1Dept. Of Community Medicine -Karachi Institute of Medical Sciences, National University of Medical
Sciences, Malir Cantt. Karachi, Pakistan 2Hyderabad Institue of Arts, Science and Techonogy, Hyderabad, Pakistan. 3 Department of Business Administration, Government College University, Hyderabad. E-mail [email protected] (Corresponding Author) 4Department of Education, Government College University, Hyderabad. 5PhD Scholar, Department of Statistics, University of Sindh Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan 6Benazir School of Business, Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University LyariKarachi
Despite previous research demonstrating importance of transformational leadership in fostering innovative behavior among employees, less is known about the mechanisms and processes through which leaders influence their employees' innovative behavior. The purpose of this paper is to examine the sequential role of transformational leadership, and employees' innovation behavior in mediating the link between employees' creativity. We collected 193 samples in size data from nurses in public hospitals using the survey method and tested our hypotheses using SPSS-AMOS. Findings showed that both transformation leadership behavior and innovative behavior proved significant and employee creativity also mediated TL and innovative behavior. Finally, study discussion, theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
Key words: Transformational leadership behaviour; Innovative work behavoiur; Innovative work performance; Employee Creativity, Hospital sector
Innovation and creativity spur development and provide businesses a competitive edge (Gupta & Bhal, 2020). Leading by example will encourage employees' to follow the same moral standards. Accordingly, leadership has a significant impact on followers' attitudes and behaviors when it comes to an organization's objectives (Gupta & Bhal, 2020). In contrast, transformational leadership emphasizes the inventiveness and creativity of employees and organizations.
In today's fast-paced business environment, innovative work performance is a key driver of corporate growth. As Styven et al. (2021) noted, creating an innovative product is important for any company to succeed today. Sharif, (2021) also stated that innovativeness contributes to forming new features in new designs. A knowledge culture and a creative environment are also dependent on innovation strategies (Zaidi et al., 2023). By creating supplementary ideas for business, innovations are the best form and shape of ethical leadership attitudes.
It also promotes an innovative culture of performance and creativity. Employees' should learn and demonstrate creativity through their innovative work performance. Increased competition increases the demand for creativity; however, developing innovative ideas also engages staff interest and efficiency.
In today's corporate environment, innovation is keys to keeping competitive advantages and survival (Siyal et al., 2021). With innovation, businesses can select several solutions to satisfy their clients. Today's dynamic business world requires organizations to maintain their competitive advantages and innovative capabilities. Increasing customer expectations brought about by technological, economic, and cultural developments in the global economy drove employee innovation in the workplace. The growing rivalry between organizations requires the employees' to continually
innovate ideas in order to get a competitive edge over their rivals and engage their workforce. Research has shown that introducing innovation boosted success (Khan et al., 2021). Numerous academics claim that certain academic philosophies can facilitate or hinder creativity. Research has shown that technological advancements in the hospital industry increase its chances of survival (Knezovic & Drkic, 2021). Researchers have proposed that certain leadership styles may facilitate or impede innovation development. A firm's ability to thrive is determined by its ability to innovate and to be creative. Most workers still use traditional techniques instead of being living in innovative atmosphere. Employee innovative work performance is now more challenging for companies in order to develop core creativity, thrive, and remain competitive. Thus, businesses are seeking new ways to encourage creativity and innovation. Based on empirical evidence, a novel research perspective on innovation through transformational leadership provides the basis for investigating innovation and creativity in the workforce.
As regards the empirical gap, the direct exchange relationship between leadership capabilities and IWP is investigated using creativity (Siyal et al., 2021), as a dependent construct, suggesting that transformational leadership should be better understood as a result of IWP. Previous research has focused primarily on the relationship between TL and IWP; however, other significant constructs are needed to explain this association. Using Nasir et al.'s (2020) research on the relationship between ethical leadership and creativity, IWP indirectly affects employees' behaviors. There is still a research gap to examine IWP as a predictor of creativity. As for the knowledge gap, no study has measured the mediating impact of Creativity on TL and innovation. In previous studies, transformational leadership has been extensively discussed, but most literature offers a variety of transformational leadership variables as mediators (Sharif, 2021). People and businesses have different interests, leading to transformational leadership's emergence.
IWP, creativity, and transformational leadership receive a very limited amount of discussion regarding building and sustaining a relationship between them. Sharif et al. (2021) researched on transformational leadership initially focused on building relationships via creativity. Surprisingly, limited studies have examined the association between the direct mechanisms of transformational leadership. However, future research is proposed to examine the influence of transformational leadership on various creative dimensions. In addition, the need for more literature on the subject in Pakistan also creates a serious gap for many organizations, including the hospital industry (Nasir et al., 2020).
