1. Земскова Н.А. Концепты «истина», «правда», «ложь» как факторы вербализации действительности: когнитивно-прагматический аспект на материале русского и английского языков. - URL: http:// www.dissercat.com/content/kontsepty istina, pravda, lozh kak phaktorДата обращения: 2.02.2013 г.
2. Сидорова Н.П. Сопоставительный анализ структур и способов актуализации русского и английского концептов луна и moon.-URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/ sopostavitelny analiz struktur i sposobov aktualizatsi Дата обращения: 2.02.2013 г.
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Ph D. Berdagulova S.
Dr. Dukenbaeva Z.
Kazakhstan, Astana, Eurasian National University L. N. Gumilyov
Abstract. This article focuses on the educational heritage of the Kazakh-known figure of the 19th century Shokan Ualikhanov. Overview of research interests, a consideration and analysis of the works and publications are crucial to explore its educational activities. An indicator of the great contribution of the scientist Shokan Ualikhanov in the matter of education was a high interest to the recording, collection and analysis of ethnographic information about the Kazakh people and other peoples of Central Asia. And the rich educational heritage of Shokan Ualikhanov is confirmed by the many publications written and translated into Russian language information and works of folk art, such as the Kyrgyz "Manas". Article will acquaint the reader with the Kazakh researcher, who became an educator and promoter of the history and culture of many peoples of Central Asia.
Keywords: educator, expedition, culture, folklore, history
Questions of the enlightenment, the development of culture, education were relevant at all times. In the middle ages in the East, in modern times in the West appears a brilliant galaxy of intellectuals, patriots, people concerned about the education of his nation.
Everywhere in the world it was the intensification of the national intelligentsia, of selfless activity of the best minds of the people, their aspirations about the need for change, democratization of life.
The most important feature of Education in our region was that it arose, in addition to objective processes and as a reflection of the impact of the inclusion of Kazakhstan into the Russian Empire.
Kazakh enlighteners Shokan Ualikhanov, Ibrai Altynsarin, Abai Kunanbaev, others opposed it total ignorance, were supporters of the introduction of advanced foreign science in the Steppe. At the same time, educators were not prone to idealize European and Russian social life. They knew the role of reactionary tsarism, which stifled all progressive thought. As true patriots, they spoke out against the ignorance, the diffusion of knowledge in society, against colonial oppression, the despotism of the rulers for democratic reforms.
Prominent Kazakh educator of the second half of the XIX century became a scientist, a politician, a person of versatile talents, a great historical personality, Shokan Ualikhanov.
Shokan Ualikhanov was a descendant of Genghis Khan and his eldest son Jochi. Great-grandson of the famous Abylai Khan and the grandson of the last Kazakh Khan Wali, he was born in 1835 in the family of senior Sultan of Aman-Karagai district of Shyngys Ualikhanov in the upper reaches of the Tobol River, in present-day Kostanai region of Kazakhstan.
At birth the boy was given the Muslim name Muhammad Kanafiya. Later, his mother invented a term of endearment Shokan (Ciocan) established as the official name.
In the autumn of 1847 Shokan had started his studying in the Omsk cadet corps. There Ualikhanov learned German and French, read a lot, showed outstanding ability.
In Siberia he met and befriended the famous Russian writer F.Dostoevsky, who, after prison, was under strict police surveillance. [1]
About friendly relations between them preserved for a lifetime , evidenced by surviving correspondence.
After graduating from cadet school in 1853 Ualikhanov was appointed adjutant to the Governor General of Western Siberia G. Hasford. His responsibilities included the functions of historian of the region that contributed to his research of history, geography and Economics of the Turkic peoples and countries. [2]
In 1855 Ualikhanov accompanied Gasfort in the trip from Omsk to TRANS-Ili Alatau. This trip was the beginning of the knowledge of life of the common people, gave the opportunity to collect and record a large number of historical stories, legends and songs. He began to enjoy special respect in the Steppe.
In parallel with the execution of the duties of adjutant, Sh. Ualikhanov was engaged in research of history of the Kazakh people, his native land. One of his major works of the time is to work on the study of the ancestry of the Kazakhs, which the young scientist has collated information from the Eastern Scriptures, the Russian Chronicles and folk legends. Although this work remained unfinished.
Ualikhanov also proceeds to a vibrant collection of material on the history, Ethnography, oral national creativity of Kazakhs, their life and culture in General. In the result, within a relatively short time from his pen leaves a number of remarkable articles and notes.
