Научная статья на тему 'Lexica Afroasiatica XI'

Lexica Afroasiatica XI Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Takács Gábor

The paper represents the next installment in an ongoing series of publications that document the author's search for new Afro-Asiatic etymologies, which he has been elaborating for the last decade, parallel to his work on the Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian. The current installment (etymologies 919-988) includes Afro-Asiatic roots with the dental nasal *nfollowed by sibilants.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Lexica Afroasiatica XI»

Gabor Takâcs

Institute of Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Lexica Afroasiatica XI

The paper represents the next installment in an ongoing series of publications that document the author's search for new Afro-Asiatic etymologies, which he has been elaborating for the last decade, parallel to his work on the Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian. The current installment (etymologies 919-988) includes Afro-Asiatic roots with the dental nasal *n- followed by sibilants.

Keywords: Afro-Asiatic languages, Egyptian language, comparative phonology, historical reconstruction.

Comparative-historical Afro-Asiatic linguistics has undergone a significant development over the past half century, since the appearance of "Essai comparatif sur le vocabulaire et la phonétique du chamito-sémitique" (1947) by Marcel Cohen. This revolutionary and fundamental synthesis concluded the second great period of comparative research on Afro-Asiatic lexicon (the so-called "old school", cf. EDE I 2-4). During the third period (second half of the 20th century), whose beginning was hallmarked by the names of J. H. Greenberg and I. M. Diakonoff, a huge quantity of new lexical material (both descriptive and comparative) has been published, including a few most recent attempts (either unfinished or rather problematic) at compiling an Afro-Asiatic comparative dictionary (SISAJa I-III, HCVA I-V, HSED, Ehret 1995).

During my current work on the "Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian" (EDE), I have collected a great number of new AA parallels, which — to the best of my knowledge — have not yet been proposed in the literature or were observed independently from myself1. Along with the EDE project (and the underlying "Egyptian etymological word catalogue"), I started collecting AA roots (not attested in Egyptian) for a separate Afro-Asiatic root catalogue in late 1999.

The series "Lexica Afroasiatica" began in 20022 for communicating new Afro-Asiatic lexical correspondences observed recently during my work, which may later serve as a basis for a

1 I did my best to note it wherever I noticed an overlapping with the existing Afro-Asiatic dictionaries.

2 The first part of this series (lexical parallels with PAA *b-) appeared in Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (Köln) 67 (2002), 103-151. The second part (additional lexical roots with AA *b-) was published in Kogan, L. (ed.): Orientalia: Papers of the Oriental Institute, Issue III: Studia Semitica (Moscow, 2003., Russian State University for the Humanities, pp. 331-348). My paper "Lexica Afroasiatica III" (new AA roots with *p-) appeared in Takacs, G.: Egyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) Studies in Memoriam Werner Vycichl (Leiden, 2003., E. J. Brill, pp. 510-550), while "Lexica Afroasiatica IV" (new etymologies with AA *f-) was published in Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungariae (Budapest) 57/4 (2004), 457-473. "Lexica Afroasiatica V" (new AA roots with *p- and *P-) appeared in Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 9 (2004), 159-178. The sixth issue (roots with *m- followed by dentals, palatals, laterals, velars, pharyngeals, and laryngeals) is forthcoming in Folia Orientalia (Krakow) 48 (2011). The seventh part (roots with *m- followed by sonorants) was published in Takacs, G. (ed.): Semito-Hamitic Festschrift for A. Dolgopol-sky and H. Jungraithmayr. Berlin, 2008., Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Pp. 310-336. "Lexica Afroasiatica VIII" (containing additional roots with *m-) appeared in Rocznik Orientalistyczny (Warszawa) 62/2 (2009), 26-125. "Lexica Afroasiatica IX" (new AA roots with *n- + labials) was published in Lingua Posnaniensis (Poznan) 52/2 (2010), 85-98. "Lexica Afroasiatica X" (new AA roots with *n- + dentals) is forthcoming in Rocznik Orientalistyczny (Warszawa) 64/2 (2011).

Journal of Language Relationship • Вопросы языкового родства • 6 (2011) • Pp. 141-171 • © Takacs G., 2011

new synthesis of the Afro-Asiatic comparative lexicon. The present part of this series is a collection of additional new Afro-Asiatic etymologies with the Proto-Afro-Asiatic initial dental nasal (*n-) observed after my research periods at the Institut für Afrikanische Sprachwisen-schaften of Frankfurt a/M (in 1999-2000 and 2002), guided by Prof. H. Jungraithmayr. The numeration of the etymological entries is continuous, beginning from the first part of the series "Lexica Afroasiatica". This part contains new Afro-Asiatic roots with *n- followed by sibilants.

Each entry is headed by the proposed PAA root (as tentatively reconstructed by myself). Author names are placed after the quoted linguistic forms in square brackets [], mostly in an abbreviated form (a key can be found at the end of the paper). The lexical data in the individual lexicon entries have been arranged in the order of the current classification of the Afro-Asiatic daughter languages (originating from J. H. Greenberg [1955, 1963] and I. M. Diakonoff [1965]) in five (or six) equivalent branches: (1) Semitic, (2) Egyptian, (3) Berber, (4) Cushitic, (5) Omotic (sometimes thought of as West Cushitic), (6) Chadic. For a detailed list of all daughter languages cf. EDE I 9-34. The number of vertical strokes indicate the closeness of the language units from which data are quoted: Ill separate branches (the 6 largest units within the family), II groups (such as East vs. South Cushitic or West vs. East Chadic), while I divides data from diverse sub-groups (e.g., Angas-Sura vs. North Bauchi within West Chadic).

Since we know little about the Proto-Afro-Asiatic vowel system, the proposed list of the reconstructed Proto-Afro-Asiatic forms is arranged according to consonantal roots (even the nominal roots). Sometimes, nevertheless, it was possible to establish the root vowel, which is given in the paper additionally in brackets. The lexical parallels suggested herein are based on the preliminary results of reconstructing the consonant correspondences achieved by the Russian team of I. M. Diakonoff (available in a number of publications3) as well as on my own observations refining the Russian results (most importantly [Takacs 2011]). The most important results can be summarized as follows. The labial triad *b — *p — *f remained unchanged in Egyptian, South Cushitic, and Chadic, while the dental series *d — *t — *t was kept as such in Semitic and South Cushitic (AA *t continued as *d in Berber, Cushitic and Chadic, and it was merged into t vs. d in Egyptian). The fine distinction of the diverse sibilant affricates and fricatives (AA *c, *3, *c, *s, *c, *3, *c, *s, *c, *c, *s) was best preserved in Semitic, South Cushitic and West Chadic (while some of these phonemes suffered a merger in other branches and groups). The Russian scholars assumed a triad of postvelar (uvular) stops with a voiceless fricative counterpart: *g, *q, *q, and *h, the distinction of which was retained in Cushitic and Chadic, but was merged into *h in Semitic and Egyptian. In a number of cases, however, it is still difficult to exactly reconstruct the root consonants on the basis of available cognates (esp. when they come from branches that have only modern attested descendants, e.g., Berber, Cushitic-Omotic, or Chadic). In such cases, the corresponding capitals are used (denoting only the place of articulation)4.

AA *n- + sibilants

919. AA "to make voice" > Sem.: Ar. nazza I "2. crier, faire entendre sa voix (se dit des gazelles)" [BK II 1233] Ill ECh.: WDangla nizze "soupirer" [Fedry 1971, 218].

3 Cf. Diakonoff 1984; 1988, 34-41; 1992; Diakonoff et al. 1987; 1993; SISAJa I—III; HCVA I-V.

4 E.g., the symbol (*P-) signifies any unknown initial labial, just as, e.g., *T stands for any unknown dental stop (*d, *t or *t) or *K for any unknown velar stop (*g, *k or *k) or *Q for any unknown postvelar/uvular (*g, *q or *q), while *H stands for any laryngeal or pharyngeal (*?, *h, *h, also *y).

920. AA *Vng "to make bloodshed" > Sem.: Ar. nzw: naza IV "2. faire saigner, faire perdre beaucoup de sang" [BK II 1243] = "nzw/y (?): naza I (act.) "perdre son sang jusqu'à épuisement" [Fagnan 1923, 171] Ill Eg. nz "Blutbad (ob richtig?)" (XXVI, Wb II 319, 5)5 Ill NBrb.: Izdeg u-nzu "avoir une hémorragie nasale" [Mrc. 1937, 137] Ill CCh.: perhaps Mofu-Gudur naz "sangsue" [Brt. 1988, 201].

921. AA "to r(a)ise" > Sem.: MHbr. nzz qal "1. eig.: *(auf)springen, 2. übertr.: sich überheben, übermütig werden" [Levy 1924 III 364] l Ar. nzz I "1. se mettre à courir (gazelles)", III "lutter avec qqn. de gloire, de superiorité", IV "faire sortir l'eau à sa surface (la terre)", nzw I "1. sauter, faire un saut, 2. couvrir une femelle, 5. renchérir, monter en prix (se dit des grains), 6. entrer en fermentation (se dit du vin)", VI "se disputer la gloire, la superiorité" [BK II 1233, 1242-3] = nzw VIII "se révolter contre (son souverain), s'emparer de" [Dozy

II 664] lll Eg. nzj "to raise up (??)" (CT V 28b, AECT II 7; DCT 245)6.

922. AA *Vn3 (var. *Vn^?)7 "1. to suffer, 2. move convulsively, shake" > Sem. *Vnz-: Ar. nazaw-an- "2. la crise, le moment de la plus grande intensité d'une maladie" [BK II 1243], Yemeni Ar. Vnzy I: naza "to suffer from an incurable disease" [Piamenta 1990-1, 483] ll ES *Vnznz: Geez naznaza "1. to vex, torment, cause pain, 2. shake, agitate", tanaznaza (tänäznäzä) "to be vexed, shaken", hence, e.g., Tna. näznäzä "to shake", Tigre näznäza "to jog", Amh. näzännäzä "to importune, pester, torment, bother" (ES: Lsl. 1979 III, 466; 1982, 57; 1987, 411)

III Eg. nznz "to suffer" (CT VI 134i, DCT 247)8 lll CCh.: Glavda nj "1. to feel pain, suffer, 2. convulse" [RB 1968, 74]. Cf. also AA *n-c/s "to groan from suffering" (infra).

923. AA *Vn3p "to spread (out, on)" > Sem.: Sqt. ?énzof "étendre" [Lsl. 1938, 263]9 ll Geez nazafa II "to spread out (e.g. a mat), spread grass or leaves on the floor" [Lsl. 1987, 411]10 lll Eg. nzp "Tätigkeit beim Backen: das Brot glatt streichen" (OK: V. 2x, Wb II 319, 8) = "ein Aufstrich bzw. Überzug (des des Gebäcks und des Brotes) mit der in die Schalen gestrichenen Substanz" (Montet apud Falting l.c. infra) = "mit Brotspachtel Brotlaib formen (glätten, ritzen)" (ÄWb I 661c; GHWb 432) = "Behandlung von s^.t-Gebäck und gw?-Brot mit einem gelben Instrument (Scherbe? Steinschaber?)" (Faltings 1998, 229)11 lll SBrb. *Vnzf "to allon-

5 In principle, this word might alternatively be interpreted as a late writing of the equally uncertain Eg. ns "Verletzung (?)" (NE, Wb II 321, 4) as supposed in the lit., cf. Alliot, RdE 10 (1955), 1-4; WD II 79. For Eg. ns, cf. AA *n-s infra.

6 Replaced by Eg. izj "to raise" but in one single ex. (namely coffin Sq6c) of CT V 28b, all other exx. have nzj. R.O. Faulkner (AECT II 7, spell 366, n. 4), based on this, supposed in nzj a miswriting for izj, which is unlikely given the fact that nzj occurs in more instances.

7 The Sem. evidence clearly supports the reconstruction of AA *j. Eg. z can reflect both AA *j and *j.

8 The rendering of CT VI 134i nznz has been disputed according to different (pre)conceptions: "détruire, être détruit (par le feu)" (AL 78.2235) = ""zerschneiden" (ÄWb II 1346b-c). Following E. Edel (1975, 32), R.O. Faulkner (AECT II 157, spell 539, n. 1), D. Meeks (AL 78.2235), and R. van der Molen (DCT 247) suggested an etymological link to OEg. nznzn.w (neg. complement) "sich vollständig lösen von, "vergehen" (PT 903a and 2127g, ÄWb I 662a) = "to pass away" (Allen 1984, 586), which is semantically not at all evident, let alone the fact that CT znzn < *Vzn, whereas PT nznzn < either *Vzn or *Vnzl. In the latter case, one might attach PT *nzlzl to AA *n-yl (infra). R. Hannig (ÄWb l.c.), in turn, assumed a derivation from Eg. zn "to cut". In addition, E. Edel (l.c.) traced both PT nznzn and CT znzn back to Eg. znj "vorbeigehen", which is semantically dubious.

9 Regarded by W. Leslau (l.c.) as a var. of Sqt. 7éndef "id.".

10 Regarded by W. Leslau (l.c.) as a var. of Geez nasafa "id.".

11 D. Faltings (1998, 229) was also inclined to see in OK nzp a term expressing "ein Aufschneiden oder Einritzen", accepting W. Wreszinski's (1926, 13; AAÄKG I 399) rendering "zerschneiden (der Spitzbrote mit einem

gate (?)" [GT]: Hgr. ä-nhaf "bâton gros, long", Ghat a-nzaf "(trou de) pivot", a-nzaf "tison" (SBrb.: Prs. 1969, 82, #541).

