№ 3 (120)_m ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ_март. 2024 г.
DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.120.3.17115
Azizbek Davlyatov
PhD student
Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan E-mail: [email protected]
Absalom Khudaiberdiev
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan E-mail: _ [email protected]
Anvar Khamdamov
Candidate of technical sciences, docent, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan E-mail: [email protected]
Давлятов Азизбек Абдикасимович
Наманганского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган
Худайбердиев Абсалом Абдурасулович
д-р техн. наук, проф.
Наманганского инженерно-технологического института Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган
Хамдамов Анвар Махмудович
канд. тех наук, доцент
Наманганского инженерно-технологического института Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган
This article provides information on the results of the research and their analysis on the initial, intermediate and final stages of the technological process of extracting oil from fruit kernels, especially plum kernels, by cold pressing method. This includes determining the amount of various additives and impurities in the kernel and pith, crushing the kernel, separating the crushed kernel-kernel mixture, determining the initial moisture content of the kernel, heat and steam treatment of the kernel, extracting oil from the kernel. The results of our research on the processes of grinding and fractionation of kernels of optimal size, as well as determining the factors affecting the separation of oil from the kernel during the pressing process are presented.
В данной статье приведены результаты, полученные при исследовании процессов на начальном, промежуточном и конечном этапах технологических процессов извлечения масла из косточек плодов, особенно косточек сливы, методом холодного отжима, а также информация по их анализу. Сюда входит определение количества различных добавок и примесей в ядре и сердцевине, дробление ядра, разделение измельченной зерноядерной смеси, определение начальной влажности ядра, термическая и паровая обработка ядра, извлечение масла из ядра. Представлены результаты наших исследований процессов измельчения и фракционирования ядер оптимального размера, а также определения факторов, влияющих на отделение масла от ядра в процессе прессования.
Библиографическое описание: Davlyatov A.A., Khudaiberdiev A.A., Khamdamov A.M. JUSTIFICATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF EXTRACTING OIL FROM PLUM KERNELS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 3(120). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/17115
Keywords: plum, water bath, moisture analyzer, sieves, grinder, scales, mineral and organic compounds. Ключевые слова: слива, водяная баня, анализатор влаги, сита, кофемолка, весы, минеральные и органические соединения.
Today, on the world scale, many types of grain fruits are grown in large fields, in residential plots, and in large plantations.In developed countries, the full use of fruit and its secondary products has been established, thus industrial waste is not released into the environment by production enterprises. In this way, it is possible to reduce the damage of many wastes to nature. In the mountain and sub-mountain areas of our republic, in large orchards, in the plots of the population, fruits with seeds and grains are grown, such as apples, pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, quinces, plums, almonds. Depending on the field of application, all kinds of fruits are used to obtain juice, dried fruits, sugar syrup, jam, and concentrates. In most and most cases, from the use of the fleshy part of the fruit, the waste seeds are not used and are discarded as industrial waste.
Currently, as a result of technical and technological progress, the type of oil raw materials from which oil is extracted is increasing. A few years ago, extracting oil from raw materials whose weight was 1/4 of oil paid for itself economically, now oil is extracted from raw materials with 1/10-1/15 of the oil mass. On an industrial scale, oil is extracted from more than 100 types of crude oils. Modern technologies of production of vegetable oils are implemented on the basis of the influence of various processes on oily raw materials. Among these processes, mechanical processes occupy an important place. Mechanical processes in oil production include cleaning of seeds from foreign impurities; crushing the seed and separating the core from the shell; including crushing of core and intermediate products, etc.[7].
Scientific researchers of our republic and European countries are conducting research on determining the amount of oil in the seeds of fruits and vegetables, determining the type of macro and microelements and vitamins in the oil. Subtropical, tropical, as well as fruit seeds growing in our country, especially peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, etc. due to the relatively high content of oil in the kernels of other grain fruits, are different from this type of kernels (cold and hot ) methods are being used to extract oil. The article mentions the initial technological processes of extracting oil from kernels, our research work on the sequence of stages of primary processing of kernels.