Transformational leadership is equally critical at the highest levels of hospital administration. However, a leader who exhibits innovative role modeling, consults, delegates, recognizes employees' roles and avoids the implementation of micromanagement process which could encourage IWB among the workforce. This necessitates the Transformational leadership is new and complex in this respect (Afsar & Umrani, 2019). Competent corporate sector management mostly ignored innovative practices (Khan et al., 2017). Similarly, unproductive innovative work performance declined, resulting in low innovation (Chaubey, Sahoo & Das, 2021). The relationship between transformational leadership and innovation has not been identified in hospitals' sector (Styven, 2021) in major cities of Pakistan. Additionally, other construct mediation roles, especially transformational leadership, need to be explored more because mediators can strengthen/or weaken the links via predictors and criteria. Following are the research questions. Does hospital sector's innovation depend on transformative leadership? What is the relationship between hospital sector creativity and innovation? What is the effect of creativity and transformational leadership in the hospital sector? Does a mediating effect exist between transformational leadership and IWP in the hospital sector?
The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework for the topic based on existing literature. To study how creativity and innovation affect innovation and transformative leadership in public hospitals in Pakistan. TL and IWP have evaluated the significance of the mediator (Creativity). Research on leadership styles in the public hospitals finds creativity and innovative work behavior (IWB) are critical. Based on this, a theoretical framework has been developed that shows the relationship between transformational leadership (TL), creativity, and IWB, focusing on
creativity's mediating role. The study used a non-probability convenience sampling method in public hospitals. The results showed that TL influences creativity and IWB.
Furthermore, creativity partially mediates the relationship between TL and IWB. These findings align with previous research that emphasizes the importance of transformational leadership in fostering employee creativity and IWB. The study highlights the significance of nurturing creative workplaces and contributes to understanding creativity as a mediating construct of the leadership-innovation relationship. The findings encourage organizations to prioritize creative environments to promote sustained innovation.
Leadership philosophies also induce employees' creativity and innovative work performance by providing the foundation (Gupta & Bhal, 2020). A leader who practices will ultimately serve as an example for the employees, encouraging them to uphold the same moral standards. Similarly, concerning an organization's objectives, leadership significantly impacts followers' attitudes and behaviors (Gupta & Bhal, 2020). On the other hand, transformational leadership focuses on the inventive and creative traits of staff members and organizations.
In the rapid business environment, innovative work performance is a key driver of corporate growth in competition and experiencing significant transformation. Styven et al. (2021) described that creating an innovative product is now essential to any company's success in the modern era of innovation. Similarly, Sharif (2021) stated that innovativeness helps firms to better treat new designs by forming new features. Innovation strategy is also basic instrument for attaining a knowledge culture and a creative environment. However, innovations are the best classified form of ethical leadership attitudes by creating supplementary ideas for business.
Moreover, the new business strategy facilitates creativity and an innovative performance culture. Creativity is considered as a new knowledge that all employees should learn and demonstrate through their innovative work performance. Creativity demand increases with constant pressure from increased competition; however, developing innovative ideas also engages staff interest and efficiency.
However, innovation keeps the organization to have competitive advantage as well as survival in today's corporate performance phenomenon (Siyal et al., 2021). Innovation gives businesses the freedom to select several solutions in order to satisfy their clients. Companies must maintain their competitive advantages and innovative capabilities in today's dynamic business world. With the fast-shifting customer expectations brought on by technological, economic, and cultural developments in the global economy, employee innovative work behavior attracted significant organizational attention. Organizations are under continuous pressure to continue innovating ideas to get a competitive edge over their rivals and engage their workforce to keep them engaged and productive due to the growing rivalry. Previous research showed that introducing innovation boosted success (Khan et al., 2021).
According to numerous academics, some academic philosophies can either encourage or impede the development of creativity. Previous research found that the hospital industrys' chances of surviving thanks to technological advancement increased when innovations were implemented (Knezovic & Drkic, 2021). Numerous academic researchers have posited that specific leadership styles can either facilitate or impede innovation development. Hence, creativity and innovation have become critical performance indicators for any firm to flourish.
