Ermatova Yulduzxon Alisher qizi [email protected]
Abstract: This paper describes the importance of learning languages in engineering that can help students develop their careers in the future.Effective communication, a cornerstone of successful project execution, becomes significantly enhanced when engineers can converse fluently in multiple languages. This fluency facilitates seamless interaction and fosters a deeper understanding of cultural nuances, leading to more efficient problem-solving and innovative solutions tailored to local contexts. Some competencies can help increase students' need to learn languages. It is clearly seenin Figure 1 and described their definitions. There is some advice and the importance of learning languages in conclusion point.
Abstract: Ushbu maqola muhandislik sohasidagi talabalarga chet tillarning o'rganish muhimligi va kelajakda o'z sohasi rivojlantirishga va mukammal mutaxasis bo'lib chiqish uchun tavsiyalar berilgan.. Muvaffaqiyatli loyihani amalga oshirishning asosi bo'lgan samarali muloqot, agar muhandislar bir nechta tillarda bemalol gaplasha olsalar, sezilarli darajada yaxshilanadi. Ushbu ravonlik uzluksiz o'zaro ta'sirni osonlashtiradi va madaniy nuanslarni chuqurroq tushunishga yordam beradi, bu esa muammolarni yanada samarali hal qilishga va mahalliy kontekstga moslashtirilgan innovatsion yechimlarga olib keladi. Ayrim kompetensiyalar talabalarning til o'rganishga bo'lgan ehtiyojini oshirishga yordam beradi. Bu 1 -rasmda aniq ko'rsatilgan va ularning ta'riflari ko'rsatib berilgan. Xulosa sifatida tillarni o'rganishning muhimligi va maslahatlar berilgan.
Аннотация. В данной статье описывается важность изучения языков в инженерии, которые могут помочь студентам развивать свою карьеру в будущем. Эффективное общение, краеугольный камень успешного выполнения проекта, значительно улучшается, когда инженеры могут свободно общаться на нескольких языках. Такая беглость способствует беспрепятственному взаимодействию и способствует более глубокому пониманию культурных нюансов, что приводит к более эффективному решению проблем и инновационным решениям, адаптированным к местному контексту. Некоторые компетенции могут помочь повысить потребность учащихся в изучении языков. Это хорошо видно на рисунке 1 и описывает их определения. В заключении есть несколько советов и важность изучения языков.
Keywords: foreign languages, engineering, areas, education, practice, training, activities,
Kalitso'zlar: chettillari, muhandislik, yo'nalishlar, ta'lim, amaliyot, o'qitish, faoliyat, ko'nikmalar..
Ключевые слова: иностранные языки, инженерное дело, направления, образование, практика, обучение, деятельность, навыки.
Introduction: Learning foreign languages, especially English, is vital in educational fields. Uzbekistan is developing day by day. One particular developing area in our country is education. Learning English is essential as a mother tongue for second language learners because of its wide range of opportunities in one's professional and academic areas. Getting command of the English language needs particular practice and training for second language learners exposed continuously to their mother tongue [1]. English skills are crucial for academic, personal, and professional growth, as they enhance communication in various fields and increase opportunities in the global world [2]. The language is important in every area of education, for instance,
engineering. The evolution of engineering in today's globalized world demands a multidimensional skill set from professionals. In this context, proficiency in foreign languages is an essential tool in developing future engineers' professional competence. Engineering, a discipline that extends beyond borders and cultures, benefits significantly from integrating linguistic expertise into its core. English language learning is crucial for higher education, international communication, and economic progression, but challenges may arise due to limited access to appropriate hardware and software [3].
The interconnected nature of modern engineering projects often requires collaboration among diverse teams from various corners of the globe. Effective communication, a cornerstone of successful project execution, becomes significantly enhanced when engineers can converse fluently in multiple languages. This fluency facilitates seamless interaction and fosters a deeper understanding of cultural nuances, leading to more efficient problem-solving and innovative solutions tailored to local contexts.
