INVESTIGATION OF DYNAMIC PROCESSES OF A HYBRID ELECTRIC MACHINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
hybrid electric machine / generator / electric machine / motor / DC / rotation speed

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Khanahmedova S.

The article examines the dynamic process of a hybrid electric machine (HEM). A mathematical analysis is given for the HEM calculation system, taking into account the equilibrium equation system. The equations of equilibrium of a system with two degrees of freedom are considered. In order to obtain the characteristics of the transient mode, an S-model of the starter generator is compiled.

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УДК 621.313.1.2

Khanahmedova S.

Associate professor of the Department Electromechanics Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (Baku, Azerbaijan)


Abstract: the article examines the dynamic process of a hybrid electric machine (HEM). A mathematical analysis is given for the HEM calculation system, taking into account the equilibrium equation system. The equations of equilibrium of a system with two degrees of freedom are considered. In order to obtain the characteristics of the transient mode, an S-model of the starter generator is compiled

Keywords: hybrid electric machine, generator, electric machine, motor, DC, rotation speed.

Introduction. The main elements of a hybrid electric machine (HEM) are various electric machines where DC and AC electrical equipment systems are used. The starter and the high frequency generator are the basis of the GEM. These electric machines operate in opposite operating conditions and operate at different time intervals. [1, 2].

Operation in various modes of operation of the HEM, including the execution of the starting mode, switching to generator mode, as well as changing the direction of rotation of the crankshaft of the engine creates dynamic processes. In addition, fluctuations occur in the GEM and at the same time relatively small changes in one of the acting moments can cause alternating stresses in the GEM, which can lead to destruction or rapid wear of one or another part of the complex.

Mathematical analysis of the dynamic process. To analyze the equations of motion of the GEM, which is a rotating system, it is advisable to describe it with generalized angular coordinates (a1 , a 2 ,a 3, a 4 ). The D'alembert principle is used for the

purpose of the solution. According to this principle, dynamic equilibrium conditions are compiled taking into account the basic elements of the calculation system associated with elastic plants [1, 2, 3]:

,-J»^+Mn -m , (1)

n-1 n 1,2 n en

— = w- angular frequency of rotation; a - generalized coordinate determining


the movement of the system; Me - the moment acting on the inertial plant,

transmitted through the n-1st elastic plant, from the element on the left; Me - the

moment of resistance forces from the n+1st inertial plant, transmitted through the nth elastic plant, from the element to the right; Jn - the moment of inertia of the nth plant; an - the generalized angular coordinate [3, 4, 6].

The moment of the elastic forces can be expressed in terms of stiffness C and angular coordinates a, since the deformation in the non-inertial plant, taking into account the transfer to the static system, is linear and obeys Hooke's law:

Men-1 = Cn-1 (an-1 -an ) ; (2) Men = Cn (an -an+1 ) . (3)

Taking into account (2) and (3), expression (1) can be written as follows:

Jn da = Mn - Cn-1 (an-1 -an ) - Cn-1 (an - an+1 ) . (4) dt2

Taking the differentiation symbol p=d/dt for the HEM calculation system, we can write a system of equilibrium equations:


In general, the equation of motion of in-line calculation systems of an electric drive, taking into account elastic mechanical bonds, is written in the following form [5]:

n ! \ n

X(A!p2!ai )+ai =Yd(BiMi )+fMi,-Mn-i), (6)

i=1 !=1

J ip2ai = M1 - Ci (ai ~a2 )

J2P2a2 = M2 + Ci (a 1 — a2 )-C2 (a2 -a3 )

J3p2a3 = M3 + C2 (ai -аз )-C3 (аз -a4 )

J4p2a4 = M 4 + C3 (a3 -a4 )

where n - the number of degrees of freedom.

The left part included in equation (6) is the sum of even derivatives of the desired coordinate with coefficients Ai depending on the moments of inertia and stiffness of elastic plants and coordinates a i. The right part consists of two parts: the first part is the sum of all the moments acting in the system with coefficients that also depend on the moments of inertia and stiffness. The second part is a function of the sum of even derivatives of the acting moments with coefficients.

For the starter-generator-crankshaft system, equation (6) can be written as follows [5, 6]:

A4p8a1 + A3p6a1 + A2p4a1 + Ajp2aj = B3p6M1 + B2p4M1 + B1p2M1 + ,

4 2 2 '

+ C2p M2 + C1p M2 + Dp M3 + M1 + M2 + M3 + M4

were, A /-HEM; А 2 - starter; Аз - transfer element; А4 - crankshaft.

Taking into account this distribution of typical calculation schemes, the calculation scheme of the GEM refers to a four-mass elastic system, which is used in the study of electromechanical systems of an automated electric drive in rare cases when there is a need for a more detailed analysis of the movement conditions of their mechanical part. In such cases, mathematical modeling on computers is usually used to solve the problem [1, 2].

Using the expressions battery voltage (8), armature winding circuits (13), an S-model is compiled (Fig. 1) and characteristics of current and speed changes depending on time in the starter mode of a new single-machine complex are obtained (Fig. 2).

Ua5 = RBIB + LB ^ , (8) at

were, R B and i B - field winding resistance and current.


Fig. 1. S-model of the HEM starting mode

Fig. 2. Characteristics of changes in current and speed depending on time in starter mode


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