Научная статья на тему 'Конфликтогенные факторы слабой организационной культуры'

Конфликтогенные факторы слабой организационной культуры Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Попельницкая Т. Б.

В данной статье представлены результаты прикладного исследования конфликтогенных факторов слабой организационной культуры (на примере коммерческих организаций г. Красноярска). Описаны особенности целеполагания, оргструктуры, информационно делового обмена, мотивации, контроля, гендерные установки и организационные патологии, специфичные для слабой культуры. Глубокое понимание этих особенностей позволяет на раннем этапе прогнозировать, предотвращать и конструктивно разрешать организационные конфликты и оптимизировать управленческие и переговорные процессы внутри организации.

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Confl ict-Generating Factors of Weak Organizational Culture

This article presents the results of the applied research of conflict-generating factors of weak organizational culture (on the example of commercial organizations of Krasnoyarsk). The features of goal setting, organizational structure, business information exchange, motivation, control, gender attitudes and organizational pathologies, which are specific to weak culture, are described. Deep understanding of these features allows to predict, prevent and constructively resolve organizational conflicts at the early stages and to optimize management and negotiation processes within the organization.

Текст научной работы на тему «Конфликтогенные факторы слабой организационной культуры»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2014 7) 664-675

УДК 005.334.2

Conflict-Generating Factors of Weak Organizational Culture

Tatiana B. Popelnitskaya*

Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia

Received 02.12.2013, received in revised form 13.02.2014, accepted 20.02.2014

This article presents the results of the applied research of conflict-generating factors of weak organizational culture (on the example of commercial organizations of Krasnoyarsk). The features of goal setting, organizational structure, business information exchange, motivation, control, gender attitudes and organizational pathologies, which are specific to weak culture, are described. Deep understanding of these features allows to predict, prevent and constructively resolve organizational conflicts at the early stages and to optimize management and negotiation processes within the organization.

Keywords: conflict-generating factors of weak organizational culture.

From the standpoint of constructive conflict resolution, the analysis of organizational context is as important for productive conflict resolution as the result of interaction. Kramer and Messick believe that "to understand the phenomenon of conflict and negotiations, it is necessary to consider the impact of social and institutional context in which this phenomenon not accidentally, but rather inevitably fixed" [1].

Context determines the procedural side, the value- normative content of conflict and conflict-generating environmental factors, reflecting organizational contradictions..

First of all, the basic organizational contradictions are localized in the area of strategic and tactical goals of functional units and the organization as a whole. They are also fixed in the features and strength of organizational culture of the company.

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

Organizational culture accumulates, reproduces rules and rituals of business relations and makes them predictable, thus perpetuating the whole complex of contradictions within itself. Therefore, conflict-generating environmental factors are renewable, constant and specific to a particular type of organization.

In practice, it is a priori assumed that successful companies often have strong corporate culture. While inefficient business has weak culture, vague strategic mission and low business reputation. However, the studies conducted in successful regional commercial firms with extensive experience in the market (more than 10-25 years) showed that connection between economic profitability, positive image and strength of culture is not direct and obvious. Market leaders can have very weak culture that

has an insidious and slow destructive effect on the development of the company and its innovative potential.

In addition, the concept of "strength of organizational culture", widely used in scientific and applied publications is very amorphous and descriptive. It is not clear what specific content authors mean when they use the concept of "weak" culture. What specific features of culture and management processes should be relied on to change it.

Descriptive approach to the concept of culture and its types (weak, moderate, strong) is accompanied by the obvious deficiency of tools for monitoring it, adapted to the characteristics of national mentality and business environment.

Most foreign methods for assessing the strength of organizational culture use questionnaires that ask respondents direct questions about core values of the company, level of information transparency, planning horizon, rituals of mentoring, criteria for professional selection and growth, etc. (for example, the method of Daft R.F. ("Evaluation of strength of organizational culture", 2001). However, testing of such foreign questionnaires in domestic companies revealed obvious pretentiousness, bias and superficiality of staff's answers. Employees are motivated to sustain positive reputation of their company in the eyes of their organization's leadership, external consultants and observers. But, in a real situation under the group pressure employees often demonstrate other attitudes, and negative behavioral patterns, which strongly disagree with the beliefs and estimates obtained from the stage of psychological testing. This sets the complicated context and conflicting contradiction between declared, expected and actual opinions and manifestations of organizational behavior of employees.

