Hydrometeorology and ecology №4 2024
UDC 911.6
IRSTI 87.29.37
S.T. Toxanbayeva* PhD, N.Ye. Ramazanova PhD, M.N. Musabayeva Doctor of Geographical Sciences
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan
E-mail: [email protected]
This article examines the influence of various natural factors on the formation of landscape
and soil complexes in the Zhaiyk River basin. The key components considered in the study
include soil types, topography, and natural landscapes. The analysis reveals that the soils
of the region range from chestnut and chernozem to sod-podzolic and solonetz soils, which
determine the characteristics of vegetation and agricultural potential. Soil complexes are
largely shaped by topography, water regime, and climatic conditions. Based on cartographic
data obtained from satellite imagery and digital terrain models, an analysis was conducted
to assess the distribution of soils and their relationship with vegetation types, water
bodies, and other natural features. The results of the study reveal important patterns in the
distribution of soil types and assess their role in the region’s ecosystems, providing practical
insights for land resource management, agriculture, and environmental conservation in the
Zhaiyk River basin. Topography, in turn, affects water exchange and erosion processes,
which significantly influence soil types and their distribution. Special attention is given to
identifying the interrelationships between soils, topography, and vegetation, as well as the
role of these factors in the formation of sustainable ecosystems. The findings confirm that
the complex interaction of topographical and soil features influences the distribution of
landscape zones, which is crucial for planning agricultural activities and nature conservation.
Keywords: steppe zone, landscape, landscape map, West Kazakhstan region, anthropogenic factors, natural
factors, steppe landscapes.
Accepted: 24.05.2024 y.
DOI: 10.54668/2789-6323-2024-115-4-75-90
The basin of the Zhaiyk River flows
through the territories of the Russian Federation
and the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the territory
of Russia, the river basin is located within the
Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, as well as
the Republic of Bashkortostan. On the territory
of Kazakhstan, the Zhaiyk River basin is located
within the Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and partially
Aktobe regions. The total length of the river is
2,534 km, the catchment area is 231,000 km2
(Petrenko et al., 2001, Ramazanov, 2009).
On the territory of the Russian Federation,
its length is 1450 km, its catchment area is 121900
km2 (52,8 %), and on the territory of Kazakhstan,
respectively, 1084 and 109100 km2 (47,2 %). The
Zhaiyk River originates on the eastern slope of
Uraltau and flows into the Caspian Sea. The river
basin can be divided into the following natural
provinces: The General Syrt, the Mugalzhar
Mountains, the Sub-Ural (Poduralski) Plateau, the
Caspian Lowland. The common Syrt serves as a
watershed of the Volga and Zhaiyk river basins. Its
surface is slightly wavy, with low (up to 200...360
m) outliers. Along the southern spurs of the Syrt
there is a vast pre-Syrt plain, the width of which
reaches 60 km near the city of Uralsk. Intersected
by numerous valleys of small rivers, it retains
a rocky character and only in the south breaks
off with a steep ledge to the Caspian lowland.
The Mugalzhar Mountains are an extension of
the Southern Urals. This uplift consists of the
northern and southern parts, separated from each
other by a wide intermountain depression. The
northern Mugalzhar occupy the space between
Ilek and Irgiz with a width of up to 200 km and
are mainly hilly and rocky hills. The Northern
Mugalzhar are divided into western and eastern
wings by the Oryu River. The western wing of the
Northern Mugojars (Or-Ilek interfluve) has the
Scientific article
Toxanbayeva, Ramazanova, Musabayeva. Landscape factors forming...
appearance of a plateau lying on the continuation of
the southern spurs of the Ural Mountains. To the west
of the watershed, the plateau is strongly indented by
watercourses and represents a shallow sandstone, and
to the east of it passes into a slightly framed plain,
dissected by a network of left tributaries of the Or
River. The southern Mugalzhar have a mountainous
terrain and their main western chain, the Mugalzhar
ridge proper, rises sharply (by 200...300 m) above
the adjacent the Sub-Ural (Poduralski) Plateau. The
Sub-Ural (Poduralski) Plateau adjoins the Caspian
lowland from the east and is a steep-hilly plain
dissected by the valleys of the Zhaiyk River and
its left tributaries Ilek and Utva (Ramazanov, 1998,
Ramazanov, 2003, Ramazanova et al., 2019).
The relief of the Sub-Ural (Poduralski)
Plateau indicates intensive denudation and erosion
processes, the main agents of which are water and
wind. The Caspian lowland frames the northern
part of the Caspian Sea. It is a dried-up bottom of
the retreating Caspian Sea and is characterized by a
leveled surface with traces of coastlines and coastal
ramparts. The surface of the lowland is dotted with a
variety of different-sized rock depressions, lakes and
shallow channels, which belong to certain coastlines
associated with different levels of the Caspian Sea.
