Pozharskiy Sergey Olegovitch, Aslamazishvili Dina Nikolaevna LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL ...
pedagogical sciences
УДК 372.881.1
DOI: 10.26140/anip-2019-0802-0042
© 2019
Пожарский Сергей Олегович, старший преподаватель кафедры экономики и менеджмента Красноярский государственный педагогический университет им. В.П. Астафьева (660049, Россия, Красноярск, ул. Ады Лебедевой, 89, e-mail: [email protected]) Асламазишвили Дина Николаевна, кандидат философских наук, профессор Бизнес Школы Грузинский-Американский Университет (0160, Грузия, Тбилиси, ул. Мераба Алексидзе, 10, e-mail: [email protected])
Аннотация. Ключевую роль в организации занимает руководитель, который в идеале должен быть и её лидером, а так же эффективным менеджером. Установлено, что именно наличие лидерского потенциала, востребованного в конкретных профессиональных ситуациях, позволяет руководителю стать организационным лидером и быть успешным в своей деятельности. Теоретический анализ литературы проблемы показывает недостаточность исследований, посвященных должностной власти в организации. Некоторые идеи статьи обсуждались в более ранней публикации [15]. В настоящей статье переосмыслены и уточнены западные первоисточники диагностических методик в части особенностей их интерпретации. Представлены результаты исследования лидерского потенциала менеджеров, способствующего становлению руководителя в качестве организационного лидера. Отмечается недостаточный уровень развития лидерского потенциала у современных руководителей. Так же в работе представлены результаты исследования ключевых компонентов лидерского потенциала руководителей, которые определяют особенности лидерского потенциала руководителей. Выявлены особенности в компонентах структуры личностного потенциала современных руководителей. Результаты проведенного исследования могут быть использованы HR-менеджерами организаций и интересующимися вопросами развития лидерского потенциала руководителей, эффективного руководства организациями и развития лидерских качеств организационного лидера.
Ключевые слова: лидерские качества, лидерский потенциал, лидерский потенциал руководителя, особенности лидерского потенциала.
© 2019
Pozharskiy Sergey Olegovitch, senior lecturer in Economics and Management Chair Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogic University by the name of Viktor Astafiev (660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Adi Lebedevoy Street, 89, e-mail:[email protected]) Aslamazishvili Dina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (PhD), Professor, Scientific Group Member of Business School Georgian American University (1060, Georgia, Tbilisi, Merab Aleksidze Street, 10, e-mail: [email protected])
Abstract. The key role in organization is played by managers, who in ideal should be leaders, enabling organization's effectiveness. It is a fact that leadership potential is needed in the specific professional situations, allowing manager to become organizational leader and become successful in managing activities. The sources in leadership theoretical analysis shows the lack of the position power research in organizations. Some ideas of this paper were discussed in the earlier publication [15]. This paper rethinks and specifies some Western sources of diagnostic methods within their interpretations. The paper presents the research results on the leadership potential of managers in organizations, as this potential becomes a basic source for a manager building towards being the organizational leader. Nowadays managers have a lack of leadership potential, as it is shown in research. In the paper there are presented the results of the research on the key elements of the leadership potential for managers, moreover, the revealing analysis of the leadership potential structure components of contemporary managers. The results of the research can be used by HR-managers and anyone interested in the issues related to the leadership potential development, effective management and developing the leadership skills in organizational leader.
Keywords: leadership traits, leadership skills, leadership potential, leadership potential of a manager, specificity of leadership potential.
Nowadays it is still problematic issue to define the required and sociocultural environment [5]. individual traits or skills for a manager's personality, which In relation of effective manager's traits, contributing to could enable the leadership success. Manager as an active effective managerial activity, with the leadership personality subject of the administering activity, included in different traits, there can be defined the traits and resources, spheres (professional, organizational, managerial, social), contributing to the leadership potential of a manager [4]: should have subjective and personal traits, united within one 1) Personal - professional traits - renewability, self-direction, - towards process, results, people, organization regulations, functioning in the social-personal interaction, and society. These traits can be treated as new integrative trustworthiness, persistence, independence. traits, and leadership potential is an integrative trait in 2) Leadership skills - influence, desire to lead, skill to organizational context. Leadership potential of a manager is regulate the interpersonal tension, inspiring motivation, the indicator of the subjective activity, which presents self- individualized attention.