924. AA "to hurt by cutting" > Sem.: (???) Ar. Vnzf I "saigner du nez" [Dozy II 659]12 II Geez nazafa I "to tear/cut off" [Lsl. 1987, 411] Ill Eg. nzp.w "Wunden, Ritzwunden (?)" (CT, Wb II 319, 9; ÄWb II 1346b; WD I 113) = "Messer (des Re)" (CT VII 370a, 468g, Altenmüller 1975, 347) = "wounds" (Borghouts 1971, 206; DCT 247)13, cf. nzp "Messer" (GR, Wb II 319, 10) = "knife" (PL 546) III NBrb.: Qabyle Vnzf: nezzef "souffrir d'une douleur aiguë, piquer (douleur)" [Dlt. 1982, 591] II SBrb.: (?) Tadghaq and Tudalt a-nfäz "to punch in the face" [Sudlow 2001, 133].

925. AA *Vn^r "to be in pressing need" > Sem.: Ar. nazara I "1. être pressant dans ses demandes, 2. presser, talonner qqn.", pass. nuzira I "être importuné, pressé vivement, talonné" [BK II 1235] III NBrb.: Mzg. Vnrz [met. < *nzr?]: nnurz "1. être dans le besoin, être nécessiteux, besoigneux, 2. attendre après qqn., espérer en qqn., avoir besoin de qqn.", a-nnurz "besoin, gêne, nécessité" [Tf. 1991, 496].

926. AA *Vn^r "to break into pieces" > Sem.: Sqt. Vnzr (var. Vnsr): t-stem "to split (intr.): se fendre" [Lsl. 1938, 263] II ES *Vnzr: Geez nazara ~ nazzara I "to bite, tear to pieces, pierce, crunch, hit", nazzur "torn into pieces, pierced, pock-marked", cf. nazara ~ nazzara II "to be separated, dispersed", Tna. näzär/lä "to tear to pieces, bite", Tigre näjra "to bite off", Amh. näzzärä "to strike, hit", cf. a-näzzärä "to squander" (Eth.-Sem.: Lsl. 1987, 411-2) III Eg. nz? (GW) "briser" (NE, AL 79.1619) = "zerbrechen" (GHWb 431). A var. (?) with a voiceless -C2- is also known in Sem.14

927. AA *Vn^l "to be dissolved, descend, disappear" > Sem. *Vnzl: MHbr. nzl qal "to run, melt, be distilled" [Jastrow 1950, 892], Mandean Vnzl "to descend, go down, flow down, disappear, melt" [Drower-Macuch 1963, 295] I Ar. nazala I "1. descendre etc." [BK II 1239; Dozy II 659] = "s'adoucir, se relâcher de ses exigences, descendre" [Fagnan 1923, 170-1] II Geez nazala ~ -zz- "to go down, flow, spill over, seep (water), become damp (from seepage)" [Lsl. 1987, 411: < Ar.] III (?) Eg. nznzn.w (neg. complement) "sich vollständig lösen von, *ver-

Messer)" (stimulated by an alleged etymological connection to Eg. nzp.w "wounds" of CT, BD assumed by Wreszinski) rightly remarking, though, that "doch weisen die beiden Handhaltungen darauf nicht eindeutig hin" in the OK scenes where the nzp activity was depicted. Actually, this rendering would agree quite well with Geez nazafa I "to tear/cut off" [Lsl. 1987, 411]. But it is more reasonable to side with the more careful position taken by P. Montet (1925, 241), who observes that on the OK scenes in question "on voit des boulangers promener sur des pains coniques un instrument qui ressemble à un racloir" similar in form to the det. of OK zsp "(Möbel) glätten, polieren, (Brot) glatt streichen" (PT, Wb III 485, 8-9 pace Montet), and, based on this, concludes that with this instrument "le produit contenu dans les écuelles zsn.t, était étendu sur toute la surface du pain: c'est à cette opération que se rapportait le terme nzp", while "le boulanger y procédait avec une sorte de racloir".

12 Alternatively, the Ar. root might be a met. of *Vznf to be compared with Eg. znf "blood".

13 Ch. Ehret (1995, 332, #648) erroneously compared CT nzp.w with Sem.: Ar. ntf "to suffer from indigestion", HECu.: Sidamo nit- "to have labour pains", and NOm.: Benesho paç (-ts') "headache", but Eg. z has nothing in common with AA *t.

14 Cf. Akk. nasaru G "abteilen" [AHW 759] = G "1. to cut off a piece of a land holding, expropriate part of a holding, 2. deduct, remove, 3. reduce in size, number, intensity", D (nussuru) "to set aside, save, cut off (?), diminish in strength, weaken, substract, etc." [CAD n2, 60] I I Ar. nasara I "5. déchirer ou ouvrir, faire crever (une plaie, un abcès)", V "1. se défaire, se détordre (corde), 2. crever (abcès), 3. être déchiré et mis en lambeaux (vêtement ou papier)" [BK II 1248].

gehen" (PT 903a and 2127g, ÄWb I 662a) = "to pass away" (Allen 1984, 586) Ill NBrb.: Qabyle e-nzel "filer, partir" [Dlt. 1982, 592] I I SBrb.: EWlmd.-Ayr a-nzal "être effacé (écriture), 2. (EWlmd.) tomber dans l'oubli, en désuétude, disparaître de l'usage" [PAM 2003, 637].

928. AA *Vnc "to lick" > Sem.: Ar. nasa?a I "4. lécher (p.ex., une gazelle qui lèche son petit)" [BK II 1244] Ill SCu.: NWRift *nac (-ts) "to lick" [KM 2004, 216]: Iraqw-Alagwa nac "to lick" [Ehret 1980, 184, #5] = nac [KM]15, Iraqw nac (-ts) "to lick" [Mgw. 1989, 116] = nac (-ts) "to lick with the tongue" [MQK 2002, 78].

929. AA *Vnc (var. *Vns)16 "to groan from suffering" > Sem. *Vnss "1. to suffer, 2. complain" [GT]: Akk. nasasu "wehklagen" [GB] = "klagen, jammern" [AHW 753] II Hbr. nss I (GB: unsichere Wurzel): qal part. nöses "(ein Kranker)" [GB 508] = "to stagger, despair (?)" [KB 703], Syr. *Vnss "krank sein": nsis "krank, elend" [GB, AHW] I Ar. nasis- "1. faim violente, 3. peine, fatigue, 4. dernier souffle de la vie", nasis-at- "dernier souffle de la vie", cf. nasnasa I "être faible, débile" [BK II 1244, 1253] III NBrb.: Mzg. i-nziz "chanter à voix basse, fredonner, lamenter chants tristes, funèbres, se lamenter en chantant", a-nza, pl. a-nzat-n "gémissement, geignement mystérieux entendus à la tombée de la nuit près de la tombe d'un assassiné ou d'un inconnu (on dit que ces gémissements sont des appels à la vengeance)" [Tf. 1991, 512] III WCh.: Hausa niisà "1. to groan, rumble, 2. keep on thinking regretfully of dead or absent person" [Abr. 1962, 705]. Cf. AA ^-3/3 (supra).

930. AA *Vnc "to descend, sink" > Sem.: Ar. nss I: nassa "4. descendre à l'eau, à l'abreuvoir, à une aiguade (se dit d'une troupe de nomades, des pâtres, etc.)" [BK II 1243], cf. Yemeni Ar. nsl [root ext. -l?] I: nasal "to sink down, sink together", II "to let down", V "to lower o.s. down" [Piamenta 1990-1, 484] I II Eg. ns "vom Einsinken des Fußes in den Ackerboden" (Med., Wb II 320, 19) = "to sink, settle into (cultivated ground)" « dfj n hrw "penetration downward" (Breasted l.c. infra) = "einsinken" (GHWb 430), cf. ns.wt "eine Krankheitserscheinung am Nacken wirbel: Senkung o.ä. (?)" (Med., Wb II 324, 16) = "displacement" « hrp "to sink" (Breasted 1930, 334-5, 337) III NBrb.: Mzg. a-nz ~ u-nz "se soumettre, se baiser, s'incliner", a-nnaz "1. soumission, 2. attitude humble, modeste" [Tf. 1991, 512] I Shenwa a-nz "s'abaisser" [Lst. 1912, 148] I Qabyle a-nez "1. s'incliner, 2. se soumettre", zzi-nez "s'abaisser (surtout au sens fig.)", a-nnuz "abaissement, attitude humble" [Dlt. 1982, 589] III WCh.: Hausa nicà (-ts-) "2. to penetrate into, 3. vanish", nico "1. vanishing below the water, 2. swimming under water, 3. being hidden" [Abr. 1962, 705-6] = ni/uc- (-ts-) "to abate, sink, vanish" [Skn. 1996, 209]17, Gwandara nùcu "1. to dive, sink" [Mts. 1972, 91] II CCh.: Margi ncù "1. to plant (GT: < orig. *'to plug in'), 2. immerse, dive" [Hfm. in RK 1973, 127] II ECh.: (?) Gadang nasi "tomber" [Jng. 1990 MS, 14, #257].

15 Ch. Ehret (l.c.) affiliated this stem with Dahalo nyânyânte "leech".

16 The sibilant correspondences are controversial. Sem. *s = Brb. *z < AA *c, whereas Hausa -s- < AA *-s-/*-£-.

17 N. Skinner (1977, 43) equated Hausa nuce (-ts-) "to sink" with NBauchi *Vns "to swim" [GT]. Later, Skinner (1996, 209) combined the Hausa word with CCh.: Mofu-Gudur nas- "1. endommager, abîmer, gâter, (se) perdre, 2. handicaper, 3. maudire" [Brt. 1988, 201] (GT: cannot belong here, since its basic meaning was hardly "to sink") II ECh.: Migama nuudyo "enfoncer, plonger" [JA], Bidiya noody- "enfouir" [AJ] and a number of impossible com-paranda such as, e.g., ECu. *noç- "to sink". Similarly, O. Stolbova (2005, 136, #513) derived the Hausa verb from PCh. *nV[c]- "to sink, plunge" in comparison with Migama nuudyo, which, indeed, represents a plausible alternative (Hausa c < both AA *c and *c).

931. AA *Vncnc "bird sp." > Sem.: (?) Akk. nasnasu (act. to be read *nasnasu?) "(a bird)" [CAD n2, 49] = nasnasu/ü "ein Vogel" [AHW 757]18 II Ar. nasüs- "sorte d'oiseau plus grand qu'on moineau, et plus petit qu'une perdrix (il a la tête très-grosse et vit dans les montagnes)" [BK II 1243] vs. nusnüs- "nom d'un oiseau à large tête, qui habite les montagnes" [Dozy II 668] III Eg. nsns (pl.) "ein Vogel (erwähnt bei der Einrichtung des Geflügelhofes für Amun)" (XIX. 1x: Sethi II, MWNR 506) = "Art Vögel (im Geflügelhof)" (GHWb 432).

932. AA *Vnc[h] "porcupine" > NBrb. *i-nisi19 "hérisson" [GT]: e.g., Shilh i-nisi "Igel" [Vcl.] I Mzg. i-nsi, pl. i-ns-an [Tf. 1991, 498] I Botiwa i-nsi, pl. ins-awen [Biarnay 1911, 186] I Wargla i-nsi [Dlh. 1987, 225] I Qabyle i-nisi, pl. i-nisi-wen ~ i-nis-an [Bgc. 1998, 305; Dlt. 1982, 576] I Nefusa i-nsi [Mtl. 1904, 126], Izdeg i-nsi [Mrc. 1937, 137] III CCh.: Mafa-Mada *(N)cehi(d) "porcupine" [Rsg. 1978, 305, #538]. Perhaps related to Eg. nhs "stechen (von einem Insekt)" (NE, Wb II 303, 2) III Sem. *nähäs- "Schlange" [Hinz 1992, 268] via metathesis.

933. AA *Vncr "to bleed (nose)" > SEth.-Sem., e.g., Amh. nässärä(w) "1. to have a nosebleed, 2. form (pools of melted butter on the surface of cooking sauce), 3. (fig.) predominate, preponderate, be more than", näsära "having a nosebleed, bleeding from the nose", cf. nässärä "to sweat, form on the body (perspiration)" [Kane 1990, 1023] and Tigre Vnsr "to bleed" [Lsl. 1979 III, 462] (GT: borrowed from Cu. or vice versa?) III Brb. *Vnzr "saigner du nez" [NZ]: NBrb.: Shilh wwunzer "saigner du nez" [NZ] I Mzg. Vnzr: Zayan g/kunzer ~ Izdeg munzer "saigner du nez" [Tf. 1991, 514] I Uriaghel, Iboqqoyen, Senhazha Vnzr: funzär "saigner du nez" [Rns. 1932, 393], Mzab ggunzer "saigner du nez" [Dlh. 1984, 61-62], Wargla mmunzer "saigner du nez" [Dlh. 1987, 232] I Qabyle funzr ~ wunzr "saigner du nez" [Chaker 1972-3, 87: prefix f-/w-] II EBrb.: Ghadames fenzer "saigner du nez" [Lnf. 1973, 90-91, #399] = fenzer [NZ] II WBrb.: Zenaga Vnzr: ûjer "saigner du nez" [Ncl. 1953, 239] II SBrb.: Hgr. ä-nher "sang s'écoulant par les narines dans un saignement de nez", funher "avoir la narine coupée (par l'arrachement de l'anneau de nez)" [Fcd. 1951-2, 1355], Tadghaq and Tudalt e-nzär, pl. e-nzär-än "nosebleed" [Sudlow 2001, 281] I II NAgaw: Bilin nasar "aus der Nase bluten", nasara "Blutung, Blut aus der Nase" [Rn. 1887, 286], Kemant nasïr "saignement du nez" [CR 1912, 238] I II NOm.: Mocha (borrowed from Amh.) nâsiri(yé) "to bleed" [Lsl. 1959, 44]. The first radical (f-, m-, k-, g-, w-) in the root type VCinzr, which frequently occurs among Brb. reflexes (cf. Lst. 1931, 292; NZ 2002, 367-8), may be a secondary non-etymological root extension.