Moreover, the global nature of technological advancements means that a wealth of information, research papers, and technical resources is available in languages other than English. Engineers with linguistic proficiency gain unparalleled access to this wealth of knowledge, broadening their understanding and enabling them to leverage a broader range of resources for their projects.
Beyond technical aspects, foreign language skills equip engineers with a competitive edge in the professional landscape. Whether engaging in international business transactions, networking with clients from diverse backgrounds, or pursuing career opportunities across borders, engineers proficient in foreign languages find themselves better positioned to navigate the complexities of a globalized market [4].
Therefore, integrating foreign language learning within engineering education is paramount. Engineering programs should consider incorporating language courses tailored to technical fields, encouraging study abroad programs, and providing access to language resources pertinent to engineering. Such initiatives not only enhance the linguistic abilities of future engineers but also nurture a more adaptable, culturally aware, and globally competent workforce. In essence, foreign language proficiency is not merely an additional skill but an indispensable asset in the arsenal of a well-rounded engineer. Its inclusion in developing professional competence is pivotal for engineers seeking to excel in a diverse, interconnected, and dynamic global landscape.
Methods: As we know, learning foreign languages takes work, especially in engineering. There have been many information, research works, books related to learning languages, etc. According to the sciences, we have learned and increased our teaching and learning methods. The current extent of development of the mineral industry demands the adoption of innovations in the practice of higher mining education based on psychological and pedagogical achievements that allow for optimal outcomes in educating mining engineers. Foreign language knowledge is a crucial component of any specialist's professional competency. To investigate students' communication capacities, looking for novel learning methods that activate speech activity is vital [5]. According to . I. Stavytska defines "foreign language competence" as a dynamic combination of knowledge and practical skills. The term determines the ability of individuals to use a foreign language successfully in professional and scientific activities and social communication. The research represents the model of the formation of foreign language competence of engineering students by multimedia that includes criteria (motivation, reflexive, cognitive activity, practical and technological) and levels of performance (high, sufficient, average, low)[6]. Engineering activity is becoming more integrated, complex, and innovative. Foreign language communicative competence is one of the critical competencies of future elite engineers [7].
To develop students' knowledge, teachers should use activities that are interesting to them. For instance, Picture-based activity. This activity helps develop four skills (writing, reading, speaking, and listening). Using picture and picture learning methods in language learning improves students' ability to write explanatory texts in Light Vehicle Engineering [8]; the picture-word inductive model and readers' theatre effectively improve language learners' vocabulary learning achievement by providing visual support and opportunities for engagement in vocabulary acquisition [9], all three learning formats for second language vocabulary, wordword, black-and-white image, and colour picture, yield similar success in word retrieval, with black-and-white images speeding up responses [10]. According to sciences, teachers should understand that engaging their students in their lessons can motivate them with exciting activities. It is also essential to use online activities to engage them—for instance, Kahoot, Jamboard, Flipgrid, quizlet, etc. Online games attract students' attention and increase their critical skills [11].
Result and discussion. As we know, learning foreign languages is important for students who learn other subjects. They study construction, machine technology, information technology, environmental issues, economics and other engineering fields. It is crucial for students to know and communicate with foreign companies in order to grow their businesses. Thus the competences that are given really helpful for motivate our students to learn foreign languages. They can access easily to world trade.Incorporating foreign languages into developing professional competence for future engineers can be immensely beneficial in today's globalized world. Here are some ways in which foreign language skills can enhance the competence of engineers:
Personal Development
Access to Resources
International Collaboration
Lamgugas give ^ great opportunities i
Understanding Cultural i
Networking and Business Development
Career Opportunities
Figure 1
International Collaboration: Engineers often work in multicultural teams or collaborate with international counterparts. If they speak foreign languages fluently they will not face any difficulties during their job. Knowing foreign languages allows for effective communication, reducing misunderstandings and fostering better teamwork.
