УДК 631.4(519.3)
doi 10.24411/2077-5326-2019-10015
Д.Батцэцэг, Ч.ЛхагвасYрэн, Б.Баярхуу Ховдский государственный университет, Монголия
Battsetseg.D, Lkhagvasuren.Ch, Bayarhuu.B Khovd University, Mongolia
В статье описываются методы, использованные при определении характера распределения тяжелых металлов в верхних слоях почвы: ареометрический, метод электропроводимости для водной суспензии, метод по Тюрину, метод Мачигина, метод пламенной атомизации, статистический анализ и факторный анализ.
Почвы бассейна реки Буянт в основном имеют легкую текстуру, характерную для растворной среды, которая варьируется от слабо-кислой до нейтральной, слабощелочной и щелочной в районе между верхним бассейном реки и городом Ховд. Почвы в центральной части аймака Ховд и в районах земледелия характризуются как нейтральные или слабощелочные, содержание гумуса в них меньше. Слой А почвы богат содержанием надпероксида калия (К2О), но в слоях В и С его содержание снижено. Также в естественном порядке отмечено, что содержание надпероксида калия (K2O) пониженное от начала до конца бассейна реки. Почва бассейна загрязнена свинцом (Pb), кадмием (Cd) в результате деятельности человека, а также загрязнена цинком (Zn), содержащимся в основных геологических породах. Ключевые слова: верхний слой почвы; тяжелые металлы; степень загрязнения; река Буянт
Patterns of heavy metal distribution in top layer soil was defined using following methods such as hydrometer's method, electrical conductivity method, method by Tyurin, Machigin's method, flame spectrometer method, simple quantitative statistic method and factor analysis method. The soils distributed in the basin of River Buyant mainly have light components, solution medium characteristic vary from weak acid to neutral, weak alkaline and alkaline in the area between the upper basin and Khovd town. Soils in the central area of Khovd aimag (region) and cultivation areas are characterized as neutral to weak alkaline, pulp content is less in them. The layer A of
the soil is rich in potassium oxide (K2O) content but it is less potassium oxide in Layers B and C. Also natural order observed that K2O content is weaker from beginning to the end of the basin. The basin soil contaminated with toxic content of Pb, Cd due to human negative activities and also contaminated with Zn for geological basic rock.
Keywords: top-layer of soil; heavy metal; pollution index; river Buyant
The soil is a unique natural object, performs main functions as food supply to the population and raw material supply to the industry, becomes a basic site of human economic activity and is caused by technogenic affect witth maximum.
Heavy metals are microelements derived from original rock that is soil generator [1]. However, they are absorbed into the soil, accumulated over a long period then affect soil properties furthermore cause negative impact on flora and fauna, or even human health.
Heavy metals, absorbed in the soil, pollutes underground water through the ground water, also can become source of air pollution as whirling up with dust then falls on the earth and contaminates soil.
Conduction of geochemical research for the basin soil is significant and getting basic material for identification of potential variations in the soil cover and its geochemical systems during the social production progress in future. On the other hand, it becomes a scientific fundament for appropriate soil use in household and monitoring of nature-ecologic balance.
The research carried out to determine heavy metal content of the top soil in basin of River Buyant for the first time, comparing the result to the standard requirement of Mongolia, assessment of current circumstance and identification of pollution level. Research on
heavy metal of the soil in the basin have not well done before but soil research conducted in agricultural section around river delta.
Soil cover research done by Russian soil-agronomy expedition under Baranov.B.E leading in 1930-1931 for the first time [2].
Distribution of Mn, Ca and K contained in soil throughout Ikh Nuuruudyn Khotgor in 1962-1967 by Makyeev.O.O, content and distribution of chemical metal in the soils as Gobi brown and Mountain chestnut overspread from Mountains Jargalant to valley Khom in 1987-1994 by Lkhagvasuren.Ch, soil geochemical research held with an itinerary of Jargalant-Lake Khar Us and Jargtalant-valley Khom in 1991-1998 by Oyunchimeg.T, Lkhagvasuren.Ch and Batjargal.D, research on some macro and micro metals in western regional soil done by Tserengombo.Ts in 2008 [3], [4].
