Научная статья на тему 'Key approaches to the doctrine of long-term development of Ukraine'

Key approaches to the doctrine of long-term development of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shynkaruk L., Baranovska I., Milman L.

The approaches to the doctrine of long-term development of Ukraine, considering realities of functioning national economy, are substantiated. It is proposed diversification of Ukraine's economy to realize by two directions: through the modernization of traditional sectors and infrastructure and active transition to knowledge-intensive non-raw sectors of production and services. Directions institutional reforms with orientation on rapid improvement of the business environment and attract investment are determined. The basic directions of industrial policy, framework conditions of stimulation industry restructuring and priorities for SME development in Ukraine are defined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Key approaches to the doctrine of long-term development of Ukraine»

smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the European Union, COM(2010) 477 final, Brussels, pp. 3-4.

9. European Commission. 2016. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and The Committee of the Regions, A NEW SKILLS AGENDA FOR EUROPE Working together to strengthen human capital, employability and competitiveness, COM(2016) 381, Brussels, 3 p.

10. European Commission. 2010. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and The Committee of the Regions, The European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: A European framework for social and territorial cohesion, C0M(2010) 758 final, Brussels, 3 p.

11. Eurostat. 2016. Newsletter Internet use by individuals Almost 8 out of 10 internet users in the EU surfed via a mobile or smart phone in 2016... Different patterns across Member States in managing personal information, 260/2016, 1 p.

12. Kiss, F., Cocheci D., 1993. Economie contemporanâ. Introducere în Micro- si Macroeconomie - note de curs, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 98-101, pp. 157-167.

13. Council of the European Union and European Commission. 2012. NOTICES FROM EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS, BODIES, OFFICES AND AGENCIES, COUNCIL, EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-18), Official Journal of the European Union, 2012/C 394/03, pp. 394/6.

14. Pascouau, Y., 2013. Intra-EU mobility: the 'second building block' of EU labour migration policy, Issue Paper No. 74, May 2013, pp. 1-11.

15. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database.

16. http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm.

HagiMwna go peflKoneriï 24.08.17 Date of editorial approval 27.09.17

Author's declaration on the sources of funding of researchpresented in the scientific article or of the preparation of thescientific article: budget of university's scientific project

Г. Рiмбу, асп.

Ужверситет iменi Лучiана Блага, Сiбiу, Румужя, Л. А. Константшеску, канд, екон. наук, доц.

Бухарестський Християнський ужверситет '^мг^ Кантемiр", Бухарест, Румужя


Соцальна полiтика £вропейського Союзу останнх рокв спрямована на покращення соцальних умов молодi у Sвропi. Метою дано-го дослiдження е порiвняльний аналiз характеристик молодi та Ух соцальних умов у кранах ЕС-27 протягом 2006-2016 рр. 1з викорис-танням таких показникв, пов'язаних iз молоддю, як-то освiта й навчання молодi, рiвень зайнятостi та безробiття, здоров'я, соцаль-на iнтеграцiя, культура i творчiсть, а також участь молодi в цифровому свiтi. Також розглядаеться вплив та ефективнiсть соца-льноУ полiтики £С у сучасних економiчних умовах, яка намагаеться покращити соцальн умови молодi. 1з цею метою було використа-но показники зайнятостi й соцальних умов разом iз показниками стратегУУ "£вропа 2020".

Наш аналiз показуе, що iз часом змiнюються прагнення та потреби молодi разом з Ух соцальними умовами. £С, очевидно, робить прогрес у вдосконаленнi соцальноУ пол тики, адресованоУ молодим людям, але мiж краУнами-членами все ще е помiтнi вiдмiнностi. Не-обхiднi новi iнновацiйнi пiдходи для реагування на потреби молодi в умовах швидкого мiнливого економiчного та полiтичного контексту в £вропi.

Ключовi слова: молодь, соцальна полтика, соцальн умови, £С-27. Г. Римбу, асп.

Университет имени Лучиана Блага, Сибиу, Румыния, Л. А. Константинеску, канд. экон. наук, доц.