The Chizhinsko-Durinsko-Balika depression has the
largest dimensions. This is a huge lowland stretching
from the southern border of the Common Syrt almost
to the Volga-Ural sands. Its surface is covered with
vast expanses of estuarine meadows, among which
individual remnant massifs with a length of 2 to
30 km rise in places (Yegorova & Motrich, 2010,
Vilesov et al., 2009, Akiyanova & Vasilchenko,
2015, Salesa & Cerdà, 2020).
To understand the surrounding world
with the modern relationship between man and
nature, with human impact in the environment,
one of the solutions is to study the territory using
landscape analysis. Thus, the steppe zone in the West
Kazakhstan region of the Zhaiyk river basin has
been studied since ancient times, but it is now that
the study has become more detailed and detailed.
Landscape analysis of the steppe zone is
very important, because the steppe zone is one of
the most favorable zones for human settlement.
Therefore, timely landscape analysis of the steppe
zone is very relevant today. The need to study the
landscape analysis of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk
River basin arose due to the anthropogenic impact
on the landscapes of the steppe zone and pollution
in Zhaiyk.
The factors shaping the landscape and its
components are closely related. Any component
of the natural environment that forms within
the landscape is a landscape-forming factor. In
this regard, landscape-forming factors include:
lithogenicity factors with geological and relief
characteristics, then hydrological and climatic
factors with water and climatic characteristics, the
following soil factors and biogenic factors. Also,
in parallel, special attention should be paid to
anthropogenic factors, since at present there is almost
no type of landscape without contact with human
activity. Landscape factors also have external and
internal types of influence, including such external
natural phenomena as: movements in tectonics,
relief-forming factors, solar radiation, atmospheric
circulation. And of an internal nature as a violation of
the energy and material balance in the system, which
subsequently leads to a change in any components of
the natural environment (Amelchenko et al., 2006,
Chibilev, 2008).
Therefore, the study of landscape factors in the
formation of certain territories is a very important
and relevant type of study of the structure of the
landscape and its principle of resilience to external
anthropogenic influences. The study of the steppe
zone is also significant, since the steppe zone is a
very fertile and densely populated area of human
settlement, and is of social importance. As a result,
the subject of the study was “Landscape formation
factors”, and the object of study was the steppe zone
of the Zhaiyk river basin in the West Kazakhstan
region (Darbayeva et al., 2020).
The purpose of the study was to study the
landscape factors forming the steppe zone of the
Zhaiyk river basin in the West Kazakhstan region.
In order to achieve these goals, the following
tasks were set:
– study of statistical, literary, cartographic
data on the object of research;
– determination of the steppe zone of the
Zhaiyka River basin on the territory of the West
Kazakhstan region;
– characteristics of the landscapes of the
steppe zone of the Zhaiyka river basin;
– compilation of relief, climatic, geological,
soil, plant, hydrographic maps using the ArcGIS
– preparation of a series of maps;
– analysis of landscape factors forming the
steppe zone of the Zhaiyk river basin in the West
Kazakhstan region.
Hydrometeorology and ecology №4 2024
The article used methods of geographic
information mapping and comparative geographic
analysis, cartography and statistics, computer
science tools, in particular methods of geographic
information systems and technologies.
Also used: statistical method (processing
of quantitative parameters); graphical methods
(graphical representation of data in the form of
tables, diagrams, graphs); cartographic method
(compilation of a series of maps), namely landscape
mapping and systematics of landscapes and the
method of landscape classification is used.
Landscape mapping and landscape
systematics are in close logical connection. They
relate to each other as a way of modeling the landscape
structure of the territory, mutually complementing
each other and stimulating development. If the
systematics shows a structural and genetic model
of the landscape structure of the region, then the
landscape map shows a spatial model.
Before you start working in the ArcGIS
program with digital terrain models, you need to
download a DEB file from the Internet, where you
select your object and upload it to your computer
(laptop). Next, it is unzipped and saved on the
desktop or local disk C (D) in a specific folder. After
that, work begins in the ArcGIS program. DEM
files (DEM) are loaded into the ArcMap program.
For further work with DEM files, you should use
the tools of the 3D Analyst, conversion and Spatial
Analyst «Hydrology» group. These tools are used to
simulate the flow of water over the surface.
Digital relief models SRTM were used as
research material to highlight the Zhaiyk River
basin, cartographic material for the study area
according to landscape parameters.
The algorithm for processing the digital
relief model for highlighting the river basin is shown
in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. An algorithm for processing a digital relief model for highlighting a river basin
To identify the basin area, digital elevation
models (DEMs) were used, modern methods using
DEMs using 3D Analysis tools, conversion and
spatial analysis tools of the ArcGIS 10.8 program.
Modern methods for determining the
structure of landscapes were also used, based on
compiling a landscape map, mapping methods and
using the functions of the ArcGIS 10.8 program to
determine the structure.