Study area. River Buyant basin exists throughout many natural regions and zones and totally covers 8488.7sq.km of territory of 33 bags in Duut, Jargalant (center of Khovd province), Buyant, Khovd soums, Khovd province, and Deluun soum, Bayan-Ulgii province, in western Mongolia. Buyant river basin is economic significant area for 44834 population, 1573 families, 3543 herding families 845041 livestock (as statistics in 2017) including crop land that is the basin delta used for cultivation of potatoes, vegetable
and technical plant and can supply high food demand in western region.
Figure 1. Study area and sample points of the soil
Soil sampling: For the field survey, approximately take 300 soil samples from 90 points throughout the basin in April to June and September to October in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Additionally, used SRTM design of digital elevation model, statistic data in sectors as environment, society, and economy, 29 geologic maps, scale of 1:50000 for the survey.
Chemical analysis: Totally 2328 of laboratory analysis includes 1987p of main indicators of soil chemistry and physical properties and 341p of micro metals. It analyzed in soil laboratories at Geo-ecology-Geography Institute of National Academy of Sciences, Pedagogical University of Inner Mongolia
and National University of Agriculture. Soil sampling complied with standard MNS 3298:90 of Mongolia. The soil identified in steps; firstly drained in dry condition, sieved with 2mm of strainer and analysis done hydrometer used for soil mechanic components, 1:2.5 soil: water suspension for pH, saturation paste extract for conductivity, Turin, FeSO4 method for organic content, Machigan for mobile phosphorous, Flame spectrometer used for movable kali, AAC and spectrophotometer method for heavy metals as chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd).
Statistical Analysis: Soil pollution indicators of heavy metals assessed and analyzed in
accordance with applicable standard as c
PI = -C^- > (1)
"Permissible maximum of substances and C
metals that can pollute the soil", MNS 5850:2008 of Mongolia.
Soil pollution index calculated using following equations [5].
Ci - total content of metals in the soil mg/kg CBG- total content of metals in the basic soil mg/kg
Table 1. Pollution index of heavy metals, Hakanson, 1980
Pollution index (PI) Pollution level
1 PI<1 Not polluted
2 1<PI<3 Moderately polluted
3 3<PI<6 Highly polluted
4 PI>6 Severe polluted
Pollution load index calculated with below term [ 6].
PLI = (PI1*PI2*PI3*PI4*PI5*.PIn) 1/n (2) n- Indicators quantity PI-Pollution index
PLI<1 non polluted PLI>1 polluted
Average metal content in sediment and rock of river basin, Buyant determined with integration of documents as geologic maps, scale is 1:50000, general exploration report done in sites of Chigertei by Dalelkhan. Kh and Dakhibas.B (2003), Deluuns by Dakhibas.B and Shautet.Kh (2001), Lake Tals by Dalelkhan.Kh (2005) and Myangad's by Batdelger.D [7], [8], [9], [10].
The results analyzed with analysis, graphs tools of program SPSS-22. Pearson correlation coefficients (P<0.05, P<0.01) applied for soil characteristic indicators, some indicators correlations of surface, climate, geology, society, economy and principal component method of FACTOR analysis also used for the performance.
River basin, Buyant taken out using GIS-hhh Arc Hydro tools. RESULTS
Soil cower: The area described in the research belongs to 25th range of sub district of Ikh Nuuruudyn Khotgor having Gobi regional mixed zone under great range of soil-bio climate in Central Asia due to soil geographic subdivision and 56th range of Altai subdivision having height zonality [11]. The beginning of river, Buyant is mountainous, therefore one type of soil transformed by another type when height level changed from peak of the mountain to base and foot of the mountain in accordance with soil distribution under natural order of the height zonality then creates altitudinal zonality structure of the soil with certain sequence. For instance: branch of Khukh Serkh Mountains, Baga Yamaat mountain has Mountain Peat at 3323m of height, Mountain Black at 3100m of height, Mountain Raw Humic soil at 2900m, Stony Brown at 2700m, and Stony lightbrown soil distributed at 1719 m of height in Tavan Salaa Mountain.
Types of soil distributed throughout the basin influenced by height zonality also being under latitude and depression. For example: Gobi Brown soil distributed pushing forward until 480, north latitude. Meadow Brown
soil dominated in north mountain slope but Mountain Stony Brown soils distributed in sheltered slope of the mountain.