934. AA *Vnc "to be wise" > NBrb.: Zayan and Sgugu Vnzz: nezz "être intelligent, avoir du bon sens" [Lbg. 1924, 573] III WCh.: Hausa nicu "to come to his senses", nicé "to reflect", nicaccéé "person of reflection", nicoo ~ nicuuwaa (f) "being a person of foresight, being a person of reflection" [Abr. 1964, 705-6]

935. AA *Vnc "to oppose" > Sem. *n?s: Akk. na?asu > nâsu "geringschätzig ansehen" [AHW 758] II Ug. n?s "verachten, beschimpfen" [Ast. 1948, 216, #9; WUS #1731] = "to despise, insult" [DUL 612], Hbr. n?s qal "verschähen, verwerfen (Lehre, Warnung), jem. verächtlich etwas absprechen", piel "unter Verhöhnung verwerfen" [GB 477] = qal "mépriser, dédaigner,

18 W. von Soden (AHW l.c.) compared the Akk. term with Ar. nadnäd- "bösartig zügelnd(e Schlange)" [AHW]. L. Kogan (SED II 222, #168) explained the Akk. form from his PSem. *na/is(s)- "kind of bird", whose reflexes, however, usually denote "hawk" or "falcon" and, suspiciously, do not display the reduplicated root structure VC1C2C1C2.

19 W. Vycichl (2005, 78) assumed PBrb. *Vknsy with a shift of *k- > *y-, cf. Hgr. e-kenisi "Igel", but the additional first radical here might alternatively be interpreted as a root extension.

repousser" [Gray 1933, 128, #57], JAram. ne?usa "Schmähung" [Ast.] Ill Eg. ndj "feindlich" (GR, Wb II 369, 8) = "hostile towards" (PL 565), ndj.t "Schlechtigkeit" (MK, Wb II 269, 9) = "bassesse, infamie" (Zaba 1956, 119) = "Bosheit" (Fecht, LÄ I 648) = "*Anmaßung, *Geiz, *Spar-samkeit" (GHWb 447) Ill WCh.: Pero noddi "offence", noddo "to offend" [Frj. 1985, 43-44]

936. AA *Vnc "to cry" > Sem.: Ar. nassa "11. produire un bruit (la viande que l'on fait rôtir, de l'eau qui bouillonne, etc.)", nasa?a "3. stimuler à la marche de sa voix (une bête de somme)" [BK II 1267-8] I Il NBrb.: Mzg.-Izdeg Vnz: nzi "1. glapir, 2. chuinter (chouette), 3. gémir, 4. pousser des cris dûs à la douleur, à la souffrance" [Tf. 1991, 515] lll ECh.: Migama néddyo "1. gémir, 2. contracter le vente" [JA 1992, 109].

937. AA *Vnç/çP "to be vivid" > Sem.: Ar. nsf [Ar. s < AA *c] IV "7. faire vite, prompte-ment, avoir été prompt et expéditif" [BK II 1273]20 lll NBrb.: Mzg. ndef [Mzg. d < AA *c] "1. être (r)avivé, irrité (plaie, blessure), se reuvrir, 2. souffrir d'une ancienne blessure, avoir une blessure qui s'est rouverte" [Tf. 1991, 466]. For the glottal sibilant correspondences cf. Ta-kacs 2006, 48-63.

938. AA *Vnçh "to examine" > Sem.: Hbr. nsh piel "1. to inspect" [KB 716] lll NBrb.: Mzg. Vnz: nzu "1. observer, regarder, 2. considérer, examiner", i-nzi "1. observation, examen, 2. perspicacité, 3. clairvoyence" [Tf. 1991, 515].

939. AA *Vnçr "to rain" > Sem.: Ar. nasara I "3. arroser abondamment le sol (se dit de la pluie)", ma-nsUr-at- "(sol) arrosé abondament d'eau" [BK II 1271-2] l l l Brb. *a-nzar "rain" [GT]:21 NBrb.: Shilh a-nzar "pluie" [Mntsr. 1999, 165] l Tamazight a-nzar "pluie" [Tf. 1991, 516], Izdeg a-nzar "pluie" [Mrc. 1937, 196] l Wargla a-mzar, pl. i-muzar "pluie" [Dlh. 1987, 204] l l EBrb.: Gha-dames a-nazar "pluie" [Lnf. 1973, 256, #1206; Dlt. 1982, 593], Sokna a-mzâr "pioggia" [Srn. 1924-5, 23], Djerba a-nzar "pluie" [Saada 1965, 499] l l SBrb.: EWlmd. a-nzer "vent frais d'automne avec pluie légère", Ayr a-nzer "vent de sable léger avec orage et pluie légère" [PAM 2003, 640].

940. AA *Vnçl "to (be) split" > MSA: Mehri nassal "to come to pieces, come apart (gun)" and CJibbali nutsal "to come to pieces, come apart (gun, dagger)" [Jns. 1987, 301] lll NBrb.: Tamazight Vnzl: nzel "se gercer, être gercé, se crevasser (surtout les pieds)", i-nuzla "gerçures, crevasses" [Tf. 1991, 516].

941. AA *Vnçl "to take (away)" > Sem. *nsl "herausreißen" [AHW] = "herausziehen" [Soden 1968, 177]: Akk. (OBab.) nasalu "hinausbringen (??)" [AHW 755] ll Hbr. nsl qal "herausziehen, -reißen", nifal "sich retten", piel "1. plündern, rauben, 2. aus der Gefahr reißen, retten, befreien" [GB 517-8] l Ar. nsl II "2. ôter, extraire, tirer, 5. délivrer qqn. de qqch., acquitter", V "1. tirer, extraire, arracher qqch., 4. enlever à qqn. tout ce que celui-ci possédait" [BK II 1274-5], Yemeni Ar. nasal "wegnehmen, -werfen" [Deboo 1989, 197] ll Geez nasala "to detatch, separate" [Lsl. 1987, 404-5] lll Eg. ndrj "fassen, packen" (OK-, Wb II 382-3) = "to take hold of" (Allen 1984, 582) = "saisir, retenir, emprisonner" (Cannuyer 1983, 27)22.

20 For the semantic shift cf., e.g., IE *gweiw- "to live" > French vite, English quick.

21 The widespread (e.g., Stumme 1914, 106; Mkr. 1963-6, 181-2, #76; Bnd. 1975, 180, #63.2) comparison of the Brb. word with Ar. motor- "rain" has been correctly rejected by A. Militarev (2005, 373, #65), since Brb. *z does not correspond to Sem. *t.

22 The etymology of the Eg. root has been disputed. K. Piehl (1893, 252-3), followed by K. Sethe (1912, 96), M.K. Feichtner (1932, 224), W. Vycichl (1933, 179), F. von Calice (GÄSW 168-9, #684), P. Kaplony (KBIÄF 160,

942. AA *Vns ~ *nys "1. to breathe, 2. rest" > ECu. *na/ess-23 "1. to breathe, 2. rest" [Sasse]: PSam *nas "to rest" [Heine 1978, 69/61]: Somali nas-ad- "to breathe, rest" [Sasse], Rendille a-nasa "ich ruhe (mich aus)" [Schlee 1978, 142] = nâs "to breathe, rest" [Heine] I Elmolo nas-i "atmen" [Heine 1973, 279], Konso ness-a "soul, breath, noise" [Sasse], Gidole nass "voice, character" [Sasse] I Dullay *nass-ad- (med.) "to breathe" [GT]: Dobase, Gollango, Gawwada nass-ad- "atmen (to breathe)", hence Dobase, Gollango nass-o "Atem, Seele, Leben" [AMS 1980, 176, 230; Black 1976, 228], Tsamay nass-ad "to breathe, rest" [Sava 2005 MS, 249] > On-gota na?s-ad ~ nas-ad "1. to breathe, 2. rest" [Flm. 1992, 214] I Yaaku nes-i "breath" (only in compounds) [Sasse] (ECu.: Sasse 1979, 23, §4.13) III NOm.: Gimirra/She nays (falsely recorded as nars by Montandon) "vento" [CR 1925, 622] III PCh. *Vns ~ *Vnys "1. to breathe, 2. rest" [GT]24 > WCh.: Mangar nyés la "to rest", mi-nyes "to breathe", Karfa nyes "to breathe", Kulere nos "to breathe" (Ron: Seibert 2000 MS, #f013-4) I Ngamo nèesùm "to breathe" [Alio 1988 MS], Bole noss- "ruhen" [Lks. 1971, 137], Pero nécco "(to) rest" [Frj. 1985, 43] I Bubbure nosina "to breathe" [Haruna 1992 MS, #f104] II CCh.: Zime-Dari nyis "esprit, âme, souffle vital, ombre" [Cooper 1984, 20] II ECh.: Migama naàso "respirer", cf. nasaw "se reposer pour prendre souffle" [JA 1992, 109], Bidiya nees "respirer", néso (f) "respiration" [AJ 1989, 101] I Birgit nèsi (nèsa, néso) "se réposer" [Jng. 2004, 357].

943. AA *Vns "(to) place, (take a) seat" > Eg. ns.t "1. Sitz, 2. Thron" (OK-, Wb II 321-3) = "1. Stelle, Sitz, 2. Ansehen" (Giza, IV., Pusch 1974, 22) = "Untersatz: une sorte de support de vase, base d'objet" (Abusir: V., Kaplony 1972, 206; 1976, 194, C17, 674) = "base" (VIII., Gdk. 1994, 79) = "Basis (einer Rampe), meist als 'Abdeckpflaster' übersetzt oder Ziegelabdeckung,

n. 208), and P. Lacau (1972, 35, #40), explained it (via prefix n-) from a hypothetic Eg. *dr "packen" that also supposedly underlies dr.t "Hand" (act. *"Greifer"), which Vycichl affiliated with NBrb.: Shilh ger "fassen". Ch. Can-nuyer (1983, 27), in turn, derived it from Eg. dr "retenir, faire, obstacle, empêcher" (Wb V 595, 5-9). In works by the "old school", it is usually identified with Sem. *ntr (sometimes misquoted as *nsr!) "to guard" [Hodge] (cf. ESS §12.a.18, §24.b.5; Hodge 1984, 416), which is very weak semantically. V. Orel and O. Stolbova (1992, 198; HSED #957), in turn, equated it with ECh. *gwar- "to seize", which does not explain Eg. n-. Elsewhere in that very same paper (!), they (OS 1992, 196) compared Eg. ndrj with CCh. *nadir- (!) "to hunt".

23 H.-J. Sasse (1979, 59) affiliated this ECu. root with the Saho prefixal verb -mfes-/-mfis- and verbal noun nafs-e/nefs-e, recorded by L. Reinisch (which is, however, a modern borrowing from Ar.), and, based on this, assumed a shift of the primary cluster **-fs- > *-ss- in the rest of the ECu. parallels, which appears rather unlikely in the light of the Ch. cognates.

24 Ignoring the evident Cu. reflexes, V. Orel and O. Stolbova (HSED 400, #1853) mistakenly combined some of the Ch. reflexes with a certain Sem. *nVsaç- "to introduce a medicine through the nose" and Brb. *nV[c]- "to sneeze" to reconstruct AA *necaç- "to inhale through the nose". Later, O. Stolbova (CLD I 132, #492) changed her view and equated the Ch. root with Sem.: Akk. nêsu "1. to live, stay alive, recover" [CAD n2, 197] = "(auf)leben, genesen" [AHW 783], but its OAkk. form, na?asum, clearly indicates a different root (von Soden in AHW l.c.: Vn?3/4? s), which, moreover, has long been supposed (by W. F. Albright 1927, 208 and J. Aro 1964, 165) to correspond to Ar. naFasa "1. relever qqn. qui a trébuché ou qui est tombé, 2. soulever de terre (un mort, le cadavre), et le mettre sur le brancard, 3. relever qqn., le tirer de la misère (se dit de Dieu)" [BK II 1294] = naçasa I "1. erheben, stützen, 2. zum Aufblühen bringen" [Brk.] = naçasa I "i.a. to set someone up and strengthen his heart", naçs- "lastingness, endurance, permanence, continuance" [Lane 2816] = nçs IV "dégourdir, ranimer, ravigoter, rendre des forces, rendre la vie, faire revivre, rendre les forces" [Dozy II 690] = nçs I "heben, beleben" [Aro] = nçs VIII "tirer ou prendre de la force, se ravigoter" [Fagnan 1923, 174] I I MSA: Jbl. nçs: ençés "to recover from an illness" [Jns. 1981, 178]. Cf. perhaps also Eg. nçs "stark (besonders vom Löwen und Stier, von den Hörnern, Schenkeln, Armen), laut (vom Geschrei, Gebrüll)" (NE-GR, Wb II 209, 12-21) = "stark sein, wüten" (Lange 1925, 37) = "fierce, raging" (Hoch 1994, 183-4, #246) ~ n^h (Urk. IV 1963:4) < MK *n% "strong" attested in n%w "les (démons) féroces" (CT V 390f, Meeks 1997, 44, #246) = "the strong ones" (DCT 202) > Cpt. (S) Noo^e "to be strong (of bad smell)" (CD 236a; CED 114). For Eg.-Ar. see Brk. 1932, 106, #28 (declined by F. von Calice in his GÄSW 160, #647).

aber besser ist Basis, eine Art Untersatz, Fundament" (Fischer-Elfert 1986, 126, 300)25 > Dem. ns?.t (Spg., OLZ 14, 1911, 258) >26 Cpt. (S) uHce (f) "Bank, Mastaba" (Spg. KHW 78) = "bench, seat (?)" (CD 229a; CED 110) = "banc, siège" (Vrg. 1973 Ib, 156; DELC 144) = "Treppe, Stufe" (KHW 125 and fn. 6 with lit.; NBÄ 25, 324 pace Fecht 1960, §374; Franke 1984, 121, #1153; Peust 1992, 119, fn. 13)27 Ill NBrb. *Vns28: Shilh a-nsa "emplacement, aire" [Jordan 1934, 37] I Mzg. a-nsa, pl. a-nsi-wn "endroit, lieu, campement, place" [Tf. 1991, 497; Peyron 1991, 294] I Tagh-zut a-nsi "endroit" [Rns. 1932, 393] Ill Bed. nïs (m) "pad under saddle to protect animal's back (for camel saddle there are two: one in front and one behind hump)" [Rpr. 1928, 225] = nïs (f) "pad under camel saddle", nis "to saddle up" [Hds. 1996 MS, 101] Ill WCh. *nVs- "to put down" [Stl.]29: Hausa nasà "to put, place" [Abr.] I Buli naasa "to put down" [Csp.] (WCh.: Stl. 2005, 133, #495a) II CCh.: Bura nsi "sich setzen, bleiben, werden" [Hfm. in RK 1973, 94].