"Димитрий Кантемир", Бухарестский Христианский университет, Бухарест, Румыния


Социальная политика Европейского Союза последних лет направлена на улучшение социальных условий молодежи в Европе. Целью данного исследования является сравнительный анализ характеристик молодежи и их социальных условий в странах ЕС-27 в течение 2006-2016 гг. С использованием таких показателей, связанных с молодежью, как образование и обучение молодежи, уровень занятости и безработицы, здоровья, социальная интеграция, культура и творчество, а также участие молодежи в цифровом мире. Также рассматривается влияние и эффективность социальной политики ЕС в современных экономических условиях, которая пытается улучшить социальные условия молодежи. С этой целью были использованы показатели занятости и социальных условий вместе с показателями стратегии "Европа 2020". Наш анализ показывает, что со временем меняются стремления и потребности молодежи вместе с их социальными условиями. ЕС, очевидно, делает прогресс в совершенствовании социальной политики, адресованной молодым людям, но между странами-членами все еще заметные отличия. Необходимы новые инновационные подходы для реагирования на потребности молодежи в условиях быстрого меняющегося экономического и политического контекста в Европе. Ключевые слова: молодежь, социальная политика, социальные условия, ЕС-27.

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2017; 6(195): 36-42

УДК 330.3

JEL classification: О1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2017/195-6/5

L. Shynkaruk, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, I. Baranovska, PhD in Economics, L. Milman, Degree seekers

The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The approaches to the doctrine of long-term development of Ukraine, considering realities of functioning national economy, are substantiated. It is proposed diversification of Ukraine's economy to realize by two directions: through the modernization of traditional sectors and infrastructure and active transition to knowledge-intensive non-raw sectors of production and services. Directions institutional reforms with orientation on rapid improvement of the business environment and attract investment are determined. The basic directions of industrial policy, framework conditions of stimulation industry restructuring and priorities for SME development in Ukraine are defined.

Key words: long-term development of Ukraine; accelerated economic growth; diversification of economy; institutional reforms; priorities for SME development.

Introduction. At present, Ukraine are facing especially difficult consequences of non-systemic reforms, low technological development of national economy, political populism and legal nihilism, but she constantly postpones

the realization of the strategic objectives of the state. This generates new challenges for Ukraine in condition of changes system of global economic and political relations. At the same time, new opportunities for changing the

© Shynkaruk L., Baranovska I., Milman L., 2017

model of economic development of the country reveal for Ukraine. For transformation into highly organized country there is necessary to determine new strategic economic priorities and to create condition for sustainable development and expansion of opportunities for individual development, strengthening social solidarity and increasing public confidence.

The aim of long-term development should be to improve the quality of life and to expand human opportunities for forming their future. This requires economic growth on a qualitative basis, that answer to the question: "Which structural changes will lay the basis for economic development of Ukraine?" The impact of the existing economic structure on economic development, which essentially depends on the achieved level of development is unconditional, but equally the structure of institutions, their degree of maturity and quality of functioning is also important. Researches of many foreign and domestic scientists dedicated to the study of this impact. In recent years attention of scientists accented on research of: cyclicity development of national economic systems in conditions of globalization [7]; transformation processes in Ukraine in the context of the global financial crisis [4]; principally important political, economic and institutional sense problems on providing of sustainable economic growth in Ukraine [5]; factors of macroeconomic instability in the system of economic development models and evaluation of their impact on the economic dynamics of Ukraine under the modern unstable conditions of the global and domestic economy [10]; qualitative parameters of national macroeconomic system [8]; social problems of economic development [6] and others.

During the next 10 years Ukraine should implement economic reforms for increasing welfare of all its citizens, providing protection of their fundamental rights and freedoms, forming of powerful middle class. Therefore, in condition of global trends and the current realities of Ukraine's economy, research should be deepen and directed to determination of the ways of qualitative change for long-term economic growth.

