexts.

Keywords: lexical meaning, word, semantics, denotation, connotation, polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy.


Language is essential to human existence, functioning as a medium for communication, expression, and connection. The word, a potent entity that encapsulates meaning and conveys the essence of human experience, rests at the core of language. The lexical meaning of words, which refers to their inherent sense or significance, is a fascinating field of study that reveals the complexities of language and its profound impact on interpersonal communication. In linguistics and language analysis, the study of lexical meaning is of utmost importance. It provides a deeper comprehension of how language conveys concepts, evokes emotions, and shapes our perception of the world. By investigating the various dimensions of lexical meaning, we can deconstruct the complexities underlying language usage and interpretation.

In this article, we venture into the domain of lexical meaning in an effort to understand its nuances and cast light on its various forms. We explore the complex web of denotation, connotation, polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, and antonymy through the lenses of semantics and linguistic analysis. Each variety of lexical meaning contributes to the linguistic tapestry by providing unique avenues for expressing ideas, experiences, and cultural nuances. Understanding the multidimensional nature of lexical meaning

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enhances not only our appreciation for the richness of language, but also our communication skills. It empowers us with the means to select words that correspond to our intended messages and to modify our expressions to various contexts and audiences.

As we navigate the investigation of lexical meaning and its types, we gain insights into the remarkable adaptability of language and its capacity to convey the complexity of human experiences. By deciphering the complexities of word meanings, we can unravel the mysteries of language and embark on a voyage of profound comprehension and connection.

In the sections that follow, we will analyse each form of lexical meaning in depth, casting light on their characteristics, significance, and practical applications. By doing so, we hope to increase our knowledge of the force of language and its capacity to influence our interactions, perceptions, and shared reality.

Literary analysis and methodology

In the field of linguistics, the study of lexical meaning entails a variety of literary analysis and methods that help us unearth the complexities of word meanings and their manifestations. Researchers can investigate the intricacies of lexical semantics and gain valuable insights into how words acquire and convey meaning by employing multiple methodologies. Conceptual analysis is a prevalent method employed in the investigation of lexical meaning. It involves analysing the conceptual aspects of words and their connections to other words and concepts. Researchers investigate the conceptual categories and hierarchies underlying word meanings, as well as the semantic connections and associations between words in a given language. This analysis frequently involves deconstructing words into their component elements, scrutinising their etymology, and researching their historical evolution.

Corpus studies serve an important role in lexical meaning research. Corpus linguistics is the study of large corpora of written or spoken texts in order to identify patterns, frequencies, and collocations. By examining how words are used in real-world contexts, researchers can gain insight into their meanings and how they interact with other words. Corpus research enables us to comprehend the dynamic nature of lexical meaning and its variation across genres, registers, and time periods. Experiments in linguistics are another useful method for investigating lexical meaning. Researchers can manipulate variables and observe how participants perceive and interpret word meanings using experimental methods. These investigations may entail word

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association, semantic priming, or lexical decision-making tasks, in which stimuli are presented to participants and their responses are measured. By analysing the data gathered from these experiments, researchers can reveal underlying cognitive processes and cast light on the nuances of word meanings. In addition, cross-linguistic studies offer a comparative perspective on the meaning of lexicons. By analysing how words are translated or interpreted in various languages, researchers can identify similarities and differences in the ways that meaning is conveyed and expressed across cultures. This comparative analysis enhances our comprehension of the universal aspects of lexical meaning as well as the cultural and linguistic particularities that influence it.

The combination of conceptual analysis, corpus studies, linguistic experiments, and cross-linguistic comparisons provides a comprehensive framework for investigating the complexities of lexical meaning. These methodologies permit researchers to uncover the complex tapestry of word meanings, investigate their relationships, and cast light on the cognitive processes underlying their interpretation. Through these methods, we can disentangle the intricate interplay between words, meaning, and human cognition, thereby advancing our knowledge of how language influences our perception and communication.

Results and discussions

1. Denotation:

Denotation refers to the literal or dictionary meaning of a word. It is the primary or central meaning that a word carries. For example, the denotation of the word "dog" refers to a domesticated carnivorous mammal.

2. Connotation:

Connotation encompasses the emotional, social, and cultural associations that a word evokes. It goes beyond the dictionary definition and reflects the subjective and contextual interpretations. For instance, the word "snake" may connote negativity, deceit, or danger.

3. Polysemy:

Polysemy refers to the phenomenon when a word has multiple related meanings. These meanings are often connected through a shared underlying concept. For example, the word "bank" can refer to a financial institution or the side of a river.

4. Homonymy:

Homonymy occurs when two or more words share the same form but have different meanings. Homonyms can be classified into two types: homophones (words with the same pronunciation

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but different meanings, e.g., "write" and "right") and homographs (words with the same spelling but different meanings, e.g., "bat" as in the animal and "bat" as in the sports equipment).

5. Synonymy:

Synonymy refers to words that have similar or identical meanings. Synonyms can vary in terms of their intensity, formality, or regional usage. They offer options for expressing similar ideas or concepts. For example, "happy" and "joyful" are synonyms.

6. Antonymy:

Antonymy involves words that have opposite meanings. Antonyms can be categorized into three types: complementary antonyms (e.g., "alive" and "dead"), gradable antonyms (e.g., "hot" and "cold"), and relational antonyms (e.g., "buy" and

This analysis provides insight into the complexities of word usage and the subtleties of language. Conclusion

The lexical meaning of words is indispensable for effective communication. Understanding the various forms of lexical meaning, such as denotation, connotation, polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, and antonymy, enables us to comprehend the nuances and variations in word usage. By investigating these facets, we acquire a greater appreciation for the diversity and richness of language. In addition, this knowledge aides language learners, translators, and language professionals in effectively communicating ideas.


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4. Abduramanova, D. V., Ruzikulova Sh. (2022). The problem of ethnic lexicography. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(4), Uzbekistan, pp. 1072-1075.

5. Abduramanova, D. V., Murodjonova R. (2022). Невербальная коммуникация как основной инструмент социального взаимодействия. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(5), Узбекистан, cc. 771-775.

6. Abduramanova, D. V., Rustamova, M. R. (2022). Communicative approaches of teaching foreign languages. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(11), Uzbekistan, pp. 156-160.

7. Miller, G. A., & Fellbaum, C. (Eds.). (1998). WordNet: An electronic lexical database. MIT Press.

8. Fillmore, C. J., Kay, P., & O'Connor, M. C. (1988). Regularity and idiomaticity in grammatical constructions: The case of let alone. Language, 64(3), 501-538.

9. Pustejovsky, J., & Boguraev, B. (1996). Lexical semantics: The problem of polysemy. Computational Linguistics, 22(2), 149-160.

10. Cruse, D. A. (2004). Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford University Press.

11. Jackendoff, R. (2002). Foundations of language: Brain, meaning, grammar, evolution. Oxford University Press.

12. Pustejovsky, J. (1995). The generative lexicon. MIT Press.

13. Cruse, D. A. (1986). Lexical semantics. Cambridge University Press.

14. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Lexical Semantics: This entry provides an in-depth overview of lexical semantics, including discussions on word meaning, polysemy, and other related concepts. (Website: www.plato.stanford.edu/entries/lexical-semantics/)

15. Oxford Reference - Lexical Meaning: This resource offers a concise definition of lexical meaning and provides additional information on related topics, such as sense relations and semantic fields. (Website:


May 6, 2023

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