LEARNING STYLES OF MEDICAL STUDENTS Munkhchuluun L.1, Oyunchimeg Sh.2, Bayarmaa N.3, Khishigzhargal D.4
1Munkhchuluun Lkhagvadorzh - Master of Educational Sciences;
2Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren - Master of Educational Sciences;
3Bayarmaa Natsag - Master of Education Sciences;
4Khishigzhargal Damdindorj - Master of Technical Sciences;
Abstract: the quick acquisition of a vast amount of information is necessary for medical education. There are numerous different learning styles among medical trainees. It is challenging for instructors to conduct training in this manner. Neil Fleming created one of the most famous in 1987. Fleming proposed the VARK model of learning, which states that there are four main types of learners: kinesthetic, visual, auditory, and reading/writing. This study is to identify students learning styles using the VARK model (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic). The option of VARK learning style have determined by 16 questions of the VARC questionnaire (version 7.8), and statistical analysis have carried out using Microsoft Excel and Google form programs. A random sample of 93 first-year students participated in the study. As can be seen from graph 2, the Visual model is 13%, the Aural model is 21%, the Read/write model is 38%, and the Kinesthetic model is 28%, so students choose reading and writing models the most. According to table 1, the combined model of RK or Read/write, Kinesthetic or information storage, and memory style was 67%. In contrast, according to table 2, the triple model of RKA or Read/write, Kinesthetic information storage and memory, and Aural listening style was 77%. According to the survey results, 14 males and 79 females out of the 93 students who took participated in the research were men. Female students favor a multi-style approach to learning. Male students, on the other hand, favored a unimodal approach to study. The majority of students are interested in learning in a multi-style paradigm, according to the research.Per the VARK model, students chose to learn using a combination of the RK or Read/write model, which combines reading and writing with kinesthetic information storage and memory, and the RKA or Read/write model, which combines reading and writing with kinesthetic information storage and memory and an aural listening style. Keywords: Medical education, learning style, models, VARK, experience.
СТИЛИ ОБУЧЕНИЯ СТУДЕНТОВ-МЕДИКОВ Мунхчулуун Л.1, Оюунчимэг Ш.2, Баярмаа Н.3, Хишигжаргал Д.4
1Мунхчулуун Лхагвадорж - магистр образовательных наук;
2Оюунчимэг Шагдарсурэн - магистр образовательных наук;
3Баярмаа Нацаг - магистр образовательных наук;
4Хишигжаргал Дамдиндорж - магистр технических наук; кафедра фундаментальных наук, Дарханская Медицинская Школа, Монгольского национального университета медицинских наук,
г. Дархан-Уул, Монголия
Аннотация: для медицинского образования необходимо быстрое получение огромного количества информации. Среди стажеров-медиков существует множество различных стилей обучения. Инструкторам сложно проводить обучение таким образом. Нил Флеминг создал одну из самых известных в 1987 году. Флеминг предложил модель обучения VARK, в которой говорится, что существует четыре основных типа учащихся: кинестетические, визуальные, аудиальные и чтение/письмо. Это исследование предназначено для определения стилей обучения студентов с использованием модели VARK (визуальный, слуховой, чтение/письмо, кинестетический). Вариант стиля обучения ВАРК определяли по 16 вопросам анкеты ВАРК (версия 7.8), а статистический анализ проводили с помощью программ Microsoft Excel и Google form. В исследовании приняли участие случайная выборка из 93 студентов первого курса. Как видно из графика 2, Визуальная модель составляет 13%, Ауральная модель - 21%, Чтение/запись - 38%, Кинестетическая модель - 28%, поэтому учащиеся чаще всего выбирают модели чтения и письма. Согласно таблице 1, комбинированная модель РК или чтения/записи, кинестетического или хранения информации и стиля памяти составила 67%. Напротив, согласно таблице 2, тройная модель RKA или чтение/запись, хранение и память кинестетической информации и слуховой стиль прослушивания составила 77%. По результатам опроса из 93 студентов, принявших участие в исследовании, 14 юношей и 79 девушек были мужчинами. Студентки предпочитают многостилевой подход к обучению. С другой стороны, студенты-мужчины предпочитали унимодальный подход к учебе. Согласно исследованию, большинство учащихся заинтересованы в обучении в многостилевой парадигме. В соответствии с моделью VARK учащиеся выбрали для обучения комбинацию модели RK или модели чтения/записи, которая
сочетает чтение и письмо с хранением кинестетической информации. и память, а также модель RKA или чтение/запись, которая сочетает в себе чтение и письмо с хранением кинестетической информации и памятью, а также слуховым стилем слушания.