The research objective is to substantiate approaches to the doctrine of long-term development of Ukraine taking into account modern realities of the functioning national economy and the need of it's diversification based on

stimulation of industry restructuring and institutional reforms with orientation on accelerated improvement of the business environment and attract investment.

Methodology. The dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine during 2000-2015 are determined by analysis statistical data. Results of forecast calculations, presented in the article, are based on simulation and input-output models. Logical analysis and system approach are applied for forming key approaches to the doctrine of the long-term development of Ukraine. Source base of study consists of scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers, official documents of International Organizations, Databases of United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO, International Energy Agency, National Bank of Ukraine State Statistics Service of Ukraine and etc.

Results. Growth of GDP was achieved by increasing of world prices of export raw materials (metals, grains, sunflower oil, nitrogen fertilizers) in 2003-2008. GDP grew on the average of 7%, international reserves increased from 0 to 38 billion dollars, quarterly budget revenues increased from 20 to 60 % [12]. Due to low investment technologies, the dominance of the banking system and trade rather than production, increasing imports rather than domestic production and a preference for current consumption, rather than investment in development, the global crisis has brought to Ukraine deficit of foreign credits and escape of domestic and foreign investors.

After positive changes in raw markets due to implementation anti-crisis programs of the US, Europe and Japan, growth has been restored in Ukraine during 20102011. Raw recession was recovering in 2012.

In 2014-2015 macroeconomic indicators in Ukraine have reached critical level:

- GDP of Ukraine decreased by 17 %. GDP decreased to 90.5 billion dollars in 2015 compare to 130 billion dollars in 2014 and 180 in 2013;

- GDP per capita was below 2000 dollars as in the poorest countries of Africa;

- real income of the population decreased on 35 %;

- total inflation rate increased to 79 %;

- hryvnia decreased to third of its dollar value;

- external debt reached to 130 % of GDP.

* - calculated by the authors based on the data of International Monetary Fund

Fig. 1. Main macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine

Source: constructed by the authors based on the data of World Bank.

Thereby, at present, Ukraine reaps the consequences of meaningless "debt-dependent model" oriented on consumption - Ukraine became a "leader" among European countries not only in terms of the depth of economic decline but also in terms of building debts.

In 2015, the greatest banking crisis in Ukraine has resulted to output of the third of financial institutions from the market, 30 % of deposits in the national currency and more than 40 % of deposits in dollars were lost [11].

In addition, since 2012 there was a decreasing of Ukraine's foreign trade (Figure 2) [12], particular:

- recovering of raw recession in 2012 led the next lower prices for Ukrainian exports, in 2015 Ukraine lost a fifth of export earnings;

- exports and imports in 2016 amounted to 50% compared to 2013;

- in 2015 - exports to the EU decreased on 4 billion dollars to 13 billion dollars. Share export decreased in 24 of the 28 EU countries;

- in total exports share of Asian countries and EU grew and share of CIS countries reduced;

- top 10 export products are products with low added value.

Fig. 2. Growth rates of exports and imports of Ukraine, % to previous year

Source: calculated by the authors based on the data of State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

In January-April 2016 negative balance was 880.7 million dollars (January-April 2015 - positive balance - 42.4 million dollars).

In 2015 share of exports goods of Donetsk and Lugansk regions in total Ukrainian exports decreased to 0.8 % from 4.9 % in 2013, share of imports - to 0.9 % from 2.4 % in 2013.

According to UNIDO value added of manufacturing per capita in Ukraine in 2012 was 387 dollars, which is 27 times less than in Switzerland, 23 - in Singapore, 20 -in Finland, 19 - Germany, 10 - in UK and Czech Republic, 4 - in Belarus (Figure 3).

Fig. 3. Value added of manufacturing per capita in 2012, dollars (at constant 2005 prices)

Source: calculated by the authors based on the data of State Statistics Service of Ukraine and UNIDO Statistics Data Portal.

