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learning presentations / interactive teaching methods / communicative competence / foreign languages / students of military specialties / information and communication technologies / distance learning courses.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Remizantseva K., Ivanenko V.

The article deals with the issue of teaching students of military specialties by means of learning presenta-tions. The authors analyse a methodological approach in the use of learning presentations. The main goal of this research is to examine the influence of learning presentation on the development of students’ communica-tive competence. Productive use of learning presentations at foreign language practical lessons is possible at different stages of teaching: explanation of new material, students’ independent work in distant education and summarizing the studied material. The paper presents various stages of creating learning presentations by teachers for forming special skills in students: development of logical and creative mentality and practical skills. During the pedagogical experiment, the criteria (motivational, cognitive, and activity), indicators, and levels (high, sufficient and low) of the development of students’ communicative competence by using learning presentations were determined. 46 students of the Weapons and Military Equipment Faculty at the Military Institute of Armoured Forces of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” took part in the experiment. The results prove that using learning presentations at practical lessons allows increasing the level of communicative activity and motivate students to study English for professional purpose. The material pre-sented in the paper leads to the conclusion that the use of presentations is topical in the electronic shells for distant education that is becoming increasingly important at the present moment.

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«етуушшум-шушаи» #шге)), mm а pedagogical sciences


3. Набока Р.М., Шуклша В.В. Сценарний щд-хвд в управлшт шформацшно-комушкацшним по-тенщалом пвдприемства в ланцюгу постачань Еко-ном1чний вкник, 2020. № 1. С. 125-136.

4. Стрюк А.М. Система «Агапа» як зааб нав-чання системного програмування бакалавр1в программ! шженерп [Текст] : дис.. .. канд. пед. наук: 13.00.10 / Андрш Миколайович Стрюк. - К., 2012. 312 с.

5. Чередтченко Г.А., Шапран Л.Ю. Модель змшаного навчання i ii використання у викладанш шоземних мов [Електронний ресурс] / Г.А. Черед-нiченко, Л.Ю. Шапран // Третя мiжнародна нау-ково-практична конференцiя «MoodleMoot Ukraine 2015. Теорiя i практика використання системи уп-равлiння навчанням Moodle». (Ки!в, КНУБА, 21-22 травня 2015 р.): тези доповщей. КНУБА, 2015. -68с. URL: http://2015.moodlemoot.in.ua/course/view.php?id=83.

6. Blended Learning // The Clayton Christensen Institute. - Retrieved from: https://goo.gl/1IpmhL/. Blended Learning: Define URL : http://www.macmil-landictionary.com/dictionary/british/blended-learnin.

7. Windle R., Wharrad H., Leeder D, Morales R. Analysis of the Pedagogical Attributes of Learning Objects. [on-line], Available athttps: //www.notting-ham.ac.uk/nmp/sonet/projects/loam/load/docs/edme-dia-final.pdf, (accessed 22.12.06).

8. Peter Y., Pallec X., Vantroys T. Pedagogical scenario modelling, deployment, execution and evolution. In Claus Pahl, editor, Architecture Solutions for E-LearningSystems. Information Science Reference, 2007. ISBN :978-1-59904-633-4 [on-line], Available athttps : https://www.researchgate.net/publica-tion/229061908_Pedagogical_Scenario_Model-ling_Deployment_Execution_and_Evolution (accessed 22.12.06).

9. Portal Go-Lab[on-line], Available athttps: https://www.golabz.eu/, (accessed 22.12.06).

10. Fragaki M. Structure of Learning Scenarios. EduTubePlus-A European Curriculum Related Video Library andHybrid e-services for the Pedagogical Exploitation of Video in Class/ 8/11/2008. p. 12. [on-line], Available athttps: https://www.aca-demia. edu/5170480/Pedagogical_Scenario_Structure, (accessed 22.12.06).

UDC 378.091.3:811.111

Remizantseva K., (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9374-9525) Ivanenko V. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-4151-8194) Military Institute of Armoured Forces of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute ", Kharkiv, Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-19142-29-33 LEARNING PRESENTATIONS AS A METHOD OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES TO



The article deals with the issue of teaching students ofmilitary specialties by means of learning presentations. The authors analyse a methodological approach in the use of learning presentations. The main goal of this research is to examine the influence of learning presentation on the development of students' communicative competence. Productive use of learning presentations at foreign language practical lessons is possible at different stages of teaching: explanation of new material, students' independent work in distant education and summarizing the studied material. The paper presents various stages of creating learning presentations by teachers for forming special skills in students: development of logical and creative mentality and practical skills. During the pedagogical experiment, the criteria (motivational, cognitive, and activity), indicators, and levels (high, sufficient and low) of the development of students' communicative competence by using learning presentations were determined. 46 students of the Weapons and Military Equipment Faculty at the Military Institute ofArmoured Forces of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute " took part in the experiment. The results prove that using learning presentations at practical lessons allows increasing the level of communicative activity and motivate students to study English for professional purpose. The material presented in the paper leads to the conclusion that the use ofpresentations is topical in the electronic shells for distant education that is becoming increasingly important at the present moment.

