Хечошвили И.
Бизнес Школа, PhD студентка Грузинский Американский Университет,
Тбилиси, Грузия
Khechoshvili I.
Business School, PhD Student Georgian American University,
Tbilisi, Georgia
Организационная культура и культурная идентичность представляют собой взаимосвязанные сферы менеджмента. Существует необходимость изучения и определения объединяющего концепта организационной культурной идентичности в пространстве социального и культурного основания менеджмента в организации. Включенность в работу может стать таким объединяющим концептом. Статья предлагает переосмысление идентификации и идентичности как в организационной культуре, также и в рамках изучения отношения к работе, как например организационная преданность, включенность сотрудника, и удовлетворенность работой. Включенность в работу представлена как ядро организационной культурной идентичности в измерениях участия сотрудника в принятии решений, управлении различными действиями и формулировании этических регуляций в организации.
Organizational culture and organizational identity are interrelated intangible concepts in management. There is a need of studying and creating the uniting concept for organizational culture identity within the social and cultural foundations of managing organizations. Organizational identity is viewed in the perspective of culture and image. Job involvement is presented as uniting component and core of organizational cultural identity. The paper offers rethinking of identification and identity as in organizational culture, the same in frame of work-related attitudes, as organizational commitment, employee engagement, and job satisfaction. Job involvement is presented as organizational culture identity core, within the frame of employee participation in decision-making, ethical regulations formulation and managing activities.
Ключевые слова: организационная идентичность, организационная культура, включенность в работу, культурная идентичность, организационная культурная идентичность.
Keywords: organizational identity, organizational culture, cultural identity, job involvement, organizational cultural identity.
Organizational culture is the spiritual intangible part of organizational management system. Managers often skip this aspect as are more focused on the tangible operations, business models and organizational goals. However, organizational culture creates a body or organizational mind, it is a connection and meaning of why do people meet together in the group to achieve the specific purpose within the formed structure. Organizational culture creates a sense of identity for employees, and makes managers to guide their actions, decisions and marketing efforts by organizational values and shared beliefs. Organizational culture itself creates the context of involvement, as attitude, and in this perspective it can take two forms, - participation in organizational life, and identification with the job-related tasks and responsibilities. Job involvement in managerial perspective can be defined as psychological importance of work; it means the proximity of how much the work tasks are correlated with the state of the job holder on the level of sensations, emotions, and metaphorical associations.
Organizational identity is discussed in management within organizational personality concept, it is as well a part of studies in organizational development.
Albert and Whetten define organizational identity as the central statement, accepted and shared by organizational members [1]. The experts offer the following questions related to organizational identity: "Who are we?" (what our organization is about); "What are we doing?" (what is the main purpose we exist); and "What do we want to be in the future?" (our mission and vision). Organizational identity in research in one focus is presented in its connection with organizational spirituality and culture [2].
In organizational culture context organizational, social and personal identities are intervened in different combinations and relationships. Identity is formed or adapted in the process of socialization in culture, or acculturation in organizational culture. Identity is usually associated with the feeling the part of something, for example, being part of a group, like social identity, or being a part of some role, like personal identity. Both of them define the employee's behavior in different dimensions, including attitudes and general perception.
Chris Cooley following the Emile Durkheim's ideas specifically underlines the interconnection of self and social in identity, supposing that isolated person and non-individual society cannot exist [3]. The thinker
suggests the concept of "the looking-glass self' Kl, where 'self-identity' and 'other' are inseparable, reflecting each other. In other words, without 'other' there is no 'self-identity'. In organization this principle is as well presented, without others employee cannot feel personal identity, and cannot form job involvement as a special identity in the work tasks.
In their research Hatch and Schultz [2] consider organizational identity in dynamic model of correlations between identity, culture and image (see Figure
1). In the model it is clearly seen the principle mentioned above, that members express the perception of organizational culture through the organizational identity (like main principle of organization), and organizational identity influences the understanding of stakeholders outside about the organization. This image affects organizational identity, which again influence organizational culture, creating the dynamic connection of these three components.
Identity expresses cultural understanding
Expressed identity makes impressions on others
Reflecting conducts identity in culture
Identity mirrors the images
Source: [2]
Figure 1. Organizational Identity Dynamics Model (Hatch & Schultz,°f°lhers
Organizational culture is a form of spiritual identity, it creates the form of psychological identification with corporate values and behaviors. It reminds the model of human culture in general. Each organization with its unique characteristics is different from other organization like one person from another, or like one national culture from another. The differences are based not only on the surface like norms, or dresscodes, but on the deeper levels of communication and
behavioral patterns, attitudes and values, moreover, symbolic orientations and activities. In organizational culture the depth of cultural identity usually is defined by the intensity of positive attitudes towards the job, work context (managerial decisions) and organization itself. These dimensions are job satisfaction, work engagement, and organizational commitment (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Organizational Cultural Identity
In this perspective job involvement as organizational culture identity parameter includes the three-dimensional modality: commitment, engagement, and satisfaction, and hence on the surface the amount of participation in decisions, managing and ethical rules formulation.