In our opinion, Ukrainian industry is inefficient due to the following factors:

- non-transparent investment and competitive environment, low level of infrastructure development;

- absence of complete value chain - from access to energy and raw materials to after-sale service and reusing of materials;

- high level of wear of fixed assets in industry (60 % at the end of 2014), which indicates limit in the future development of the sector and significant need for investment;

- low level of using energy-efficient, resource-saving and environmentally safe technologies. Despite decupling, that occurs during the last decades in all countries, carbon

capacity of Ukraine's GDP in comparison with some countries stays very high.

However, Ukrainian industry has significant competitive advantages - it is equipped with many mineral resources (coal, iron ore, peat, shale gas, uranium), land resources, convenient geographical location and prospective consumer market.

Using level of modern information technology in Ukraine is low. According to studies of Ukrainian scientists 83.3 % of small enterprises have access to Internet and 29.2 % have web-sites, but only 36.2 % of staff in small enterprises use computers regularly (compared to 50% in Slovakia and 40% in Czech Republic and Lithuania) and 31.4 % regularly use Internet in their work (compared to 80-90 % in other Eastern European countries). Despite the fact that 99 % of large enterprises have access to Internet and 65.8 % have websites, only 27.1 % of staff use computers regularly (compared to almost 50 % in Slovakia and 40 % in Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland) and only 17.4 % regularly use Internet in their work (compared to almost 100 % in other countries of Eastern Europe) [1].

At present Ukraine is using debt funding for macroeconomic stabilization and activity of financial structures. While for development it is necessary to use internal sources of entrepreneurship and realization of innovations.

The starting conditions for the development and realization of national interests are changing of the Ukraine development vision according with international strategic programs, taking into account the current state of economy.

Primarily, it is necessary essential changes of the tax system to stimulate investment and realization of innovation, decentralization of public funding, and decrease of external debt level. Along with it, reforms should provide the development of sectors of the economy, which capable to produce goods with high value-added and access to most perspective external markets.

This will solve the problem of external debt, transforming it into a tool for stimulating development. It is require an open dialogue on the directions of strategic development policy between public authorities, leading business associations and civil society.

On the whole the problem of external debt of Ukraine is not the result of foreign economic policy, structural imbalances in the Ukrainian economy were formed earlier as a result of irrational ways of reforming.

Despite measures to improve the business climate, deregulation the economy, state enterprises management and supporting exports, in 2015 the pressure of fiscal authorities on business has led to a deterioration of the investment climate in Ukraine.

Expert community is increasingly indicating that in 2015 the economy stopped falling. Now, following tangible stabilization it is necessary to restore economic growth in order to go out of stagnation and encourage transition to accelerated economic growth.

World Bank forecasted growth of Ukraine's GDP in 2016 by 1 % and by 2 % in 2017 [14]. However, according to the State Statistics Service, GDP of Ukraine has increased by 2.3% already in 2016.

This level of GDP growth increases the gap with the leading countries, as the global economy is growing at a faster pace.

Ukraine has every opportunity to show bigger growth, minimum of 7 % per year [13]. The sources of this growth can be institutional reforms that will lead to legalization of the economy. Another source of growth can be inflow of investments and stimulating monetary and fiscal policies.

The main reason of low incomes and living conditions in Ukraine is the low productivity of production factors. This leads to a significant technological gap between the production structure in Ukraine and the EU. Opportunities for technological approximation of Ukraine to the EU countries can be created by a harmonization of business environment. However, such an approximation requires significant investments in Ukraine for the implementation of leading technological solutions and the providing of modern ways of doing business.

According to forecast calculations, which was based on simulation model similar to adaptation of Visegrad's economies after the signature of the Association Agreement with EU, it was determined that technological approximation of Ukrainian economy structure to the structure economies of EU's "old" members and changes in the structure of final use of GDP will determine changes in structure of GDP [9]. Major trends of such changes will appear in gradual increasing role of services and trade in forming of value added in economy. Share of mining in GDP will decrease from 3.6 to 1.4 % and manufacturing will decrease from 30.2 to 27.9 %. Shares of agriculture and transport and communication will stay relatively unchanged. If economic situation in Ukraine was not complicated because of military actions in the East of country and annexation of Crimea, Ukraine would achieved in 2027 increasing GDP per capita in 2 times (16.6 thousand dollars).