Ключевые слова: медицинское образование, стиль обучения, модели, ВАРК, опыт.
"learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience".
The quick acquisition of a vast amount of information is necessary for medical education. There are numerous different learning styles among medical trainees. It is challenging for instructors to conduct training in this manner. Therefore, it has become necessary for teachers to employ a diversity of teaching philosophies. Everyone has a favored learning style, and adult learning is "learner-centered," according to Dr. Malcolm Knowles' theory. Claxton and Murrell distinguish four categories of learning styles: personal, knowledge processing, social interaction, and learning choice. There are many models of learning styles, such as the learning Style Inventory (LSI) based on the Kolb Model of Analysis, Survey Model (LSQ), Cognitive Model (CSA), and VARK.
Neil Fleming created one of the most famous in 1987. Fleming proposed the VARK model of learning, which states that there are four main types of learners: kinesthetic, visual, auditory, and reading/writing.
1. Visual thinking involves using pictures rather than words. Graphs, tables, charts, maps, colors, and diagrams are learning tools for visual learners. They also learn better holistically than sequentially or in fragments. The ability to see the big picture is one of the benefits of visual learning.
2. "Aural learning style is the style in which individuals learn best by listening to instructions and saying the answers. Aural learners have characterized by the ability to speak and act. As a rule, auditory learners prefer listening to lectures rather than taking notes.
3. Students learning to read/write often do well in lectures, as they tend to write down in detail everything the teacher says. Taking notes plays into their hands as it helps to consolidate their learning and serves as an important learning tool later on.
4. Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by connecting to reality and they acquire
information through experience and practice.
This study is to identify students learning styles using the VARK model (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic).
To determine the learning styles of medical students using the WARC questionnaire
• To determine the learning style of new students entering medical school.
• To analyze
Material and methods
The option of VARK learning style have determined by 16 questions of the VARC questionnaire (version 7.8), and statistical analysis have carried out using Microsoft Excel and Google form programs. A random sample of 93 first-year students participated in the study.
Research section
A total of 93 students took part in the survey. There were 14 male and 79 female participants.
Multimodel, 57%
Fig. 1. Learning Models /percentages
43% of the students surveyed were willing in learning in a unimodal while 57% of them were eager to learn in a multi-style model.
Fig. 2. Multimodel learning /percentages.
As can be seen from graph 2, the Visual model is 13%, the Aural model is 21%, the Read/write model is 38%, and the Kinesthetic model is 28%, so students choose reading and writing models the most.
Table 1. Bimodalpercentage.
Bimodel %
RK 67
AR 17
VA 16
Table 2. Trimodal /percentage.
67 17 16
Trimodel RKA ARK VAR
77 14 9
According to table 1, the combined model of RK or Read/write, Kinesthetic or information storage, and memory style was 67%. In contrast, according to table 2, the triple model of RKA or Read/write, Kinesthetic information storage and memory, and Aural listening style was 77%.
Fig. 3. Learning style /gender.
According to the survey results, 14 males and 79 females out of the 93 students who took participated in the research were men. Female students favor a multi-style approach to learning. Male students, on the other hand, favored a unimodal approach to study. Conclusion:
1. The majority of students are interested in learning in a multi-style paradigm, according to the research.
2. Per the VARK model, students chose to learn using a combination of the RK or Read/write model, which combines reading and writing with kinesthetic information storage and memory, and the RKA or Read/write model, which combines reading and writing with kinesthetic information storage and memory and an aural listening style.
References / Список литературы
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