Organizational culture identity as consisting of three components (Figure 2) differentiates job involvement from other work-related attitudes. Job involvement is the degree, defining how strong is psychological identification with the job, perceived performance, and how much self-worth is reflected in the job tasks and their fulfillment. Job satisfaction is more about the attitude towards the job itself, and organizational commitment is the attitude about the organization one works for. Job engagement stays close to job involvement, and is defined as a desire to be a part of organizational value. Employee involvement or job involvement in the organizational culture identity is the process of identification with the task, environment, and management, reflected in participation degree in decisionmaking, managing different activities, and formulation of ethical rules.
Organizational culture is geared towards developing labor potential and expresses the core values of the organization. It is a management ideology and identifies the goals and mission of the organization. Culture encompasses a significant impact on the attitude of the staff towards the organization similarly because the organization attitude towards the staff. A company value creates the importance of actions comprehension by its workers. Values are largely determined by the entire direction of organizational activities, specifics of higher cognitive process and etc. generally organization culture affects the connection between company units and creating a specific psychological climate for the workers. It promotes the organization's socio-economic improvement through staff, increasing the potential of human resources that must be created an appropriated environment. Organizational culture consists of the characteristics mixture such as: organization values, employee relations, norms, attitudes, established traditions and etc. Organization has objective and subjective characteristics. Objective characteristics include actual processes within the organization, behaviors of personalities, standards of inequality, rituals and etc. Subjective characteristics belong to the organization values, points of views, expectations and attitudes formed within employees. One and all within the organization make contribution in shaping the corporate culture.
Successively organizational culture strongly influences each worker and plays a big role in strengthening level of involvement of employees. Experts agree in one issue, that the study of organizational culture has significance in its correlation with the performance so as to boost actions [5]. According to A. Klosowska [6], elements are presented by values, norms and cultural patterns, developed and distributed within the social community. In this point social identification in organizational culture plays a significant role, as if culture is collective mind, shared values and beliefs in the group of people, agreeing unconsciously in the norms and cultural patterns of behavior. Employee perceptions of the organizational environment are linked to many constructs one of them is job involvement. Klosowska's research underlines the importance of job involvement in
organizational effectiveness, as managed it can help to create a strong connection, and deeper identification with positive experience, which becomes meaningful and fulfilling ribid.l.
Job involvement creates psychological identity with the job, assisting employees in satisfying deep psychological needs in growth, recognition, security, meaning, and to make this connection positive, managers can use organizational culture as leverage. Employees with high positive job involvement, identify their experience with their attributes and skills, and feel the job to be meaningful, as a work on complex tasks employing a diffusion of skills, and see complete units of labor through to their completion. Psychological climate refers to the way during which organizational environments are perceived by their employees. Employees identify their experience in the job with their goals, values, personal well-being.
Job involvement as the extent to which individuals identify with their jobs and consider them central to their identities - constitutes a key to individual effort, motivation, performance, and satisfaction, similarly on organizational performance. The personal perception of the organization as being attractive and reputable is extremely important (commitment dimension). It is critical that employees view their organizations pretty much as good companies to figure for, appealing to their personal characteristics, contributing to their self-esteem, and also to their personal feeling of pride and achievement. Researchers identified three psychological conditions which will encourage employee involvement. First, they said that employees who are made to feel that the work they are doing is valued in the company, are more engaged (employee engagement dimension). Second, feeling safety makes employees be more identified with the job (ethical dimension). Workers should feel like their health or reputations don't seem to be in danger as a result of their position. Promoting safety can range from efforts to obviate workplace bullies to improved training aimed toward preventing injuries on the task. Third, psychological availability, or the characteristic of getting the physical, emotional and mental resources to undertake to employment, is very important to staff dedication (job satisfaction dimension). This success increases their willingness to create extra effort when required.