However, it is only possible to achieve effective quality change in the structure due to accelerated economic growth in Ukraine that should be based on the principles:

- smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation;

- sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy;

- inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion, combating poverty.

Based on this, reforms must provide:

- rapid transition to high-tech, socially responsible model economy, that will generate high demand for professional staff and structural changes towards knowledge-intensive rather than capital-intensive industries;

- competition for investment due to the high quality of institutions, policy of leveling regional disparities, effective fiscal and monetary policies;

- integration into the world economy, basing on high competitiveness.

At present, only raising of the quality of state and market institutions can create opportunities for accelerated economic growth and economic development. Therefore, their reforming is a necessary and obligatory condition for the beginning of reforms in general. Accelerating the improvement of the investment climate and two levels of state support for investments is among the priorities of institutional reforms.

Institutional reforms of first level are:

- eradication of corruption to protect the business from abuse of power by public officials, and other government persons;

- providing the rule of law by reforming the legal and judicial systems;

- strengthening of macroeconomic stability for reducing of capital and operation expenses, which are a result of significant exchange rate fluctuations and prices;

- improving tax and customs regulations for reducing of the expenses of doing business;

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- improving governance to ensure providing of public services by the most effective way and without corruption;

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ISSN 1728-3817

Institutional reforms of second level are:

- deregulation of business for making it possible of free activities to companies on a competitive market and significant reducing of the expenses of doing business;

- development of the financial sector country for facilitating to investment flows and growth;

- acceleration of international trade and free movement of capital to turn Ukraine into an international manufacturing center supplies to the West;

- reducing political risks and improving the image of the state.

Based on the fact that the goal of industrial policy -competitiveness: improving of business climate to support a strong and sustainable industrial base, which is able to compete in global conditions (Figure 4). In this context, diversification of production and exports, increasing of contribution of medium and high-tech sectors in GDP growth and public revenues, sustainable development of production base and productive employment in the regions of Ukraine are the main tasks of industry modernization with clear definition of objectives of horizontal and sectoral industrial policy.

Main framework conditions for stimulation of structural reconstruction industry are:

- setting of target sectors for state support (renewable energy; infrastructure; ICT; life sciences and pharmaceuticals; space and aviation industry; agri-food sector);

- cash grants and incentives (grants for creation of new jobs; reimbursement for the payment of social insurance contributions; professional training for adults. individual training for the unemployed; the grants, which is financed by the European funds);

- territories (zones) with special economic status (exemption from income tax and special supporting of local infrastructure; special conditions for business within special economic zones for investments, creation jobs, using of guaranteed tax benefits (exemption from income tax)).

To create a strong and competitive industry and to restore the growth of jobs, industrial policy should be aimed at:

- increasing of productivity in manufacturing industry and related services;

- promotion creation, growth and internationalization of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that provide for 2/3 of employment in EU;

- development and active using of technologies, ICT and new skills in international competition with China, Brazil, India and other growing economies on the markets of high-tech products;

- ensuring leading positions during transition to low carbon and resource-efficient economy.

The goal of industrial policy - competitiveness: improving of business climate to support a strong and sustainable industrial base, which is able to compete in global conditions

Tasks program of industry modernization:

Diversification of production and exports: reduction of resource and energy dependence

Increasing of contribution of medium and high-tech sectors in GDP growth and public revenues

Sustainable development of production base and productive employment in the regions of Ukraine

Fig. 4. Program of structural reconstruction industry

Source: constructed by the authors based on the materials of UNIDO and own researches.

The priorities SME development in Ukraine are:

- creating favorable conditions for doing business (Office effective regulation (deregulation, elimination of new barriers));

- creating of effective system of state support with a strict division of functions (Agency Development of Entrepreneurship + regional support centers);

- forming infrastructure of support business (Industrial parks for SMEs, business labs, clusters, Internet resource);

- programs of Support Entrepreneurship: professional consulting, system management quality; access to finance: Credit Guarantee Fund by program SURE; access to foreign markets by EU programs (COSME, EEN), pre-export crediting by export credit agency;

- development of green economy: National Strategy Waste Management, ecologization SMEs, stimulation of eco-innovation.