944. AA *Vns (var. *Vnys) "1. fire, 2. to burn" > Sem.: (?) Ar. ?anïs-at- "feu" [BK I 61] Ill Eg. njs "flame" (CT II 18a, AECT I 80, spell 77, n. 1; AL 78.1989; El-Sayed 1987, 64; GHWb 393) vs. ns "to burn" (CT I 395e, III 337f, 338e, AECT I 192, spell 246, n. 2; DCT 245) = "brennen" (PT 276bWT, Kahl 1992, 111) vs. ns "1. Flamme, Feuer, 2. (GR) auch: Dürre" (MK-, Wb II 324, 14-15) = "flamme" (MK, Jéquier 1921, 296) = "flame" (CT, AECT I 212-3, spell 283, n. 2) = "Flamme" (PT 323dW, Kahl 1992, 111) > (?) OCpt. uec "Flamme" (KHW 525)30 vs. nss "fire" (CT VII 262i, 297c, 503i, Lesko 1972, 145) vs. ns.wt "flame" (FD 139)31 III WCh.: Bokkos nyes "verbrennen (intr.)", ?anyês "Brand, Verbrennung" [Jng. 1970, 145], Daffo-Butura nyês "1. sich (ver)brennen" [Jng. 1970, 219], Bokkos, Daffo-Butura nyes "to burn" [Magwa et al. 1985, 10] I I CCh.: Muktele nàzay "to roast" [Rsg. 1978, 315, #589] < Ch. *nVs- "to burn (tr./intr.)" [Stl.]. For Ar.-Ch. see Stl. 2005, 132, #493.

945. AA *Vns "1. to hit, 2. pierce, wound" > Sem.: Ug. Vnsy G "to hit, lash (the legs)" [DUL 645] Ill Eg. ns "Verletzung (?)" (NE, Wb II 321, 4) = "wound" (Massart 1954, 97, n. 4: perhaps

25 For S. Köpfstein (1989, 21, §9) there is "kein Hinweis, daß es um einen konkreten Gegenstand handelte, wie etwa Thron o.ä.", so ns.t must have denoted rather "ein Abstraktum, eine bestimmte Würde, die für den König mit dem Thron verbunden war und später auf den Privatmann übertragen wurde". There have been several other conceptions on the origin of Eg. ns.t. Following E. Edel (AÄG xxxix, lxiv) and G. Fecht (1960, 181, fn. 508, §374), J. Vergote (1973 Ib, 156), J. Osing (NBÄ 324), and Barta (1978, 11) saw in it an n-prefix form of Eg. s.t "Sitz", which H.-W. Fischer-Elfert (1986, 126) modified to an m- prefix, whose "wegen des -s- dissimilierte Variante" was n-. H. Satzinger (1994, 203, #53) reconstructed an OEg. *lus.t for both ns.t and ?s.t "seat, place" (following the scholars who assumed a common origin for both words, cf. Wst. 1962, 22, fn.1; 1987, 460; Hodge 1976, 13, #102; Barta 1978, 11; Peust 1992, 119, fn. 13), which is disproved by at least two circumstances: (1) the first radical of Eg. ns.t was [n], not [l], cf. Cpt. (S) NHce, (2) Eg. ?s.t should have been spelled as simply s.t. W. Westendorf (1987, 460) explained both s.t and ns.t "Sitz" from his hypothetic Eg. w?s "heben, erhöhen, tragen". C.T. Hodge (1976, 13, #102) affiliated it with Sem. *ns? "to carry, raise".

26 The Cpt. < Eg. etymology was rejected (or, at least, abandoned) in the Wb (cf. Vrg. 1950, 291).

27 Supposed source of Greek npov^aiov "banc accolé au mur (dans une dizaine de documents)" with an additional prefix npo- (Fournet 1989, 71, §13 and fn. 52: cf. Husson, CdÉ 51, 1976, 167-8).

28 M. Taifi (l.c.) speculated (with a question mark) about a derivation from Brb. *Vns "passer la nuit".

29 Equated by O. Stolbova (l.c.) with Akk. na?asu "to throw down" [CAD].

30 The OCpt. (better: LEg. in Cpt. script) word was derived by J. Osing (1976, 108; NBÄ 178), followed by W. Schenkel (1983, 227), from Eg. nsr, which, however, does not explain the zero reflex of the last syllable.

31 Usually regarded as a written variant of Eg. nsr (Wst. 1962, 31, §47.4; AECT III 156, spell 1099, n. 32; ZÄS 117, 1990, 109; WD I 113; Kahl 1992, 111; DCT 245; ÄWb I 662a; Meeks 2005, 247, #656a). But Ch. Cannuyer (1990, 109) correctly separated Eg. ns from nsr, although, instead, he was inclined (pace Goodwin 1867, 87) to explain ns as a figurative use of Eg. ns "tongue" (cf. Akk. lisän girri "langue de feu", AHW 556, 698).

an error for nzp "Verletzung") vs. nsns "(Verbum: von den Fingern im Vergleich mit einem Opferstier)" (NE 1x: Pap. Anastasi I 16:5, Wb II 335, 1) = "découper" (Alliot) = "to prance (?) or show off (?) or be swift (?)32 or cut up (?)" (DLE II 34) = "zerlegen, tranchieren bzw. zerteilen (Lebensmittel für die Soldaten)" (Fischer-Elfert 1986, 138, n. y) = "zerschneiden (?)" (GHWb 432) > late Eg. nsns (glossed nacnec) "zerschneiden" (Pap. Tebtunis, Osing 1998, 54, 83-84, n. s) III WCh.: (?) Suroid *nas (suppletive pl. stem of *cit/*cut) "to hit repeatedly" [Takacs 2004, 266]: Mupun nas (pl. of cit) "to beat", hence wèt-nas (proper name, lit. 'spend the day beating', cf. wet "to spend the day") [Frj. 1991, 36, 41], Kofyar nàs "to whip, hit many times (cf. cut 'to hit once')" [Ntg. 1967, 28], Chip nas (pl.) "schlagen" [Jng. 1965, 166-167] II ECh.: Ngam nesi and Mobu nose "percer" [Lns. 1982, 110].33

946. AA *Vns "to (be) destroy(ed)" > Sem.: (???) Ar. Vnss: nasis- "1. faim violente, 3. peine, fatigue, 4. dernier souffle de la vie" [BK II 1244]34 III Eg. nss "(be)schädigen (Statuen, Inschrift)" (MK 1x, LP, Wb II 336, 12-13; Osing 1998, 212 and fn. 1034 with lit.) = "maudire, jeter un sort" (Ward, JNES 37, 27, fn. 28 quoted in AL l.c.) = "détruire, endommager" (AL 78.2239) = "beschädigen, verstümmeln (Statue)" (1st IMP: X., ÄWb I 662b, II 1347a)35 III NBrb.: Sened Vns: e-ns "s'éteindre", se-ns "éteindre" [Prv. 1911, 113] III CCh.: Mofu-Gudur -nas- "1. endommager, abîmer, gâter, (se) perdre, 2. handicaper, 3. maudire" [Brt. 1988, 201]. Related to the preceding AA root?

947. AA *Vns "to be distant" > Sem.: Ar. nss I "1. s'éloigner rapidement" [BK II 1243] III WCh.: Hausa niisaa "distance", niisoo "to approach", néésà (adv.) "far away, from afar, to afar" [Abr. 1962, 703, 705], Gwandara nisa ~ nisa "1. far distance, 2. long time" [Mts. 1972, 88].36

948. AA *Vns "to suffer from a mental disease" > Sem.: Ar. Vnsw ~ Vnsy I: nasa "devenir hébeté, s'engourdir (rebotarse, hebeo, hebesco)", nisy-an- "léthargie (letargia dolencia)" [Dozy II 668], cf. Yemeni Ar. Vnws I: nas "to have a severe headache" [Piamenta 1990-1, 500] III Eg. nsj.t "eine Krankheit" (Med., Wb II 324, 11) = "epilepsy" (DLE II 31) = "Epilepsie" (Wst., LÄ II 517; GHWb 431) = "unknown disease caused by a disease-demon" (Nunn 1996, 223) = "eine dämonische Krankheit, wohl Epilepsie" (Osing 1998, 70-71, n. i with further lit.)37 III WBrb.:

32 This rendering would be externally supported by a comparison with Ar. nasnasa "faire marcher devant soi en stimulant à la marche", nasnäs- "1. marche rapide, 2. rapide (voyage qu'on fait de nuit)" [BK II 1253].

33 V. Orel and O. Stolbova (HSED #1838) equated the ECh. data with WCh.: Hausa nâsè, mistranslated by them as "to pierce with spear", when, in reality, it means "to throw a spear at someone" [Abr. 1962, 700]; this led them to a false reconstruction of AA *nahas-.

34 Completely uncertain reflex, which seems better to be explained < Ar. Vnss I "6. être sec, séché, vieux (pain)" [BK II 1243].

35 In Egyptological works (e.g., Wb II 336; Vrg. 1950, 293; CED 74; KHW 80; DELC 99; Stz. 1994, 198), Eg. nss is usually regarded as the Pharaonic etymon of Cpt.: (SF) Xmmc, (SBF) Xmc, (A) Xoyce (?) "1. (intr.) to be bruised, crushed, 2. (tr.) to bruise, crush, percutere" (CD 145a) = "(zer)brechen, zerstoßen" (KHW) = "casser, briser" (DELC), which is hindered by two fundamental circumstances: (1) a significant semantic anomaly and (2) the fact that the MK verb belongs to the root class of IIae gem., which should have regularly yielded Cpt. (S) *\coc (NBÄ 46, §2.32), whereas (SF) Xmmc with its double -mm- reflects a totally different root type (e.g., *lC2s, where -C2- = or -r- > -j-). J. Cerny's (CED 74) comparison of Eg. nss with Aram. rasas "to crush" [Dalman 1922, 386] is unacceptable because of the irregular initial radicals. The AA etymology (AA *-yoc- "to be damaged, not function right"), offered by Ch. Ehret (1995, 323, #629) for Eg. nss, is also out of question.

36 This Ar.-Hausa comparison was observed by O. Stolbova (2005, 132, #494) independently.

37 The rendering "epilepsy" has been recently disputed by a few philologists (Bardinet 1988, 17-18 and fn. 78; Leitz 1999, 54; 2000, 275).

(?) Zenaga Vns "être évanoui" [Ncl. 1953, 237] Ill NOm.: Benesho nyas? "headache" [Wdk. 1990, 108].

949. AA *Vns "to chase" > Sem.: Ar. ns? I: nasa?a "1. faire marcher, mener devant soi un chameau, 2. éloigner, reposser (ses bestiaux) de l'abreuvoir", Vnsns I: nasnasa "1. faire marcher devant soi en stimulant à la marche" [BK II 1243, 1253] Ill LECu.: Elmolo anasise "schicken" [Heine 1973, 281].

950. AA *Vns "to be(come) moist" > Sem.: Ar. nasïs- "terrain fendillé par des suintements d'eau", Vnsns I "suinter latéralement (parfois du puits)" [Fagnan 1923, 171-2] vs. nasïs-at- "1. humidité qui s'échappe et suinté du bois humide, à l'extrémité opposée à celle que le feu consume" [BK II 1244] Ill NBrb.: Mzg. Vns: nses "suinter, filtrer (intr.)", a-nsis "suintement, infiltration" [Tf. 1991, 497] l Wargla Vnsns: ss-nasnas "tomber des gouttes de pluie, faire des gouttes", ti-nasnas (pl.) "gouttes éparses de pluie" [Dlh. 1987, 224] l Qabyle Vns: nesses "1. suinter, filtrer (intr.), 2. se glisser, s'insinuer", t-nesses "suinter goutte à goutte, être imbibé", a-nessis "suintement, infiltration (du sol)" [Dlt. 1982, 539, 575] lll NOm.: (?) Yemsa nas-à "Tau" [Lmb. 1993, 371], Yemsa-Fofa nâ:s-â "dew" [Akl.-Sbr. 1993, 36] lll WCh.: Hausa naasè [-se < *-se] "(clothing) to become greasy with perspiration, etc., (oil) spread on clothing, (damp) permeate the house", nàs-nàs "greasiness of mouth after eating oily food", nààsoo "perspiration" [Abr. 1962, 700] = naasè "1. to be(come) greasy, oily (clothing), be very damp (house), 2. permeate place (damp, oil)", nààsoo "1. exuding of damp from floor or walls, 2. greasy perspiration on garment" [Brg. 1934, 816-7]38. The Qabyle-Hausa etymology is due to V. M. Illic-Svityc (1976, #323)39. Cf. also AA *n-c.

