Olimov Kh. Y. junior teacher Kokand State pedagogical Institute
Abstract. This article is devoted to the historical development of the English language and the different theoretical views of scholars, as well as the importance of assimilation words.
Key words: French, English, assimilation, theoretical view, assimilation words.
The stability of borrowed words in a language depends on various reasons, the most important of which is the ability of a new word to adequately express a new concept or the shadow of an unknown concept, if the borrowed word is absolutely present in the language. If it has the same meaning as a word, over time the meanings of these words change or one of the words disappears from the vocabulary. For example, it happened with the French word people and the Old English word folc, which differed in their meanings [1].
The role of borrowed words in the formation of the English vocabulary, as we mentioned above, is related to the history of the language. Special attention should be paid to the assimilation of borrowed words as a method of interaction with the language system as a whole. According to P.V.Arnold, the term " borrowed assimilation" is used for partial or complete matching of the phonetic, graphic, morphological norms of the receiving language and its semantic system. The degree of assimilation depends on the duration and period of use of a particular word in the receiving language, as well as the frequency of use of a particular word in the language. According to P.V.Arnold, oral borrowed words, that is, those that passed directly from mouth to mouth, were absorbed faster and easier than literary borrowed words., that is, they are taken from written speech[2]. In order to understand the need to analyze the borrowed vocabulary and show the different ways in which words enter the English language, we give the following example based on the analysis of three words by the researcher B.A. Ilish.
He analyze the words room, table, fête as the object of study, or from the point of view of historical analysis, he notes that the word room is one group, and the words table and party are another group, because room is inherited from Anglo-Saxon, and the other two are from French. From the point of view of analyzing the English vocabulary in its modern state, the above division looks different, that is: the words room and table fall into one group, and fête into another group, because to the modern mind room, table are recognized as such, regardless of their historical origin, English words. " [3].
мЭкономнка h соцнумм №6(121)-2 2024
When A.V. Kunin talks about the complete assimilation of French words that have entered the English language, unlike words that have been assimilated later, he still interprets assimilation mainly as the process of subjecting the borrowed words to the sound system and the rules of the English language [4].
Different scientists have given their views on different classification of appropriations. For example, N.N. Amosova based her classification on the level of use of the word in the language, because the expansion and spread of the word is closely related to the loss of its foreign language characteristics - it is divided into "book words", "term words" and "local words".From the point of view of the relation to the source language, he distinguishes between "full" and "relative" appropriations [5]. More precisely, we decided to present the above classification in the form of a diagram:
general ■v borrowed words
Special words
( words jrammatical
took words
ialectal words
Term words
\ words P N honetic /
I.R. Galperin believed that words borrowed from other languages, if they remain in the language, are usually formed according to the phonetic and morphological rules of the borrowed language. Most of the English loanwords have been converted into corresponding English word examples, but foreign words, often called literary appropriations, retain their appearance for some time. According to Stress, the English language preserves an unusual place, a graphic image of a word, and sometimes even a pronunciation, and in such cases there is also a preservation of non-linguistic morphological features [6]. We are closer to another classification proposed by I.V.Arnold, the classification of borrowed words according to their level of borrowed can be too general, because according to Arnold, a very specific method of measuring this classification has been invented [7]. This classification sufficiently reveals all the characteristics of the levels of mastery. Arnold divides them into three levels:
1) completely assimilated words;
2) partially assimilated assimilated words;
3) unappropriated words (ie. barbarism).
In conclusion, it should be noted that partially assimilated words, in turn, are divided into the following subgroups:
a) phonetically unassimilated borrowed words, the presence of such features of the sound image in the acquired words, which was not the mother tongue for the host language.
'^KOHOMHKa h соцнумм №6(121)-2 2024
b) the use of borrowed words that are not graphically assimilated, that is, letters and combinations of letters that are unusual for the main language;
c) grammatically unassimilated assimilated words.
The presence of various deviations from grammatical forms and the presence of foreign morphemes in words;
d) adopted words, because they have specific, unusual things and concepts for the country of origin, that is, the receiving language acquires different or additional shades of meaning with this or that word. means [8].
1. Арнольд И.В.Лексикология современного английского языка. -М.: Изд -во «Высшая школа», 1986. -296с
2.Гальперин И.Р.,Черкасская Е.В.Лексикология английского языка. -М.:ГЦКЗОИЯ,1956. -299 с.
3. Секирин В.П.Заимствования в английском языке. -Киев.:Изд-во Киевскогоун-та,1964.—152с.
4. Ильиш Б.А.Современный английский язык.—MB Высшая школа, 1948. -32 4с.
5. Амосова Н.Н.Судьбы иноязычных заимствований в современном английском языке/ /Этимологические основы словарного состава современного английского языка. -М.:Изд-во «Литературана иностранных языках»,1956. -21 8с.
"Экономика и социум" №6(121)-2 2024