Attributive models, evaluating only formal features ofthe company's success, are often unable to give an adequate idea of the deep structural and dynamic features of culture. This also casts doubt on the validity of popular foreign methodologies of evaluation of strength of culture.

Adequate monitoring of strength of organizational culture requires development of more complex theoretical models used for designing diagnostic tools. Among these domestic techniques is the questionnaire for study of organizational culture by Semenov Y.G. The questionnaire consists of eight sets of questions aimed at identifying features of goal setting, organizational structure, business information exchange, motivation, control, gender attitudes and organizational pathologies in companies. Local and general indices are interpreted as factors of organization's wellbeing / distress.

This article presents a complex of symptoms of conflict-generating factors, specific for organizational culture of commercial medium-sized businesses, service sector (on the example of regional companies of Krasnoyarsk ).

The obtained results are diagnostic and evaluative, and reflect the subjective refraction of value-normative content of organizational culture and its conflict-generating factors in business communications.

These factors have complex nature and are causes and effects of typical positional conflicts in the organization, assuming that they have a stochastic nature rather than cause-effect relation. Genesis and order of development of these indicators is not obvious, because it is not the subject of this study.

Local conflict-generating factors more deeply reveal the content of the main organizational and psychological aspects of weak corporate culture of an enterprise. They also allow filling the concept of "weak culture" with specific empirical

characteristics amenable to qualitative and quantitative measurements in expert estimation, surveys, testing of personnel.

To increase the prognostic and applied value of the results, the obtained material is divided into nine blocks, reflecting the specific goal setting, organization, control and motivation, organizational pathologies.

So, companies with weak organizational culture are characterized by the following figures of local and general (total) indices

Block 1. "Goal setting"

1. Democracy in goal setting: negative and low values ranging from -0.143 to -0.286 (sample average is -0.06)

2. Collegiality in goal setting: negative values ranging from -0.429 to -0.4 (sample average is 0.12)

3. Connection of goals and actions of the collective: low - average values ranging from 0.2 -0.714 (sample average is 0,354)

4. Clarity of setting the goals by top management: negative and low values ranging from -0.857 to 0.1 (sample average is 0, 349)

5. Clarity and practical applicability of orders: negative values ranging from -0.1 to -1 (sample average is 0, 138)

6. Strategic importance of goals: positive values ranging from 0.286 -0.75 (sample average is 0.30)

7. Relevance of goals: negative values ranging from -0.1 to -0.857 (sample average is 0,319)

8. Soundness of goals: high positive values ranging from 0.714 - 0.857 (sample average is 0,568)

9. Priority of plans over current work: low negative values ranging from - 0.143 to -0.571 (sample is average - 0,155)

10. Provision of resources to carry out plans: negative and neutral values ranging from -0.857 to 0 (average is 0,453 sample)

11. Feasibility of plans: negative or neutral values ranging from -0.714 to 0 (sample average is 0,359 sample)

12. Excess labor intensity: low, negative values ranging from -1 to -0.4 (sample average is 0, 028)

13. Developing potential of plans for teams and their employees: negative and low positive values in the range from - 0.857 to 0.1 (average is 0,379 sample)

14. Forethought tasks: negative and low positive values ranging from -0.857 to 0.1 (sample average is - 0, 053)

15. Coherence of personal plans with collective tasks: negative and positive values ranging from -0.857 to 0.4 (sample average is -0.577)

16. Relevance of goals and objectives: wide range of positive values from 1 - 0,857 (sample average is 0,458)

17. Demand for tasks: wide range of positive values from 1 - 0,857 (sample average is 0,720)

18. Socio- psychological ecology: positive values ranging from 1 to 0,714 (sample average is 0,772)

Thus, weak organizational culture is characterized by persistent problems in planning and goal setting.

Poor strategic planning and focus on current tasks is accompanied by excessive labor intensity, weak connections between the objectives of management with actions of the collective, low collegiality in goal setting.

Poorly considered priorities and objectives accompanies chronic shortage of resources for implementation of plans, low developing potential of plans for the team and the company.