Keywords: learning presentations, interactive teaching methods, communicative competence, foreign languages, students of military specialties, information and communication technologies, distance learning courses.


In the age of information revolution, the role of foreign languages is increasing. Knowledge of foreign languages gives young people the opportunity to join the world culture, use the potential of the global Internet resources, work with information and communication technologies, as well as increase their career pro-

spects. Informational support of higher education system has great importance for improving the quality of specialists' training because information and communication technologies create new global environment, in which future generations have to build professional and personal relationships [10, p. 64].

When getting education in foreign languages, the special scientific interest excites a multimedia presentation, the relevance of which in the educational process is explained by specific possibilities of presenting information: multi-channel, visualization, integrity, modelling of the studied processes and phenomena, interactivity, game form [11, p. 5]. According to А. А. Kichenko the multimedia teaching aids are viewed as didactic tools characterized by complex organization of educational and scientific information, providing interactive and continuous learning interaction among students and allowing prompt and qualitatively manage individual learning and professionally oriented activities by teaching students to foreign languages [3, р. 12].

Representing a relatively new phenomenon in the system of education, multimedia possibilities until are not fully examined, although many issues related to the implementation of information technology into education have been already covered in scientific literature. For example, Klevtsova (2003) studied methodological and didactic principles of creating and using multimedia presentations in teaching foreign languages. Using multimedia presentations to ensure the quality of learning to foreign language speak was considered in scientific works written by Lazareva (2007). Didactic conditions for using information technologies in the process of learning foreign languages at university were discussed by Abasheva (2007). Methods of teaching vocational-oriented foreign language communication of students through multimedia presentations were investigated in A. A. Kichenko's research (2010). The advantages of using presentations are noted by other researchers (I. A. Zimnyaya [2], E. I. Passov [7], E. S. Polat [8], I. I. Khaleyeva [11]). O.V. Popkova believes that inclusion of presentations into practical classes of the foreign languages brings variety, revives the learning process, increases the emotional effect on students, creates comfortable learning environment and helps to form a model of real communication. [9, p. 255]

Despite unquestionable value of studies, it should be noted that they do not fully solve the problem of implementing multimedia into foreign language education. A method of forming media competence of a student on the multimedia material in the process of learning foreign languages has not been developed. The conditions for the effectiveness of multimedia formation, the methods and techniques of this work, which are corresponded to the age features of students have

not been determined. Some particular problems of using multimedia tools require further consideration, for example, the typology of multimedia tools, the content and technological aspects of their development and implementation in the process of teaching foreign languages at university.

So the scientific novelty of our study consists in comprehensive analysis of presentations use at the stage of explaining and revising new lexical and grammatical material to students of engineering specialties during foreign language classes. The focus of the paper will be on defining criteria, indicators, and levels of forming the foreign languages communicative competence by use of Learning Presentations. The hypothesis of the study is that the effectiveness of students' foreign languages training increases if the formation of communicative competence is carried out with the use of Learning Presentations.

Productive use of presentations in practical lessons of foreign language is possible at different stages of learning. The explanation of new material (lexical and grammatical) through the use of presentations which were made by PowerPoint software becomes more informative and visual. Students not only perceive the teacher's speech by ear, but also see examples and images illustrating this speech. So, the perception of information is carried out through two sensory channels: auditory (acoustic) and visual (optic), which contributes to the process of memorization both perceptual and mnemonic. An additional advantage of using presentations at this stage of work is the possibility of its use as a practical lesson outline. A student who missed a lesson can use this material, because teachers place presentations in electronic shells used by higher educational establishments for successful extracurricular work of students. In addition, students may again refer to this material after some time to repeat the completed topic.

The creation of learning presentation includes five stages: presentation planning, presentation development, presentation rehearsal, presentation approbation and presentation assessment. As methodological approaches to determining the stages of creation of learning presentation, which are implementing the leading learning strategy (students mastering professional and creative competence and defining learning strategies and technologies), we highlight the following: personality-oriented, contextual, integrative and competence-based. Consider each stage of creating learning presentations in details, which are presented in the Table 1.