Unfortunately, most workers still depend on traditional techniques and avoid being innovative. Businesses now face more difficulties in fostering employee innovative work performance to develop core creativity, thrive, and remain competitive. Hence, businesses are looking at novel ways to encourage creativity and innovative capabilities. Empirically, evidence provides the foundation to investigate innovation and creativity in the workforce, considering a novel research perspective on innovation through Transformational leadership.
Regarding the empirical gap, the direct exchange relationship between leadership capabilities is investigated with the IWP and creativity (Siyal et al., 2021) as a dependent construct, which suggests a need for more understanding between transformational leadership and IWP. Previous research has focused mostly on the connection between TL and IWP; however, there is a need to
discuss other significant constructs to explain this association. Nasir et al. (2020) investigated the role of ethical leadership with the impact of Creativity; IWP indirectly impacts creativity and other employees' behavior. However, there still needs to be a research gap to examine IWP as a predictor of creativity construct. Regarding the knowledge gap, none of the studies measures the mediating impact of Creativity concerning TL and innovation. Prior research has paid considerable attention to the role of transformational leadership; however, most of the literature offers a variety of transformational leadership as mediator variables (Sharif, 2021). The emergence of transformational leadership can be attributed to the particular interests of people and the interests of various businesses.
On the other hand, a method for how to build and sustain the relationship between IWP, Creativity, and transformational leadership receives a very limited amount of discussion. In another research study on transformational leadership initially focused on building a relationship via creativity (Sharif et al., 2021; Malokani et al., 2023). Surprisingly, limited studies disclose the association between direct mechanisms of Transformational leadership. However, future research is proposed to examine the influence of transformational leadership with numerous dimensions of creativity. In addition, the need for more literature on the subject in Pakistan also establishes a serious gap for many organizations, including the hospital sector (Nasir et al., 2020).
Nonetheless, transformational leadership is equally important at higher levels of hospital administration. However, a leader who exhibits innovative role modeling, consults, delegates, recognizes the role of employees, and avoids micromanagement could encourage IWB among the workforce. This necessitates th Transformational leadership is new and complex (Afsar & Umrani, 2019). The competent management of the corporate sector mostly ignored the significance of innovative practices (Khan et al., 2017).
Similarly, the unproductive innovative work performance declined, and the consequences are in the form of low innovativeness (Chaubey, Sahoo & Das, 2021). The relationship between transformational leadership and innovation has not been identified (Styven, 2021) in hospital sector. Additionally, other construct mediation roles, especially transformational leadership, need to be explored more because mediators can either strengthen/or weaken the links via predictors and criteria. Following are the research questions. Does hospital innovation depend on transformative leadership? What is the relationship between hospital creativity sectors' and innovation? What is the effect of creativity and transformational leadership in various public hospitals? Does a mediating impact of creativity exist between transformational leadership and IWP in the various public hospitals?
On that basis, the aim of this study is to develop a conceptual model that sheds light on how transformation leadership style can foster innovative behavior and examine the mediating roles that employee creativity plays in this relationship. Our work addresses several gaps in existing literature. First, our research aims to fill gap in empirical evidence regarding TL significance and employee innovative behavior and also investigating mediating mechanism of creativity (see Fig. 1). With leadership effective style innovation matters a lot to organization and employees. The role of leadership and employee creativity can offer valuable insight into leadership research. This research is organized into four sections. The following section provides an overview of the literature concepts that support the proposed model. The next section discusses the study's methodology, sample, and measurement scales. The data analysis section introduces the quantitative results, including the fit of the model and hypotheses testing results. The final section discusses the implications, discussion on consequences and conclusions. Literature Reviews & Hypothesis Development: TL and IWP
Leaders who are transformational in their approach take calculated risks by attempting new methods, modifying systems for long-term benefits, and assisting their followers in seizing opportunities (Sharif et al., 2021). Recently, there has been a growing interest in exploring the connection between transformational leadership and innovative work behaviour (IWB) (Sharif et al., 2021; Siyal et al., 2021). For example, a study conducted by Siyal et al. (2021) demonstrated that
an organization can foster IWB by encouraging its employees to share their knowledge through transformational leadership. Moreover, Siyal et al. (2021) revealed that transformational leaders who disseminate their expertise are more likely to engage in IWB, thereby facilitating the creation, promotion, and implementation of innovative ideas. Transformational leadership also helps to create a culture of collaboration, trust, and open communication, which further encourages IWB. Additionally, transformational leadership can provide the guidance and support necessary for individuals to be successful with their innovative ideas.
