Section 6. Chemistry
Abdikamalova Aziza Bahtiyarovna, Karakalpak State University, assistant of the department of Organic and inorganic chemistry
E-mail: [email protected] Eshmetov Izzat Dusimbatovich, Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry Academy of science of the Republic of Uzbekistan Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of laboratory of Colloid chemistry
Abstract: The influence of process of disintegrator method of activation on viscosity and forming properties of suspensions prepared from bentonite clay of some deposits of Karakalpakstan is considered. It is shown, that at activation there is a change of chemical-mineralogical and granulometric compositions of the investigated objects.
Keywords: bentonite, disintegrator, funnel viscosity, static shear stress, filtration properties.
The variety of geological and technical conditions of drilling exploratory wells on oil and gas deposits of Ustyurt Plateau, the development of drilling technology, high requirements for the economy of drilling operations and environmental protection - all this requires improving the quality of mud and cementing slurry. As muds at drilling of wells on oil and gas the most distribution have received clay drilling solutions on water basis, which are multi-component and polydisperse systems [1].
The suitability of the mud for use is judged by several parameters characterizing certain properties of the fluid. The main purpose of drilling fluids is to take out the cuttings breed, to protect the well walls from destruction and to increase the strength of unstable ones [2; 3].
The high dispersion of clay minerals and their specific properties are achieved due to the peculiarities of the crystal-chemical structure, the ability of basal facets and microcrystals to actively interact with the water molecules [1]. In this regard, the most important clay minerals of interest for the preparation of drilling fluids are montmorillonite, kaolinite, hydromica and palygorskite [4].
There is no industrial production of modified clays in Karakalpakstan. Therefore, the products produced by LLC "Bentonite" are used. There are also researches on activation and chemical modification of clays of domestic deposits in order to obtain competitive with imported analogues ofmud powders for various purposes. For these purposes clay minerals of Beshtjuben, Krantau and Hodzhakul deposits with
high content of minerals of group smectite and prosperous geographical locations [5; 6] were chosen.
The purpose of this work is to study the influence of mechanic activation methods on the rheological properties of water suspensions of bentonite clays of the aforementioned fields for subsequent production of clay slurries in accordance with the required Technological regulations on their application.
The research uses enriched forms of clay samples. The grinding of the enriched clay was made in disintegrator, constructed in laboratory conditions with variable number of revolutions of rotor up to 12000 rpm. The control measurement of technological parameters of the prepared suspensions by means of devices BCH-3, BM-6, BEP-2, the cylinder of ЦС-2 is carried out. The concentration ofhydrogen ions was measured by ion meter of type H-160MH.
The laboratory tests used enriched forms of clay, the humidity of which fluctuated within the limits of 3-18%. The influence of operation mode of disintegrator and degree of humidity of clay on the degree of its grinding and on technological properties of their suspensions is studied. The information on grinding of clay with various humidity is given in tables 1 and 2.
As it can be seen from the table data, the specific surface area of the clay increases when the rotor turns. At the same time with the humidity of clay up to 15% and more, there is a decrease in their specific surface to a large extent. However, in spite of this, increase of humidity of clay improves technological properties of ready mud powders. This is indicated by the higher values of the SSS and the low values of water loss of the drilling fluids on their basis. Such character of Dependence is explained by double increase of amorphous silica in mud powders, which at dissolution forms polysilicon acid, due to which the structural-mechanical and filtration properties of drilling fluids are improved [7].
From the point of view of drilling technology The best thixotropic properties have a solution whose strength increases faster and the ratio of SSS10/SSS1 decreases.
As shown, the results of the study of the disintegrator activation of clay and its humidity on the SSS-suspensions on their basis, with the rotation of the rotors of the disintegrator 10000 rpm and moisture clay 10% achieved the best structure forming ability for clay of Krantau deposits. To achieve the comparatively better values of this indicator for the Beshtjuben field, the rotor rotation and the humidity of clay are 12000 rpm and 8%, respectively. Probably, differences of optimum modes of mechanical activations are connected, first of all, by difference of mineralogical compositions of clay.
As a result of chemical analysis of clay there was established appreciable decrease of the general content of SiO2 in comparison with the initial enriched clay. Further reduction was caused with the growth of the specific surface of the clay. Probably, it is connected with aggregative stability of the suspensions prepared on their basis, at the expense of what chemical analysis gets complicated with difficult coagulation of sparingly soluble H2Si03-H20 in the form, which is determined by silica in clay. It is also established that after disintegrator grinding losses of Si02 make up to 3%, which leads to inflated content of R203 oxides, and change of quantitative content of clay minerals, as evidenced by the change of intensity X-ray patterns.
