Научная статья на тему 'Изменения в лингводидактике английского языка как иностранного в современных российских вузах'

Изменения в лингводидактике английского языка как иностранного в современных российских вузах Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Прудникова Надежда Николаевна

Статья анализирует цели и задачи лингводидактики иностранного языка у нефилологов в формате бакалавриата и магистратуры. Представлена сущность иноязычной компетенции бакалавра нелингвистического вуза. Метапредметный подход применительно к обучению иностранному языку раскрыт как реализующийся через комплексное интерактивное обучение для интенсификации коммуникативной подготовки и всестороннего развития личности обучающегося

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Changes in EFL Teaching in the Modern Russian Higher Educational Institutions

The author tries to analyze modern linguistic training within the transdisciplinary approach. Transdisciplinary approach to foreign language teaching is implemented in interactive training because the format of interactive lessons helps to solve very difficult tasks of EFL and ESP competences development, professional competence realization and personality development of the students. Researchers recognize four types of transdisciplinary abilities during the linguistic study: cognitive abilities, social abilities, personal skills, organizational skills. Knowledge, abilities and skills acquired during the process of training build cognitive, motivational and operational components of EFL and ESP competences.

Текст научной работы на тему «Изменения в лингводидактике английского языка как иностранного в современных российских вузах»


Изменения в лингводидактике английского языка как иностранного в современных российских вузах

Прудникова Надежда Николаевна

Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков Балаковского филиала РАНХиГС

e-mail: [email protected]

Nadezhda N. Prudnikova

Candidate of Science (Pedagogies) Head of the foreign languages Chair of the Balakovo Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

e-mail: [email protected]

УДК 378:81

Changes in EFL Teaching in the Modern Russian Higher Educational Institutions

Статья анализирует цели и задачи лингводидактики иностранного языка у нефилологов в формате бакалавриата и магистратуры. Представлена сущность иноязычной компетенции бакалавра нелингвистического вуза. Метапредметный подход применительно к обучению иностранному языку раскрыт как реализующийся через комплексное интерактивное обучение для интенсификации коммуникативной подготовки и всестороннего развития личности обучающегося.

Ключевые слова и словосочетания: Глобализация образования, обучение иностранному языку бакалавров-нефилологов и магистров-нефилологов, иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, метапредметный подход, комплексное интерактивное обучение.

The author tries to analyze modern linguistic training within the transdisciplinary approach. Transdisciplinary approach to foreign language teaching is implemented in interactive training because the format of interactive lessons helps to solve very difficult tasks of EFL and ESP competences development, professional competence realization and personality development of the students. Researchers recognize four types of transdisciplinary abilities during the linguistic study: cognitive abilities, social abilities, personal skills, organizational skills. Knowledge, abilities and skills acquired during the process of training build cognitive, motivational and operational components of EFL and ESP competences.

Key words and word combinations: globalization of education sphere, bachelors and masters training, EFL, ESP, EFL and ESP competences, transdisciplinary approach, interactive training.

According to globalization of economy, science and education spheres and requirements of Bologna process Russian higher educational institutions train both bachelors and masters of different profiles. This system still coexists with the traditional training of specialists (future specialists are now at the final courses of Institutes and Universities).

Goals of training bachelors and masters are different and these two levels of education demand different approaches and methods of training.

While masters focus at the research, bachelors are mostly practical professionals. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) means different tasks:

1) development of linguistic competence (phonetics, vocabulary and grammar) at a certain level,

2) development of speech practice at a certain level,

3) reading skills,

Matters of education and personnel training

4) writing skills,

5) translation skills formation.

Linguistic didactics of English as a foreign language (EFL) means different methodical approaches to bachelors' and masters' curricula [3].

Bachelors' instruction presupposes principle of personality-oriented teaching and principle of approximation; masters' instruction demands principle of functionality and problem-oriented learning.

Methods of bachelors' training include principle of simplification, speech accent instead of thorough grammar study, principle of native language usage and simulation. Methods of masters' training mean principle of ESP (English for specific purposes), principle of functionality and principle of absence of translation.

Common didactic principles for both levels of two-level learning (bachelors-masters) are principles of activity, personal development, clear instruction, intensive teaching, professional-oriented learning, system and application-oriented approach.

Common methodical principles for bachelors and masters are principle of communicative teaching, differentiation, inter-cultural communication, and synthesis of teaching productive and receptive types of speech practice, case-study organization of training and problem-oriented study.

Personality development during EFL learning means development of tolerance and respect towards representatives of other cultures.

Principle of development means acquiring cognitive means of communicative and epistemological activities. The result of this goal realization is attention, logics, internal speech, linguistic anticipation, relative forecasting and so on.

The result of practical goal of bachelors training during EFL learning is the EFL competence formed as integrative development of the subject of communication during foreign language activity. EFL competence comprises several components:

1) linguistic competence (knowledge of vocabulary and rules of linguistic constructions' building);

2) pragmatic competence (ability to make statements depending on the purpose during communication);

3) socio-linguistic competence (ability to use idioms and set-expressions, polite formulae, i.e. ability to make linguistic statements depending on the certain situation).

Some researchers think there is also socio-cultural competence (extra-linguistic knowledge of the English-speaking countries) and strategic competence (ability to compensate the lack of linguistic knowledge right in the process of communication).

EFL competence is not only knowledge of the culture of the native country but also the ability to interpret and assess cultural realities of the other countries, understanding of the value systems and ideology specifics of the representatives of other cultures.