951. AA *Vns ~ *Vnys (or *Vnys?) "sand" > Sem.: Yemeni Ar. nays "sand", neyseh "pebble (Kieselstein)" [Deboo 1989, 199] = niss "(fine) sand, fine pebble, earth", ma-nâyïs (pl.), mi-nyas (sg.) "edge of field beside a stream of water, where there is plenty of sand" [Piamenta 1990-1, 502], Ar. of Hadramaut nays ~ nays-at ~ nas-at "sable" [Landberg 1901, 719], Dathina nays ~ nas "sable" [GD 2837] lll (???) Eg. ns "Sandkörner" (LP, Wb II 338, 6) = "grains of sand" (FD 140) = "Sandkorn bzw. Sandkörner" (GHWb 434)40 lll LECu.: Afar nïs (m) "sand" [PH 1985, 175] lll WCh.: SBauchi *nyas- "sand" [OS] = *ni-nyas- [HSED]: Burma ninèsi, Kir ninèesi, Laar nénèesi, Mangas nyènyèsi, Soor nyényas, Zangwal nyényas, Tala nyényes, Polchi nyaaz-an (pl.), Dikshi nyeza/nyâs, Bandas nyeeza, Buli si-nyes, Boto (Boot) nyoqsa, Zakshi nyaàs-aq, Zaar of Lusa nyaacè (-ts-) (SBauchi: Smz. 1978, 30, #42; Mkr. 1987, 307-8; JI 1994 II 280 pace Smz.) ll CCh.: Masa *q/p-s "sand" [JS 1981, 217A]: Zime-Dari nyes (-sl) "sable" [Cooper 1984, 20]. The SBauchi-Eg. etymology was first proposed by V. Orel and O. Stolbova (1992, 188; HSED #1858).

952. AA *Vns/st "to tear" > Sem. *nst: JAram. nasat "enthäuten, das Fell eines Tieres abziehen" [Levy 1924 III 450], Mandean Vnst "to flay" [Drower-Macuch 1963, 307] l Ar. nst I:

38 O. Stolbova (CLD I 231, #92) compared the Hausa root with Ar. Vnii, although Ar. i, as a rule, corresponds to Hausa c.

39 Who, however, gave a false reconstruction (Nst. *näjV "BaaxHHâ") and an unacceptable Sem. parallel (*ndh "o6pH3raBaTb").

40 The Eg. parallel is seriously dubious, since (1) it might simply be a late reflex of Eg. ns? "Körner (des Sandes)" (Med., Wb II 338, 16) as suggested by J.R. Harris (1961, 201), whose final -? [mostly < AA *-r/*-l] is not reflected in the Sem. and other cognates, and (2) Eg. s is not a regular match for AA *s > Sem. *s and Ch. *s. For Eg. ns?, cf. also AA *n-c-r infra.

nasata "1. vider les tripes d'un animal égorgé en les tirant de la cavité du ventre, et en les serrant avec la main, 2. tordre le linge mouillé pour en faire écouler l'eau", nusut- "ceux qui extraient le fœtus du ventre de la mère dans un accouchement difficile" [BK II 1249] = "to extract, empty" [Drower-Macuch] vs. Sem. *nst: Ar. nst I: nasata "6. enlever qqch. et serrer fortement, 7. retirer qqch. promptement, avec vigueur et d'un seul effort (p.ex. le seau du puits sans le secours de la poulie", VIII "3. enlever l'écaille du poisson, 4. arracher les herbes avec les dents (se dit des bestiaux)" [BK II 1261-2] Il Jbl. nsot "to untie, undo, open, unload" [Jns. 1981, 195] Ill CCh.: Uldeme nzàd [nz- < *ns- or *nÂ- < AA *Vns-?] "arracher" [Clm. 1987, 77].

953. AA *Vnsk ~ *Vsnk "to kiss" > Sem. *nsk "küssen" [AHW 758-9; MM 1983, 183] Ill HECu. *sunk- "to kiss" [Hds. 1989, 87]. Borrowing from ES excluded because of the metathesis.

954. AA *Vnsr "to blow the nose" > Eg. nz? [act. *ns? < *nsr?]41 (nose det.) "to blow out (of one's nose)" (CT III 100d, AECT I 159; DCT 245) = "*ausschnauben" (ÄWb II 1331b-c) lll NBrb.: Rif nsar "moucher" [Tilmatine 1998, 113], Ait Said Vnsr: e-nsa" "se moucher" [Allati 1986, 34], Mzab a-nsar "être mouché, se moucher, expulser" [Dlh. 1984, 140], Wargla Vnsr: ansar "se moucher, être mouché, essuyer le nez" [Dlh. 1987, 225] l Qabyle Vnsr: e-nser "se moucher", but also "1. se moucher, 2. avoir un grand nez" [Dlt. 1982, 577, 592] ll EBrb.: Ghadames e-nser ti-nzer-t "se moucher" [Mtl. 1904, 138] = a-nsir-en (pl.) "morve" [Lnf. 1973, 248, #1170] ll SBrb.: EWlmd. a-sé-nsïr "morve (viscosité)" [Ncl. 1957, 62], EWlmd. i-nser-än, Ayr a-nser-än (pl.) "mucosités du nez, morve", EWlmd.-Ayr sa-nsar (caus.) "faire sortir par les narines (mucosités nu nez), (se) moucher" [PAM 2003, 628] lll ECh.: (?) Mubi giséèr [g- < ?] "sich schneuzen" [Lks. 1937, 184] = gèsér (gisîr, giséèr), pl. gàsar (gèsîr, gisaàr) "(se) moucher" [Jng. 1990 MS, 36].

955. AA *Vn[s]r (var. *Vn3r?)42 "1. fire, 2. to burn" > (?) Sem. *VrSn (met.?)43 "to burn" [GT]: Dathina Ar. Vrsn: risin "être allumé", rasan "allumer" [GD 1281] l l ES *Vrsn: Geez räsnä "entzünden, verbrennen" [Müller] = rasna "to glow, be red-hot, be heated, be inflamed", rasn (rasn) "(burning) heat, heating, incandescence" [Lsl.], Tna. räsänä "to be very hot" [Lsl.], Tigre räsna "to glow" [Lsl.] etc. (ES: Lsl. 1987, 474) lll Eg. nsr "brennen" (PT-, Wb II 335, 4-10), nsr "Feuer, Flamme" (PT-, Wb II 335, 12), var. nzr "verbrennen (auch tr.)" (OK, Kaplony, LÄ IV 462, n. 1, cf. ÜKAPT VI 143 for PT 653d), nzr "Glut" (PT 276b, ÜKAPT VI 143), hence pr-nzr "Haus der Feuerzeremonien" (Kaplony, LÄ VII 24) > Cpt.: (L) uoycp, u^pc= (met.) "zerstören, vernichten" (KHW 525 pace CED 110; DELC 144) lll NBrb.: Wargla ti-nsar-t, pl. ti-nsar "sorte de brasero en terre cuite qui sert de brûle-parfums ou de chaufferette, de réchaud" [Dlh. 1987, 226] l Qabyle a-nazir (non admis par plusieurs) "1. brasier avec flamme, 2. grosse chaleur, 3. fièvre" [Dlt. 1982, 593] ll EBrb.: Gdm. ta-naser-t, pl. t-nasar "brûle-parfum en terre cuite"

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41 The correspondence of Eg. z = Brb. *s is not regular. Normally, Brb. *s = Eg. s < AA *s, *c (or = Eg. s < AA *s). In principle, however, we might assume a non-historical MK spelling of OK s.

42 This AA root might be an extension of AA *n-s (supra). This is why here as well one should suppose an AA *-s- (instead of *-c-).

43 It is rather uncertain if the Sem. root really belongs here, not merely because one would have to assume metathesis, but also due to irregular sibilant correspondences (normally, Ar. s = ES *s, which, however, could not agree with Eg.-Brb. *s ~ *z). Moreover, the origin of Dathina Vrsn is itself also dubious. F. Praetorius (ZDMG 57, 1903, 272-3) was inclined to see in it a late borrowing from Persian rosan, whereas Count Landberg (GD 1281) supposed that it was a secondary meaning of Dathina Ar. risin "être fixé à..., adhérent à...". But already a contemporary colleague of Landberg (quoted in GD l.c.), followed by W. Leslau (1987, 474), identified Dathina Vrsn with ES *Vrsn.

[Lnf. 1973, 248, #1171] I II CCh.: (?) Muktele nàzâi [if -i < *-r] "to roast (grill)" [Rsg. 1978, 315, #589 apud JI 1994 II 275]. The Geez-Eg. etymology is due to W.W. Müller (1961, 202, #12).

956. AA *Vn3 "to excrete" > Sem.: Ar. nadda I "uriner", nadïd- "2. salive ou glaire, ce qu'on jette par le nez ou par la bouche" [BK II 1231] III CCh.: Malgwa nje "Fäkalien", njâ-sa "Kuhdung" [Löhr 2002, 304].

957. AA *Vnc "to open, spread out" > Sem.: Ar. ntt I "1. répandre, propager (une nouvelle)", ntw I: nata "1. disperser, disséminer çà et là, 2. ébruiter, faire connaître, livrer au public (une nouvelle)", nty I: nata "1. divulger, répandre dans le public (un bruit, un fait)" [BK II 1195, 1197] III Eg. ns "to open (?) (on's mouth against someone)" (AECT I 208; DCT 245) = nsw "ouvrir (la bouche de façon hostile)" (AL 78.2223) = nsw "den Mund öffnen (feindlich)" (GHWb 431)44 I II NAgaw: Kemant ans- ~ anc- "to undo" [Apl. 1996, 18], Qwara ans-az- "to undo" [Rn./Apl.] III CCh.: (?) Margi ndjà [*nc- voiced?] "to open wide" [Ladefoged 1964, 65] = njànjà "wide open" [Hfm. in RK 1973, 129].

958. AA *Vnc "to be(come) moist" > Sem.: Ar. Vntt: natta I "1. suer et se couvrir d'humidité à sa surface extérieure (se dit d'une outre remplie d'eau), 3. oindre, enduire d'onguent (une plaie, etc.)", natt- "humide, qui sue l'humidité (muraille)", natït- "humidité sort à la surface extérieure d'une outre remplie d'eau, d'une muraille", Vntnt: natnata "1. suer, se couvrir d'humidité à sa surface extérieure (se dit d'une outre), 2. avoir une forte transpiration (se dit d'un homme)" [BK II 1195] III SCu.: Iraqw nic-a (-ts-) [Iraqw c reg. < SCu. *c] "moisture" [Mgw. 1989, 116] = nïc (-ts) "to moist", nic-a (m) "moisture", nic-ït "to spit without saliva" [MQK 2002, 79] III CCh.: Uldeme nac "eau qui s'infiltre dans la terre" [Clm. 1986, 144] = nac (so, -ts) "eau qui s'infiltre" [Clm. 1987, 87]45 = nac nac "1. eau qui s'infiltre dans la terre, 2. se mouiller vite" [Clm. 1997, 209]. Cf. AA *n-s too.

959. AA *Vncr "to separate" > Sem.: Akk. nasaru "abteilen" [AHW 759 with a different etymology]46 II Ar. Vntr VI "2. tomber par morceaux, par parcelles, s'émietter" [BK II 1196], Yemeni Ar. Vntr I: natar "to cut up, dissect, rip out, open", VI: atnatar "to break up, split (intr.)" [Piamenta 1990, 478] III Eg. nz^w (GW for *ns? < *ncr?) "briser (le dos)" (KRI II 90:11, AL 79.1619) = "zerbrechen" (GHWb 431), cf. older ns^.w "Schlachtmesser des Szmw" (CT I 123b, VI 179h, Altenmüller 1975, 347) = "Spieß (?)" (Kaplony, LÄ IV 462, n. 3) = "knives" (AECT I 24, spell 33-35, n. 32)47 III SBrb. *Vnsr: EWlmd. a-nsar, Ayr a-nsar "être détaché violemment, être arraché de foru, 2. être déchiré, 3. être égratigné", Ayr a-nsar, EWlmd. a-nsar "1. détacher violemment, arracher de force, couper par arrachement, 2. décrocher, 3. dé-gratigner, gratter" [PAM 2003, 626].

44 The same verb is supposed to occur in the BD (cf. Wb II 324, 13). R.O. Faulkner's (AECT I 209, spell 277, n. 8) hypothesis that this verb was actually derived from Eg. ns "tongue" is unlikely.

45 Erroneously derived by V. de Colombel (l.c.) from Uldeme V-c (-is) "arracher" via prefix n-.

46 W. von Soden (AHW l.c.) combined the Akk. verb with Ar. Vnsr I: nasara "oter, enlever une chose de dessus une autre" [BK II 1248] = "wegnehmen" [AHW] = "to take away" [Hnrg.], which was opposed by J. Huehnergard (1991, 691) who pointed to J. C. Biella's (1982, 318) comparison of Ar. Vnsr (Ar. ma-nsir-, mi-nsar-) with OSA (Sa-bean) m-ns3r-t "detachment of troops", whose s3 excludes a connection with Akk. Vnsr, which he eventually affiliated with Ar. Vnsr and MSA: Jbl. nsor "to spread out (tr.)", but it is also unlikely from a semantical point of view.

47 R.O. Faulkner (AECT l.c.) derived it from Eg. zlw "to cut off (nose or ears)" (cf. Wb III 419, 12), but failed to explain the function of n-.