Low levels of relevance and soundness of goals objectively affect the figures of plans' performance. Minimizing personal contribution of employees in the process of goal-setting certainly affects such figures as "clarity and

applicability of orders," the demand for tasks, coherence of personal plans with the objectives of the team, significantly reducing motivation of labor activity of workers.

Closedness of management leads to prevalence of current work over plans, plans have a formal role, they can change rapidly under the pressure of circumstances or subjective decisions of the management.

At the same time, paradoxically, indicators for socio-psychological environment in such organizations are better than in companies with strong culture. This is explained by the fact that the procedures of making plans on the part of the staff are conflict-free, uncritical and conformal, according to the principle "let them plan on the top, we barely have time to work."

Low collegiality and democracy in setting goals objectively raise the demand for clear and precise tasks in the form of managerial orders, and also the need for additional information.

Thus, we can logically assume that the increase of strategy, collegiality and democracy in goal-setting will have a positive impact on the feasibility and resource base of plans. While relevance, soundness and coherence of objectives with personal plans and objectives of the collective will improve effectiveness of goal setting and increase motivation of the staff. It will help to balance the current work with the priorities of strategic and innovative development of the company..

Block 2. Index "Business information exchange"

In an organization with weak culture a pronounced and stable set of dysfunctional symptoms can be observed.

Extremely low completeness of information transmission, depth of discussion of problems, chronic failure of the leadership to keep its

promises, excessively declarative administrative information. Low level of information awareness of subordinate employees is combined with increased bias in leadership assessment. At the same time there are unreasonably high time expenditure on meetings, irregularity in discussions of current problems of the collective with the management and avoidance of direct and personal forms of communication of the head with the subordinates. Trust of employees to management varies in a wide positive range: from distrust to complete trust. At the same time, paradoxically, the leadership itself consistently shows very high level of mistrust to the information of their subordinates. Such signs, related to business information exchange, are observed as unstable collegiality in discussing work assignments, lowest degree of understanding of directives, low level of awareness of the leadership about the problems of employees.

Disparity between direct communication and feedback is greatly disturbed, which is combined with the crisis of mutual trust of the collective and administration, extremely high activity of non-official channels of information in the form of gossip, denunciation. We can assume that in the conditions of closedness and lack of interest of management to open discussion of topical issues, non-official channels of information are essential to compensate for the intensity of business information exchange in general.

In order to reduce conflict, regular two-way raising of the level of awareness and openness of communication is necessary, built on objective criteria for assessing solutions. This will eliminate the disparity of direct and return communication, increase confidence in the leadership, relevance and depth of discussion of problems, effectiveness of exchange of business information in general.

Block 3. Indicator "Organizational structure, coordination"

Identifies organizational structure, coordination and effectiveness of its components. So, weak culture is characterized by the following values of local and general (total) indices: :

1. Relevance of organizational structure to performed functions, goals, objectives : high negative values ranging from -0.929 to - 0.857 (sample average is -0.512 )

2. Degree of formalization (regulation) of organizational cooperation: low negative values ranging from - 0.143 - 0 (sample average is 0,743)

3. Relevance of coordination to the nature of tasks: average negative values ranging from -0.714 to - 0.571 (sample average is -0.131)

4. Degree of coordination from above: low positive values ranging from -0.286 to 0.143 (sample average is 0.503)

5. Completeness (depth) of coordination: high negative values ranging from -1.00 to -0.857 (sample average is -0.009)

6. Synergy: high negative values ranging from - 714 to -0.789 (sample average is 0,420) )

7. Positive impact on the management on coordination: high negative values from -0.1 to -0.857 (sample average is 0,290)

8. Impact of conflicting orders on coordination: medium, high positive values from 0.571 to 1.00 (sample average is 0,696)

9. Optimality of organizational system of business interaction: extremely high negative index of -1 (sample average is 0,053)

10. Compliance of work to job duties: a wide range of values of the indicator from -0.600 to 0.286 - 0, 714 (sample average is 0,147)

11. Effect of excessive number of managers on organization of work: high positive values of 0.857 - 1.00 (sample average is 0,550)

12. Influence of personal interests and ambitions on coordination of actions: extremely high rate of 1.00 (sample average is 0,706)

13. Self-organization: wide spread positive values ranging from 0.357 -0.857 (sample average is 0,358)

14. Discipline: high negative values from -0.714 to -0.857 (sample average is 0, 308)

15. Corporate unity: the range of values from low negative to medium positive in the range of -0.143 to 0.429 (sample average is -0.076)

16. The average value of the overall index for the sample is 0,440.

We can conclude that organizations with weak organizational culture are characterized by extremely low optimality of organizational system of business interaction. A pronounced disparity between personal interests and ambitions and corporate interests is combined with persistently low coordination of actions, unstable self-organization and a low degree of coordination from above.