Using the functionality of the ArcGIS 10.8
program, SRTM satellite images were processed, a
digital relief model was obtained, the boundaries
Scientific article
Toxanbayeva, Ramazanova, Musabayeva. Landscape factors forming...
of the Zhaiyk River basin were identified, then
the territory of the steppe zone was digitized and
layers of natural environment components were
created using the method of overlaying layers and
interpolation. As a result, steppe landscapes of the
West Kazakhstan region were identified.
The processing algorithm consisted of
several steps, including such types of work as
collecting and systematizing data on the research
object by natural components, data composition,
processing of cartographic material and creating a
landscape map using ArcGIS 10.8 program tools.
The source data and sources for the
geoinformation system are the basis of their
information support, which are extremely timeconsuming, due to the large mass of sources based
on analog data (maps on paper, tables, reports,
text, etc.), and digital forms and data processed by
it are needed to work in the digital environment
of GIS existence. As a result, at the moment they
are gradually moving from the analog database
to digital, which serves as progress in the field of
GIS technologies.
When working in GIS with the analysis
and evaluation of various sources of information,
it is necessary to take into account common
properties in the form of metadata.
When mapping the river basin, statistical
and cartographic data of the river basin are used,
such as: relief, quaternary sediments, soil cover,
plant resources, geomorphological and tectonic
maps, landscape changes, etc.
To study the steppe zone of the river basin,
cartographic data sources are used, namely general
geographic survey maps (soil, vegetation, relief,
hydrography, geomorphology, etc.), thematic
maps, namely maps of nature (geological,
landscape, physico-geographical).
Currently, in hydrological, geographical
and environmental studies, geoinformation
computer technologies are more often replacing
desk and field studies. It is very common to use
and process a digital terrain model through certain
functions and operations in a GIS program. So,
using operations through hydrological functions,
it is possible to divide the provided territory in the
form of a digital relief model into a river basin.
Digital terrain models today are modern
digital images from space depicting any territory
of the world. With the help of the ArcGIS program,
you can identify any object in a certain area.
Various methods are used to determine
the river basin. One of the modern methods is
the definition of a river basin based on a digital
relief model using 3D Analyst tools, conversion
and Spatial Analyst Tools of the ArcGIS program,
which is the most accurate for determining the
river basin, since digital relief models (satellite
images) are used.
Next, a series of steps were taken to create
a landscape map, for this purpose, a landscape
classification technique was applied, including
4 consecutive interdependent stages, shown in
Figure 2.
Fig. 2. The algorithm of the method of classification of landscapes
Hydrometeorology and ecology №4 2024
The steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River basin
is located in some part on the territory of the West
Kazakhstan region. The territory lies deep in the
Eurasian continent and is remote from the Atlantic
Ocean and its seas with a distance of 2.5 thousand
kilometers. The Arctic Ocean is also far away.
This location influences the formation of a sharply
continental climate with a ratio of heat and humidity,
which has developed in the territory determines
the features of soil cover, vegetation development
and the formation of natural complexes.
The territory is not accompanied by bright,
pronounced borders and runs along the Caspian
lowland, along the Saratov and Samara regions of
the Russian Federation along the Common Syrt,
between the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan the
administrative borders coincide with the western
border of the Emben plateau, and between the
Atyrau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan runs
along that part of the Caspian lowland where the
Ryn Sands (Naryn) were formed. A distinctive
feature is the flat nature of its territory (Figure 3).
Fig. 3. Physical and geographical map of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River basin
The Zhaiyk River basin is located in the
West Kazakhstan region, and is located in the
deep part of the Eurasian continent. This territory
is characterized by plains.
The general scheme of the created
landscape map with the structure of the steppe
zone of the Zhaiyk River basin included the
implementation of certain actions.
The first action was to compile an
electronic geological map of the genesis of
sediments in the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River
basin. The map was made using the vectorization
method of scanned geological and scanned
geomorphological maps. Information on the
genesis of sedimentation in the steppe zone of the
Zhaiyk River basin was entered into the attribute
data of the table (Figure 4).
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Toxanbayeva, Ramazanova, Musabayeva. Landscape factors forming...
Fig. 4. Map of quaternary sediments of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River basin
As a second step, a map of the basin
landscape-territorial structure of relief structures
was compiled. Using a step-by-step determination
algorithm in the ArcGIS software package in the
branch of hydrology functions in the automated
synthesis of maps of drainage areas of the river
basin, which was described above in the subsection
using and processing a digital elevation model,
after processing the digital elevation model, we
obtained the territory of the Zhaiyk River basin
and the relief of the study area (Figure 5).
Hydrometeorology and ecology №4 2024
Fig. 5. Map of the hydrographic network of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River basin
The third step was to create a soil map of
the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River basin in digital
form by vectorizing a scanned soil map within the
West Kazakhstan region. Using the ArcCatalog
program, a shapefile was created and the name
of the shapefile of the «soil» of the steppe zone
of the Zhaiyk River basin was set, then the type
and coordinate system were set. When creating a
digitized map, first, the shapefile was copied into
the ArcGis program and using the Editor function,
the soils of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River
basin were digitized. Information on soil type,
numbers from the digitized map, numbers of
soil type, steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River basin
were entered into the table of attribute data of the
digitized soil map of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk
River basin to create a soil map legend (Figure 6).