As classification of soils, overall 35 types, 18 diversities of 9 groups distributed in Buyant river basin in accordance with classification by Batkhishig.O. The soils mainly distributed like Mountain Black, Mountain raw humic, of higher mountain-steppe, Stony brown in higher mountains around beginning of the Basin, mountain Stony Brown and Stony Lightbrown soils in average height of outer mountains in higher mountains, Stony Light Brown and mountain Gobi Brown soils in lower mountains in around the delta and steppe Brown, Light Brown, Gobi Brown, Gobi Light Brown soils valley and depression amongst the mountains, steppe Light Brown, Gobi Brown and Gobi Light Brown in steppe surface in delta area, Meadow Black around lakeside, Alluvial, Alluvial gravel and Detrital soils in holm and wadis, Solonetsic soils in mound and cropland, Urban soils transformed by human activities in agricultural region and town center.
Soil properties: Area around head of the river basin, Buyant is mountainous so the soils are stony, sandy-loam-light loam, contained rich of soil humus and movable kali, solution medium is weak acid, when soil carbonate is washed soils overspread throughout average height of outer mountains, lower mountains and valley among the mountains also stony, for the texture formation, humus content, movable kali and phosphorus of sandy-loam soil is relatively decreased, solution medium is alkaline, weak alkaline and soil becomes to contain carbonate. Texture formation is sandy-sand stony and soil humus content and active phosphorus and kali content becomes
very less in steppe cover of delta of the basin. Correlation between the properties of the soil distributed in the basin and nature in the basin, social, economic some indicators estimated and shown in Table5. Hence, soil dust with surface height, loam section, humus, movable phosphorus have positive relevance but sand and solution medium shows negative relevance. As checking correlation between air temperature of multiyear average and soil properties, soil dust, loam section, movable phosphorus and kali content relatively high in cool areas of the Basin and sand and solution medium content raises in warmer areas (Table
The soils of Alluvial Turf, Alluvial Meadow, Alluvial Meadow-Boggy, Boggy, Meadow-Boggy near the lake have components of loam-light loam and mechanic and some layers of the soil is medium and heavy loam in Buyant river holm, however it is not common. Soil is glacial, getting clay over frigid and orange spots of iron oxide observed a lot. Salt content in cover layer is increased near Bayanbulag and Khovd town.
For the cropping soils, it has no carbonate due to carbonate washed irrigation. Clay and dust content is relatively less in upper layer of the soil. Content of the movable kali in the soil became very low comparing to other pasture soil.
Urban soil has no vegetation cover, surface layers moderately polluted with householding waste and humus content distributed less.
Estimated average indicators of soil distributed throughout the river basin, Buyant shown in Table 2. From here, soil contains less of humus, soil solution medium is alkaline, carbonate quantity is approximately 1.987 %
in average, movable phosphorus in 100 gr is 9.408 % of clay taken each percentage for the 1.489mg, and quantity of kali is 10.413 mg texture formation (Table 2). also 64.969 % of sand, 25.624 % of silt and
Table 2. Physical and chemical properties of Soil of Buyant river basin
Properties n Mean Minimum Maximum SD
PHH2C Cl:2-5) 229 7.996 6.170 9.600 0.507
CaCO3 (%) 229 1.987 0.000 21.810 3.273
OM (%) 229 0.875 0.018 6.500 1.060
EC (dS m-1) 229 0.248 0.005 3.840 0.479
P2O5 (mg 100g-1) 192 1.489 0.110 6.330 1.173
K2O (mg 100g-1) 192 10.413 1.000 85.700 11.786
Sand(%) 229 64.969 3.700 93.600 15.850
Silt (%) 229 25.624 4.200 70.600 11.878
Clay (%) 229 9.408 0.200 25.700 4.776
Total heavy metal content and distribution: Provision of ecosystem balance for centralized urban is one of the critical issues. Jargalant soum, Khovd aimag located in river basin, Buyant. It includes in zone which has weak condition to refine itself. In winter it is smoky much windy for 4 seasons in Khovd, except it recently number of trade centers and other service centers such as black market, petrol stations, tire repair shops and vehicle washing point increased a lot. Thus this research done aiming to identify some micro elements content, its pollution and level, contained in the soil of the Basin with my research work. Estimation of statistic indicators of heavy
Table 3. Total
elements contained in soil samples of top soil, Buyant river basin shown in Table 3. As Table 3 average content of chrome (Cr) is 12.753 mg/kg, the lowest content is 0.95mg/kg, the highest is 31.5 mg/kg, lead average content (Pb) is 15.421mg/kg, the highest is 116.9 mg/kg, the lowest content is 1.92mg/kg and cadmium (Cd) average content 0.39mg/kg, the highest is 11.45mg/kg, the lowest is 0.008mg/ kg, nickel (Ni) average content is 15.862mg/ kg, the highest content is 46.2mg/kg, the lowest is 5.2mg//kg in scope of the Basin zinc (Zn) average content is 82.946mg/kg, the highest content is 500.2 mg/kg, and the lowest content is 25.45mg/kg throughout the valley (Table 3).