Reforms in the Ukrainian economy should carry out in two directions: modernization of traditional sectors (metallurgy, chemical industry, construction materials) and infrastructure on the basis of implementation of European resource-saving and environmental standards with adequate funding and staff training, and, thus, consolidating positions on existing ones and access to new promising markets, transition to high-tech industries and services.

Reduction of the ecological "footprint" required to maintain the ecosphere, can only be achieved due to "transformative innovations" in existing patterns of materials cycles, such as the transfer to advanced recycling management concepts or to carbon-neutral economic activities, involve a range of organizational and technical innovations and new ways of linking them [3]. Approaches from sustainability research should be an interdisciplinary, also they should include the results of the research of technical and social sciences in the context of changing development paradigm to an innovative direction.

In perspective non-raw and knowledge-intensive sectors (defense, aviation, space, pharmaceuticals, power engineering and transport manufacture, instrument engineering and manufacture of medical equipment):

- reliance on external sources of knowledge, training and using of European best practices, adaptation and technology transfer through partner search and inclusion into international value chains;

- creating of new perspective industries and related services by development and optimization of own research facilities, cooperation with leading countries, creating of innovation clusters. Increasing and strengthening of

Source: [2].

Development economy of service is based on ICT, intellectual services and creative branches, strengthening relations with real sector enterprises will create a new hightech economy. The state should stimulate production activities basing on the using of modern databases to provide increasing of productivity and growth GDP. Furthermore, implementation of the monitoring system for the implementation of state support is necessary.

Implementation of a cluster approach with a combination of leading activities, permanent training for

potential knowledge-intensive sector will contribute to change of economic structure towards the high- and medium-tech products.

It should be noted that most of the cumulative new industry capacity for some technologies (in particular, steel, cement and technologies for less energy-intensive industries) will occur in non-OECD countries, which implies that these countries could possibly also take the lead in technological equipment. However, in the field of energy technologies it is necessary focus on: green technologies for energy-intensive industries, in particular iron/steel, cement, pulp and paper, aluminium and selected chemicals; green technologies for less energy-intensive industries, in particular cross-cutting industrial technologies such as electric motors and smart grid technologies for load management in industrial companies. In the field of climate change technologies it is necessary focus on: CCS technologies for the industrial sector; renewable energy sources for the manufacturing sector; specific technologies to reduce industrial gases such as PFs or SF6 [15].

The experts believe that nearly half the emission-reducing technologies 48 % to increase output, more than 20 % of all technologies contribute towards increasing capital and labour productivity, almost all technologies (95 %) improve resource productivity (in addition to energy conservation effects) [2].

While specific investments in energy efficient technologies are in general higher, they not only reduce energy consumption and costs, but at the same time also raise the quality of the technologies and tend to increase the productivity of capital, labour and other resources (Table 1).

SMEs and realization of innovation, public-private partnerships can accelerate the transition from adoption technologies to an innovative model of economic development.

SMEs are capable to generate significant development potential due to the relatively rapid adaptation of new rules of market, to create jobs, to develop creative industries, which can't be mastered by large enterprises. Therefore, promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses is a way to reduce unemployment and to increase volumes

Table 1. Influence of energy efficient technologies on productivity

Influence on productivity Output Capital Labour Other resources

Sector-specific technologies

Increasing 54% 22% 24% 95%

Approx. the same 46% 73% 71% 5%

Decreasing 0% 5% 5% 0%

Cross-cutting technologies

Increasing 35% 29% 12% 94%

Approx. the same 65% 65% 76% 6%

Decreasing 0% 6% 12% 0%

Integrated technologies

Increasing 58% 28% 28% 95%

Approx. the same 43% 65% 70% 5%

Decreasing 0% 8% 3% 0%

Add-on technologies

Increasing 28% 17% 6% 94%

Approx. the same 72% 83% 78% 6%

Decreasing 0% 0% 17% 0%

Integrated sector-specific technologies

Increasing 63% 25% 31% 97%

Approx. the same 38% 69% 66% 3%

Decreasing 0% 6% 3% 0%

production of new types products, and, consequently, an important part of accelerated economic growth.