Access to Resources: Most of technical documents, research papers, and innovative developments are published in English language. Engineers proficient in foreign languages can access a wider range of resources, allowing them to stay updated with the latest advancements in their field. They can read and write easily if they know English better.
Understanding Cultural Nuances: When our students want to make some projects, they often involve working with clients, stakeholders, or teams from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Proficiency of the language helps in understanding cultural nuances, which is crucial in negotiations, project management, and problem-solving. It can help them to work in a team or group with foreign countries as well.
Networking and Business Development: When engineers know languages well they can tap into international business opportunities. What I mean by that they can engage directly with clients or companies from other countries, potentially expanding their career horizons beyond their home country. They can share their knowledge with others in a easy way.
Career Opportunities: Knowing languages can help engineers to find work or study in foreign countries. When they are in foreign countries they have opportunities to develop their knowledge and increase their career.
Problem-solving and Innovation: Learning a new language enhances cognitive abilities, including problem-solving skills and creativity. Engineers can apply these enhanced cognitive abilities to tackle complex engineering challenges in innovative ways.
Personal Development. Some technical training or specialized courses might be available in languages. Proficiency in those languages can ease access to such resources, allowing engineers to enhance their skills further. They can share opinions and do some workshops with others. To develop our student knowledge teachers always should motivate students to learn languages. Teachers should create great environment among students to engage them to the lessons. Students should understand that learning languages the important subject for them. The truth may be that engineering students have plenty to gain from the complementary aspects of languages and engineering at initial training level. The environment in which tomorrow's engineers will operate also encourages the introduction of languages as a mandatory subject into engineering courses [12]. Foreign language training contributes to the formation of linguistic, communicative and metacognitive skills. International modern requirements to the students' foreign language training at an engineering university are actualized, its contradictions and features of pedagogical forms, methods and tools are identified [13]. The given competence above is vital for engineers to push to learn languages to develop their careers. What I mean by this is that learning English is crucial for students in engineering fields because of their specialization. They should improve their skills every day to be a sound professional engineer.
In conclusion, the benefits of engineering students learning foreign languages are multifaceted and extend far beyond just linguistic proficiency. Mastery of a new language equips future engineers with a diverse skill set that significantly enhances their professional capabilities.
By fostering effective communication, language skills enable engineers to collaborate more efficiently within diverse teams, fostering more apparent discussions and reducing misunderstandings. Moreover, language proficiency opens doors to global opportunities, offering access to international career prospects and diverse projects across borders.
Cultural understanding acquired through language learning is invaluable in engineering, where projects often involve international stakeholders. This cultural sensitivity helps engineers navigate cross-cultural situations adeptly, resulting in better project outcomes and stronger client relationships.
Beyond communication, learning a new language stimulates cognitive development, refines problem-solving skills and enhances adaptability. Access to a broader array of resources and networking opportunities on a global scale further enriches an engineer's knowledge base, enabling them to stay updated with global advancements and contribute to comprehensive and innovative solutions.
Ultimately, the fusion of language proficiency with engineering expertise creates well-rounded professionals equipped with technical skills and the cultural and communicative abilities necessary to thrive in the increasingly interconnected and diverse landscape of the engineering field. Therefore, investing in language education complements the core engineering curriculum,
empowering students to become adaptable, culturally aware, and globally competitive engineers.
According to M.RadhikaVandPhil, English language learning in engineering courses enhances students' capacity to invent new things and enhance their future career development [14]; learning a language and acquiring mastery over the language is essential to progression in the competitive field of profession. English language paves the way to have a strong foothold in one's profession. It is not just a language of communication but a lingua franca across the globe. It is the core component in education, technology, employment, intellectuality and career. Proficiency in English helps engineers land some of the best-paid jobs in the country [15].
Not only does learning Languages give us great job opportunities, but it can also help us have a great future. Keep going if you want to succeed in your future life. Always continue learning. Thus, your life constantly will be bright.
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