Научная статья на тему 'Legal liability for land violations'

Legal liability for land violations Текст научной статьи по специальности «Право»

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Ключевые слова
land offenses / legal liability / types of punishments / land and legal liability / земельные правонарушения / юридическая ответственность / виды наказаний / зе- мельно-правовая ответственность.

Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Aminov Ildar Rinatovich, Iksanov Radmir Auzagievich, Zamanova D. A.

The Article is devoted to the problem of legal liability for land offenses. The types of land and legal liability are considered, and the analysis of the applied measures of legal responsibility for committing land offenses is carried out.

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Статья посвящена проблематике юридической ответственности за совершение земельных правонарушений. Рассмотрены виды земельно-правовой ответственности, проведен анализ применяемых мер юридической ответственности за совершение земельных правонарушений.

Текст научной работы на тему «Legal liability for land violations»

JURISPRUDENCE / <<Ш^ШетиМ~^®У©Ма[1>>#41!6)),2©2©

УДК 34

Аминов Ильдар Ринатович,

к.ю.н., доцент кафедры государственного права Института права БашГУ Иксанов Радмир Аузагиевич, ст. преп., кафедры экономики и менеджмента

Башкирского ГАУ Заманова Д.А.

студент 1 курса магистратуры очной формы обучения направления подготовки «юриспруденция» профиль: «Правовое регулирование ГМУ» Института права БашГУ DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2020-11380 ЮРИДИЧЕСКАЯ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬ ЗА СОВЕРШЕНИЕ ЗЕМЕЛЬНЫХ


Aminov Ildar Rinatovich,

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Department of Public Law

Institute of Law, BashSU Iksanov Radmir Auzagievich, Art. Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management

Bashkir GAU Zamanova D.A. 1st year full-time student areas of training "jurisprudence" Profile: "Legal Regulation of the State Medical University"

Institute of Law, BashSU



Статья посвящена проблематике юридической ответственности за совершение земельных правонарушений. Рассмотрены виды земельно-правовой ответственности, проведен анализ применяемых мер юридической ответственности за совершение земельных правонарушений.


The Article is devoted to the problem of legal liability for land offenses. The types of land and legal liability are considered, and the analysis of the applied measures of legal responsibility for committing land offenses is carried out.

Ключевые слова: земельные правонарушения, юридическая ответственность, виды наказаний, земельно-правовая ответственность.

Keywords: land offenses, legal liability, types of punishments, land and legal liability.

Land resources are an important natural resource for present and future generations. This fact confirms the importance of legal and state regulation of land use. The state, represented by state bodies, provides a balance of socio-economic interests of various subjects of land relations, as well as ensures the effective use of resources in the field of land relations through legal and law enforcement activities. Efficient and rational use of land is one of the main principles of agricultural legislation. This is reflected in the behavior of land users, which will achieve the greatest effect from land use and ensure optimal interaction with natural factors. Preservation of optimal conditions for effective use of land, protection of the natural environment of people is considered the basis of land legislation today. The need to protect territories as an important element of the natural environment is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Law and order is provided in various ways. One of these ways is to assign legal responsibility to the offender, that is, the offense is the basis for the implementation of legal responsibility. This circumstance is necessary within the objective protection of

land guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The human factor of influence leads to an aggravation of environmental conditions. However, we come to the same result due to non-compliance or unreasonable fulfillment of legal conditions. It is in the interests of the law to stop operations that contradict the conditions for optimal use of territories, as well as to encourage the implementation of actions prescribed by the rules of land law. It is very important to make timely additions and changes to the land legislation, because it is necessary to maintain a balance between the interests of people, by minimizing the harm that affects the environment due to the constantly developing needs of the population.

Thus, the above confirms the need to consider the legal nature and essence of illegal actions against land resources.

The modernization of the social structure requires the activation of the process of innovative development and the formation of a socially-oriented state by increasing the role of science in justifying the "smooth" transition from the regional alignment policy to its new

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type, corresponding to the Federal structure of Russia [7].

In the early 1990s of the last century, a reform was carried out in Russia that affected the most important areas in the field of land relations, aimed at creating conditions for the development of various forms of land management by redistributing land and transferring it to both private and collective ownership. Based on the analysis of the reform, we conclude that the government of the Russian Federation supports new trends in the formation of a more focused, coordinated and effective management system in the field of land relations.

In the scientific literature on land law, there are several definitions of land offenses. The generally accepted definition of a land offense is the following: "a land offense is an illegal act of the perpetrator (action or omission) directed against the system established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other laws, the management and use of land, its protection, and the protection of the rights and interests of legal entities and citizens" [9].