The culture of an organization affects employee job involvement. The purpose and goals of any organization influence its culture and significantly affect employee morale, retention, and their level of involvement. It is not just about being a good employer, but about having an employee committed to the vision, mission, and the strategy of the organization, and possessing the will and means to constantly contribute in making these in reality. Effective organizational culture causes high levels of involvement and this translates into high productivity. The relationship between organizational culture and employee job involvement can be explained in social exchange theory (SET) perspective. According to the theory, social behavior is the result of exchange process. The social exchange, from one side, is limited with the personal identity, and from another, is supported by social identity and basking in reflected glory, - the tendency to associate with successful groups. Job involvement is more an attitude character-
izing personal identity, - who you are in your job? Organizational culture in its turn, presents the social identity, the group of people I associate myself with. The correlation within the social exchanged theory is in the social role accepted by the employee, and it is organizational identity.
Every organization predicts beneficial matrix such as profitability, growth, innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction for its development. The engagement of employees towards this goal proportionately linked with healthy mutual relationship with the leaders, managers and coworkers. Job involvement is connected with employees' emotions and even sensations more than specific job tasks. Both employee individual level of growth and organizational level of growth are considered as key aspects to sustain a healthy organization. Specific culture types are directly related to involvement levels so it is extremely important for organizations to be conscious of that. Corporate values that convey a deep concern for employees as individuals and reinforce the meaning and purpose of the organization are considered critical for organizational success. Employee job involvement may be a viable method to put values into practice.
Organizational culture and job involvement correlation is obvious, and the future research objective is to find out the bridging areas of these concepts, and the level of influence on each other. It means, how organizational culture does influence the job involvement,
and vice versa how does job involvement contribute to organizational culture. The second linkage is more interesting and challenging; as organizational culture type and promoted values surely define the positive or negative job involvement and makes the clear identification with the culture type related beliefs and orientations. Vice versa influence of job involvement itself is not clear, and the extent to which job involvement can exist itself without the organization.
1. Albert S., Whetten D.A. Organizational Identity, In: B.M. Staw and L.L. Cummings, Eds., Research in Organizational Behavior, JAI Press, Greenwich, 1985, pp. 263-295
2. Hatch, M.J., Schultz, M. The Dynamics of Organizational Identity. In: Human Relations 55, 2002, pp. 989-10181, DOI:10.1177/0018726702055008181
3. Cooley Ch.H. Human Nature and Social Order. New York, 1964
4. Prus Robert. Symbolic interaction and ethnographic research. Intersubjectivity and the Study of human lived experience. State University of New York press, Albany, 1996
5. Alvesson, M. On the Popularity of Organizational Culture. Acta Sociologica Vol. 33, No. 1, 31-49, 1990
6. Kloskowska, A. Socjologia kultury. Warszawa,
Kuchcinski A.
PhD in economics, assistant professor University of Social Sciences in Lodz
Leasing is one of the alternative sources of financing for companies. Its advantages make it increasingly used by business entities. The aim of the article is to present the significant significance of leasing, its advantages and disadvantages and to answer the research question: what is the significance of leasing among enterprises in Poland? To answer this question, the author analysed literature and source data related to the leasing market in Poland. Keywords: sources of financing, finance management, entrepreneurship, leasing.
An essential element of creating the development of any enterprise is capital. The problem with obtaining appropriate funds often results not from the lack of possibility to obtain them, but from the lack of knowledge of persons managing a given organisation. Many entrepreneurs consider bank loans to be the only source of business financing. However, thanks to the dynamic development of financial markets there are many alternative sources of financing for enterprises [1, p.103].
A specific form of business financing is leasing. This is currently an important form of investment, especially in those companies that are in short supply of capital, and the use of credit is for various reasons difficult or even uneconomic. An increasing number of entrepreneurs in Poland will use the services of leasing companies. Over the last twenty years, the leasing market in Poland has undergone enormous transformations. Leasing from a purely textbook concept has become a well-known service financing one in three movables in Poland. [2, p.182].
The aim of this article is to analyze and evaluate the level of use of leasing among enterprises in Poland.
Beginning of the leasing
The term "leasing" comes from the English word "lease". The definition of the dictionary states that leasing is: a specific form of renting and leasing of durable capital goods, enabling manufacturers to use equipment in return for rent [3, p.295].
It can be concluded that leasing is a kind of economic activity which consists in lending its goods for use for consideration in order to recover the capital for the manufacture or purchase of those goods together with income [4, p.1].
The origins of leasing date back to the times of old civilizations, when the money and commodity economy started to develop in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Phoenicia or Greece, among others. The first contracts consisted of temporary handing over of things to someone's use after payment of a fee, while at the same time there was often a promise to sell them to the user. These were the first quite primitive lease or rental transactions that took place up to five thousand years ago. On the other hand, the direct founder of the form of modern leasing as well as of modern lease and tenancy contracts is considered to be the Roman lease of things in the second