Section 4. Theatre arts
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Djuldikarayeva Khatira Tastemirovna, Docent of Uzbek State Institute of Art and Culture, Uzbekistan
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. This article provides information about the role of stage speech in the spiritual development of society, its socio-cultural significance, the history of the development of science, the scientific and creative activities of teachers who created the methodology of science. Keywords: spirituality, literature, culture, art, director, actor, stage speech, word art.
The issues of spiritual development and aesthetic education set to our people and society as a national task are reflected in the Action Strategy developed under the leadership ofPresident Shavkat Mirziyoyev and are being consistently implemented [1]. In this regard, raising the morale of our people, educating the hearts and minds ofyoung people in the spirit ofharmony of national and universal values, bringing them up with modern knowledge and skills, comprehensively mature, both physically and spiritually, has become one of the key tasks of today's spiritual and cultural reforms.
Just as there are many aspects of spirituality, there are many forms, means, and aspects of spiritual education. Young people, especially those who are growing up in a world of colorful emotions and concepts, various attractive ideas and ideologies, will quickly succumb to all these influences. Their spirituality will be multifaceted accordingly. This requires a thorough study of the spirituality ofyoung people in all respects, and on this basis to work carefully with knowledge.
The importance of the art of speech, the culture of communication, like all artistic factors in the formation of the spirituality of young people is incomparable. Beautiful speech, full delivery of thought is in its
place a sign of maturity and culture, the appearance of the inner thought or idea is the birth of the word, its artistic and expressive performance is the main foundation of the science called direct stage speech.
The content of the word in its place determines the level of knowledge and worldview of the speaker, melody, eloquence, expressiveness, expressiveness indicate the spiritual and artistic world of the speaker, the skill of performance.
The level of development of a society can be determined from the way people speak, the culture of treating each other (positively or negatively), what books they read and how they dress, but a society with beautiful speech and sincerity is a spiritually developed society [5, 230].
The issue of language and culture has long been one of the most topical issues. Because through language, the character, manners, spirituality, culture of each nation, as well as its place as a nation, were known. That is why our great ancestor Yusuf Khas Hajib said, "The beginning of etiquette is language". "The great Navoi wrote "Khamsa" in this language and rose the level of this language not in vain. As Master Navoi said, 'Attention to the language is attention to
the people." This means that each of us must pay attention to our mother tongue, respect it, and bring to the next generation our delicate and delicate language in all its beauty. This work is the most sacred duty of today's generation before the next generation [3, 3].
The status of the Uzbek language, speech culture, word art and its development is a social issue, which has now risen to the level of state policy. In particular, on October 21, 2019, President Sh. Mirziyoyev signed a decree "On measures to radically increase the prestige and status of the Uzbek language as the state language". According to this science, October 21 has been marked in Uzbekistan as the Day of the Uzbek Language. The decree also established a separate structure - the Department for the Development of the State Language of the Cabinet of Ministers, among other issues related to the further development of the Uzbek language. This structure ensures the observance of the legislation on the state language, the analysis of problems in the field and the implementation of a unified state policy in this regard.
The main criteria of the reforms carried out by the government are the attention paid to the process of teaching the Uzbek language in educational institutions, including the establishment of the Alisher Navoi University of Uzbek Language and Literature, the establishment of Uzbek language departments in each higher education institution. The involvement of qualified specialists in them, the richness and attractiveness of the Uzbek language and its further promotion among the general population serve the language and its development.
In the process of spiritual development, the artistic and aesthetic significance of the art of speech is impressive. In this regard, the history of the Uzbek language, linguistic theory and practice are primary.
The role ofvocal sounds in the clear and beautiful delivery of the word to the audience and listener is invaluable! Consequently, even a journalist who reads a small text (if he wants to read the text he writes in front of a microphone or behind the scenes) should work perfectly on the speech. While radio and televi-
sion will be the fastest sources of spirituality and enlightenment in the country through various examples of literature and art, it is based on the art of speech -the speech of the creator, and the responsibility ofthe director of the show or broadcast [4, 22].
No matter how important is acting, but Uzbek national theatrical art drama and stage direction are developing, they are an integral part in teaching "Stage speech".
In the formation and development of this science the creative and pedagogical activity of the National Artist of Uzbekistan Nazira Aliyeva occupies an important part, shehad worked at the Khamza Drama Theater (now the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater) and contrbuted valuable practical experience to the pedagogy of the Uzbek theater "Methodology and pedagogy".