The study of the influence of disintegrator activation of clay on the funnel viscosity of their suspensions showed that the increase in viscosity goes only up to a certain number of rotations, and then there is a slight decrease in the indicator, i.e the increase in the number of rotations above 800010000 per minute negatively affected the funnel viscosity of suspensions. This effect is due to the partial hydrophobization of clay particles by adsorption of the air. As the results of the conducted researches have shown, at disintegrator processing it is possible high-temperature flashes which promote hydrophobization in connection with high-temperature loads on the newly formed areas of a surface. Therefore increase of humidity of clay pro-
motes increase of optimum number of rotations as siderable share of heat is spent and the total weight for evaporation of water during processing the con- of clay is cooled.
Table 1. - Effect of clay moisture and disintegrator treatment mode on the granulometric composition of clays
rpm Humidity, % Particle size, mm
Clay 1,0 - 0,063 0,063 - 0,01 0,01 - 0,005 0,005 - 0,001 Less 0,001
5% 3,1 17,8 19,8 28,6 30,7
Krantau 10% 2,4 12,4 10,2 26,3 48,7
15% 6,1 29,2 10,2 15,7 38,8
5% 5,6 21,6 10,7 33,4 28,7
5000 Beshtjuben 10% 2,1 8,4 18,2 30,2 41,1
15% 7,1 31,6 13,6 10,9 36,8
5% 0,4 21,8 9,6 15,6 52,6
Hodzhakul 10% 0,2 3,5 2,3 25,6 68,4
15% 3,6 16,5 4,5 46,5 28,9
5% 1,2 11,2 18,4 29,5 39,7
Krantau 10% 0,9 9,4 8,7 22,4 58,6
15% 0,4 7,2 15,2 27,4 49,8
5% 5,6 21,6 10,7 33,4 42,4
10000 Beshtjuben 10% 2,1 8,4 18,2 30,2 56,7
15% 7,1 31,6 13,6 10,9 57,8
5% 0,4 21,8 9,6 15,6 58,9
Hodzhakul 10% 0,1 2,5 1,6 26,6 69,2
15% 0,1 2,3 2,3 16,8 78,5
Table 2. - Influence of clay moisture and treatment mode on properties of 10% suspensions
rpm Clay mosi-ture, % Rigidity, MPa*s Funnel viscosity, Water loss, sm3/ min. Thickness KOpKH, MM <s ^ ° a - S u M Dialy residue, %
Clay of Krantau
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 16,8 31 16 1 34/38 1
4000 10 18,7 32 14 0,5 37/41 0
15 17,8 32 14 0,5 37/44 0
5 19,1 34 13 0,5 39/47 0
8000 10 25,5 43 10 0,5 54/87 0
15 22,1 38 12 0,5 48/61 0
5 22,3 39 11 0,5 41/49 0
12000 10 27,2 45 10 0,3 56/84 0
15 27,5 49 9 0,3 59/74 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Clay of Hodzhakul
5 13,1 24 17 1,5 24/28 1
4000 10 16,2 27 15 1,5 27/34 0
15 15,3 26 16 1,5 28/35 0
5 15,6 27 16 1 29/37 0
8000 10 19,1 35 14 1 44/57 0
15 18,2 34 15 0,5 46/61 0
5 20,8 31 12 0,5 38/49 0
12000 10 25,9 39 11 0,5 48/74 0
15 29,2 42 10 0,5 49/76 0
The results of the completed research of structural changes occurring in the process of disintegrator activation led to the development of the technology of creation of high quality mud powders for drilling from alkaline-earth bentonites. Powders with high technological characteristics were obtained on the basis of bentonite clay of Krantau deposit without the consumption of chemical reagents modifiers and with the output of the fluid solution 18-20 m3
with the minimum values of filtration indicators. Use in the process of disintegrator grinding of clay of Beshtjuben deposit, soda ash in the amount of 3-4% of the mass of dry clay contributes to the obtaining mud powder with comparatively high technological parameters and output drilling mud not less than 15 m3. Such results are also obtained for clay of Hodzhakul deposits with the addition of soda ash in the amount of 1.5% of the mass of enriched clay.
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