Low relevance of organizational structure to performed functions and tasks causes a whole range of negative symptoms of organizational behavior: low discipline, pronounced disparity between work and official duties, excessive number of managers. Managerial activities are excessively formalized and conducted in the form of conflicting orders, and, in general, are assessed by the staff as negative impact of management on organization.

Extremely low degree and completeness (depth) of coordination combined with extremely high impact of personal interests and ambitions on coordination of actions. That can serve as an indirect indicator of deep heterogeneity and latent contradictions of weak culture (e.g., presence of oppositional, confrontational and conformal subcultures). In this case, obviously excessive influence from above is accompanied by low relevancy of coordination of the nature of tasks.

Superficial coordination of irrelevant organizational structures to solve formal

problems is reflected in the low rates of synergy, the unstable state of corporate unity.

Block 4: Communication (direct, feedback), criticism, organizational responsiveness

For organizations with weak culture of the following results were obtained:

1. Relevance of criticism: extremely high negative values - 1 (sample average is -0.367)

2. Mutual demands: extremely high negative values -1 (sample average is 0,215)

3. Benefits of criticism, its effectiveness: extremely high negative values -1 (sample average is -0.065)

4. Practice of concealing failures: neutral indicators equal to 0 (sample average is 0,204)

5. Susceptibility of the leadership to criticism as a signal to error correction: a wide variation in the range of positive values of 0, 050 - 1.00 (sample average is 0,111)

6. Personification of subjects of criticisms as "scapegoats"): extremely high negative values -1 (sample average is -0.507)

7. Confidence of the leadership in rightness of its criticism: extremely high negative values -1 (sample average is 0,356)

8. Consistency in solving the problems of the organization: spread of low bipolar values ranging from -0.300 to 0.429 (sample average -0, 071)

9. Distribution of costs of business mistakes and miscalculations between employees and managers: low negative and positive values from -0.286 to 0.150 (sample average is 0, 029)

10. General LI 6: the average value of the overall index for the sample is -0.046

According to the obtained results, we can conclude that the skills of constructive criticism and effective feedback are the weakest point in commercial organizations.

Total index of organizational responsiveness and efficiency of direct - feedback communication

has the lowest estimates of integral indicators of the 9 blocks.

Traditionally, the purpose of criticism is to be a tool for effective monitoring and correction of deviations and mistakes. And also, to be a means of improving the quality of products, work and effectiveness of any business processes, professional and personal growth.

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However, in organizations with weak culture extremely low degree of relevance of criticism is combined with heightened demands, avoiding responsibility, vicious practice of blame game and excessive demands in relations between the leadership and employees. At the same time extremely low evaluating of the efficacy and use of criticism, lack of feedback between administration and staff, unstable leadership susceptibility to criticism as a signal to correction of errors were obtained. When confronted with difficulties everyone tries to avoid personal responsibility. There is a very low level of distribution of expenses between employees and managers. As such, there is no established practice of concealing failures, criticism is public and severe. Heighten demands and "inaccessibility of leadership" is combined with extremely high level of personalization of the objects of criticisms. All this is reflected in the low level of systemic interaction and solutions, low reactivity of the organization as an agent of the market as a whole. Deep problems with speed and quality of feedback certainly affect not only in-organizational climate, but also external relations with the environment. Quality of services, products, business reputation, and company's competitiveness as a whole decline.