Scientific article
Toxanbayeva, Ramazanova, Musabayeva. Landscape factors forming...
Fig. 6. Soil map of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk river basin
In the same way, as in the third action, the
fourth action was to compile a vegetation map
based on an already existing paper map (the paper
vegetation map of the West Kazakhstan region
was made by scientists from the Department of
Botany of the West Kazakhstan University named
after M. Utemisov) in digital form by vectorizing
the scanned plant map of the West Kazakhstan
region (Figure 7).
Hydrometeorology and ecology №4 2024
Fig. 7. Plant resources of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River basin
Then, using methods of analytical
operations of the ArcGis overlay program, the
structure of the landscapes of the steppe zone
of the Zhaiyk River basin was determined, the
already created polygonal classes of spatial objects
(Quaternary deposits, relief, soils, vegetation) were
subjected to an overlay using the Analysis Tools
function of the Overlay branch of the Intersect
tool with preservation of attribute data. Next, the
“Merge” procedure (from the ArcToolbox Data
Management Tools set) was performed for the
resulting class to remove boundaries between
objects with the same descriptions.
At the final stage of the action, the map was
designed, unique numbers of landscape stripes
and legends of the landscape map of the steppe
zone of the Zhaiyk River basin were created.
When studying the steppe zone of the
Zhaiyk River basin, 14 landscapes were identified:
12 plain landscapes and 2 valley landscapes. Plain
landscapes were classified as steppe type, of which
5 are denudation plains and 7 are accumulative
plains. Below is a map of landscapes with a
legend of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River
basin (Figure 8 and note to Figure 8).
Scientific article
Toxanbayeva, Ramazanova, Musabayeva. Landscape factors forming...
Fig. 8. Landscape map of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk river basin
Note to Figure 8
Plain landscapes
Denudation plains
1. Structural dissected plateau, composed
of clays, loess, loam, sandy loam with fescuefeather grass vegetation on southern chernozems,
in combination with wormwood-white wormwood
vegetation on dark chestnut soil;
2. Stratified-basement gently undulating
plain, composed of sands, clays, sandstones,
limestones with forb-pinnate feather grass
vegetation on southern solonetzic chernozems
with solonetzes and meadow-bog soils;
3. Stratified, intensely dissected plain,
composed of clays, loess-like loams with fescuefeather grass vegetation on dark chestnut normal
4. Layered ridge plain composed of
clays, loess-like loams with fescue-feather grass
vegetation on chestnut soils;
5. Stratified, intensely dissected plain,
composed of clays, sandstones, limestones with
fescue and forb-erkek vegetation on chestnut
normal and incompletely developed soils.
Accumulative plains
6. Marine plain, composed of clays,
loams, sands with forb-grass-meadow and fescue
vegetation on light chestnut and meadow soils;
7. Marine weakly dissected plain,
composed of clays, loams, sandy loams with
fescue-feather grass steppes on meadow-chestnut
and meadow soil;
8. Sea hilly plain, composed of clays,
loams, sands with cereal-dwarf wormwood
vegetation on normal light chestnut and meadowchestnut soils with solonetzes;
9. Alluvial hilly plain composed of sands,
loams with forb-erek vegetation on meadow,
chestnut meadow soils and sands;
10. Alluvial weakly dissected plain,
composed of loams, sandy loams, sands with white
wormwood-fescue and wheatgrass vegetation on
chestnut meadow soils with solonetzes;
11. Alluvial-proluvial plain, composed of
Hydrometeorology and ecology №4 2024
loams, clays, sands with forb-herb vegetation on
meadow-chestnut and light chestnut soils;
12. Deluvial-proluvial dissected plain,
composed of gravelly loams, clays with fescuefeather grass vegetation on dark chestnut
carbonate-solonetzic soil.
Valley landscapes
13. Floodplain composed of loams, sands,
gravel and pebbles with forb-grass meadows and
small-leaved forests on floodplain-meadow soils;
14. The floodplain is highly dissected,
composed of loams, sandy loams, sands with trees,
shrubs and wheatgrass and forbs on meadowalluvial and meadow-bog soils.
The right bank part of the Zhaiyk River
basin belongs to the Aralsorko-Uzensky district,
and the left bank to the Kushumo-Uralsky district.
Only the extreme southeastern part of the small
area is included in the Uilsky district, UiloEmbensky district. In the south, a small territory
is occupied by the South Caspian region, which in
turn is part of the Guryev province. The southern
part belongs to the Ryn-Khakinsky district, the
southwestern part of this district is included
within the Khakinsky district, and the rest belongs
to the Ryn-Sands district. The southern part of the
left bank of the Zhaiyk River, in a small area, is
occupied by the Dossor-Koschagyl district, which
is part of the Ural-Embensky district.