960. AA *Vncr "1. to spread (out), 2. loosen" > Sem.: Akk. nasaru "to pour out" [CAD n2 60] II Ar. Vntr I: natara "1. répandre, disperser, disséminer", VI "1. être répandu, dispersé, disséminé" [BK II 1195], Dathina ntr I "répandre, verser, défaire, (dans le Sud) laver la tête, défaire les cheveux, endosser (la cotte de mailles), ôter" [GD 2742], Yemeni Ar. ntwr I: natwar "to scatter, spread (a bundle)" [Piamenta 1990-1, 478] I I MSA: Hrs. netör "to pour" [Jns. 1977, 99], Jbl. ntor "to untie" [Jns. 1977] = ntor [Jns. 1981, 198] = nt5?r "to untie" [Nakano 1986, 89, #649], Mhr. natör "to untie" [Jns. 1987, 305] = netör (so, -t-) "losmachen, lösen, abladen, wegnehmen" [Jahn apud Jns.] = Vntr "lösen, aufmachen, ablegen (ein Kleid)" [Bittner 1917, 55], Sqt. nétor "lâcher une parole" [Lsl. 1938, 279] (Sem.: Frolova 2003, 91, §III.4.1) III Eg. nsr "vom Behandeln einer Wunde mit Öl: betupfen" (Med., Wb II 335, 3) = "to anoint (injury)" (Breasted 1930, 171; FD 140) = "beträufeln (?)" (HAM 840) = "betupfen, beträufeln" (GHWb 443) III NBrb.: Mzg. Vnsr: nser "1. se défaire, détacher, 2. glisser (maille), s'effil(och)er, s'érailler, 3. se tirer (d'un fourreau, d'un étui, d'un trou), se démancher (outil)" [Tf. 1991, 498-9]. The AA root might have been of biconsonantal origin, cf. Ar. ntt I: natta "2. répandre, propager (une nouvelle), 3. oindre, enduire d'onguent (une plaie)", nitat- "huile avec laquelle on humecte légèrement une plaie" [BK II 1195].

961. AA *Vncl "fat" > Sem.: Ar. natïl-at- "3. viande grasse" [BK II 1197] III NBrb.: Mzg.-Zemmur nessel "être gras (avoir beaucoup de graisse), potelé, dodu" [Tf. 1991, 498].

962. AA *Vnc "to tremble" > Sem. *Vnws: Akk. Vnws G: nâsu ~ nuasu "in (unruhige) Bewegung geraten" [AHW 761] = G nâsu ~ nuasu "1. to quake, shake, 2. be weakened, become shaky", D nussu "1. to make quake, shake, 2. move, dislodge, shake" [CAD n2, 113] = "beben" [GB]48 II Ar. of Hadramaut nws I "secouer", II "pendiller" [Landberg 1901, 728], EDathina nws I "secouer", II "pendiller" [GD 2834], Yemeni Ar. Vnws I: nas "to move (tr.), shake (intr.), swing back and forth, swing one's head with thick, long hair", II "to shake (tr.)", naws "motion", nuwwas "shaking" [Piamenta 1990-1, 500] I II Eg. ns "erschauern, erzittern" (NE, Wb II 338, 4) = nsj "flattern" (LP, JW 1996, 523, §158, §164) = ns "to tremble, shudder" (NE 2x, DLE II 34; Borghouts 1971, 186, n. 459 with further exx. and lit.)49. The Eg.-Akk. comparison is due to GB 494 and A. Ember (1912, 90, cf. ESS §11.a.33). The reduplication of the same AA biliteral root is also attested, cf. Sem. *Vnsns: Ar. nasnasa "to agitate, swing back and forth (secouer)" [Lsl.] II MSA: Sqt. nesnes "to agitate" [Lsl.] (Sem.: Lsl. 1938, 278; 1987, 402 with false com-paranda) III SBrb.: EWlmd.-Ayr näznäz "1. secouer, mettre en marche (+ monture), 2. être secoué" [PAM 2003, 638].

963. AA *Vnck "to (be) extract(ed)" > Sem. *nks: Ar. naqasa "to extract, pull out" [Lsl.] II MSA: Jbl. nqes "to take out (an embedded thorn)" [Lsl.] II ES: Geez naqasa "to separate, dis-

48 The Akk. verb was combined by F. Delitzsch (quoted in GB l.c.) with Hbr. *Vnws, and by Th. Nöldeke (ZDMG 40, 724) and W. von Soden (AHW l.c.) with Ar. Vnws: nasa I "1. pendiller, être agité çà et là (un objet suspendu)", IV "agiter" [BK II 1366] = I "baumeln" [GB] = I "hin- und herpendeln" [AHW], but neither of these suggestions can be accepted, given the irregular sibilant correspondences (here, Akk. s < Sem. *s, which does not agree with either Hbr. s here < Sem. *s or with Ar. s here < Sem. *s). The Ar. form, in fact, represents a var. root (AA *n-c), cf. also Akk. nasasu G and nussusu D "to shake out (hair), wag (tail)" [Lsl.] = D "schütteln" [AHW 806] II Ug. nss "to zigzag, wriggle (?)" [Moore apud Lsl.] II Hadramawi Ar. nws "brandiller" [Landberg 1901, 728], Yemeni Ar. nws I: nas "schütteln" [Deboo 1989, 197] II Geez nas(a)sa "to sway, move, shake" [Lsl.] (Sem.: Lsl. 1987, 402; Hnrg. 1991, 692).

49 W.F. Albright (1927, 222), followed by F. von Calice (GÄSW 67, #225) and J. Vergote (1945, 136, §9.b.23), equated the Eg. root with Ar. laslasa "être pris d'une grande frayeur, au point d'éprouver un saisissement dans les intestins" [BK II 992] = "to shake with fear" [Alb.] = "vor Angst beben" [Vrg.].

tinguish, pluck away, extract (a thorn from the foot)", Tna. näqäsä "to pinch, extract a thorn from the foot", Amh. näqqäsä "to pick, clean by picking, extract a thorn from the foot" (ES: Lsl. 1987, 400) Ill (?) Eg. nssq "eine Krankheit am oder im Kopf" (Med., Wb II 336, 14) = "(am Kopf, Haar ist ausgefallen)" (GHWb 433) = "Haarausfall" (HAM 840)50 (?) < *nsq (unattested) "to fall out (hair)", i.e. **"to be extracted (???)" (GT) III NBrb.: Shilh a-nzay "1. attirement, étirement, tirage, 2. rouleau de laine prêt pour le filage" [Jordan 1934, 38] I Mzg. nzey "tirer" [Abès 1916, 131] = nzey "1. (re)tirer, extraire, 2. haler, traîner" [Tf. 1991, 513], Beraber a-nzay "tirer" [Lst.], Izdeg nzey "extirper, extraire, tirer" [Mrc. 1937, 111], Zayan & Sgugu nzey "tirer, extraire" [Lbg. 1924, 573] I Iznasen, Tuzin, Uriaghel e-nzay "perdre qqch. (au sens propre) et perdre qqch. mémoire, oublier" [Rns. 1932, 393] I Nefusa é-nzay "tirare, tirar fuori" [Bgn. 1931, 275] = a-nzay "tirer de l'eau" [Lst. 1931, 302] II EBrb.: Gdm. a-nza^ "puiser" [Lst.], Sokna ö-nzay "tirer en dehors de qq. lieu que ce soit" [Lst.], Audjila nzây "attingere, tirare acqua dal pozzo senza animale" [Prd. 1960, 160]

964. AA *Vncr "to scatter, spread" > Sem.: Ar. nasara "3. disperser, disséminer", nasïr-"céréales réunies en tas que l'on n'a pas encore l'intention de battre" [BK II 1258-9] = Vnsr I "déployer les voiles, divulguer, répandre", VIII "s'étendre, se répandre, se disperser", nusar-at- "scuire, l'espèce de poussière qui tombe du bois quand il est rongé par les vers" [Dozy II 671], Dathina Vnsr VIII "se disperser, se ranger à la file, s'aligner (soldats, danceurs)" [GD 2772] II MSA *Vnsr: Jbl. nsor "to spread (tr.)" [Jns. 1981, 195], Mhr. nasùr "to spread out" [Jns. 1987, 302] III Eg. ns3 "Körner (des Sandes)" (Med., Wb II 338, 16).

965. AA *Vnç ~ *Vnc "to quest(ion)"51 > Sem.: Ar. nss I "8. interroger qqn. minutieusement, le presser de questions" [BK II 1267] = "to go to the utmost point in questioning or asking, importune the man in questioning or asking, and urge someone to tell the utmost that he knew, to question or ask the man respecting a thing so as to elicit the utmost that he possessed" [Lane 2797] II MSA: Jibbali nizz les "he pumped him for information", sanzéz (l-) "to ask secretly, make discreet inquiries" [Jns. 1981, 200], Mehri sansawz "to ask secretly, make discreet enquiries" [Jns. 1987, 309-310] III Eg. nd "fragen, beraten" (PT-, Wb II 370-1), ndnd "fragen" (MK, Wb II 232, 1-9)52 III NBrb.: Zwawa Vnd: nadi "chercher", a-nadi "recherche" [Bst. 1890, 321] II SBrb.: EWlmd.-Ayr i-nad "i.a. discuter de (l'un avec l'autre pour parvenir à une décision), se consulter (au sujet de), être appelé à l'aide, être associé, convoqué (guerrier)" [PAM

50 Usually explained from Eg. nsq "stechen, beißen" (cf. NBÄ 303).

51 A further var. root (with *l-) is also attested, cf. AA *Vlwç "to ask": Sem.: Ar. läsa IV "2. demander qqch. à qqn." [BK II 1048] Ill WCh.: Bole lood- "fragen, bitten" [Lks.].

52 The etymology of Eg. nd has been disputed so far. Some of the authors have already surmised the connection of Eg. nd with some of the AA reflexes, although in either semantically or phonologically misleading contexts. A. Ember (1913, 118, #78), followed in GÄSW 168, #683, compared it with Ar. nsh "to give advice, counsel, be sincere (friend)". W.F. Albright (1927, 223), followed in GÄSW 168, #683, combined Eg. ndnd with Ar. ngng I "to deliberate". C.T. Hodge (1966, 45, #38) equated it directly with Hausa nllcu "to come to one's senses" and nlcâccéé "person of reflection", which, however, belongs to a distinct AA root (below). V. Orel and O. Stolbova (HSED #1825) combined Eg. nd "to call" (!) with Ar. nss (but in the sense "to dictate (a letter)") and WCh.: Tumak naj "to chat", yet at the same time (!) they also (HSED #1854) identified Eg. nd with CCh.: Glavda nggw "to answer" and ECh.: Sokoro negi "shout". Ch. Ehret (1995, 321, #655) combined Eg. nd "to consult" with Ar. nss "to announce, state explicitly" (not in its meaning quoted above, which is much closer to that of Eg. nd) and nsh "to advise and admonish sincerely" at the same time! O. Stolbova (1996, 118) was the first to compare Eg. nd with Bidiya V?nd, although she erroneously derived the latter from her Ch. *naj- "to ask, tell". The dilettantish approach of some non-linguist Egyptologists (Maspero 1898, 137-9; Westendorf 1973, 137; Quack 2002, 182) explaining Eg. nd from the primary meaning "ver-/zerreiben, mahlen" (OK-, Wb II 369-370) cannot be taken seriously.

2003, 590], Ghat ta-nat, pl. ci-nad-in "conseil, avis" [Nhl. 1909, 131] Ill ECh.: Bidiya ?inàd / ?indù "demander, interroger" [AJ 1989, 82].

966. AA *Vnç "to loosen, untie" > Sem.: Ar. nada I "1. ôter (son vêtement), 2. dépouiller qqn. de son vêtement, 3. tirer (p.ex. le sabre du fourreau, sortir la verge du fourreau d'un cheval)" [BK II 1282] Ill NBrb.: Mzg. Vndw: ndew ~ ndu "lâcher (couture, point de couture, point de couture), être décousu (vêtement)" [Tf. 1991, 469].

967. AA *Vnçr ~ *Vnçr "to tear, split" > Sem.: Sqt. nsr: no-ti-sar (refl. t-stem) "être déchiré, se fendre" [Lsl. 1938, 272] = "to be torn" [Lsl. 1987] II Geez nadara ~ nasara "to rip up, tear off, rend, separate, split" [Lsl. 1987, 387] = nadara "briser" [Lsl. 1938], Tigre näcra "to tear asunder" [Lsl.] Ill Eg. ndr (GW) "ostracon" (NE, DLE II 44; GHWb 450) = "éclat de pierre" (AL 79.1965), cf. nd? "Splitter o.ä. (von Holz und Stein)" (MK, NE, Wb II 377, 7-9) = "twig, splinter of wood" (Ember) = "chip (of wood, stone), flakes (of limestone on which inscriptions are written), splinter, nd? of stone (employed for building, must be sizeable fragment, perhaps used for core masonry" (Harris 1961, 27) = "éclat de pierre, osracon" (Aufrère 1990, 101)53 Ill SBrb.: Ayr a-ndar, pl. a-ndar-än "déchirure, fente, blessure" [PAM 2003, 591] Ill NAgaw (from ES?): Bilin naçar "zerreißen, zerfleischen" [Rn. 1887, 283].

968. AA *Vnçr "to well up" > Eg. nd?d? "*wallen (auch mit Bezug auf das Herz)" (Med., GHWb 449, cf. Wb II 377, 13), nd?d?j.t "Aufwallen (des Herzens)" (Med., GHWb 449, cf. Wb II 377, 14) III SBrb.: Ahaggar e-nder "gider (gotelettes de bouillie qui cuit)" [Barrère 1994, 17].