Literature analysis
According to the composition of the fruit, it consists of a fleshy part, a seed and a pith. 60-70% of the fruit is the pulp, 5-% is the seed, 25-35% is the pulp. After processing all kinds of fruits, fruit juices, jams, jams and fruit drying plants, the inner seeds are separated as secondary raw materials. Some types of fruit seeds are crushed and the pulp is sent to confectionery factories, while some fruit seeds are thrown away as waste. In our research work, it is necessary to select locally grown plum fruit seeds, prepare them for the pressing process by mechanical and thermal treatment of the core, and determine the optimal technological stages used in the process. The purpose of extracting oil from fruit kernels is, firstly, to reduce the amount of waste released into the environment, and secondly, to study the content of the oil and apply it to one of the industries such as oil-oil, confectionery, pharmaceuticals, cosmetology in food products. Below, the processes of complex processing of fruit kernels, from crushing the fruit kernels to preparing the pulp for oil extraction, are covered in detail.
Research methodology
It should be properly prepared before receiving and storing kernels, extracting oil from kernels using the forpress-extraction method; when crushing the core prepared in this way, its cells are completely destroyed, and pressing and extraction processes can be carried out in the most convenient modes.
Preparation for extracting kernel oil begins with receiving it and storing it in factory warehouses. When receiving grains, it is necessary to observe their specific characteristics, humidity, contamination, and storage rules. The reason is that when the fruit is treated with different temperatures in factories producing fruit juice and fruit pulp, it can also affect the grains. The first stage of extracting oil from kernels begins with crushing these kernels by force, but before that, the kernels received are cleaned of various impurities.
Analyzes and results
Grains were milled in a special grain mill, which has the appearance of a two-shaft mill, shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Plum fruit grains bite device
The mixture of crushed kernels and cores from the grain crushing device was separated using special sieves.
Figure 2 shows the total, purified pith and grain composition of lightning.
a) the composition of the grain
b) pods of grain
c) separated seeda
Figure 2. Kernel bite from the device came out stomach kernel of the mixture appearance
The imported grains contain foreign substances such as fruit bunches and leaves. Table 1 shows the total composition of the hulled kernels.
Table 1.
The total composition of the hulled kernels
No Sample The amount of whole grains Broken grains quantity Impurities quantity (mineral, organic ) Total
1 Example 1 87,908 gr 11,150 gr 0.942 gr 100 gr
2 Example 2 88.562 gr 10,476 gr 0.962 gr 100 gr
3 Example 3 88.167 gr 12.687 gr 0.854 gr 100 gr
4 Example 4 89,742 gr 9.301 gr 0.957 gr 100 gr
5 Example 5 90,385 8,732 gr 0.883 gr 100 gr
The grains were washed and foreign impurities were removed, the next step was to lower the washed grains to an acceptable moisture content, i.e. 8-10%, in which they were kept in the drying equipment at 95-1000C for 10 minutes, and then the grain moisture was measured.
After the kernels are cleaned of grain impurities, dust settles on the surface during the process of crushing the kernels. This core was washed once in warm water at 200 C and then in clean water to remove dust from the
surface. The washed kernels were dried and dehumidified, bringing the kernel moisture to 8-10% if high after drying. All primary thermally and technically treated kernels were separated from the kernel thin shell and crushed to carry out the pressing process normally. Then the core separated from the shell was crushed. Figure 3 shows the impurity separation processes and primary core processing processes.
a) b) c)
a) washed seeds, b) drying in the oven seeds, c) dried seeds
Figure 3. From impurities dusted core wash drying process
In order to facilitate the process of extracting oil from the dried kernels in the pressing equipment and to prevent overheating of the pressing device, the diameter of the kernels was crushed in an interval of 2-3 mm. In oil extraction plants, kernels are usually crushed in three ways: rubbing; crush; it is done by pounding. In the experiment, kernels were crushed in a laboratory grain milling machine Fig. 4.