Block 5. Control, authority, discipline, efficiency, innovation, creativity

Function of control in organizations with weak culture has a number of significant shortcomings in distribution of functions. Incompleteness of workload is combined with

excess of management personnel, shortage of workers, acutely insufficient resources to perform the work. Moderately weak or tough external control correlates with low degree of authorization to perform tasks, lack of an effective system of financial and non-financial incentives to reduce costs of production. Also, a pronounced bias of the blame for errors and disciplinary infractions. Such non-constructive forms of "tough" policy and untimely control of the deviations are reflected in low authority of the leadership, weak influence of authority of management on responsibility of subordinates. High requirements to employees are connected with unstable readiness of leadership to admit their own mistakes and consequences of mismanagement. At the same time, they are combined with a "fluctuating" level of democracy.

The experiment confirmed that tough, undue control has a stable strong interrelation with lack of demand for innovation, low innovative potential of employees and a high level of resistance to innovation. low work motivation and absence of objective and fair criteria for evaluation of labor cause widespread practice of minimum effort from employees, high personnel turnover and adverse organizational conditions for dynamic development of the organization as a whole.

Thus, a high conflict level of weak culture is directly connected with the forms and imperfections of control. It objectively reflects management problems, the ratio of creative organizational trends, and the degree of efficiency of organizational processes in general. Formation of strong culture will favorably affect the functions of control and optimization of the internal audit of personnel.

Block 6. Activation (motivation), stimulaion

Thus, weak cultures are characterized by:

1. Level of employment commitment : extremely high negative value -1.00 (sample average is 0.391 )

2. Prospects of promotion: extremely high negative value -1.00 (sample average is 0,167)

3. Awareness of career prospects: medium, high negative values ranging from -.429 to -1.00 (sample average is 0,057)

4. Completeness of realization of abilities: extremely high negative value -1 (sample average is 0,071)

5. Desire for self-realization, to perform more complex and challenging work: extremely high negative value of -1.00 (sample average is 0,013)

6. Interconnection of production efficiency with wages: extremely high negative value of -1.00 (sample average is 0,046)

7. Restrictions level: high negative values ranging from -0.929 to -1.00 (sample average is -0.413)

8. Rewarding loyalty to organization and satisfaction from belonging to the team: extremely high negative value of -1.00 (sample average is 0,381)

9.Encouraging vocational and career growth and readiness for professional advancement: extremely high negative value of -1.00 (sample average is 0,241)

10. The need for training: high negative value -0.857 (sample average is 0,497)

11. Predominance of career professionalism over protectionism: extremely high negative value -1.00 (sample average is 0,639)

12. Effect of leadership style on labor activity: extremely high negative value of -1.00 (sample average is -0.567)

13. Attention of a head of department to an employee: bipolar low scattered values ranging from -0.143 to 0.286 (sample average is 0,013)

14. Existence of forms of mentoring, need for mentoring: extremely high negative value of -1.00 (sample average is -0.578)

15. Knowing the history of the company and subdivision: low negative values ranging from 0, 71 to 0 (sample average is 0,520)

16. The role of organizational traditions: indicator value is 0 (sample average is 0)

17. Respect for the reputation of the collective: high negative values ranging from -0.714 to -0.857 (sample average is -0.104)

18. Equitable remuneration: bipolar low values ranging from -0.143 to 0.286 (sample average is 0.014)

19. Priority of real effectiveness in leadership's assessment, rather than its visibility: medium, high positive values from 0.429 to 1.00 (sample average is 0,336)

20. Commitment to continue work in the enterprise: a wide variation in the scale of positive values from 0.071 -1.00 (sample average is 0,510)

21. Objective assessment of the leadership: extremely high negative value -1.00 (sample average is -0.276)

22. Average LI: The average value of the overall index for the sample is 0,157

The obtained extremely high negative value of 15 local indexes, unequivocally demonstrate the consistently low level of staff motivation in organizations with weak culture.

This results in an extremely low level of objectivity of evaluation of the leadership and extremely high level of restrictions. That is, workers deliberately limit their productivity, not using to the full measure their physical, mental and professional abilities in performance of their job duties. Such behavior may also be the form of passive resistance to innovation or sabotage by employees.

Motivation of employees in organizations with weak culture is characterized by extremely low level of employment commitment, completeness of realization of their abilities, lack of desire to perform more complex and demanding work. This is accompanied

by unreadiness for promotion, absence of clear job prospects, unawareness of personal career prospects and low desire for self-realization. Career building is dominated by protectionism, rather than high professional qualification.