969. AA *Vnçr "to throw" > Eg. *ndr (so far unattested)54 yielding Cpt. (SL) uoy^e, (SBF) uoY-X "werfen, legen", qual. "liegen", (S) uoy^e eBoX "weglegen, aussenden, abweisen, wegwerfen" (KHW 137)55 III NBrb.: Tuzin, Iboqqoyen, Ikhebdanen, Bottiwa Vndr "jeter" [Biarnay 1917, 98], Wargla Vndr: andar "1. (laisser) tomber, faire tomber, 2. par ext.: faire une fausse couche, (faire) avorter" [Dlh. 1987, 213].

970. AA *Vns "to tear off" > Sem.: Ar. Vnsns I: nasnasa "5. s'arracher des plumes avec le bec et les disperser (se dit d'un oiseau)" [BK II 1266] Ill Eg. nsns "vom zerreißen o.ä. der Bü-

53 A. Ember (1912, 87; ESS §11.a.39) combined Eg. ndl with Hbr. neser "Schoß, Sprößling, Wurzelschoß" [GB 519] = "twig, rod" [Ember] = "sprout, offshoot" [KB 718], which is misleading, since the latter originates in Hbr. Vnsr ~ Ar. ndr "glänzen, grünen" [GB] = "to shine, thrive" [KB]. Accepting this inner Sem. derivation of the Hbr. word, F. von Calice (GÄSW 102, #428) assumed in Eg. ndl a Sem. loanword! Others (Edel in AÄG lxiv; Vrg. 1973 Ib, 156 pace Fecht), in turn, saw in Eg. ndl a prefix n-, attached to an unattested *dl > (S) xh, (B) xhi "éclat". A. Militarev (MM 1983, 199) also analyzed Eg. ndl as containing the n-prefix, which allowed him to affiliate it with Sem. *tVr(r)- "flint", *Vir- "to cut", and LECu.: Oromo çiri "oTpe3aTb".

54 The Eg. etymon of the Cpt. root has been debated. W.M. Müller (RT 31, 1909, 194 and fn. 3), followed by W. Spiegelberg (in his KHW 86), G. Burkard (1977, 39 and fn. 3), W. Vycichl (1990, 231 contra DELC 152), and Ch. Ehret (1995, 324, #631), explained it from Eg. ndrj "packen, fassen" (OK-, Wb II 382-3), which Müller still mis-rendered as "to strike (down)" (rightly corrected by K. Sethe in his ÜKAPT VI 147); this was correctly rejected by the authors of Wb (cf. Vrg. 1950, 291), W. Vycichl (in his DELC 152), J. Osing (NBÄ 839, n. 1132 contra Osing 1998, 96 and 201, n. g), and S.D. Schweitzer (2003, 240, fn. 29). W. Westendorf (KHW 137, also fn. 1), in turn, assumed its derivation either from Eg. ndr "zimmern" (allegedly pace Müller, whose suggested basic sense was, however, different) or ndl "Splitter" (MK, NE, Wb II 377, 7-8).

55 L. Reinisch (1887, 287) combined the Cpt. word with Sem. *nsl, cf. esp. Yemeni Ar. nsl I "to throw away, take off, squander", III "to disjoin, disconnect, take apart, dismount, detach" [Piamenta 1990, 488], which is theoretically possible as an alternative.

cher" (CT, Wb II 342, 6) = "to tear up (documents)" (CT V 66f, DCT 249) > LEg. n[s]ns "zerreißen" (Pap. Tebtunis, 2nd cent. AD, Osing 1998, 213, 215, n. ai)56 III NBrb.: Seghrushen Vnsw: nsu "être déplumé" [Pellat 1955, 122] = nsew "se déplumer, être déplumé" [Tf. 1991, 503] I Qabyle Vnsw "être déplumé, épilé", msensaw ~ ms- "se battre, s'arracher mutuellement les cheveux" [Dlt. 1982, 541], Zwawa e-nsû "être déplumé" [Blf. 1910, 213].

971. AA *Vns "to clear meat off the bone" > Sem.: Ar. Vnsns I: nasnasa "3. ôter la chair de dessus l'os" [BK II 1266] III SBrb.: EWlmd.-Ayr a-nnas [-s < *-s]57 "nettoyer un os en enlevant toutes les parcelles de viande" [PAM 2003, 624] III ECh.: EDangla nyile [-l- < *-s-]58 "Fleisch von einem Knochen abkratzen" [Ebs. 1979, 126]. Derived from the preceding AA root?

972. AA *Vns "a type of vessel" > Eg. ns.w "Art Topf, auch als Maß" (MK, BD, Wb II 338, 15) = "ein Gefäß (aus Metall, Elfenbein)" (GHWb 435)59 III NBrb.: Mzg. Vns: ta-nas-t "1. pot en fer avec anse, 2. petit récipient en bois ou en fer pour boire, récipient en cuivre du porteur d'eau" [Tf. 1991, 497-8], Zayan & Sgugu ta-nas-t "petit récipient en bois ou en fer qui sert à boire" [Lbg. 1924, 573]. Note that Sem.: Akk. (M-YBab.) nussu "ein Tonbehälter" [AHW 806] = "cracked pot" [CAD n2 352] might only be compared as an irregular reflex (AA *-s- > Akk. -s-).

973. AA *Vnsc "to tear, hurt" > Sem.: Ar. nss I: nasasa "7. percer qqn. avec une lance", VIII "déraciner (une arbre)" [BK II 1260] I II Eg. nsd.w "griffures, éraflures, déchirures, arrachements" (PK 1976, 206, D21; Andreu-Cauville 1978, 15; AL 77.2220, 78.2251) = "*Kratzspuren (als Sachschaden)" (GHWb 436) > nsd "1. (Blumen) pflücken, 2. zerfleischen (eigtl. von den Krallen, bes. des Falken)" (GR, Wb II 342) = "action du faucon déchirant ses ennemis avec ses serres" (PK l.c.) = "to flay" (Smith 1979, 16) = "to tear, rend" (PL 550)60.

974. AA *Vnsr/l "meager" > Sem.: Ar. nasala I "6. être fort peu charnu (se dit des cuisses)", nasil-at- "cuisse maigre" [BK II 1265] III NBrb.: Mzg. nser "3. maigrir, être maigre" [Tf. 1991, 498].

975. AA *Vnsl "1. to draw out, 2. extract" > Sem.: Ar. nasala I "1. tirer, extraire et enlever rapidement, 2. tirer, p.ex. un morceau de viande de la marmite" [BK II 1265] = I "1. wegreißen, herausreißen, 2. retten" [Hazim apud Shatnawi 2002, 745] III NBrb.: Mzg. nsel "puiser (de l'eau)" [Tf. 1991, 502] I Qabyle e-nsel "être dépouillé, privé de sa peau, écorce, s'écailler", sse-nsel ~ sse-nsel "1. peler, éplucher, dépouiller, 2. (se) peler, changer de peau" [Dlt. 1982, 540].

976. AA *VnS61 "bee" > SCu. *nasa "bee" [Ehret]: Asa nasa "bee" I Dahalo nàla [Ehret: presumed contraction of *nsala] "honey" (SCu.: Ehret 1980, 184, #4) III WCh.: (?) Angas-Sura

56 Ch. Ehret (1995, 326, #635) combined the Eg. root with Sem. *Vns "to cut" (sic!) and ECu. *ya/iF- "to stab".

57 AA *s may yield Brb. *s, cf. Mlt. 1991, 242.

58 The shift of PCh. *s > Dangla-Migama *l is regular both in the initial and internal position, cf. Stl. 1996, 39, table 4 and p. 112, table 23.

59 Known also in cuneiform transcription, cf. Amarna Akk. nassa ~ -i "a vessel" [AHW 79 pace Lambdin 1953, 367, #25s] = "type of vessel used as a measure" [Cochavi-Rainey 1997, 101] = "a kind of pot or measure" [Muchiki 1999, 300]. Usually (Griffith 1898, 52; NBÄ 169) derived from Eg. ns "to sprinkle" (sic, Griffith) = ns/h "herausfließen (lassen)" (sic, NBÄ), which is unattested.

60 For the LEg. nsd, alternatively, a derivation from Eg. sdj "to take away, remove, pull" (FD 273) has also been suggested (PL 551).

61 The Angas-Sura evidence speaks for AA *c, but it is not clear which lateral is reflected by the SCu. parallels.

*nsï "1. bee, 2. fly, 3. honey" [Takacs 2004, 345] II CCh.: Higi-Nkafa unze and Higi-Kamale umzoho "1. bee, 2. honey" [Meek apud JI 1994 II 18, 191].

977. AA *VnS "to chase" > Sem.: Ar. Vnss I: nassa "3. faire marcher doucement une bête de somme devant soi" [BK II 1254] = "émoucher, chasser les mouches avec un évantail" [Dozy II 669] = "to drive or whisk away the flies" [Lane 2790], Yemeni Ar. nis! "a cry to dry away flies" [Piamenta 1990-1, 484] III Eg. ns "1. vertreiben, verdrängen, 2. auch: verstoßen (Frau), 3. (GR, Kummer) vertreiben" (OK-, Wb II 337-8; GHWb 434)62. Cf. AA *n-s supra.

978. AA *VnS "lock of hair" > Eg. nsj "to dress hair" (CT, BD, FD 140; DCT 248) = ns "das Haarmachen, ob: kämmen (?)" (BD, Wb II 337, 3) vs. ns (fem. Inf. < *ns.t) "das Haarmachen" (NE, Wb II 337, 5) > ns.t "Haarmacherin" (MK, Wb II 337, 6-7) = "hairdresser" (Ward 1982, 100, #838; 1986, 9) ^ Dem. nsj.t "Haarmacherin" (Thissen 1984, 87), hence *nsj.tj (unattested) > (?) Dem. nsj.t "lock of hair" (CED) ^ Cpt.: (S) u^it (pl. 1x) "locks of hair" (Smith 1958, 122; CED 115 after CD 237a) = "Locken (?)" (KHW 132, 526) = "boucles de cheveux" (DELC 149) III NBrb.: Mzg. ta-unza, pl. ti-zi-win "toupet" [Abès 1916, 137], Izdeg ta-unza, pl. ti-unzi-win "toupet" [Mrc. 1937, 252] I Mzab Vnz: ta-nzaz-t, pl. ti-nzaz "paquet de mèches de laine que l'on tire du peigne et que l'on enroule sur une quenouille pour la filer" [Dlh. 1984, 143] I Qabyle i-nziz "1. crin long (de mulet, de cheval), 2. fil fin et fort, ficelle fine, cordelette, 3. corde vibrante qui soustend la peau du tambourin, 4. fibre (de muscle), 5. elastique (subst.)" [Dlt. 1982, 591] II WBrb.: Zenaga a-nz "cheveux" [Msq. 1879, 498].

979. AA *VnS "to rage" > Sem.: Ar. Vnsns I: nasnasa "9. agiter, secouer, remuer avec force, 10. donner une forte impulsion à qqch., pousser, mettre en mouvement", nasnasiyy- "agile, vif, adroit" [BK II 1266] III Eg. nsnj (IVae inf.?) "wütend sein, rasen (Gegensatz htp 'friedlich gestimmt, ruhig)" (PT-, Wb II 340) = "se mettre en rage, être tempétueux" (Cannuyer 1983, 26) = "to work (disaster)" (Breasted 1930, 543), nsnj "1. Wut, 2. Unwetter" (OK-, Wb II 341) = "1. wrath, 2. convulsion, strife" (LP, Caminos 1958, 90, §131)63 III NBrb.: Zayan & Sgugu Vnns: ta-nansa "cris, vacarme, tumulte", cf. nsa "être grave, importante, critique" [Lbg. 1924, 574].

980. AA *VnS (perhaps var. *Vns) "to flow"64 > HECu. *ans- "to wash" [Hds. 1989, 404] III Ch. *nasi "to swim" [Stl. 1996, 119] = *nVÂ- [Stl. 1995, 59] = *VnS ~ var. *Vns [GT]65 > WCh.: NBauchi *n[i]s- "to swim" [GT]: Warji nas-, Kariya nasa-, Tsagu nisun (noun) (NBauchi: Skn. 1977, 43) II CCh.: Mbara nis (-1) "nager" [TSL 1986, 274] I Logone nsi ~ lsi (-s-) "schwimmen" [Lks. 1936, 106], Buduma nul "nager" [Gaudiche 1938, 30] I PMasa *nus "nager" [GT]: Gizey,

62 Combined by W.F. Albright (1927, 222), F. von Calice (GÄSW 67, #226), and J. Vergote (1945, 136, §9.b.24) with Ar. Vlss I "to push, repulse" [Alb.] = "stoßen" [Vrg.]. Th. Schneider's (1997, 199-200, #47) etymology (comparison with Hbr. nhy/w "nach einer Seite gehen, leiten" etc.) is out of question.

63 P. Kaplony (KBIÄF 192-3, n. 287) derived this from the biliteral root of Eg. nsns "spucken (PT 205a: von Seth als dem bei seiner Geburt ausgespieenen Gott)", which he eventually connected with Eg. bsj as "stammverwandt"! Ch. Cannuyer (1983, 26), in turn, saw in this Eg. root a prefix n- + Eg. *Vsn, deduced from snj.t "grêle, tempête" (cf. Wb IV 502-3) and snj hFj.t "Aufruhr niederschlagen" (Wb IV 503, 5), although these forms are not even mutually related. Moreover, he a priori excluded any connection with Eg. nsns "déchirer" (CT, Cannuyer) = "zerreißen" (Wb IV 517, 6), although it has most recently been taken up by C. Peust (1997, 269).