«coyyomum-jmtmal» #mre)), 2022 / pedagogical sciences


Table 1

Stages of Work with Learning Presentations

Stages Description

Presentation planning Setting goals - it is necessary to establish correspondence between the planned result and the selected information. Gathering information about the audience - it is really important to get knowledge and experience of the audience, taking into account interests, individual capabilities of perception, memory, thinking, imagination. Determination of the main idea of the lesson and selection of additional information, creating a lesson structure, chronological, thematic, spatial and logical sequence.

Presentation development Consideration of methodological features of presentation slides preparation, including vertical and horizontal logic, the content and ratio of textual and graphical information, etc.

Presentation rehearsal Verification, editing and revision created presentations.

Presentation approbation It is believed that oral scientific presentation is an art in which even professionals do not risk improvising. When conducting approbation, you should use the criteria for evaluating presentations. It is important to make sure that the topic of the presentation corresponds to the curriculum of the subject, and the didactic and methodological goals and objectives of the presentation are related to the goals of the topic. The supplying of the presentation material should be analysed in terms of chronology, priority, thematic sequence and structure.

Presentation assessment This stage may be called 'the result of the presentation', since it involves an assessment of the achievement of the set goals, which, of course, is associated with the reflection of the educational and creative activities of students, aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the used educational strategies (content, structure, means, logic) and determining the degree of achievement of the set goals and setting new ones.


In order to confirm the effectiveness of teaching with the use of Learning Presentations, a pedagogical experiment was conducted at the Military Institute of Armoured Forces of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" during the 2021/2022 academic year. Two groups of the first year of studying of the Weapons and Military Equipment Faculty were chosen for the experiment. The essence of the pedagogical experiment was as follows: one group was selected as a control (CG), and the other group was experimental (EG). The control group consisted of 22 students, and in the experimental group, there were 24 students.

To conduct the experiment, the course "the English language (general, military general and special

course)" using the Learning Presentations and electronic shells was developed. The course was designed for classwork (practical work) and for individual work at home. Students of experimental and control groups used books and handouts at the lessons. Students of the experimental group were taught by different types of tasks presented in the form of the learning presentations that included theoretical and practical materials. Creating high-quality learning presentations is one of the main tasks of a foreign language teacher at any higher educational establishment. Teachers should be familiar with the following criteria for excellent learning presentations made by using PowerPoint program, which are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

The Criteria for Creating Excellent Learning Presentations

Criteria Description

Informative value The presentation should be a comprehensive message on given topic, reveal the essence of problem, state certain factual information and contribute to acquiring necessary knowledge in given field among students.

Compactness Students perceive the information on the slide visually, so briefness, compactness and laconism of the text are necessary factors for creating a learning presentation.

Logic The sequence of material presentation should be logically determined so that students have the whole view of a problem and form understanding of cause-effect relationships.

Structuring The information presented on the slides should be clearly structured. Information should be provided by using tables, lists, charts, diagrams and other graphical images which contribute to better visual perception.

Visual aspects Using illustrative material, which should be adequate to discussed problem, correlate with text and express certain thought of a teacher.

Expressiveness Learning presentation is educational in nature and therefore elements of a game in it is permissible. This can be expressed in selection of funny illustrations, if they fit the topic, attract the attention of audience and provoke discussion. Emotional impact on students through images contributes to more effective communication. A presentation should be bright, interesting and memorable.

Grammatical correctness Of course, the text of learning presentations must be correct according to the norms of the modern English language.

Careful observation of all above criteria is necessary for creating high-quality learning presentations, the use of which will make foreign language classes more informative, effective, diverse and interesting, and contribute to the development of students' communicative competence.

During the pedagogical experiment, the criteria, indicators, and levels of the formation of students' foreign languages communicative competence through using Learning Presentations were determined. Table 3 presents the criteria and indicators of formation of students' foreign languages communicative competence.

In order to check the motivational criterion of the formation of communicative competence, we used questionnaires, which were developed for analysing the motives of studying. The level of basic knowledge of students' foreign languages communicative competence which is important for analysing cognitive criterion was checked by a placement test. Activity criterion presents informational and technological skills of students, their awareness in the application of new technologies. For determining the level of formation of the activity criterion, the methods of questioning and survey were used.