organizing integrative level-based system characteristic of 3) Intellectual traits - high intelligence, ability to solve the inner renewable resources of a manager's personality problems effectively, mind flexibility, optimistic thinking, (knowledge, leadership skills, personality unique traits), reasonableness.
which develops and reveals in the dynamic interaction of a 4) Socially oriented traits - extraversion - introversion, manager and sociocultural environment. Leadership potential communication ability, adaptability, empathy, sensibility, in its general meaning, represents the cluster of existing sociability, ability to adapt to different situations, desire to means, opportunities in some field, in some relation, allowing cooperate with other people, desire to be initiative in social to move from the traits and behavior study in the present situations, following moral values.
towards the study of human in the future, as leadership traits 5) Will traits - intention to get responsibility and complete develop and reveal in the dynamic interaction of a person the task (internal locus of control), courage, persistence, 186 Azimuth of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology. 2019. Т. 8. № 2(27)
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Пожарский Сергей Олегович, Асламазишвили Дина Николаевна ЛИДЕРСКИЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ ...
responsibility, confidence, readiness to get the responsibility for the actions and decisions, resilience to frustration.
6) Creativity traits - creative direction of professional interests, ability to stimulate the creative activity, need for novelties and innovation activity, not conservative mind, originality of ideas, ingeniousness, ability to make not standardized decisions, visioning the perspective, developed imagination, creativity, imitativeness.
7) Emotional maturity (EQ emotional intelligence) - emotional stability, ability to manage stress, ability to manage emotional states.
One of the leadership components, enabling effective management, is the result component, which plays the significant role for the effective activity as a manager and leader. This component means the ability of a manager to lead towards the results in organization, group, tams or in individual leadership or coaching contact with the employee. Such view of the personality traits constructing leadership potential of a manager defines the need to compare them with the traits of a manager as a subject of the managerial activity. As a result, there will be revealed leadership potential components of the effective manager. The followers of the Traits models in leadership keep to the idea that there does exist the individual predisposition towards leadership and that the spectrum of the specific individual traits development is genetically and physiologically defined. That is the reason within this approach stays for the idea that not everyone can become a leader, and 'leaders are born'. Even accepting this perspective, experts and practitioners prove that the practical reality of leadership traits development is much easier. First, there is a directed leadership skills development among people with the position power in specific professional work groups. Second, there does exist the selection system for getting the position of a manager, and this system includes leadership or managerial potential measurement within the professional specificity or even related to the socio-psychological specifics of the work group [13].
In 1928 G. Person expressed two hypotheses in relations to leadership: (1) any particular situation plays a large part in determining leadership qualities and the leader for that situation and (2) the qualities in an individual that a particular situation may determine to be leadership qualities are themselves the product of a succession of previous leadership situations that have developed and molded that individual [1]. According to the leadership potential model offered by J. Hartley, there are the following tendencies [7]:
- if a person becomes leader in one situation, then there is a big possibility that he/she can become a leader in another one as well;
- hence to the stereotypes, in one situation leader can be treated by the groups as a "leader" in general;
- becoming a leader in one situation, the person gets the authority, which helps to make him/her a leader in other situations;
- usually as a leader there is chosen someone who has a desire to become a leader.
P. Secord and K. Backman presented interesting observations, as they have notices that once becoming a leader and by that getting the central position in the relationships and hierarchical status context, the leader gets, from one side, the positive support from the group members, and from another side, - develops leadership potential. Furthermore, the positive experience of being a leader, motivates to keep the same position, while the leader's success, revealing in satisfying the needs of other group members, leads to the downsizing of individual activity of each member, which in its turn helps to keep the leader his/her status [17].
By E. Kudryashova's opinion, leadership develops only in the process of getting experience [9]. Nobody can learn to play piano, just listening to the music, played by others, or it is not possible to become a good football player, just watching how others play on TV. Same happens with leadership potential, its development cannot be active, if someone just observes others. In order to develop leadership
potential, manager need experience and practice. B. Bass's research proves that if a leader moves to another group, his/ her leadership desire is based on the previous leader's status, and on the possibility to get success in getting leadership position [2].