According to some researches [1], intercultural communicative competence, i. e. linguistic and extra linguistic knowledge of other cultures can help to form a competent personality capable of making and supporting international contacts in different spheres of human activities according to the bachelors' instruction profiles.

Foreign language is compulsory in the bachelor's curriculum irrespective of the bachelor's profile. At present linguistic training means communicative intensive method within the transdisciplinary approach [4].

Transdisciplinary approach is used to teach the students how to communicate in a foreign professional environment, that is, it means a gradual acquiring of the ESP competence.

The main principles of such teaching are intensification of the whole period of classes, use of the foreign language as the only language of communication and study of the extra-linguistic information relevant to the future profession of the students [2].

Basic course "English language" in the curriculum of any bachelor is aimed at linguistic competence development (grammar learning). During teaching the varied cycle disciplines such as "English for specific purposes" "English language in the sphere of professional communication", "Communication in a foreign language" the attention of the teacher is switched to the specialized vocabulary and speech constructions connected with professional situations of a certain bachelor's profile.

Practical necessity of the transdisciplinary approach during foreign language study is proved by the research in the sphere of phenomena of bilinguals and people knowing more than two foreign languages. Thus, knowledge of one foreign language develops certain cognitive skills, which are being translated during the other foreign language study. So, it's clear that there is a basic linguistic competence, helping to study one and more than one foreign languages.

That is why skills and abilities developed during one foreign language learning help to build universal linguistic literacy (for example reading learning during a second foreign language study is easier and needs only other language

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Вопросы образования и подготовки кадров

phonetics comprehension).

Transdisciplinary approach to foreign language teaching is implemented in interactive training because the format of interactive lesson helps to solve very difficult tasks of EFL competence development, professional competence realization and personality development of the students.

Researchers recognize four types of transdisciplinary abilities during the linguistic study: cognitive abilities (development of thinking and logical skills); social abilities (understanding of different people, skills of cooperation and tolerance); personal skills (assertiveness, initiative, responsibility, autonomous way of thinking and behavior); organizational skills (ability to plan and fulfill the work according to a certain schedule).

The essence of interactive training means its implementation through experience. Experience means a certain condition of interactive training (experience of a role-play, training, Internet project), and quasi-professional communication experience acquired during different interactions of the study period.

We think that during EFL interactive learning within the role-plays and multiple choice computer environment use it is possible to create optimal conditions for EFL competence formation. Interactive training helps: to intensify the study; to combine EFL formation and personality development; to implement modern project-oriented learning.

Interactive method of EFL training is regarded here as synthesis of cognitive and communicative approaches to EFL competence formation. We also think that computer linguo-didactics is a necessary component of interactive training. Computer can help to intensify the teaching process in case students are not only computer-literate but PC power-users.

Interactive training is an effective way of teaching optimization because it helps to expand the teaching environment making it similar to natural foreign language communication. EFL formation must realize in the situations of a student being a subject of foreign language activities during speaking, listening, writing and reading. All the facets of communication process must be encompassed during the classes. And this condition is realized only in case of interactive training and so called complex implementation of all the types of interactive classes.

Complex approach to interactive training means development of all the aspects of speech practice.

The goals of speech practice are to formulate the thought (productive activity) and reproduce the thoughts of the other people. This two-way direction of communication process is also implemented during interactive training.

We can make a conclusion that a complex approach to interactive training means direct and indirect cooperation of the subjects during the training process, and this cooperation makes it possible to solve didactical tasks using the potential of all the participants. Training means not only informational influence, it presupposes exchange of activities, values, attitudes and is aimed at both translation of information and personality development.

We think that the following forms of classes during EFL training have interactive function: role-plays, simulations, business plays, case studies, Socratic dialogs, navigation of a web, e-mail projects, multimedia exercises, brain storming, computer testing (on-line and off-line).

We provide the following classification of the interactive classes during EFL training: according to the functions (current and final control of the formation of EFL, role-plays, learning new material, problem solving); according to the form (lessons in groups of students, working with a computer environment by oneself, multiple-choice tests in a computer class); according to the didactic purposes during EFL formation (implementation of the productive and receptive competences of speech practice in the form of dialogs, writing and communication within role-plays). Goals and tasks of EFL learning in non-linguistic higher educational institutions depend on principles of EFL instruction.

Knowledge, abilities and skills acquired during the process of training build cognitive, motivational and operational components of English as a Foreign Language competence and English for Specific Purposes competence.


1. Халеева И.И. Вторичная языковая личность как реципиент инофонного текста // Язык - система. Язык - текст. Язык - способность. - 1995. - C. 277 - 278.

2. Netten, J., Germain, C. Transdisciplinary Approach and Intensity in Second Language Learning/Teaching // Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 2000. Vol. 3. P. 107-122.

3. Даминова С.О. Цели, задачи и принципы подготовки по иностранному языку бакалавров и магистров в вузах неязыковых специальностей. // Традиции и новаторство преподавания родного и иностранного языков в вузе: материалы международной научно-практической конференции (Иваново, 3-4 февраля 2011). - Иваново, 2011.- С. 9-13.

4. Todorova, P. The Contemporary Transdisciplinary Approach as a Methodology to Aid Students of Humanities and Social Sciences // Education in one World: Perspectives from Different Nations. 2013. Vol. P. 187-191.

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