Society and the state have a direct interest in ensuring that people voluntarily and conscientiously comply with the law of land legislation by means of coercion and punishment.

There are various measures of legal responsibility for land-related crimes. Legal responsibility for land is a variation of General social responsibility, which is a form of state response to non-compliance with a certain order in the field of land management. It has a number of specific properties:

1. The violation must have a connection to the ground;

2. The link must have a violation of the rules of quarantine pest control or failure to take measures to control weeds, etc.;

3. The connection with the land must be direct, only then can violations be considered land-legal.

In the course of the activities of control and Supervisory organizations, violations of land legislation are found that entail legal responsibility. There are various types of legal liability for crimes against Land:

1. Criminal liability is considered the most severe of all types of legal liability. Penalties for crimes related to land use, as well as for environmental, tax and property crimes related to land use, include: a criminal fine; deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities; mandatory work: socially useful work performed by the convicted person free of charge in their free time from work or study; correctional labor - work in which the state's income is deducted from the convicted person's earnings in the amount established by the court's verdict; restriction of freedom, that is, withholding of the state's income. prohibition to leave the place of residence at certain times of the day, to visit certain places located within the territory of the municipality, to leave the territory of the municipality without the consent of the state body, to monitor compliance with the punishment of restriction of freedom on the part of convicts; mandatory work, that is, participation of the convicted person in work in places determined by institutions and bodies of the criminal Executive system. Forced labor is a relatively new type of punishment provided for in the Criminal code of the Russian Federation since 2011. it is used as an alternative to imprisonment for a light or moderate crime or for a serious crime committed for the first time. isolation of the convict from society by sending him to a colony-settlement, placement in an educational colony, medical correctional institution, correctional

colony of General, strict or special regime, or in prison [4]. Individuals (rarely officials) are held liable for criminal offences in the field of land relations.

2. Administrative responsibility for crimes against land. Administrative punishment is a measure of responsibility established by the state for the Commission of an administrative offense, and is used to prevent the Commission of new crimes by both the offender and other persons. An administrative offense is an illegal, guilty (intentional or negligent) act (omission) of an individual or legal entity whose administrative responsibility is established by the Criminal code of the Russian Federation or the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses. Types of administrative penalties provided by KoAP of the Russian Federation: a warning is an official reprimand of a natural or legal person in writing; administrative fine, a monetary penalty, which must be fully credited to the budget; confiscation of an instrument or object of an administrative offense, that is, a compulsory and free appeal to Federal property or property of a subject of the Russian Federation for things removed from circulation, appointed by a judge; deprivation of a special right previously granted to an individual, is established for gross or systematic violation of the procedure for exercising this right. As for crimes against Land, this responsibility is provided for: the judge-appointed detention of the offender in isolation from society is set for a period of up to 15 days. 10.5.1 administrative Code of the Russian Federation; disqualification, that is, the appointment of a judge for a period of 6 months to 3 years, depriving an individual of the right to fill the position of the state civil service, municipal service, and a number of others, to carry out certain activities. 5.63, 14.35, 19.4.1, 19.5; suspension of administrative activities, that is, the completion of temporary (for up to 90 days) activities of persons engaged in commercial activities without the formation of a legal entity, legal entities, their branches, representative offices, structural divisions, individual production sites, as well as the operation of units, objects, buildings or structures, the implementation of certain activities (works), the provision of services [5]. It should also be noted that individuals, officials and legal entities are held liable for administrative violations in the field of land use.

It is important to note that in accordance with the current administrative legislation, such types of punishments as administrative expulsion of a foreign citizen or stateless person from the Russian Federation and mandatory work are not applied for committing land administrative offenses. Administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation of a foreign citizen or a stateless person the type of administrative punishment is established only by the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation and does not apply to legal entities.

3. Disciplinary responsibility for crimes against the Earth. Disciplinary liability is applied for non-compliance or improper performance by employees, through their fault, of the duties assigned to them, either by public servants or municipal employees, or for the performance of labor duties by employees of various organizations. Unlike administrative and criminal liability, the legislation does not contain a list of disciplinary offenses. An exception is the application of disciplinary measures provided for by the Land code in cases of land-related crimes, such as the design, placement and commissioning of facilities that have a negative (harmful) impact on the land and contamination of

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the land with chemical and radioactive substances, industrial waste and waste water. However, in most cases, the nature and content of land-related crimes that entail disciplinary responsibility are determined by the specific nature of the organization or body with which the employee has an employment or service relationship and his or her official duties. Disciplinary responsibility in most cases applies to officials.