The main goal of the research is to study the specificity of contemporary managers' leadership potential in business organizations. The research was conducted on the basis of the training center "SNAP-Siberia", Ltd., Krasnoyarsk City, Russia. There were 50 managers participating in the research from different business organizations. The choice of the psycho-diagnostic methods was based on the defined traits and resources crafting leadership potential of a manager. As the research methods there were used the following: test 'Hardiness' (S.Maddie, adaptation by D.A. Leontiev) [10, 12], test of life meaning orientations (D.A. Leontiev) [11], method of emotional intelligence diagnostic (N. Hall) [8], method 'Subjective control level' (E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golinkina, A.M. Etkind) [3], survey 'Risk readiness' (RSK, G. Shubert) [6], method 'Diagnostic of personality's motivational structure' (V.E.Milman) [14], method 'Personality direction' (V. Smekal, M. Kucera) [16].
The following presents the analysis of the main psychodiagnostic results. The test 'Hardiness' (S.Maddie, adaptation by D.A. Leontiev) showed that 45% of managers have involvement as a characteristic of confidence in oneself and actions. 17% of managers have control as a characteristic of independent decision-making. Among 38% of respondents leads the scale "taking risks", which is characterized by the active knowledge transfer into experience and future use. 60% of managers as well lead in the scale "hardiness", which means managing stress in professional activity.
Test of life meaning orientations (D.A. Leontiev) shows the following results. The most vivid is the scale "Life goal" -33% of managers. This scale characterizes the goals presence or absence in life, which give awareness and direction in time perspective. High points in this scale demonstrate not only the goal-orientation, but as well projection for the future, - the person who has this trait, is someone without the clear plans in presence and are not based on the personal responsibility for their implementation. 20% of respondents showed high points in the scale "Life process". The scale follows the popular theory, that the main meaning of life is to live. This indicator demonstrates the perception of life by manager, as emotional, interesting and full of sense. In the scale "Life results" 33% of manager get high points. This scale defines the valuation of the life period and the feeling of how much productively and meaningful as this period. 45% of respondents have the highest points in the scale "Locus of control - Self'. High points demonstrate the personality strength and freedom of choice to build one's life in the way he/she wants. "Locus of control - Life" has high points among 37% of managers. It means the attitude towards one's life control, make decisions, and implement them.
Method of emotional intelligence diagnostic (N. Hall) showed that 32% of respondents have high points in the scale "Self-awareness". 55% of managers showed high points in the scale "Managing emotions (flexibility, emotional control)", and 40% - in the scale "Self-motivation", while 48% in "Empathy" and 33% in "Understanding emotions of others".
Method 'Subjective control level' (E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golinkina, A.M. Etkind) showed that 53% of managers had high indicators in the scale of general internality. High internality means high level of subjective control over the positive emotional events and situations. 45% of managers have internality in the achievement area, and 38% of respondents have high points in failures internality. 63% of managers have high points in family relationships internality, and 65% in business relationships internality, as well as 70% in the area of interpersonal relationships, and 40% in the health and illness relation.
By the survey 'Risk readiness' (RSK, G. Shubert), 25% of respondents are risk intended, 45% are risk ready, and 45%
Азимут научных исследований: педагогика и психология. 2019. Т. 8. № 2(27)
Pozharskiy Sergey Olegovitch, Aslamazishvili Dina Nikolaevna LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL ...
pedagogical sciences
are risk aversive. The person inclined to take risks in one situation, will take risk in others as well. The tendency for risk taking is connected with the person's direction towards goal achievement or failure aversion. This inclination is expressed in extreme situations and can lead to accident and traumas.
Method 'Diagnostic of personality's motivational structure' (V.E.Milman) gave the following results: in scale "life support" high results had 30%, in scale "comfort" - 55%, in scale "social status" - 50%, in scale "communication" -38%, in scale "general activity" - 48%, in scale "creative activity" - 56%, and "social utility" - 45%.
By the method 'Personality direction' (V. Smekal, M. Kucera), among 30% of managers it leads the individualist direction, and among 32% collectivist, while 38% have business direction.
Summing up, based on the research with the help of the previously described methods, the following leadership potential indicators can be defined:
1. Involvement (45%) - confidence in self and actions
2. Locus of control - Self (45%) - strong personality
3. Management of emotions (felicity, emotional control) (55%)
4. Subjective control - highest in family relationships, business relationships and interpersonal relationships internality
5. Risk readiness and risk aversion (45% and 45%)
6. Motivational personality structure, scales "comfort" and "creative activity"
7. Business direction of personality (38%).
The study results can be used by hR managers of business organizations, practicing psychologists and everyone interested in the issues related to leadership potential development of managers and effective management generally.
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Статья поступила в редакцию 05.04.2019
Статья принята к публикации 27.05.2019
Azimuth of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology. 2019. Т. 8. № 2(27)