heavy metal content
Elements n Mean Minimum Maximum SD
Pb 76 15.421 1.920 116.900 14.769
Cd 54 0.390 0.008 11.450 1.550
Ni 71 15.862 5.200 46.200 8.152
Zn 76 82.946 25.450 500.200 73.192
Cr 64 12.753 0.950 31.500 7.275
Permissible quantity of heavy element content: Comparing heavy elements content in the soil with applicable standard requirements is one of the simplest methods to assess soil properties. In Mongolia, the
standard MNS5850:2008 adopted for hygienic permissible quantity of the heavy elements content, and pollutant material in the soil. According to the standard MNS5850:2008, assessing heavy elements content in the top
soils of the Basin Buyant, chrome and nickel are as standard and lead is in normal quantity but urban soil in center of Khovd town, it exceeds the standard (Profile 15) as 116.9mg/ kg, cadmium (Profile-16) exceeds 4 times than standard (11.45mg/kg) in Urban soil, zinc exceeds the standard in soils of Light Brown of valley amongst the Bayanbulag regional mountains (Profile 46), Solonetsic (Profile 47) as 301-500.17mg/kg of content and cadmium and zinc are normal for the other points.
Pollution index: Element average content in sediment and rock of the basin, Buyant River defined integrating 1:50000 scale of geologic map, basic exploring reports by Dalelkhan. Kh and Dakhibas.B in 2003 at Chigertei, by Dakhibas.B and Shautet.Kh in 2001 at Deluun, by Dalelkhan.Kh (2005) at Lake Tal and by Batdelger.D (2005) at Myangad sites.
Table 4. Pollution index of heavy
As integration of these research materials, 18 layers of sediment and 5 underground formation of rocks, with age of Cambrian to Quaternary distributed in the Buyant River basin. In result of estimation on average metals content in layered sediment and underground rock, chrome is 22mg/kg, lead is 16mg/kg, zinc is 65mg/kg and nickel is 23mg/kg.
As estimation on comparison of pollution index of heavy metals in top soil throughout the basin with background sediment and element content in the rock 22.58 % out of total sample is higher than content in basic soil. Regarding pollution level, it shows that 20.52 % is medium, 1.17 % is moderately and 0.88 % is severe polluted. As taken elements pollution in percentage as 1.75 % - chrome, 8.21 % -lead, 2.34 % -nickel, 9.38 % - zinc and 0.88 % - cadmium (Table 4).
elements in top soil of the Basin
Elements n Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
Cr 64 .633 .355 .050 1.575
Pb 76 .960 .873 .100 7.300
Cd 54 .780 3.100 .016 22.900
Ni 71 .685 .355 .220 2.000
Zn 76 1.164 1.034 .350 7.040
As distribution: Zinc, lead, chrome and nickel pollution is at level 1-2 in soils of Mountain Stony Brown formed at Erdeneburen formation which consists of Silurian grapholite and sandstone in sheltered side of Baga Yamaat, branch mountain of Khukh Serkh Mountains and Alluvial Meadow formed on Alluvian sediment consists of Galician age of bigger sized gravel, sand, and-rock and loam, in junction of Rivers, Chigertei and Deluun. Zinc pollution level reaches 2.28-7.69 in soils as Mountain Stony Brown formed at Altai formation consists of biotitic granite with
Devonian age and medium texture on top of mountain, Bayan Ulaan in Bayanbulag region, Light Brown and Solonetsic formed at Diluvian sediment in valley among the mountains, Gobi Brown formed at Buyant river formation consists of Ordovician sansstone, Solonetsic formed at sediment consists of Glacial small and big rounded gravel, sand, sand-stony and loam in region of mountain, Tavan khairkhan and delta of Buyant river. Lead, cadmium pollution level in urban soil is high at some points in Jargalant soum, center of Khovd province. Main source to heavy metals
accumulation in top soil of the basin caused by basic rock, operations of centralized market and trade centers.
Generally, the soil contaminated with numbers of pollutant materials based on different sources. Therefore, as estimation on average sum of many elements pollution index for the soil in Basin it is high in regions, mountain, Baga Yamaat and central market in Khovd town.