After crushing the plum kernels to a size of 2-3 mm, breaking the structure of the kernel in order to facilitate the extraction process during the pressing of the briquetted oil in the pith and endosperm optimizes the process. In this case, the crushed kernels are crushed using the device
a) Dried seeds
b) Crushed seeds
Figure 5. The appearance of plum seeds before and after crushing
When the core is crushed, the fat moves from the center of the pulp to the surface, so when the core is subjected to heat-steam treatment, the fat layer is replaced by water and replaced by oil. As a result,
the pressing process is fast and the maximum amount of oil is obtained from the core. Figure 6 shows a microscopic view of the structure of the broken oil in the solution.
a) crushed seeds b) crushed of the seeds microscopic appearance
Figure 6. An update contained broken of oil structure microscopic appearance
Kernel oil production technology is implemented according to the structural scheme of oil extraction technology from oily raw materials, which is used in current production. The purpose of this is to
• destroying breast cells to the maximum extent,
• to ensure that the kernels are crushed to the optimal size,
• to ensure uniform grinding of the kernel,
• creating a leaf-like structure in the pulp and, as a result, facilitating further technological processes (pressing and extraction).The above technological processes are used to extract oil from the core of all types of fruit seeds. Table 2 below provides information on the effect of moisture on oil yield during pressing.
Table 2.
Seeds of moisture oil to exit effect
Seed moisture % From samples oil exit quantity, №
1 2 3
5.4 25.3 25.8 26.3
6.5 31.1 31.7 32.4
7.2 33.4 34.9 33.3
8.6 35.5 36.2 36.8
9.7 37.3 36.9 37.6
10.8 39.1 40.8 40.2
11.5 42.0 42.7 42.4
12.1 43.7 43.5 43.6
12.3 45.8 45.7 46.7
13.5 47.9 46.9 47.4
After the above technological processes are completed, oil is extracted from the core pressing device.
In order to increase the efficiency of the pressing process, the humidity of the kernels was regularly controlled. The purpose of this is to prevent the oil contained in the pulp from being mixed with the pulp during the pressing process. 25.3% oil yield was observed when the minimum amount of moisture given to the core was 5.4%, and 47.9% when the upper limit was 13.5%. So, it was found that the optimal amount of moisture for kernels is 13.5%, which is higher than the amount of oil release from kernels with other moisture levels during the pessing process.
Extraction of oil from kernels differs from traditional oil raw materials in several processes, for example, processes such as steaming cotton seeds in 6-barrel boilers before pressing the kernels are not carried out. The reason is that vitamins, macro-microelements in the grain kernels are destroyed by heat if they are fried at 90-95 0 C Therefore, before pressing the kernels, moisture
is checked. When extracting oil from plum kernels by the cold pressing method, the skin of the kernels causes the screws to heat up during the pressing process, as a result of which the organic and inorganic substances in the oil are lost. In the process of extracting oil from kernels, it was observed that when extracting oil by separating the kernels from the skin and pressing them, the rotation of the augers and the heating of the body were observed. In order to obtain the maximum amount of oil contained in the core in the screw press, the structure of the core being pressed should be optimal for pressing, the press should be provided continuously and in the same amount with the core, the amount of pressure generated in the working part of the press, the content of the core as much as possible should ensure the maximum oil separation, the duration of the pressing process should be enough to squeeze the oil from the raw material.
1 - technological in the scheme kernel from the cores oil to get technological of processes shown.
Technological scheme 1.
№ 3 (120)
■ 7universum.com
март, 2024 г.
Plum from the core oil to get technological in infancy shown each stages parameters based on being, in this from dank stomach take oil in getting all physical and chemical processes analysis done Cold pressure with oil to get achieved.
problems eliminate done; kernel bite on the device to grains to be given power, core pressing in the process device on the surface harvest who does the heat eliminate reach for core skin separate and acceptable dimensions was determined. Also plum from the core oil optimum moisture content was determined.
Fruit kernel cores on spent from our research
conclusion by doing research in the process the following
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