In a recent study, Sharif et al. (2021) investigated the relationship between goal orientations and transformational leadership, and how it impacts innovative service practices. The study found that transformational leadership is positively correlated with innovative employee service behavior, and that TL increases employee innovation. Additionally, the study concluded that goal orientation plays an important role in the relationship between transformational leadership and employee innovation. The study also found that goal orientation can positively influence employee innovation. Therefore, it is proposed that: H1: Transformational leadership positively influences IWB Transformational leadership and creativity
Personal and contextual elements could be crucial for creativity. Because creativity in the workplace involves human behavior, Phung, Hawryszkiewycz, and Chandran (2019), emphasized that personal and psychological study on creativity is crucial. It is generally known that the importance of environmental elements as promoters of creative performance and innovative conduct (Siyal, 2021). Additionally, Phung et al. (2019) also proposed the need for more research on the role of personal elements such as motivation, self-efficacy, and resilience in creativity. Moreover, they highlighted the importance of creating a culture that encourages creativity and risk-taking. Companies should strive to create a supportive environment where employees can express their ideas and take risks without fear of judgment. Additionally, companies should provide employees with the necessary resources and support to help them reach their full potential. Finally, companies should also provide employees with the opportunity to collaborate with other team members in order to come up with creative solutions.
Additionally, transformational leaders raise their followers' awareness of the required outcomes' values. They also raise their supporters' outlooks about their creative performance. The significance of creative performance is well documented (Chaubey, Sahoo & Das, 2021) when their leader establishes that followers present higher creativity.
Additionally, TL inspires its people to prioritize the organization's needs through important vision and creativity initiatives (Khan., 2021). The leader's positive attitude towards creative performance encourages followers to take risks and express their ideas. It also motivates them to work towards a common goal. This ultimately boosts the organization's overall productivity. Therefore, proposed that:
H2: Transformational leadership positively influences creativity. Impact of Creativity and Innovation
Each employee has a unique, versatile, and dynamic creative ability. As reported in Zhang et al. (2021), creativity is a personal resource or capacity. This creative capacity can be harnessed and leveraged to motivate employees, increase productivity, and create innovative solutions to problems. It is a key asset for any company looking to stay competitive in today's market. To be creative, you need to come up with ideas and solutions to problems. It is common to equate innovation with creativity. This study, however, does not combine concepts of individual creativity with individual inventive behavior. Creation is the development of original, perhaps practical ideas (Dahlander et al., 2020; Nguyen & Hooi, 2020). Supportive organizational climates promote innovation and IWB support. Hence, engaging in environmental debate encourages people to dispute and communicate their thoughts verbally, ultimately resulting in creativity and innovation. According to (Chaubey, Sahoo, and Das, 2021), creativity plays an important role which leads to high levels of innovative behavior. Companies should therefore create an environment that encourages creative thought and expression, such as by providing time and resources for employees
to pursue innovative ideas. This can help to create a sense of ownership and commitment, and ultimately lead to greater innovation. Companies should invest in creative processes and culture, and allocate resources to support creative activities. Companies should also create opportunities for employees to exchange ideas, collaborate and learn from each other. Finally, companies should recognize and reward innovative behavior. So, proposed that: H3: IWB positively impacts creativity Creativity exists between TL and IWP.
According to Sharif et al. (2021), innovation depends on a persistent commitment to learning. According to Afsar and Umrani (2019), innovative ability is crucial to creativity, and the creative activity of generating ideas starts with implementing them (Siyal, 2021). In the study of Bak, Jin, and McDonald's (2022) definition, this behavior involves engaging in activities that facilitate the creation and implementation of valuable ideas. Siyal et al. (2002) found that employees' desire for innovative performance influences their ability to engage in creative behavior. Research suggests that people with transformational leadership frequently seek out obstacles to creative and innovative practices (Gupta & Bhal, 2020). Research has linked leadership and innovation (Gupta & Bhal, 2020). According to empirical research, leadership also emphasizes the development of creativity, as opposed to an innovative performance mindset (Styven, 2022; Baskoro, 2021). In this study, creativity is considered a mediator between transformational leadership and innovative work performance. This study found that transformational leadership had a positive impact on creativity, which in turn had a positive impact on innovative work performance. This suggests that transformational leadership is a key factor in creating an innovative work environment. Therefore, it is proposed that:
H4: Creativity positively mediates the effect of TL and IWB.