Table 3

The criteria and indicators of development of students' foreign languages communicative competence

Motivational criterion Cognitive criterion Activity criterion

^ interest in studying the English language; ^ understanding the importance of applying theoretical knowledge in practice; ^ interest in individual work. ^ knowledge of lexical and grammatical material; ^ ability to solve training tasks of the English language. ^ ability to use studied lexical and grammatical material in practice; ^ analysis and evaluation of foreign languages patterns.

The following methods were used during the experiment: surveys, tests, individual and group surveys, teacher monitoring, quantitative and qualitative data processing methods. Experimental work was carried out in several stages.

Results and Discussion.

The purpose of the experiment was to test the effectiveness of using Learning Presentations in teaching a foreign language (English) and to identify the advantages and disadvantages of this method. In accordance with the experimental research methodology at the first stage a placement test was conducted to identify

the level of the future military officers' foreign language competence. In a questionnaire and a placement test, 46 students of speciality "Weapons and Military Equipment" of the Military Institute of Armoured Forces of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" were surveyed at the beginning of the year. The groups participated in the pedagogical experiment passed an initial assessment. In order to ensure the objectivity of the experiment, certified tests were used to identify the level of the foreign language competence in accordance with Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (see Table 4).

Table 4

Points 0-49 50-64 65-89 90-100

Number of participants in the CG / % to the total number of the respondents 8/~36,4% 10/~45,5% 3/~13,6% 1/~4,5%

Number of participants in the EG / % to the total number of the respondents 9/~37,5% 12/~50% 2/~8,34% 1/~4,16%

Based on the obtained data a conclusion can be made that 50% of the future military officers have low level of the foreign language (English) competence, 37,5% - critical. None of the participants of the CG and EG could do all the tasks correctly and gain 100 points (Table 1).

At the second stage, the experimental group was trained using materials in the form of presentations, videos, and textual documents in the classroom and using the learning platform Moodle for independent work. During practical classes, students studied video, audio files and interactive exercises which were presented in the special Learning Presentation resources. Students did their homework using the Moodle resources studying relevant topics and solving thematic

problems, they also wrote essays and prepared one joint project. Teaching students of the control group was carried out without systematic use of information and communication technologies.

At the final stage, the analysis of the results of experimental research with the help of mathematical methods was carried out. Two modular tests and one examination test were conducted. The evaluation was displayed in the personal students' accounts. Its results showed significant changes in the level of English language proficiency of the EG participants. CG's results also increased, but they were lower than the same in the EG (see Table 5).

«етушшшм-шишау» #шге)), 2022 / pedagogical sciences


Table 5

The results of the post-experimental test in CG and EG__

Points 0-49 50-64 65-89 90-100

Number of participants in the CG / % to the total number of the respondents 3/~13,6% 9/~40,9% 8/~36,4% 2/~9,1%

Number of participants in the EG / % to the total number of the respondents 0/~0% 6/~25% 14/~58,33% 4/~16,66%

The statistical analysis of the results of pre- and post-experimental tests determined that at the end of the experiment the level of the English language proficiency of future military men in both CG and EG rose, however the most noticeable changes are revealed in the EG, while in the CG they were not so significant.

Comparative analysis of the experimental training revealed that the use of Learning Presentations in the foreign language teaching helps to achieve significant results in the EG, raising the level of the future soldiers. According to the results of pre- and post- experimental tests, the qualitative changes happened in the EG. If at the beginning of the experiment there was only one student with a high level of the English language proficiency, about 37,5% with a low and critical level, then after the experimental training there was none with a critical level in the EG, moreover, 16.66% of the future soldiers reached a high level of language proficiency. Unlike the EG, the quantitative changes in the CG were observed (Table 5).

The effectiveness of the experiment was confirmed by the obtained efficiency coefficients in terms of the average number of correctly performed tasks and in terms of the standard deviation. The obtained results give us the opportunity to argue that the use of Learning Presentations in teaching students influences positively the formation of communicative competence. As hypothesised, our experiment proves that the effectiveness of students' professional training increases if the formation of communicative competence is carried out with the use of Learning Presentations tools.


The findings of our research are quite convincing, and thus the following conclusions can be drawn: using Learning Presentations influences positively into the formation of the communicative competence of university students. The presentations activate the cognitive activity of students of military specialities at lectures and individual studying, ensures the availability of materials at any time. It stimulates interest in learning and creates the appropriate conditions for the formation and development of technological skills.

Further, promising use of the Learning Presentations will allow creating elements of distance learning that can ensure a continuous and sustainable learning process when influenced by various negative factors, such as quarantine, natural anomalies, and long-term forced absence of students in an institute.


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