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Аннотация научной статьи по технологиям материалов, автор научной работы — Ширинзаде И. Н., Баширов Е. Х., Курбанова И. Д.

Статья посвящена улучшению свойств высокопрочных гипсовых вяжущих. С этой целью был использован метакаолин, имеющий высокую реакционную активность и дисперсность. Вначале определены характеристики (степень дисперсности и состав) метакаолина.Экспериментальным путем установлено, что добавка метакаолина в значительной степени повышает прочность вяжущего,состоящего из смеси гипса и извести, по сравнению с контрольным. Увеличение прочности может достигать 30%. Введение метакаолина положительно влияет на водостойкость материала. Коэффициент размягчения увеличивается с0,4 до 0,69. Эти результаты достигнуты с использованием добавки 7% метакаолина и 5% извести. Повышение водостойкости исследуемого материала также подтверждено с помощью метода рентгенографического анализа. Установлено, что на дифрактограмме материала,подготовленной на основе этих смесей, не наблюдается аморфная структура, относящаяся к метакаолину.Также наблюдаются малоинтенсивные дифракционные отражения, подтверждающие наличие новообразований кристаллической структуры.

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Похожие темы научных работ по технологиям материалов , автор научной работы — Ширинзаде И. Н., Баширов Е. Х., Курбанова И. Д.

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The Study of the Impact of Ultradisperse Metakaolin Additives on the Properties of Gypsum Binder

The article is dedicated to improving properties of high strength gypsum binder. For this purpose was used high-reactivity metakaolin - HRM. First of all the characteristics of metakaolin - the degree and composition of the dispersion have been determined. As a result of the experiments it has been established that the addition of metakaolin significantly increasesthe mechanical strength of binding material consisting of gypsum and lime mixer (the metakaolin has increased by 30% relative to nonionic samples) and also has a positive effect onwater permeability (water resistance factor from 0.4 to 0, Up to 69). These results were obtained during the use of metakaolin by 7% and 5% of the population.An increase in the waterpermeability of the material studied was also confirmed by X-ray analysis. It has been established that the metacaolin-specific amorphous structure is not observed in the diffractogramof the material prepared on the basis of this compound, and there are fewer intensity lines of new crystalline structures. It shows that all the metakaolin used was interacting with theother components (whith Ca(OH)2) and formed a new crystalline structure.


УДК 666.914

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2019-767-1-2-79-81

И.Н. ШИРИНЗАДЕ, д-р техн. наук ([email protected]), Е.Х. БАШИРОВ, канд. техн. наук, И.Д. КУРБАНОВА, инженер

Азербайджанский архитектурно-строительный университет ^ 1073, Азербайджан, г. Баку, ул. А. Султановой, 5)

Исследование влияния ультрадисперсного метакаолина на свойства гипсовых вяжущих

Статья посвящена улучшению свойств высокопрочных гипсовых вяжущих. С этой целью был использован метакаолин, имеющий высокую реакционную активность и дисперсность. Вначале определены характеристики (степень дисперсности и состав) метакаолина. Экспериментальным путем установлено, что добавка метакаолина в значительной степени повышает прочность вяжущего, состоящего из смеси гипса и извести, по сравнению с контрольным. Увеличение прочности может достигать 30%. Введение метакаолина положительно влияет на водостойкость материала. Коэффициент размягчения увеличивается с 0,4 до 0,69. Эти результаты достигнуты с использованием добавки 7% метакаолина и 5% извести. Повышение водостойкости исследуемого материала также подтверждено с помощью метода рентгенографического анализа. Установлено, что на дифрактограмме материала, подготовленной на основе этих смесей, не наблюдается аморфная структура, относящаяся к метакаолину. Также наблюдаются малоинтенсивные дифракционные отражения, подтверждающие наличие новообразований кристаллической структуры.

Ключевые слова: метакаолин, высокопрочные гипсовые вяжущие, гидравлическая активность, водостойкость, ульрадисперсные частицы.