4. Compensation for damage caused by crimes against the Earth. In accordance with the Land code, citizens and legal entities are required to fully compensate for damage caused as a result of committing crimes against Land. Property (material) liability for violations of land legislation is divided into property liability of employees established by the labor code and civil liability established by the Civil code. The difference between civil and property liability of an employee is limited only to direct actual damage and does not provide for compensation for lost profits. In recent decades, the role of civil liability for land-related crimes has increased, which is reflected in compensation for losses, etc., as a result of land privatization, the transition to market relations and the expansion of the relationship between land and property, methods of regulating private law. Civil liability measures that are purely property-related are applied for violations of agricultural, civil and other legislation related to damage to land and protected rights and interests of land users. Civil liability applies to both individuals and legal entities. 76), the Forest code (article 100), the law on environmental protection (article 78), and other Federal laws regulating environmental relations, and for the most part, the rules of the Civil code that establish General rules for compensation (articles 15, 16, 1064, 1082, and others) [3].

5. Compulsory confiscation of land as a kind of legal liability for crimes against land. In case of violation of the land legislation, the land may be forcibly withdrawn. The conditions and procedure for compulsory termination of rights to land in connection with its improper use by persons who are not its owners are determined by the Land code. At the same time, the forced termination of the right of lifetime hereditary possession, right of permanent (perpetual) use, right of free fixed-term use and lease is carried out on the grounds envisaged by paragraph 2 of article 45 and paragraph 2 of article 46 of the Land code. The legal responsibility of the land should also be taken into account. Legal liability for land is a type of legal liability for violation of land law that can be applied by itself or as an additional type of civil, administrative or criminal liability. Legal liability on Land is an effective type of legal liability for violation of land legislation, since its actions directly affect relations with land. One of the most important and frequently applied sanctions for legal liability for land is land confiscation. This penalty is applied to the owner or owner of the land [8].

Summing up the above, we can conclude that non-compliance with legal requirements, violation of land legislation, of course, have a negative impact on the use and protection of land. The most important element of the legal guarantee of land use and land users is the use of legal means of influence to eliminate violations of land law, restore the violated right and bring the perpe-

trators to legal responsibility. I would also like to emphasize that the current legislation in the field of bringing to justice for land offenses is aimed at preventing actions that negatively affect the effective use and protection of land, as well as performing positive actions for the use and protection of land. In other words, rational use of land resources, as well as their protection, is a key institution of responsibility in land law.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted by the people is a vote on December 12, 1993. (with other amendments made by the laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Federal Constitution of the Russian Federation from 30 offenses of December2008, No. 6-FCA, from December 30, 2008, No. 7-FCL is recognized, from February 5, 2014, No. 2-related FCL, from July 21, 2014, No. 11-FKZ) / / inherited official Order Internet portal of legal assignable information[ / Electronic resource]. services URL: http: / / www. pravo. gov. ru/ (employees date of request: removal 11.12.2019).

2. February Civil Code of the Russian Federation. the first part is considered to be Applied from November 30, 1994. 51-violations of the Federal law (s). ISM. and additional from 18 correctional Jul-land 2019 no. 177-FL) / / Official form of the Internet portal of land legal information [reference electronic resource]. URL: http: / / www. pravo. gov. ru/ (official Datastream: 11.12.2019).

3. land Isolation code of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2001. 136-temporary FL (as amended from 02.08.2019) / / Official Internet portal of legal information [Electronic resource]. URL: http: / / www. pravo. gov. ru/ (accessed 23.12.2019).

4. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 63-FL of June 13, 1996 (with posl. ISM. of December 2, 2019, no. 410-FZ) / / Official Internet portal of legal information [Electronic resource]. URL: http: / / www. pravo. gov. ru/ (accessed 11.12.2019).

5. Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offences. 195-FL of December 30, 2001 (with posl. ISM. of December 16, 2019 No. 441) / / Official Internet portal of legal information [Electronic resource]. URL: http: / / www. pravo. gov. ru/ (accessed 11.12.2019).

6. Labor code of the Russian Federation. 197-FL of December 30, 2001 (with posl. ISM. of December 02, 2019, no. 393-FZ) / / Official Internet portal of legal information [Electronic resource]. URL: http: / / www. pravo. gov. ru/ (accessed 11.12.2019).