The entire territory of the study object
belongs to the class of flat landscapes, which in
turn are divided into two subclasses: relatively
lowered plains and elevated plains, the border
between them runs along the 50-meter line.
The steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River
basin, according to Isachenko’s classification,
is represented by a subboreal semiarid (steppe)
zonal type of landscape.
The border with the subboreal semiarid
(steppe) zonal type of landscape runs in the north
along the southern spurs of General Syrt, in the
northeast along the Podural plateau of the Ilek
River valley, in the south approximately along
the line of the villages of Borsy, Bogatyrevo,
Taldykuduk, Chapaevo-Dzhambeyta-Egindikul.
Within the West Kazakhstan region, steppe
landscapes are represented by two subtypes: the
northern part is moderate-dry steppe, the southern
part is dry-steppe.
approximately 0,5. Solar radiation is 110...120
kcal/cm2, the sum of daily temperatures is above
10 °C and amounts to 28 °C.
The landscape map of the steppe zone of
the Zhaiyk river basin on a scale of 1: 2,000,000
shows the following types of landscape.
Subtype: Moderate-dry steppe.
Class: Flat
Subclass: Raised Plains
1. Type of landscape: A structural dissected
plateau composed of clays, loess, loam, sandy
This type of landscape occupies the
northern part of the Zhaiyk River basin. The
relief is represented by hills, gullies, hollows,
ravines and valleys of small rivers. The soil and
vegetation cover is represented by typical grassgrass phytocenoses on southern chernozems, in
combination with wormwood-white-wormwood
associations on the solonets srednestolbchaty. The
syrtic uplands are composed of certain clays and
are occupied by tipchak-kovyl communities on
dark-shtan carbonate-saline soils. In the hollows,
vegetation and soil cover are mainly represented
by wheatgrass on meadow rejuvenated soil, and in
ravines and gullies, due to additional moistening
of surface waters, shrub-tree plantations grow
on meadow and meadow-chernozem soil
(Amelchenko et al., 2006; Chibilev, 2008).
2. Type of landscape: A stratum-basement
gently undulating plain composed of sands, clays,
sandstones, limestones.
It occupies the northeastern part of the
right bank of the Zhaiyk River. The uvalisto-wavy,
uvalisto-flat terrain has a noticeable slope to the
south, towards the valley of the Zhaiyk River.
The soil-forming rocks are represented by loams,
sands and sandy loams, as well as sandy deposits.
The soil and vegetation cover consist of mixed
grass-pinnacular communities on the southern
saline chernozems with saline and meadow-marsh
Subtype: Dry Steppe
Class: Flat
Subclass: Landscapes of elevated plains
3. Type of landscape: A stratified
intensively dissected plain composed of clays,
loess-like loams.
The entire territory of the landscape
occupies the Poduralsky plateau within the Utva85
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Toxanbayeva, Ramazanova, Musabayeva. Landscape factors forming...
watershed. The relief is represented by a steepundulating plain with absolute heights of 110...260
meters, dissected by a system of fairly wide river
valleys. Flat areas are characterized by microrelief
depressions and elevations. Salt dome tectonics
and erosion processes are well developed. Erosion
processes complicated their slopes with ravines,
gullies and river valleys, which dissected the
resulting elevated stratified plain.
4. View of the landscape: A flat, rocky
plain, composed of clays, loess-like loams.
The territory of the landscape is located
within the Precourt ledge. The terrain is flat, poorly
dissected. The valleys of small rivers are oriented
almost strictly from north to south, the territory
is divided into a number of watershed sections.
It has a slight general slope to the southwest. The
soil-forming rocks are heavy loamy deposits.
5. Landscape type: An intensely dissected
stratified plain composed of clays, sandstones,
and limestones.
The landscape is located in the far east,
occupies a small area of the Poduralsky plateau.
The relief is characterized by wavy and flat
elevations of the salt dome type. The surface is
dissected by the valleys of the sources of the Utva
River. Soil-forming rocks: heavy loams, sandy
alluvial deposits, as well as Cretaceous deposits.
The soil and vegetation cover is dominated by
typical and mixed-grass - coastal vegetation on
chestnut normal and partially developed soils.
Class: Plain
Subclass: Relative to the lowered plains
6. Type of landscape: A sea plain composed
of clays, loams, and sands.
It occupies the territory between the
valley of the Zhaiyk River, the ChizhinskyDurinsky and Balyktinsky floods, and in the
north, it borders the southern slopes of the
southern spur of the Common Syrt. The terrain of
the territory is a relatively elevated accumulative
marine loamy watershed plain, elevated by local
tectonic movements. It has a slope to the south.
Depressions of various shapes and origins are
quite common here, such as padinas, estuaries,
hollows, meso-micro-depressions, as well as
micro-elevations in the form of gophers. The soilforming rocks in the northern part are represented
by medium-saline heavy loams of marine and
ancient alluvial origin. In the south, they consist
of medium-loamy layered sediments.