Для цитирования: Ширинзаде И.Н., Баширов Е.Х., Курбанова И.Д. Исследование влияния ультрадисперсного метакаолина на свойства гипсовых вяжущих // Строительные материалы. 2019. № 1-2. С. 79-81. РО!: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2019-767-1-2-79-81

I.N. SHIRINZADE, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) ([email protected]), E.H. BASHIROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), I.D. KURBANOVA, Engineer Azerbaijani architectural and construction university (AZ 1073, Azerbaijan, Baku, A. Sultanova St., 5)

The Study of the Impact of Ultradisperse Metakaolin Additives on the Properties of Gypsum Binder

The article is dedicated to improving properties of high strength gypsum binder. For this purpose was used high-reactivity metakaolin - HRM. First of all the characteristics of metakaolin - the degree and composition of the dispersion have been determined. As a result of the experiments it has been established that the addition of metakaolin significantly increases the mechanical strength of binding material consisting of gypsum and lime mixer (the metakaolin has increased by 30% relative to nonionic samples) and also has a positive effect on water permeability (water resistance factor from 0.4 to 0, Up to 69). These results were obtained during the use of metakaolin by 7% and 5% of the population. An increase in the water permeability of the material studied was also confirmed by X-ray analysis. It has been established that the metacaolin-specific amorphous structure is not observed in the diffractogram of the material prepared on the basis of this compound, and there are fewer intensity lines of new crystalline structures. It shows that all the metakaolin used was interacting with the other components (whith Ca(OH)2) and formed a new crystalline structure.

Keywords: metakaolin, higth strongh gypsum binder, hydraulic activity, water resistance, ultradisperse particles.

For citation: Shirinzade I.N., Bashirov E.H., Kurbanova I.D. The study of the impact of ultradisperse metakaolin additives on the properties of gypsum binder. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2019. No. 1-2, pp. 79-81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2019-767-1-2-79-81 (In Russian).

At present, the modification of the composition of adhesive materials widely used in the construction materials industry to improve the properties of binder materials [1 — 4]. Both chemical additives and dispersive mineral supplements are used for this purpose. These types of additives are added at different stages of the technological process, regulates the properties of adhesive materials and provides high-quality materials that comply with the standards [5—9].

The aim of the research is to increase the water resistance and strength of gypsum-based binding materials by using ultradisperse particles. The high strength gypsum binding prepared on laboratory environment (a-CaSO40,5H2O), lime and high-reactivity metakaolin are used for this purpose.

According to researchers [1, 2], the reason for the low water resistance qualities of gypsum binders high water solubility of dihydrate gypsum and bringing it into action by entering of water molecules into gaps of

gypsum crystal cell. It is known that [3, 4], the water demand for gypsum building plaster is high (50—70%), water requirement of high-strength gypsum is 35—45 %, but for hydration requires only 18.6% of water. The rest of the water evaporates, causing the porous-structured gypsum stone (pore size 2—3 microns). In addition, there are enough gaps between the dihydrate gypsum crystals, so water molecules facilitate its solubility.

Metakaoline produced by thermal treatment of kaolin is the most active pozzolanic admixture widely used in Portland cement and concrete technology at present. It is related to its chemical nature. It has the same amount of active SiO2 and active Al2O3. The hydraulic activity of metakaolin is 1200 mg /g.

The degree of dispersion of the materials used in the research was determined. The dispersion of the gypsum is determined by the sieve No 02. The excess on the sieve was 4%. The granular formulation of metakaolin

P научно-технический и производственный журнал

январь—февраль 2019 79

Результаты научных исследований

-[408] МК-05/06/2015 16:05:32

5е+004 4е+004 • Зе+004 2е+004 1е+004 0е+000

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0.523 0,594 0.675 0.767 0.872 0.991

99.63 99.27 98.79 98.19 97.49

72.32 68.96

65.31 61.38 57.23 52.91 48.49 44.06 39.69 3547 31.48 27.76 24.35 21.22 18.37 15.73 13.27 10.95