Among the works written by scientists from the early ' 40s to mid-50s, are of special interest such as "Tales and legends of great Kyrgyz - kaisak Horde", "Tengri", "Sample of lamentations", "the Song about the Ablay", "On the forms of Kazakh folk poetry", "Kyrgyz genealogy", "Historical legends about batyrs of XVIII century", etc. [3]
In the summer of 1856 in the expedition of Shokan Ualikhanov made a trip to the lake Issyk-Kul. This trip has been very productive. He collected interesting material about the life of the Kyrgyz people, recorded for the first time and translated into Russian language a series of stories from the pearl of the oral poem "Manas". This translation has received rave reviews time is known to Orientalists, it has not lost its significance today.
While traveling Ualikhanov made sketches, kept meticulous records of their observations, which were then consolidated them into a single "Diary of a trip to Issyk Kul". It was truly a priceless research work on different aspects of Kyrgyz public life.
Upon returning from a trip of Ualikhanov has prepared an extensive historical-ethnographic and socio-political work entitled "a note on the Kyrgyz".
Around the same time he prepared "notes on the history of South Siberian tribes." In addition, at the end of the trip, in the fall of 1856 in the city of Ghulja, he made a chronological collection of "the Western edge of the Chinese Empire and the city of Ghulja (the Diary of a trip to Ghulja 1856)" etc. [4]
Significant events in the life of Ualikhanov, which brought him world fame, has occurred in the 1858-1859, it was at this time he prepared and made his famous trip to Kashgar, enigmatic and mysterious to the Western world country, where from the time of Marco Polo known no foot of any European.
Shokan Ualikhanov was not only able, under the guise of a merchant to enter the territory of Kashgar, but also to collect the richest material on history, geography, population, economic status and political status of this region.
After returning in the spring of 1859, Shokan Ualikhanov was seconded to the Department of the General staff, from mid-1860, was also enlisted for service in the Asiatic Department of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Here he prepared an extensive report on his visit to Kashgar. Subsequently, this report has received worldwide recognition under the name of "On the state of Altysharah or six East cities of Chinese province Nan-Lu (Small Bukhara) in 1858-1859, and was soon republished in English. [5]The work contains the rich scientific data, has not lost its significance today.
Mapping Central Asia and Eastern Turkestan, cooperation in the publication of the encyclopedia, the study of Oriental manuscripts, lecturing on the history of the East at the Russian geographical society — all this was the content of his life in St. Petersburg.
For the first time Sh. Ualikhanov introduced the number of the Kashgar manuscripts into scientific use, the first in the world he explored "Tarikh-I Rashidi" of Muhammad Haydar Dulati. [6]
At the same time, from 1862 to 1865 he wrote a number of works. Among them, "Traces of shamanism among the Kirghiz" (1862), "Note on judicial reform (1864), "On Islam in steppe" (1864), "On dispersal Kirghiz" (1864), etc. [7]
Assessing the activities of Shokan Ualikhanov on behalf of the Russian geographical society and scientists from Russia, outstanding scientist-orientalist N.Veselovsky wrote about him as "a brilliant meteor that flashed over the field of Oriental studies".
№ 6(10), Vol.4, June 2016
Scientific and educational heritage of Shokan Ualikhanov covers a very wide range of problems of history of Kazakhstan and other Central Asian peoples. These are an education of the Kazakh people, social and political history of Kazakhstan of XVIII-the first half of the nineteenth century, as well as spiritual and material culture of the peoples of the vast region. He made an invaluable contribution to the study of geography, Ethnography and folklore of the peoples of Central Asia, Eastern Turkestan, in South Asia.
1. A.Zulkharov Dostoevskiden celgen hat. [Electronic resource] Mode of access: http://archive.turkystan.kz/page.php?page_id=39&id=5097
2. Pavel Kosenko Irtysh and Neva. Almaty, Zhazushy, 1971.P. 4.
3. F.M.Dostoevsky. Full.Coll.Op. T. 28.Letters 1832-1859.L, Nauka, 1985. P. 178-179.
4. L. I. Volgin. Born in Russia, Dostoevsky... and sovremenniki: a life in documents. M., Book, 1991.P.578.
5. M. M. Gromyko Siberian acquaintances and friends of FM Dostoevsky. Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1985. P. 153.
6. M. M. Gromyko Siberian acquaintances and friends of F.M. Dostoevsky. Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1985. P. 155.
7. V. A. Tunimanov Dostoevsky's Work 1854-1862. Leningrad, Nauka, 1980. P. 66.