Low level of motivation and need for training are very organically combined with lack of interest in the collective to mentoring, absence of effective forms of mentoring. And also, in negative assessments of existing economic systems of motivation, which are reflected in high negative correlation of production efficiency with the level of actual salary.

Staff disloyalty is reflected in the low level of respect for the reputation of the collective, absence of the feeling of satisfaction and pride from belonging to this team. In an organization, there is no system of material and social rewards for loyalty to the organization.

Management impacts are characterized by a complex of negative symptoms: low objectivity of staff assessment, unfairness of the system of remuneration, chronic attention deficit of subdivision chiefs to employees.

Paradoxically, low motivation and lack of career prospects correlate with determination of employees to continue work in the enterprise. It is possible to assume that the need for stability of workplace, comfort and "general poor performance" is clearly predominant in labor motivation of such collectives. Declarative management culture obviously contradicts reality.

Characteristically, employees of organizations with weak culture estimate the role of organizational traditions as insignificant. They do not know the history of the company and its divisions. What is an indirect confirmation of the fact that amorphous values and priorities of the company cause problems of mismanagement and low work motivation.

Block 7. The level of proneness to conflict and its factors

This Block diagnoses the state of social and psychological ecology of the organizational environment, degree of its conflictogenity.

for weak cultures the following results are obtained:

1. Level of proneness to conflict in the collective : neutral, low negative values -0 -0.30 (sample average is 0,110 )

2. Vagueness in the distribution of responsibilities among team members: high positive value of 0.714 (sample average is 0,502)

3. Involvement into doing work, not relevant to the specialty: medium, high values ranging from 0.571 to 1.00 (sample average is 0,629)

4. Vagueness in definition of work assignments: medium and high positive values of 0.50 -0.825 (sample average is 0,694)

5. Lack of coordination between workers: high positive values of 0.571 -1.00 (sample average is 0,602)

6. Poor material and technical base of the enterprise: high positive values of 0.675 -1.00 (sample average is 0, 606)

7. Tough leadership style: medium, high positive values of 0,425-1,00 (sample average is 0,464 )

8. Subjectivism in estimates of labor of subordinate employees: high positive values of 0,857, in a single case with a moderate culture indicator is 0.450 (sample average is 0,515)

9. Unfair payroll, bonuses, vacations distribution: wide spread positive values of 0.286 - 0.857 (sample average is 0,465)

10. Strained relations between team members: high positive values from 0.857 to 1.00 (sample average is 0,523)

11. Careless attitude of employees to work: medium, high positive values from 0.571 to 0.857 (sample average is 0.610)

12. Average value of the overall index "level of proneness to conflict and its factors" for

the sample is 0, 520)

In all organizations with weak culture an increased level of proneness to conflict was found in the organizational environment, exceeding the average for the sample.

The main source of conflict in these organizations is a factor of imbalance of distribution of functional responsibilities between subdivisions: vagueness in distribution of functional load between team members, lack of coordination among the workers, involvement into doing work, not relevant to the specialty.

A separate objective conflict generating factor is a low material and technical base of the enterprise. And also, such features as tough management style, subjectivity in the evaluation of work of employees, vagueness in setting work assignments, absence of an adequate system of financial and non financial incentives to the staff. According to the employees, this is reflected in " unfair payroll, bonuses and vacations distribution".

Another factor of heightened proneness to conflict in the organization is inefficient employee motivation, which, in general, is expressed in careless attitude of employees to work, devaluation of labor values . Strained relations between team members are a characteristic feature of unfavorable socio- psychological climate.

Block 8. Gender factors of weak organizational culture

In organizations with weak culture the following complex of symptoms of conflict generating-factors is observed: extremely high, negative values of the indices of discrimination in appointment of women to senior positions.

Assessing of the level of overvaluation of superiority of men over women in the context of specific professional and personal qualities has the following profile :

- high, positive values of the level of professionalism, organizational skills for workers of both genders;

- wide spread positive values, readiness for learning, creativity, perseverance, objectivity in assessing labor of males and female subordinate employees of;

- low, negative values of the risk proneness among women ;

- the spread of low bipolar values of the degree of self-control and tact ;

- zero indicator values of reduction the level of conflict with female leadership.