Subtype: Dry Steppe
Class: Flat
Subclass: Relative to the lowered plains
7. Type of landscape: A marine poorly
divided plain composed of clays, loams, sandy
The surface of the landscape has a flat
appearance with slight slopes to the southwest.
There is a large lake basin Shalkar on the territory,
on the outskirts of which the salt dome concepts
of Santas and Sasai rise. This territory receives an
additional amount of surface and ground moisture
coming here from the Podural plateau and the
Pre-Salt ledge.
Class: Plain
Subclass: Relative to the lowered plains
8. Type of landscape: A marine hilly plain
composed of clays, loams, and sands.
The landscape is located in the south in
the Barguzin depression. In the northeast, it is
bordered by the hills of the Pre-Syrtov ledge, and
in the north by the Shalkar uplift. In the western
part of the Zhaiyk River basin, the landscape
approaches the lower reaches of the Olenty,
Buldyrty and Kaldygaity rivers. In the southern
part of the district there are many depressions and
depressions on a flat plain. The northeastern part
of the landscape has a slope to the southwest, this
is reflected in the direction of the rivers that flow
into the Caspian lowland from the Poduralsky
9. Type of landscape: Alluvial hilly plain,
composed of sands, loams.
The territory of the landscape is met by
islands, located in a narrow strip of the meridional
direction. The landscape occupies sandy massifs
in the southern part of the Pre-Syrtic ledge, as
well as small sandy massifs of the lower reaches
of the Kaldygaity River. There is a well-defined
orientation from northeast to southwest in the relief.
Here, various depressions alternate with elongated
increases. Sandy massifs are represented by bumpy
sands. The soil-forming rocks are represented
by sandy loams and sands of alluvial origin. The
groundwater lies at a depth of 2...5 meters.
Subtype: Dry Steppe
Class: Plain
Subclass: Relative to the lowered plains
10. Type of landscape: An alluvial poorly
divided plain composed of loams, sandy loams, and
Hydrometeorology and ecology №4 2024
The landscape is represented by narrow
strips of valleys of the Utva and Ilek rivers. The
relief is dominated by valley plains with low
altitudes. The northern part is more elevated. In
the Utva River valley, chalk deposits often come to
the surface, and alluvial sediment cover is widely
developed in river valleys. There are ravines
and gullies that are occupied by various grass
and shrub vegetation on meadow and chestnutmeadow soils.
11. Type of landscape: Alluvial-proluvial
plain, composed of loams, clays, sands.
The territory is located in the south-east of the
region and occupies the south-western slope of
the Predsyrtovy ledge. The relief is dominated by
river-like depressions with elongated elevations,
as well as dunes and deep sandy basins, gullies.
The soil-forming rocks are represented by sandy
loams and sands of alluvial origin. Groundwater
lies at a depth of 2...5 meters. The soil and
vegetation cover is dominated by a mixed grasserk vegetation on meadow chestnut and light
chestnut soils.
12. Type of landscape: Devual-proluvial
dissected plain, composed of gravelly loams,
The landscape occupies the southern slope
of the southern spur of the Common Syrt. The
relief is flat and undulating, has a noticeable slope
to the south and is rather densely dissected by
hollows having a meridian direction. The territory
of the landscape is crossed in the latitudinal
direction by the valley of the Derkul River. The
average absolute height is 50...70 meters. Soilforming rocks are most often represented by
clays and heavy loams. The soil and vegetation
cover is mainly represented by typical grass-grass
vegetation on dark chestnut saline and meadowchestnut soils. The southern part of the landscape is
plowed, and has dark chestnut, normal, combined
with dark brown carbonate-brackish soil.
13. Type of landscape: Floodplains
composed of loam, sand, gravel and pebbles.
This landscape of the floodplain of the Zhaiyk
River occupies a segment from the mouth of
the Ileka River to the Chalk Mountains located
south of the city of Uralsk. Here the river valley
coincides with the Caspian trough. The floodplain
is from 12 to 20 kilometers wide and has a lakelike character. The height of the floodplain above
the boundary is on average 6...7 meters, it is
characterized by a flat-maned relief, against which
a network of flowing lowlands, lakes and old trees
develops. Soil-forming rocks: easily loamy, loamy
and clayey alluvial deposits.
14. Type of landscape: The floodplain is
strongly dissected, composed of loams, sandy
loams, and sands.
This section of the river valley runs from
the Chalk Mountains to the village of Antonovo.
Here, the river valley is characterized by a wide
floodplain (from 2...3 to 8...10 kilometers),
bordered by narrow (1...3 kilometers) flat abovefloodplain terraces that rise 8...11 meters above the
inter-level. Sometimes the higher second and third
terraces come close to the river.