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Рис.1. Гранулометрический состав метакаолина Figure 1. The granular formulation of metakaolin

Рис. 3. Дифрактограмма гипсового камня, полученного из гипсового вяжущего (а) и смеси гипса, извести и метакаолина (b) Figure 3. Diffractogram of stone materials obtained from hardening of gypsum building plaster (a) and gypsum, lime and metakaolin mixtures (b)

b t


|и™ЛхД «А • Ж С

Рис. 2. Дифрактограмма метакаолина Figure 2. Diffractogram of metakaolin

was studied by laser granulometry (Fig. 1). The practice was carried out at the laboratory of NORM Cement Plant at MASTERSIZER 3000 (Malvern, Germany).

As it is shown in the figure the bulk of metakaolin particles are particles up to 10 microns in size.

The amorphization of these particles to some extent and its composition formed by quartz and metakaolin particles are provided by diffractogram shown in Figure 2.

The metakaolin supplements significantly increase the mechanical strength of the adhesive consisting of gypsum and lime mixture and at the same time has a beneficial effect on water resistance. The results of the experiment are shown in Table. The strength of the material obtained from the consolidation of 7% metakaolin and 5% lime mixture increased by 30%, the water-resistance index (softening factor) increased from 0.4 to 0.69. And this is 2 times more than water resistance of the product made of gypsum adhesives. At the same time, any increase in the strength of the material in the specimen (specimen No. 3) is not observed where lime is not added.

Рис. 4. Микрофотографии гипсового камня, полученного из гипсового вяжущего (а) и смеси гипса, извести и метакаолина (b) Figure 4. Microphotos of rock materials obtained from the consolidation of high-strength gypsum (a) and gypsum, lime and metakaolin (b) mixture

According to researchers [8—17], when adding ultra disperse particles to the gypsum binding, the number of contact points increases during hardening, consequently, each solid particle is surrounded by a liquid phase, which reflects itself in the formation kinetics of the coagulative contacts. According to the results of the authors' [6, 7] researches, it is possible to obtain a higher effect, if these particles are derived from (like lime) the granulating of inorganic material which is crystallochemical analogous of gypsum adhesives.

Влияние метакаолина на свойства гипсового камня Impact of metakaolin additives on properties of gypsum binder

Material quantity, % Состав, % Stiffness limit of the specimen in compression, MPa Прочность при сжатии, МПа Softening factor Коэффициент размягчения

Gypsum Гипс Lime Известь Metakaolin Метакаолин Water Вода

100 - - 35 13,3 0,4

91 3 - 33 13 0,4

91 - 3 36 14,2 0,42

94 3 3 35 15,6 0,49

90 5 5 31 17 0,64

88 5 1 38 17,5 0,69



научно-технический и производственный журнал


январь—февраль 2019

J ®

The increase in water resistance of materials based on The microphotos of stone materials obtained from

gypsum, lime and metakaolin mixture is also confirmed the hardening of high-strength gypsum and gypsum-

by radiographic analysis First of all, the amorphous lime-metakaolin mixture are shown in Figure 4. The

structure of metakaolin (Figure 2) is not observed in the existence of metakaolin causes the formation of smaller

diffractogram of the material prepared on the basis of gypsum stone crystals (Figure 4, a). this mixture (Figure 4). This shows that all of the metakaolin used have been mutually impacted by Result another component (Ca(OH)2) and formed a new

crystalline structure. It is known that [3, 4] water- Along with increased durability of rocky materials

resistant properties of artificial stone materials based on obtained with the gypsum adhesives processing with

mineral adhesives are due to calcium hydro silicates, ultradispers metakaolin and lime, there is also a

calcium hydro aluminates, and other hydro connections. significant increase in water resistance. The use of 7% of

Small amounts of calcium hydro sulfoaluminate are metakaolin and 5% of lime have doubled the water

encountered from the diffractogram. resistance factor of the material.


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