Reforms will viable and result to fundamental changes of modern state of Ukrainian economy, if they have wide public support and understanding of society.

Conclusion. The national economy must be integrated into economies based on knowledge, building with a strong industrial base. The source of growth this base is increasing of productivity and competitiveness.

This model of development will attract most of population into modernization processes and ensure equal access to knowledge that is an important impulse for energizing people including socially excluded layers of society that would reduce the risks of structural unemployment and level of poverty. This would initiate entry into a new economy with the high levels of employment, productivity and social and territorial cohesion.


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11. The data of National Bank of Ukraine. Available at: https://bank.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/article?showHidden=1&art_id=65613 &cat_id=44446#4.

12. The data of State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Available at: http://ukrstat.gov.ua/.

13. The Policy of Economic Pragmatism, 2016. Institute for Social and Economic Research. Available at : http://ises.org.ua/uploads/ pdf/NEPmini_ua.pdf.

14. Ukraine: Economic Stabilization Signs Emerging, But Delay in Reforms Will Undermine Recovery and Adversely Affect the Population, 2016. The World Bank. Available at: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/ press-release/2016/04/01/ ukarine-economic-update-spring-2016.

15. World Energy Outlook 2012, 2012. International Energy Agency OECD/IEA, Paris. 672 p.

Надшшла до редколегп 08.03.17 Date of editorial approval 27.03.17

Author's declaration on the sources of funding of research presented in the scientific article or of the preparation of the scientific article: budget of university's scientific project

Л. Шинкарук, д-р екон. наук, проф., I. Барановська, канд. екон. наук, Л. Мшьман, здобувач

Нацюнальний унтерситет бюресурав \ природокористування Укра'ши, КиТв, Украша


Обфунтовано пiдходи до доктрини довгострокового розвитку УкраУни з урахуванням сучасних реал/'й функцонування нацональ-ноУ економши. Диверсифшащю економ/'ки УкраУни запропоновано здйснювати двома напрямами: через модернзацю традицйних сек-торiв та iнфраструктури i активний перехiд у наукоeмнi несировинн сектори виробництва та сфери послуг. Визначено напрями iн-ституцйних реформ з орieнтацieю на прискорене покращення умов ведення бiзнесу й залучення швестицш. Запропоновано основн напрями промисловоУполтики. Сформульовано рамковi умови стимулювання структурноУперебудови промисловост/' та прiоритети розвитку МСП в УкраУн.

Ключовi слова: довгостроковий розвиток УкраУни; прискорене економiчне зростання; диверсифшащя економ/'ки; iнституцiональнi реформи; пр/'оритети розвитку малого i середнього бiзнесу.

Л. Шинкарук, д-р экон. наук, проф., И. Барановская, канд. экон. наук, Л. Мильман, соискатель

Национальный университет биоресурсов и природопользования Украины, Киев, Украина


Обоснованы подходы к доктрине долгосрочного развития Украины с учетом современных реалий функционирования национальной экономики. Диверсификацию экономики Украины предложено осуществлять по двум направлениям: путем модернизации традиционных секторов и инфраструктуры, а также активного перехода в наукоемкие несырьевые сектора производства и сферы услуг. Определены направления институциональных реформ с ориентацией на ускоренное улучшение условий ведения бизнеса и привлечения инвестиций. Предложены основные направления промышленной политики, определены рамочные условия стимулирования структурной перестройки промышленности и приоритеты развития МСП в Украине.

Ключевые слова: долгосрочное развитие Украины; ускоренный экономический рост; диверсификация экономики; институциональные реформы; приоритеты развития малого и среднего бизнеса.

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