Thus, weak cultures are characterized by presence of general negative gender attitudes in relation to female managers and directors. Psychological barriers and hidden discrimination in the appointment of women to senior positions were identified. Which is obviously an additional conflict-generating factor of psychological tension in working interactions of male and female fellow workers.

When assessing the most preferred profile of a manager such qualities of superiority of men over women as risk appetite, level of professionalism, organizational skills, creativity, perseverance, objectivity in assessing labor subordinates are overestimated. The most dominant "female" qualities are: a willingness to learn, tact, low degree of self-control. According to the respondents in this sample, female management does not obviously decrease the level of conflict. The predominance of "objective" male professionalism over patronage is an adequate mechanism for career growth and selection for senior positions in the organization.

Block 9. Organizational pathologies of weak organizational cultures

In interpreting the obtained data only those features that have received extremely high negative or positive values of local indices and are steadily found in all the surveyed organizations with a weak profile of culture were considered.

According to the obtained data, the highest number of distinct organizational pathologies are related to the sphere of business information exchange, goal setting, organizational responsiveness and communications (direct, feedback), peculiarities of coordination and control.

The weakest point of goal setting in organizations with weak cultures are the low level of clarity and applicability of orders, excess labor intensity and superficiality of tasks. All the highlighted features reflect orientation for tactical planning horizon. Priority of current, short-term, last-minute plans and objectives over strategic objectives of the company. High demand for tasks and a strong influence of personal interests and ambitions for coordination of activities confirms the fact of low relevance of, disparity between employees' personal plans and team objectives.

One of the sources of organizational pathologies is the structure of organizational interaction. Namely, the effect of excess of managers on organization of work and a high level of restrictions in the organization.

The following problems of in-firm communications can be observed: limited access to relevant and current information (completeness of information), unnecessarily high costs for meetings. Low level of informational awareness is combined with formalization and closedness of managerial communications. Ineffective negotiating practice necessitates strict control over the execution of orders and heightened requirement of leadership to subordinates employees.

Part of organizational pathologies relates to peculiarities of work motivation : predominance of protectionism over the professionalism and negative gender attitudes to women leaders has been revealed in weak cultures. In assessing achievements and application of the system of remuneration to employees, the leadership gives priority to subjective preferences rather than actual performance. In this situation the practice of minimal effort is common.

The obvious problem of weak cultures is non-constructive criticism. In particular, personification of subjects of criticism as "scapegoats".

It is noteworthy that very low collegiality of discussions of work assignments is combined with the lack of off-duty channels of information (in the form of denunciation, gossip ).The sphere of informal communication becomes a powerful negative factor of an unfavorable socio- psychological climate, and inevitably becomes the object of increased control by management.

Such problems with control in the surveyed organizations are consistently combined with such facts of major administrative and disciplinary violations as corrupt leadership, work on the side, cases of industrial theft.

Thus, the conducted study allows to identify the most serious conflict-generating factors in the activities of modern business organizations with weak organizational culture. Attributive models of organizational culture, which foreign methods are based upon, as a rule, assess only formal attributes of the company's success. But they do not give an adequate idea of deep structural and dynamic characteristics and strength of culture. Parametric approach to understanding the phenomenon of culture and its strength allows a morecomprehensive analysis ofconflict generating factors of its environmental. Knowledge of these characteristics enables to predict, prevent and constructively resolve positional conflicts at the early stages. They should also be taken into account by experts and managers at all levels in the formation organizational culture of modern commercial enterprises.


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Конфликтогенные факторы слабой организационной культуры

Т.Б. Попельницкая

Сибирский федеральный университет Россия, 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79

В данной статье представлены результаты прикладного исследования конфликтогенных факторов слабой организационной культуры (на примере коммерческих организаций г. Красноярска). Описаны особенности целеполагания, оргструктуры, информационно-делового обмена, мотивации, контроля, гендерные установки и организационные патологии, специфичные для слабой культуры.

Глубокое понимание этих особенностей позволяет на раннем этапе прогнозировать, предотвращать и конструктивно разрешать организационные конфликты и оптимизировать управленческие и переговорные процессы внутри организации.

Ключевые слова: конфликтогенные факторы слабой организационной культуры.

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