Theoretical framework
Figure 1 Conceptual framework
The study aims to examine the impact of transformational leadership on employee innovative work behavior (IWB) in public hospitals located in major cities of Pakistan, by analyzing the functions of employee creativity such as mediators. The data was collected 193 nurses from various public hospitals in Pakistan, including Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, Sialkot, and Karachi, using non-probability convenience sampling methods.
Measurement Scale:
This study utilized the Likert scale for measuring constructs within the proposed framework. Scales range from 1 strongly disagree to 5 or 7. Scales were created in English. Data collection was carried out using a survey instrument for the target demographic. A five-item scale developed by Sanda & Arthur (2017) measures transformational leadership (TL). The three-item Scott and Bruce (1994) scale measures employee innovative work behavior (IWB). A six-item questionnaire measures whether an employee generates creative ideas and develops adequate plans and schedules for implementing new ideas. Four items were adapted from George and Zhou's (2001) scale. This chapter will look at two sample items, "Taking the initiative to try new ideas" and "Working on opportunities to develop new products/processes". The Cronbach's alpha value is reported and found above .7. Demographics
The data was collected from nurses in public hospitals. According to the demographic profile, mostly female participants. The study constituted about 70.47% female and 29.5% male participants. Demographics age distributions: 21-25 years (47.67%), 26-31 y (29.02%), 32-37 y (13.99%), and 38-43 y (9.33%). Nurses experience 0-4 y (27.98 percent), 6-10 (38.86 percent), 11-15 y (23.32 percent) and >15 y (9.84 percent).
Table: 1 Demographics
Items Frequency %
Gender Male 57 29.53
Female 136 70.47
Age 21-25 92 47.67
26-31 56 29.02
32-37 27 13.99
38-43 18 9.33
Experiences 0-4 54 27.98
6-10 75 38.86
11-15 45 23.32
Above 15 19 9.84
Data Analysis Methods:
Through path analyses (CFAs), the direct impact on TL, employee creativity, and innovative work behavior can be assessed. According to Hayes (2013), a test was conducted via AMOS using CFA and bootstrapping techniques (sample size = 5000), using the same methodology (Sanda & Arthur, 2017; Sudibjo & Prameswari, 2021), generating asymmetric CIs (confidence intervals) for mediating effects.
Assessment of the measurement model
From prior literature, we adopted all of the related constructs. We also used latent constructs, CR, and AVE for research validity and reliability. TLI, CFI, GFI, and RMSEA results were initially checked and satisfied (such as TLI=.92, CFI=.94, GFI=.90, RMSEA=.07). As suggested by (Hair et al., 2017), the reliability and factor loadings were assessed and found to be greater than 0.5. Additionally, the factor loadings are consistent with the desired level. Also, composite reliability values evaluated internal consistency constructs higher than the threshold value of .70.
Therefore, AVE square roots have also been used to measure discriminant validity (Nunnally, 1994). The outcomes also confirmed that discriminant validity criteria had been met.
Table :3 Factor analysis, AVE, & CR Items Indicator FL B CR (AVE)
Employee creativity OCBO1 0.8-0.90 0.92 0.79 0.88
IWP IWP-IWP 0.88-0.89 0.92 0.79 0.89
Transformational Tl1-TL5 . 82-0.92 0.88 . 87 . 86 leadership
Table 4 Correlations
TL 2.89 1.15 (0.88)
IWP 3.18 1.05 .13" (0.89)
EC 3.15 1.01 .14* .60" (0.86)
Source: Fornell and Lacker criterion
Hypothesis testing
As soon as the validity was confirmed, the researcher evaluated the direct and indirect relationships (mediation) that had been proposed. We used the SEM method to study direct and indirect relationships since it is widely used in empirical studies to evaluate these relationships. To conduct mediation analysis, AMOS-factor analysis was utilized with bootstrapped following recommendations (Hair et al., 2016). Evaluating and testing the hypothesis, 6, t, and significant values were calculated. Hypothesis 1 indicates TL and IWB have the following values: (6 = .18, p-value = 0.01). Therefore, we can accept Hypothesis 1. The results of values and t-values also aligned with the proposed criteria, which verified hypothesis 2. The second path, Hypothesis-2, had a value of 0.245 and a p-value of 0.01, respectively. Hypothesis-3, beta values and t values from IWB and Creativity are (6 = 0.15, p-value = 0.01). Furthermore, the specific study also investigates the mediating impact of Creativity among TL and IWB. Thus, H-4 (6 = 0.34, p-value = 0.01) was claimed to invest intervening influence. The result of H4 mediation results, 6 is 0.3 5, the t value is 5.63, and the P value is 0.001, indicating that creativity partially mediates the link between TL and IWB.
