Investigation of a composite of laser reduced graphene oxide and polymers
for implant applications
E.G. Abyzova, E.M. Dogadina, E.N. Bolbasov, R.D. Rodriguez , E.S. Sheremet
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution for Higher Education National Research Tomsk Polytechnic
University, Tomsk, Russian Federation '[email protected]
Currently, the need for medical implants is increasing, which means that it is necessary to monitor their condition. Standard monitoring methods have limitations, in particular, there is a need for frequent visits to the clinic. In addition, they can be effective only in the late stages of implant malfunction. The development of an electronic element for remote monitoring would make it possible to monitor the condition of the implant with convenience for doctors and patients [1] and an extra benefit of early diagnosis of the issues.
Carbon nanomaterials have great prospects in the field of medicine, including drug delivery systems and tissue scaffolds [2]. The introduction of graphene-like materials increases the mechanical strength and electrical conductivity of composites [3]. In addition, the presence of graphene increases the attachment of cells and their growth on the surface of biomaterials. One of the new and promising materials is graphene oxide, which has a low cost, high conductivity, as well as ease of preparation and the ability to create flexible structures. By chemical, thermal, or photonic reduction, graphene oxide is converted from a dielectric into reduced graphene oxide (rGO), an electrically conductive material. Currently, there is a lot of research in the field of synthesis of new polymers. However, these polymers have limitations in application due to their mechanical properties. Graphene has such distinctive properties as high thermal conductivity, excellent mechanical properties, and high electrical conductivity [4], which allow it to be integrated into polymer matrices to create new functional composites.
It is proposed to develop and investigate composite materials fabricated by laser-induced composite formation based on reduced graphene oxide and biodegradable polymers. The study of chemical and mechanical properties showed a change in its conductivity. The composite turned out to be biocompatible, which will allow it to continue developing an electronic element for monitoring the state of the implant based on it.
The subsequent development and implementation of the electronic element will make it possible to remotely monitor the condition of the implant to prevent complications and control some important physiological parameters.
The work was supported by Russian Science Foundation grant № 22-12-20027, https://rscf.ru/project/22-12-20027/ and the funding from Tomsk region administration.
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