7. Aminov I. R. Actual problems and prospects of administration of urban district Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan // Bulletin of the Ufa law Institute of MIA Russia. 2017. 3 (77). Pp. 22-26.

8. Iksanov R. A. Problems of improving environmental supervision in agriculture / / Constitution of the Russian Federation and modern law and order Moscow legal week. Proceedings of the XV international scientific and practical conference: in 5 parts. 2019. Pp. 99103.

9. S. A. Lipsky. Legal support of land management and cadastre: textbook / S. A. Lipsky, I. I. Gor-dienko, K. V. Simonova. - 2nd ed., erased. - Moscow: KNORUS, 2018. - 430 p.

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УДК 340

Зяблова Татьяна Евгеньевна,

кандидат юридических наук, доцент доцент кафедры теории и истории государства и права

ВЮИ ФСИН России Россия, г. Владимир Комарова Яна Бахрузовна Старший преподаватель кафедры теории и истории государства и права

ВЮИ ФСИН России Россия, г. Владимир DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2020-11381 ПРОГНОЗИРОВАНИЕ КАК ЭЛЕМЕНТ ЗАКОНОТВОРЧЕСТВА

Zyablova Tat'yana E.,

Assistant Professor of Theory and History of State and Law Department of VLI of the FPS ofRussia

PhD (Law), Associate Professor Komarova Yana B.

Senior Lecturer

of Theory and History of State and Law Department of VLI of the FPS ofRussia



Статья посвящена одному из аспектов актуальной проблемы правового прогнозирования, а именно: определению места прогнозирования в законотворчестве. С целью решения поставленной задачи авторы разграничивают понятия законотворчества, законотворческой деятельности, законодательного и законотворческого процессов применительно к их содержанию, стадиям и субъектному составу; анализируют возможность использования прогнозирования на различных стадиях законотворческой деятельности, опираясь на положения теории юридического прогнозирования. Обосновывается вывод о прогнозировании как «сквозном» процессе, потребность в котором существует на всех этапах создания закона, а также о различных его видах.


The article is devoted to one of the aspects of the actual problem of legal predicting, namely, determining the place ofpredicting in lawmaking. In order to solve this problem, the authors distinguish the concepts of lawmaking, legislative activity, legislative and legislative processes in relation to their content, stages and subject composition; analyze the possibility of using predicting at various stages of lawmaking, based on the provisions of the theory of legal predicting. The author substantiates the conclusion about forecasting as a «cross-cutting» process, the need for which exists at all stages of creating a law, as well as its various types.

Ключевые слова: законодательный процесс, законотворчество, нормативный правовой акт, прогнозирование в законотворчестве, субъект законотворчества, теория юридического прогнозирования.

Keywords: legislative process, law-making, normative legal act, predicting in law-making, subject of lawmaking, theory of legal predicting.

В последние годы в теории права наблюдается рост интереса к проблематике правового прогнозирования. Обсуждается его роль и значение в правотворчестве, обосновывается необходимость его более широкого применения при создании законов и т.д. При этом констатируется, что в настоящее время прогнозирование законодательной деятельности в РФ отсутствует, а планирование ограничивается рамками текущей сессии Государственной Думы [2, с. 7-9], что делает проблему прогнозирования чрезвычайно актуальной в части разработки его прикладных аспектов.

Следует иметь в виду, что решение прикладных задач, в свою очередь, возможно только на основе прочного методологического фундамента, исключающего противоречия, пробелы и неясности в самой юридической науке в отношении процессуальных, технических и организационных вопросов прогнозирования как в правотворчестве в целом, так и в законотворческой деятельности, в частности. В связи с этим, одной из важных задач является

определение места прогнозирования в правотворчестве, что и явилось целью настоящей статьи.

Несмотря на то, что в юридической науке проблематика прогнозирования начала разрабатываться еще в конце 60 гг. прошлого века [1, с. 27], до настоящего времени сохраняется неопределенность по ряду вопросов, касающихся сферы законотворчества. Так, в научной и учебной литературе одни авторы включают прогнозирование в состав законодательного процесса, другие же рассматривают его в качестве элемента более широкого явления - законотворческого процесса.

Ю.А. Тихомиров, исходя из понимания законодательного процесса как важнейшей части общего процесса создания закона и определяя его как систему связанных между собой стадий анализа и выявления законодательных проблем, подготовки и обсуждения законопроектов, их рассмотрения и принятия высшим органом государственной власти, либо путем всенародного голосования [12, с. 182], называет прогнозирование и планирование

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