Научная статья на тему 'Learning foreign language through reading'

Learning foreign language through reading Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bazarova Lobar Bazarbaevna

Аs the title implies that the article describes reading comprehension and is defined as the level of understanding of a text or message. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text or message. The author cited the examples of some important strategies of reading.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Learning foreign language through reading»

Встреча человека с огнем произошла около 1,5 млн лет назад. Мы можем только строить догадки, какой была эта первая встреча, но с тех пор использование огня является не только показателем цивилизованности народа, но и выполняет важнейшие функции в сфере культуры. Огонь явился мощным фактором антропогенеза, и, во многом благодаря этому, состоялось развитие разумной жизни на планете - «это было могучее средство труда, без которого процесс антропогенеза прервался бы в самом зародыше» [3, c. 147]. На земле нет ни одного племени или народа, не знакомых с огнем. Как явление огонь присутствует в разных культурах, независимо от их географического положения или социально-экономического устройства, долгое время, таким образом, его можно определить как трансисторическую универсалию. Применение огня в различных сферах жизнедеятельности включило его в круг простейших архаичных представлений, используемых для фиксации, аккумуляции и передачи опыта последующим поколениям. Включение огня в культуру в различных сферах использования фиксирует его ценность и значимость. В повседневной, бытовой сфере культуры огонь обслуживал потребности людей в тепле и свете, а также оказал влияние на рацион питания. Первейшие ремесла в истории человечества - гончар и кузнец связаны с технологическим применением огня.

Изучив лексикографические и лингвистические данные на английском языке, было выделена следующие метафорические модели: огонь - это человек, огонь - это живое существо, огонь - это эмоция, огонь - это ощущение, огонь - абстрактное понятие (опасность, сила, война, ад), огонь -материальный объект, огонь движущийся объект.

Список литературы

1. Grady J. Blending and Metaphor (1999) Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. John Benjamin. Press. Р. 101-124.

2. KulakovskiA.I. Nauchnyie Trudy (Scientific Works/ Jakutsk, 1979. 483 c.

3. Lakoff G., Johnson M. Metaphors we live by. London. The university of Chicago press, 2003. 272 p.


Bazarova L.B.


Abstract: as the title implies that the article describes reading comprehension and is defined as the level of understanding of a text or message. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text or message. The author cited the examples of some important strategies of reading.

Keywords: comprehension, predicting, visualizing, summarizing.

Reading is a lifelong skill to be used both at school and throughout life. According to Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson, reading is a basic life skill. It is a cornerstone for a child's success in school and, indeed, throughout life. Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfillment and job success inevitably will be lost. Despite its' importance, reading is one of the most challenging areas in the education system. The ever increasing demand for high levels of literacy in our technological society makes this problem even more pressing. Students' attitudes regarding the purposes for reading also influence their ability to read. If students want to get the most out of the materials they are assigned, they have to learn to read critically or analytically.

The idea here is that when we read something, the purpose is to try to understand what the author's intention is. When dealing with reading, we encounter two layers of reality: one that we can see and one that we cannot see. Therefore, the purpose of reading is to make the invisible layer, the underlying meaning, visible and clear. Research shows good readers are actively involved with the text, and they are aware of the processes they use to understand what they read. Teachers can help to improve student comprehension through instruction of reading strategies. Predicting, making connections, visualizing, inferring, questioning, and summarizing are strategies shown by research to improve reading comprehension. It is important to teach the strategies by naming the strategy and how it should be used, modeling through the think-aloud process, group practice, partner practice, and independent use of the strategy [1. Р. 78].

Predicting: In order to be a good reader, learners should set a goal for their reading; therefore good readers have a purpose for reading. One strategy for improving comprehension is predicting, which helps the reader set a purpose for their reading. It is important to compare the outcome in the actual text with the prediction process as it will lead the learner to improve his understanding. Without this aspect of the prediction process, it becomes meaningless to improving the student's comprehension.

Visualizing: Another strategy that the good readers employ when comprehending a text is visualization. Visualization requires the reader to construct an image of what is read. This image is stored in the reader's memory as a representation of the reader's interpretation of the text. Teachers can motivate students to visualize settings, characters, and actions in a story and ask them to make drawings or write about the image that come to their minds after visualizing the text.

Making connections: Making connections is another strategy that can be used in the reading process. By making connections, the learners can activate their prior knowledge and connect the ideas in the text to their own experiences. Reading becomes meaningful when the reader connects the ideas in the text to their experiences and beliefs, and the things happening in the outer world. "Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World" is a strategy that helps students make connections. Students can make text-to- self connections through drawing, making a chart, or writing.

Summarizing: The process of summarization requires the reader to determine what is important when reading and to condense the information in the readers own words (Adler, 2001). During the summarizing process, the students will be able to distinguish the main ideas from the supporting ideas.Distinguishing the relatedknowledge from the unrelated onesis another point in the summarizing process which will help the students' capacity to improve text comprehension.

Questioning: Readers can use the questioning before, during, and after reading. The questioning process requires readers to ask questions of themselves to construct meaning, enhance understanding, find answers, solve problems, find information, and discover new information. In this strategy, the students return to the text throughout the reading process to find the answers to the questions asked by the teacher before, during and after the reading.

Inferring: Inferring refers to reading between the lines. Students need to use their own knowledge along with information from the text to draw their own conclusions (Serafini, 2004). Through inferring students will be able to draw conclusions, make predictions, identify underlying themes, use information to create meaning from text, and use pictures to create meaning [2. P. 117].

So in short reading brings relaxation to the brain and it gives people more knowledge. Reading is an active process of constructing the meaning. Simply by obtaining reading comprehension we will reach at least 40% of our aim in learning foreign language.


1. Adler C.R. (Ed.). (2001). Put reading first: The research building blocks for teaching children to read. Jessup. MD: ED Pubs.

2. Anderson R., Hiebert E., Scott J. & Wilkinson I. (1985). Becoming a nation of readers: The report of the commission on reading. Washington, DC: National Institute of Education and the Center for the Study of Reading.

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