Study on heavy metals in the basin soil, Buyant was not done much. Tserengombo.Ts (2008) carried the research on some micro and macro elements contained in western regional soil. In result of this research, average lead content in the soil, Khovd aimag considered as 0.001%. Oyunchimeg.T (1998) and Lkhagvasuren.Ch (2001) determined that zinc content in the soil, Ikh Nuuruudyn Khotgor and Lake Khar Us as 60-110mg/kg. In 2012, according to the report on Environmental detailed research in Jargalant soum, Khovd province by Information and Research center of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment, average content of metals defined such as cadmium 0.5mg/kg, chrome -2.8mg/kg, lead -18.8mg/kg, zinc-164.2mg/kg. The researchers noticed that zinc content in the soil is much varied due to soil properties, basic rock characteristics. It contained as 2.6-90 mg/kg by Kovda.V.A (1959) and 10- 130mg/kg by Pyeiv. Ya.V (1964). If zinc content reaches to 300 mg/kg it causes environment with hazardous impact [12]. There are some points that are high content of zinc throughout the Basin. This high content of situation relates to lithogenous derived, (r=.515**) mineralized points and their primary and secondary dispersal range.
In other words, zinc content in the soil reaches to 252-500.2mg/kg in some soil profiles in accordance with there are many mineralized points throughout the basin.
Cadmium content in the soil is 0.07-1.1 mg/ kg [12]. If cadmium content is over 0.5mg/ kg in the soil, it considered as anthropogenic impact [13]. Cadmium content is exceeds 0.5mg/kg in some soils of urban area of Khovd town and Deluun soum. Normal content of lead is 2-60 mg/kg. When lead content in the soil is over 100mg/kg it has negative influence on human and environment. Lead content is high in centralized market region of Khovd town.
Performed the research including identification of soil cover in river basin, Buyant, its characteristics, total content of some heavy elements in top soil, distribution properties, pollution level and derivation survey.
Soils overspread through the Basin mainly has light formation, solution medium is weak acid to neutral, weak alkaline, and alkaline from Head/beginning of the River towards Khovd town. Soils in central region of Khovd aimag, cropping region neutral to alkaline, humus content is less, K2O content is high in A layer, declined in B and C layers and natural order observed that K2O is declined from head river to delta.
Total heavy metal content of top soil in the Basin (Cr) 12.753mg//kg, Lead (Pb) 15.421 mg/kg, cadmium (Cd) 0.39mg/kg, nickel (Ni) 15.862mg/kg and zinc (Zn) 82.946mg/kg in average.
Pb and Zn distributed equally in the Basin but distribution of Cd, Ni and Cr is irregular.
In result of assessment on heavy metals contained in the Basin comparing to permissible maximum of elements and substances to pollute the soil in accordance with the standard MNS 5850:2008, it shows that chrome and nickel are in standard level, lead, cadmium and zinc are exceeds the requirements at some points.
As comparison of pollution level with average content of basic rock in the Basin 19.85 % is medium, 1.16 % is highly and 0.87
% is severe polluted. Pollution out of overall samples taken for each elements such as chrome - 2.93 %, lead - 21 %, nickel -2.34 %, zinc-7.62 % and kali - 0.87 %.
Main heavy metals to pollute top soil in the Basin are Pb and Zn. Cd is raising pollution in 3 points in urban. Those elements contained because of human activities and basic rock content.
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Д.Батцэцэг- аспирант, преподаватель кафедры географии и геологии Института Естествознания и технологии Ховдского Университета,Монголия. -mail: [email protected] Ч.Лхагвасурэн - кандидат географических наук, преподаватель кафедры географии и геологии Института Естествознания и технологии Ховдского Университета,Монголия. E-mail: [email protected]
Б.Баярхуу - кандидат географических наук, преподаватель кафедры географии и геологии Института Естествознания и технологии Ховдского Университета,Монголия. E-mail: [email protected]
Battsetseg.D. - Postgraduate, Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Geology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology, Khovd University, Mongolia, E-mail: Batts_dn@yahoo. com
Lkhagvasuren.Ch - PhD, Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Geology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology, Khovd University, Mongolia, E-mail: Hovd_lha157@ yahoo.com
Bayarkhuu.B - PhD, Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Geology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology, Khovd University, Mongolia, E-mail: [email protected]
Статья поступила в редакцию 06.11.2019