Table 5: Mediation (Hayes & Preacher, 2014)
Effect ß SE LL 95% UL 95%
Direct -.07 .067 -.18 .05
Indirect -.06 .05 -.14 -.01
Total -.14 -.08 -.27 -.01
An empirical study was conducted to examine the relationship between transformational leadership, innovative work behavior (IWB), and employee creativity in a company. The study found that employees mediate relationships through their creative abilities. Another study examined the positive impact of transformational leadership and IWB on public hospital customers in Pakistan. This study's findings are consistent with previous research. It was found that transformational one leadership has a positive impact on IWB and creativity. The study also supports previous research that shows that employees are more creative when they receive more support from their managers. Employee creativity and IWB have a direct impact on their psychological health. Hypothesis 3 was found to be true based on the study findings and is consistent with previous research. The study also suggests that creativity plays a mediating role in the relationship between transformational leadership and IWB. The study examined the role of creativity in mediating the relationship between transformational leadership and IWB of employees working in green cosmetic industries. It was found that creativity can mediate this relationship. Therefore, the study results support Hypothesis 4. The mediation study also found that employee creativity contributes partly to the mediation between transformational leadership and IWB.
It is worth noting that creativity can mediate that benefits managers. This research adds to existing knowledge by emphasizing the use of contexts to place leadership behavior and IWB events within a broader framework. This is where employees' creativity reduces the negative effects of both management behavior and IWB on organizations. The study also encourages critical thinking about what employees can do at the workplace to improve their innovation skills and make the organization more innovative.
The study revealed that while worker relations with transformational leaders and IWB may appear bleak, employee creativity is a significant factor that stands out. This suggests that encouraging employees to be creative is essential for creating an innovative workplace. Organizations should focus on providing employees with the necessary tools and resources to be creative and think outside the box. Additionally, employees should be given the freedom to express their opinions and be encouraged to come up with innovative solutions. When employees are allowed to be creative, they come up with ideas that may not be obvious at first glance, and those ideas can lead to breakthrough products and services that can benefit the organization in the long run. Additionally,
allowing employees to express their opinions can increase employee engagement and productivity by making them feel more invested in what they are doing. Theoretical and practical implications:
By demonstrating that innovation climate and employee creativity influence transformational leadership and innovation processes, we strengthen prior research. Secondly, to our knowledge, the innovation literature lacks studies on the influence of transformational leadership on innovative employee behavior. Our research further demonstrates how transformational leadership allows employees to establish a sense of creativity, acknowledge business challenges, search for solutions, generate new and valuable insights, and recommend innovative solutions by fostering a creative environment. Leaders also set the tone in an organization, including the climate for innovation (Nguyen & Hooi, 2020). Thus, this research extends transformational leadership styles that encourage innovative behavior among employees to include creativity (e.g., Malibari & Bajaba, 2022).
Moreover, the findings of this research have wide-ranging implications for business leaders and entrepreneurs, both existing and emerging, who ought to encourage innovation among their employees in order to maximize the growth and competitiveness of their organizations in the long run. The results of this study provide valuable insight into what role business leaders and entrepreneurs play in generating and guiding innovation within their organizations, along with how to create conducive environment for innovation.
The findings of this study can also be used as a basis for encouraging leaders to use transformational leadership to create innovative environments that encourage employees to feel comfortable and safe exchanging ideas and concepts. It is also possible to use the results of this research to help future business leaders, as well as present business leaders, understand their new responsibilities and assignments, and develop their entrepreneurial leadership skills and abilities to lead innovation (Siyal, 2021; Inayat et al., 2022).
Finally, leaders should be aware that creativity can have a significant impact on how innovative they are in their work, so they must develop their abilities to recognize and analyze multiple perspectives, analyze the factors that change over time, and devise new solutions continuously.
To sum up, having employees, demonstrating innovative work behavior is crucial for a company to gain a competitive edge. Along with creativity, transfromational leadership is also a key factor that makes IWB an attractive organization. Furthermore, regular exposure to creative work environments can promote transformational leadership among employees, leading to an increase in IWB levels among them. To sum up, having employees, demonstrating the innovative work behavior is crucial for a company to gain a competitive edge. Along with creativity, transformational leadership is also a key factor that makes IWB an attractive organization. Furthermore, regular exposure to creative work environments can promote transformational leadership among employees', leading to an increase in IWB levels among such subordinates.
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