In this regard, the great masters of art Mannon Uygur, Abror Hidoyatov, Shukur Burhanov, Olim Khodjaev, Sora Eshonturaeva, who had taught the artist and worked in harmony with him, the subject "Stage speech" became the object of research and creative discussion. Valuable advice, relentless rehearsals laid the groundwork for bringing stage speech to the level of science.
Theoretical and practical foundations ofthe "stage speech" science, a dedicated person like Nazira Aliyeva, a talented actress, a talented teacher Lola Khod-jaeva also made a worthy contribution to the creation of a unique teaching methodology of the science.
In 1945, the establishment of the Tashkent State Institute of Theater and Art and the "Stage Speech" Department functioning began to lead to the real development of stage speech.
In particular, art historians S. Inomkhodjaev, A. Sayfuddinov, I. Pulatov and M. Ismoilov, who conducted research aimed at improving stage speech, took an active part in the creation of educational and methodological support, along with the development of theoretical aspects of science.
The Uzbek School of Stage Speech, created by the above-mentioned scientists, artists and educators,
is one of the world's leading art schools - the Italian School, the Russian School ofArt Pedagogy, the Czech School of Linguistics. It is recognized that such world spirituality does not lag behind the major directions recognized by the world.
Under the guidance of teachers who laid the foundation stone of the department "Stage speech" of Tashkent State Institute of Theater and Art, a great deal of attention was paid to teaching practice. As a result, along with experienced teachers Z. Olim-janova, R. Usmanova, A. Nosirova, A. Tulaganov, I. Jumanov, began to cover the scientific and theoretical aspects of the discovery of specific aspects of stage speech. Especially noteworthy is the research of S. Nosirov, G. Khalikulova, M. Khojimatova.
A number of methodological manuals of the above-named pedagogues-scientists, who made an important contribution to the development of the art of speech, were published and distributed for students. In this regard, the research work and creative activity of foreign experts M. O. Knebel, V. O. Toporkov, E. A. Petrova, G. V. Kristi, Z. V. Savkova were studied and used as a methodological source.
S. Inomkhodjaev's "Fundamentals of Artistic Reading", I. Pulatov's "Stage Speech", M. Isroilov's "Working on Monologue", "The Importance of Psychological Pause in the Art of Speech", Z. Alimjanova's "Fundamentals of Artistic Reading "Stage speech", A. Nosirova's "Stage speech", "Live word art ", A. Tu-laganov's "Stage speech", M. Khojimatova's "Stage speech technique", R. Kadyrov's "Stage speech",
G. Khalikulova's "Stage Textbooks and teaching aids such as "speech" (in the interpretation of historical dramas) are of great practical importance.
At present, the department "Stage Speech" together with experienced teachers such as Sh. Yu-supov, B. Magdiev, U. Ibragimova, N. Karimbaeva, D. Jumanova conduct scientific and creative research for the development of science.
Stage speech is equally useful not only for actors and directors but also for all the population, and it should become a social necessity to pay attention to the norms of literary language in everyday speech. Indeed, as Aristotle points out, "there is an issue of speech that is (not poetically) related to the art of pronunciation and the knowledge of speech composition" [2, 51].
Many years of pedagogical experience show that student-actors only comply with the requirements of stage speech when speaking in public or performing a role. This is really natural. Because both the speaker and the performer, as well as the speaker, try to convince the audience of the correctness of their opinions and views. In fact, whether he is a professional actor or a future actor, he should speak in real life, following the norms of stage speech, as on stage, and follow those around him. In addition, this process must be defined as their daily professional obligation.
In conclusion, it should be noted that stage speech should be an artistic weapon that is the basis not only for professional acting, thorough directing, but also for the spiritual development of society and the people in it.
1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Action Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" // Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.- T., 2017.
2. Aristotle. Morality is a grave.- Tashkent: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, 2018.- 352 p.
3. Yuldashev I. J. The language of the nation - the culture of the nation // Bulletin of the State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan. 2018.- No. 1. 3-5 b.
4. Nosirova A. Word art and responsibility // Theater, 2000.- No. 3.- P. 22-23.
5. Soule W. Djon. Theater, education and aesthetics // Art & Nature.- Australia: Note of Theater publisher home, 2002.- 16.- P. 229-243.