Here, deep hollows alternate with high
crescent-shaped manes, and a coarse-grained
sandy relief is also widely developing. The soilforming rocks are composed of young Lower
Khvalyn sedimentary deposits of the Kushum
paleodelt, rich in lime carbonate, chloride and
sulfuric acid salts. In this regard, the salinity of
floodplain soils is increasing here.
In conclusion, it can be said that the
following key types of soils are found in the steppe
zone of the Zhaiyk River basin:
Chernozem soils occupy about 30...35 %
of the territory, mainly on the plains and in the
lowlands, where water accumulates, providing
high fertility. These soils support various types of
vegetation, including meadow and steppe grasses.
Chestnut soils are common in 25...30 %
of the territory, typical for slopes and slightly
elevated areas. They have a good structure and
provide good drainage.
Sod-podzolic soils occupy about 15...20 %
of the territory, they are found in wetter areas close
to reservoirs.
Brackish soils – about 10...15 % of the
territory, are common in places with high salinity,
especially in low-lying areas and in areas with
difficult drainage.
Quantitative characteristics of the
landscapes of the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk River
basin indicate a significant variety of natural
conditions that affect the distribution of soil
types, vegetation and water resources. These data
play a key role in environmental monitoring and
planning for the sustainable use of land resources,
agriculture and nature conservation in the region.
Scientific article
Toxanbayeva, Ramazanova, Musabayeva. Landscape factors forming...
An important new understanding of
the complex interaction between natural and
anthropogenic forces came from studying the
landscape features affecting the steppe zone of
the Zhaiyk River basin in Western Kazakhstan.
We have carefully studied and demonstrated
several factors influencing the unique landscape
architecture of this area using Geographic
Information System (GIS) technologies.
The results show that although human
activity is gradually changing the terrain,
geological and climatic elements are needed to
determine it. Comprehensive cartographic data
combined with digital terrain models made it
possible to fully understand the interaction and
changes of various elements over time.
The discovery of fourteen separate
landscapes of the steppe zone highlights the
biological richness of this area.
Since geomorphologically the territory
is part of the Caspian basin, with the features
of the elevated plain and tectonic uplifts and
depressions, which is expressed in the relief (for
example, the Janybek-Urda uplift, the Ashiozek
depression) and the territory is located deep in a
temperate climatic zone with a continental climate,
pronounced seasons and its characteristic warmth,
low-snow winters and lack of precipitation. Thus,
the landscape analysis used in this study allows us
to give a modern description of the landscapes of
the steppe zone of the Zhaiyk river basin and show
the landscape features of the object of study.
It is necessary to implement sustainable
environmental integrity along with human
development. This work highlights the need for
continuous monitoring of terrain changes caused
by human activity and serves as a fundamental
tool for subsequent research.
An improved understanding of the
landscape dynamics of the Zhaiyk River basin will
help more successful conservation projects and
promote harmonious coexistence between human
activities and natural ecosystems.
This study highlights the need for
landscape analysis to solve environmental
problems and clarify complex relationships within
ecosystems. Our ongoing research of the Zhaiyk
River basin highpoints the need to preserve its
unique landscape to ensure a sustainable future for
its people and natural resources.
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Hydrometeorology and ecology №4 2024
С.Т. Токсанбаева* PhD, Н.Е. Рамазанова PhD, М.Н. Мусабаева г.ғ.д.
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, Астана, Қазақстан
E-mail: [email protected]
Бұл мақалада Жайық өзенінің алабында ландшафттық және топырақтық кешендердің
қалыптасуына әртүрлі табиғи факторлардың әсері қарастырылады. Зерттеу барысында
талданған негізгі компоненттер — топырақ түрлері, рельеф және табиғи ландшафттар.
Талдау нәтижелері аймақтағы топырақтардың каштанды, қара топырақты, дерново-подзолисті және сорлы топырақтардан тұратынын көрсетеді, олар өсімдіктердің түрлері
мен ауылшаруашылық әлеуетін анықтайды. Топырақ кешендері рельеф, су режимі және
климаттық жағдайлардың әсерінен айтарлықтай қалыптасады. Спутниктік суреттер мен
сандық рельеф модельдерін пайдаланып алынған картографиялық деректер негізінде топырақтардың таралуы мен олардың өсімдіктер типтері, су айдындары және басқа табиғи
ерекшеліктермен байланысы бағаланды. Зерттеу нәтижелері топырақ түрлерінің таралуындағы маңызды заңдылықтарды анықтап, олардың аймақтың экожүйелеріндегі рөлін
бағалайды, бұл Жайық өзенінің алабындағы жер ресурстарын басқару, ауылшаруашылық
қызметі және қоршаған ортаны қорғау үшін практикалық ақпарат береді. Рельеф, өз кезегінде, су алмасуына және эрозия процестеріне әсер етеді, бұл топырақтардың түрлері
мен олардың таралуына айтарлықтай ықпал етеді. Топырақтар, рельеф пен өсімдіктер
арасындағы байланыстарды анықтауға ерекше назар аударылған, сондай-ақ осы факторлардың тұрақты экожүйелердің қалыптасуындағы рөлі қарастырылған. Алынған нәтижелер топографиялық және топырақтық ерекшеліктердің күрделі өзара әрекеттесуінің
ландшафттық аймақтардың таралуына әсер ететінін және бұл ауылшаруашылық қызметін жоспарлау мен табиғатты қорғауда маңызды рөл атқаратынын растады.