64 For the semantic shifts in HECu. vs. Ch. cf., e.g., IE *pleu- "ri/ennen, fließen" > i.a. OGreek tcAûvw "wasche", Lithuanian (caus.) plauju "waschen, spülen" vs. OIndic plava- "schwimmend", OGreek nAé(F)w "schiffe, schwimme" (IE: IEW 835-7).

65 O. Stolbova did not take into account the North Bauchi and Masa gr. reflexes, which suggest a root var. with *-s (secondary CCh. *s?).

Masa, Ham, Lew, Marba nus, Musey lus (Masa gr.: Ajello 2001, 38) II ECh. *Vnl [*l < *S] "to swim" [GT]: Kwang-Ngam nàle I Lele nàl I Somray nàl and Ndam nalà (Ch.: Stl. 1991 MS, 3; 1995, 59, §ii.10; 1996, 119-120).

981. AA *VnSp "to moisten, absorb moisture" > Sem.: Ar. Vnsf I "2. absorber, pomper l'eau, 3. être absorbé et disparaître de la surface", II "3. donner du lait écumant (chamelle)", IV "donner à qqn. à boire du lait tout chaud et écumant" [BK II 1263] = II "sucer, absorber l'eau", IV "s'absorber" [Dozy II 672] = nsf I: nasafa "absorber" [Chouemi 1963-65, 73], Yemeni Ar. nisif I "to sip (coffee etc.)", II "to sip making a sucking noise" [Piamenta 1990-1, 486], Ar. of Hadramaut Vnsf "absorber, boire, sécher" [Landberg 1901, 723] II MSA *Vnsf: Jbl. nisf "to sip", nasfot, pl. enséf "drop, sip (usually of milk)" [Jns. 1981, 194] III Eg. nsp "den Acker befeuchten" (GR, Wb II 339, 9).

982. AA *VnS3 "to rise" > Sem.: Ar. Vnsz I "1. se dresser au-dessus des points d'alentour, être situé plus haut, sur un endroit plus élevé, 3. enlever qqn., le soulever du sol et puis le jeter à terre", IV "enlever qqch. de sa place" [BK II 1260] III Eg. *nsz "to rise (???)", cf. PT 1569b twt nsz twt nszz.t66 parallel to PT 1569a: twt swj twt swj.t "you are he who is lifted up, you are she who is lifted up" (AEPT 237).

983. AA *VnSm "to flow out" > Sem.: Ar. Vnsm II "3. laisser sortir à sa surface et, pour ainsi dire, suer l'eau (se dit de la terre)" [BK II 1265] III Eg. nsm.t > nsmj "*Ausfluß" (Med., WMT 484; GHWb 435).

984. AA *VnZ "to pre-/excede" > Brb. *Vnzy "zuerst kommen, vorangehen" [Snd.] > NBrb.: Mzg. nzu "1. être précoce, arriver tôt, de bonne heure, 2. faire en priorité, commencer le plus tôt possible" [Tf. 1991, 512] I Qabyle e-nzu "aborder en priorité, faire passer le premier" [Dlt. 1982, 590] II SBrb.: Hgr. ä-nahu, pl. i-nha "excédent du partageants (dans un partage par groupes égaux)" [Prs. 1969, 81, #536] etc. (abundant Brb. reflexes, cf. Mlt. 1988, 197, #; Snd. 1993, 170-2) III CCh.: Mandara nza "surpasser" [Mch.]67, Malgwa nza "früher" [Löhr 2002, 304].

985. AA *VnS "a bit, a little" > SCu.: Iraqw nas-ut "to become small, thin, broken", nasu (m) "a pinch of ..." [MQK 2002, 77-78] III NOm.: Baditu nays-e "piccolo" [Crl. 1929, 62] I Nayi -nca- "thin" [Akl.] = nacu [Bnd. 1996 MS, #83] III CCh.: Baldamu nise "petit" [Sgn.-Trn. 1984, 26] II ECh.: Kera nus "a bit" [Pearce 1998-9, 64].

986. AA *VnS "child" > SOm.: Dime nic [-ts] "boy, child, son" [Flm. apud Bnd. 1996 MS, 1, #17] = (gosta)-nic [-ts] "boy, child, baby" [Bnd.] = nith "boy, child, son" [Sbr. apud Bnd.], Ari nit "child, son" [Flm.], Hamar nas-i "boy, child, baby" [Bnd.] = "child, son" [Flm.] (SOm.: Flm. 1988, 171, #16; Bnd. 1994, 146) III CCh.: PBata *nsV "Kind" [GT]: Bata-Demsa nsë [Str.], Bachama nze [Meek], Gudu nzu [Krf.], Kobochi nse [Str.], Wadi nso [Str.], Nzangi ënsë [Str.] = inza [Meek], Holma nânsë [Str.] (CCh.: Str. 1922-23, 119; JI 1994 II 75).

987. AA *VnS "to close" > NBrb.: Mzg. ta-nas-t "1. clé (pour ouvrir), 2. grosse clé des verrous anciens" [Tf. 1991, 497] I Mzab-Wargla a-nnas "serrure, clef" [Lst. 1931, 295], Mzab

66 These phrases have so far resisted a reliable translation (cf. Wb II 342, 9-10; AAG 97; AEPT 237).

67 O. Stolbova (2005, 135, #506) misderived this word from her Ch. *nVS- and combined it with Akk. nes/su "strong" [CAD 190] = "em Starker" [AHW 782] (misquoted by Stolbova with -i-).

a-nnas "serrure (surtout ancienne)", t-nas-t "clé" [Dlh. 1984, 139-140], Wargla a-nnas "serrure, système de fermeture d'une porte, gros loquet", t-nas-t "clé" [Dlh. 1987, 224-5] Il EBrb.: Ghadames tu-nis-t "clef à dents, clef en bois" [Lanfry 1973, 247, #1162], Siwa ti-nas-t "Schlüssel" [Stumme 1914, 103] = te-nés-t "key" [Quibell 1918, 102] = t-nas-t "longue clef de bois" [Lst. 1931, 216], Djerba (Gellala) te-nas-t "clé" [Saada 1965, 496], Fogaha ta-nâs-t "chiave" [Prd. 1961, 300], Audjila te-nïs-t ~ t-nîs "chiave" [Prd. 1960, 162], Sokna t-nâs-t "chiave" [Sarnelli 1924-5, 14] Il SBrb.: Ghat ta-nas-t "cadenas" [Nhl. 1909, 137] III SCu.: Iraqw nöc- (-ts-) "to stop up" [Wtl. 1960, 81] = noc (-ts) "to patch up a hole in a container" [Mgw. 1989, 116; MQK 2002, 79] III WCh.: Tangale nase "to close" [Jng. 1991, 123] II CCh.: (?) Daba-Kola n3au [*nc-voiced?] "serrer" [Wdk. 1975, 93].

988. AA *VnS "tail" > (?) Eg. ns "Schurzzipfel (der aus dem Gürtel herausragt)" (GHWb 430) I II EBrb.: Siwa a-nsus "anus", i-nsüs-in "Gesäß", a-friq n-a-nsus "Hinterbacke" [Stumme 1914, 97] III NOm.: (?) Haruro nazz-e "membro virile" [CR 1937, 656], Ganjule néce (-ts-) "tail" [Sbr.], Kachama nacé (-ts-) "tail" [Sbr.], Koyra nacce "tail" [Sbr.] (NOm.: Sbr. 1994, 20) III CCh. *Vnys (?) "tail" [JS 1981, 260]: Bachama nyiisé, pl. nyèsé "tail" [Skn. apud Pweddon 2000, 67], Gudu nezu "tail" [IL] I Buduma njui "tail" [Nct.] = njùè [Cyffer] (CCh.: JI 1994 II 317).

Abbreviations of languages

(A): Akhmimic, AA: Afro-Asiatic, Akk.: Akkadian, Amh.: Amharic, Ar.: Arabic, Aram.: Aramaic, AS: Angas-Sura, Ass.: Assyrian, (B): Bohairic, Bab.: Babylonian, BD: Book of the Dead, Bed.: Bed'awye, Brb.: Berber, BT: Bole-Tangale, Ch.: Chadic, CCh.: Central Chadic, CT: coffin texts, Cu.: Cushitic, ECh.: East Chadic, ECu.: East Cushitic, Dhl.: Dahalo, E: East(ern), Eg.: Egyptian, ES: Ethio-Semitic, EWlm.: East Tawllemmet, (F): Fayyumic, Gdm.: Ghadames, GR: Greek (Ptolemaic) and Roman Period, GW: syllabic or group-writing, HECu.: Highland East Cushitic, Hgr.: Ahaggar, Hrs.: Harsusi, IE: Indo-European, IMP: Intermediate Period, Irq.: Iraqw, JAram.: Jewish Aramaic, Jbl.: Jibbali, (L): Lycopolitan (or Subakhmimic), LECu.: Lowland East Cushitic, Lit.: literary texts, LP: Late Period, M: Middle, Med.: medical texts, Mhr.: Mehri, MK: Middle Kingdom, MSA: Modern South Arabian, Mzg.: Tamazight, N: North, NBch.: North Bauchi, NBrb.: North Berber, NK: New Kingdom, NOm.: North Omotic, O: Old, OEg.: Old Egyptian, OK: Old Kingdom, Om.: Omotic, OSA: Old South Arabian, PCh.: Proto-Chadic, PCu.: Proto-Cushitic, PT: pyramid texts, Qbl.: Qabyle, Qwd.: Qwadza, S: South(ern), (S): Sahidic, Samar.: Samaritan, SBrb.: South Berber, Sem.: Semitic, Sqt.: Soqotri, Tna.: Tigrinya, W: West(ern), WBrb.: West Berber, WCh.: West Chadic, Wlmd.: Tawllemmet, WSem.: West Semitic, Y: Younger.

Abbreviations of author names

Abr.: Abraham, AC: Andreu & Cauville, AJ: Alio & Jungraithmayr, Akl.: Aklilu, Alb.: Albright, AMS: Amborn, Minker, Sasse, Apl.: Appleyard, Ast.: Aistleitner, Bgc.: Bougchiche, Bgn.: Beguinot, BK: Biberstein Kazimirsky, Blf.: Boulifa, Bnd.: Bender, Brg.: Bargery, Brk.: Brockelmann, Brn.: Biarnay, Brt.: Barreteau, Bst.: Basset, Chn.: Cohen, Clm.: Colombel, Cpr.: Cooper, CR: Conti Rossini, Crl.: Cerulli, Csp.: Cosper, Djk.: D'jakonov, DL: Dietrich & Loretz, Dlh.: Delheure, Dlt.: Dallet, DM: Djibrine & Montgolfier, Ebs.: Ebobisse, Fcd.: Foucauld, Fdr.: Fédry, Flk.: Foulkes, Flm.: Fleming, Frj.: Frajzyngier, Ftp.: Fitzpatrick, GB: Gesenius & Buhl, Gdk.: Goedicke, Grb.: Greenberg, GT: Takacs, Hds.: Hudson, Hlw.: Hellwig, Hnrg.: Huehnergard, Hyw.: Hayward, IL: Institute of Linguistics, JA: Jungraithmayr & Adams, Jng.: Jungraithmayr, Jns.: Johnstone, JS: Jungraithmayr & Shimizu, JW: Jansen-Winkeln, KB: Koeehler & Baumgartner, KM: Kießling & Mous, Krf.: Kraft, Lbg.: Loubignac, LH: Littmann & Höfner, Lks.: Lukas, Lmb.: Lamberti, Lnf.: Lanfry, Lns.: Lenssen, Lsl.: Leslau, LSS: Lonnet & Simeone-Senelle, Lst.: Laoust, Mgw.: Maghway, Mkr.: Mukarovsky, Mlt.: Militarev, MM: Majzel' & Militarev, Mntsr.: Mountassir, MQK: Mous & Qorro & Kießling, Mrc.: Mercier, Msq.: Masqueray, Mtl.: Motylinsky, Mts.: Matsushita, Ncl.: Nicolas, Nct.: Nachti-gal, Nhl.: Nehlil, Nkn.: Nakano, Ntg.: Netting, NZ: Naït-Zerrad, OS: Orel & Stolbova, PAM: Prasse & Alojaly &

Mohamed, PG: Pillinger & Galboran, PH: Parker & Hayward, PK: Posener-Kriéger, Prd.: Paradisi, Prs.: Prasse,

Pwd.: Pweddon, RB: Rapp & Benzing, Rdk.: Rhodokanakis, RK: Reutt & Kogan, Rn.: Reinisch, Rns.: Renisio, Rpr.:

Roper, Rsg.: Rossing, Rsl.: Rössler, Sbr.: Siebert, Sgn.: Seignobos, Skn.: Skinner, Smz.: Shimizu, Snd.: Schneider,

Snk.: Schenkel, Spg.: Spiegelberg, Srl.: Sirlinger, Srn.: Sarnelli, SS: Simeone-Senelle, Ss.: Sasse, Stl.: Stolbova, Str.:

Strümpell, Stz.: Satzinger, Tf.: Taïfi, Trn.: Tourneux, Vcl.: Vycichl, Vrg.: Vergote, Wdk.: Wedekind, Wst.: Westendorf, Wtl.: Whiteley.


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Статья представляет собой очередную серию новых афразийских этимологий, собранных и обработанных автором на протяжении последнего десятилетия в ходе работы над этимологическим словарем египетского языка. Данная публикация (этимологии 919—988) посвящена афразийским корням, начинающимся с дентального носового *n-и имеющим в качестве второго корневого согласного сибилянт.

Ключевые слова: афразийские языки, египетский язык, историческая фонетика, языковая реконструкция.

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