Түйін сөздер: дала зонасы, ландшафт, ландшафт картасы, Батыс Қазақстан облысы, антропогендік факторлар, табиғи факторлар, дала ландшафттары.
С.Т. Токсанбаева* PhD, Н.Е. Рамазанова PhD, М.Н. Мусабаева д.г.н.
Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева, Астана, Казахстан
E-mail: [email protected]
В данной статье рассматривается влияние различных природных факторов на формирование ландшафтных и почвенных комплексов в бассейне реки Жайык. Ключевыми компонентами, рассмотренными в исследовании, являются типы почв, рельеф и природные
ландшафты. Анализ показывает, что почвы региона варьируются от каштановых и черноземных до дерново-подзолистых и солонцовых, которые определяют характеристики растительности и сельскохозяйственный потенциал. Почвенные комплексы в значительной степени формируются под влиянием рельефа, водного режима и климатических
условий. На основе картографических данных, полученных с помощью спутниковых
снимков и цифровых моделей рельефа, был проведен анализ для оценки распределения
почв и их взаимосвязи с типами растительности, водоемами и другими природными особенностями. Результаты исследования выявляют важные закономерности в распределении типов почв и оценивают их роль в экосистемах региона, предоставляя практическую
Scientific article
Toxanbayeva, Ramazanova, Musabayeva. Landscape factors forming...
информацию для управления земельными ресурсами, ведения сельского хозяйства и охраны окружающей среды в бассейне реки Жайык. Рельеф, в свою очередь, влияет на водообмен и процессы эрозии, которые существенно влияют на типы почв и их распределение. Особое внимание уделяется выявлению взаимосвязей между почвами, рельефом
и растительностью, а также роли этих факторов в формировании устойчивых экосистем.
Полученные результаты подтверждают, что сложное взаимодействие топографических и
почвенных особенностей влияет на распределение ландшафтных зон, что имеет решающее значение для планирования сельскохозяйственной деятельности и охраны природы.
Ключевые слова: степная зона, ландшафт, ландшафтная карта, Западно-Казахстанская область, антропогенные факторы, природные факторы, степные ландшафты.
Information about authors/Сведения об авторах/Авторлар туралы мәліметтер:
Toxanbayeva Sabina – PhD, Senior lecturer of the Department physical and economic geography of L.N. Gumilyov
Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazhymukan str., 13, [email protected]
Ramazanova Nurgul – PhD, Acting Professor of the Department physical and economic geography of L.N. Gumilyov
Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazhymukan str., 13, [email protected]
Musabayeva Meruert – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department physical and economic
geography of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazhymukan str., 13, [email protected]
Токсанбаева Сабина Турсыновна – PhD, старший преподаватель кафедры физической и экономической географии Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева, г. Астана, ул. Кажимукана, 13,
Рамазанова Нургуль Есеновна – PhD, и.о. профессора кафедры физической и экономической географии Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева, г. Астана, ул. Кажимукана, 13, [email protected]
Мусабаева Меруерт Насурлаевна – Доктор географических наук, доцент кафедры физической и экономической географии Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева, г. Астана, ул. Кажимукана, 13,
Токсанбаева Сабина Турсыновна – PhD, Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің физикалық және экономикалық география кафедрасының аға оқытушы, Астана қаласы, Қажымұқан көшесі, 13,
Рамазанова Нургуль Есеновна – PhD, Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің физикалық және экономикалық география кафедрасының профессор м.а., Астана қаласы, Қажымұқан көшесі, 13,
Мусабаева Меруерт Насурлаевна - География ғылымдарының докторы, Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық
университетінің физикалық және экономикалық география кафедрасының доценты, Астана қаласы, Қажымұқан
көшесі, 13, [email protected]
Authors contribution/Вклад авторов/Авторлардың қосқан үлесі:
Toxanbayeva S. – creating software, conducting statistical analysis, conducting a research, resources, preparing and editing
the text, visualization
Ramazanova N.– concept development
Musabayeva M. – methodology development
Токсанбаева С.Т. – создание программного обеспечения, проведение статистического анализа, проведение исследования, ресурсы, подготовка и редактирование текста, визуализация
Рамазанова Н.Е. – разработка концепции
Мусабаева М.Н. – разработка методологии
Токсанбаева С.Т.– бағдарламалық жасақтама жасау, статистикалық талдау жүргізу, зерттеу жүргізу, ресурстар,
мәтінді дайындау және өңдеу, көрнекілік
Рамазанова Н.Е. – тұжырымдаманы әзірлеу
Мусабаева М.Н. – әдістемені әзірлеу