что после окончания срока экспериментального хранения (при 60°С), он соответствует двухлетнему сроку годности. При хранении раствора Авесстима 1% для инъекций в ампулах при комнатной температуре срок годности составляет не менее 2 лет. Хранить препарат необходимо в защищенном от света месте, так как в состав входит двухвалентная сера.
Срок годности С при температуре хранения (Г=20°С) связан с экспериментальным сроком годности Сэ при повышенной температуре экспериментального хранения (Г=60°С) следующей приближенной зависимостью: С= К • Сэ. Коэффициент соответствия К при (Гэксп. -Гсохр.) = 40°С составляет 16.
Количественный анализ Авесстима в инъекционном растворе показал, что потеря действующего вещества на 3% в процессе «ускоренного старения» при 60°С произошло через 46 суток, наблюдался также равномерный рост рН исследуемых растворов всех серий на 0,15-0,2. Определение срока годности: С = 46 • 16 = 736 суток = 2 года. Следовательно, срок годности 1% инъекционного раствора Авесстима при номинальной температуре (20°С) - не менее 2 лет.
На основании результатов исследований для дальнейшего изучения предложен следующий состав инъекционного раствора [4,с.385, с.422]:
Авесстима 10,0
Натрия хлорида 5,6 г (ГФУ, п. 5. № 2, 1.1, С. 422) Воды для инъекций до 1 л (ГФУ п. 5. № 2, 1.4, С. 385)
Список литературы
1. Панасенко О. I. Синтез, перетворення, фiзико-хiмiчнi та бюлопчш властивост похщних 1,2,4-три-
азолу: дис.... д-а фар мац. наук. - К., 2005. -
396 с.
2. Сравнительное фармакокинетическое исследование лекарственных форм с морфолиний 2-[5-(пири-дил-4-ил)1,2,4-триазол-3-илтио] ацетатом / И. В. Бушуева, В. В. Гладышев, А. И. Панасенко, Е. Г. Кныш // Актуальш питання фармац. i мед. науки та практики. - 2014. - № 3 (16). - С. 56-59.
3. Пат. на корисну модель 90228 УкраТна, МПК (2014.01) А61К/31/4196 (2006.01) А61К 9/08 (2006.01) А61Р 29/00 А61Р 31/12 (2006.01). Протиза-пальний та противiрусний ш'екцшний розчин / Бушуева I. В., Книш £. Г., Панасенко О. I., Парченко В. В.; заявник i патентовласники I. В. Бушуева, £. Г. Книш, О. I. Панасенко, В. В. Парченко. - № и 2014 02013; заявл. 27.02.14; опубл. 12.05.14, Бюл. № 9.
4. Государственная фармакопея Украины, дополнение 1. - Харьков.- 2010.
Тюкова Виктория Сергеевна
Аспирантка, Московский государственный университет тонких химических технологий им. М.В. Ломоносова,
г. Москва
Кедик Станислав Анатольевич
Профессор, Доктор технических наук, Московский государственный университет тонких химических технологий
имени М.В. Ломоносова, г. Москва Панов Алексей Валерьевич
Кандидат химических наук, Московский государственный университет тонких химических технологий имени М.В.
Ломоносова, г. Москва Новикова О.О.
Студентка, Российский химико-технологический университет им. Д.И. Менделеева, г. Москва
Tyukova V.S., Postgraduate student, Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow Kedik S.A, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow,
Panov A.V, PhD in chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow Novikova O.O, Student, D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow АННОТАЦИЯ
Циклодекстрины (ЦД) - это олигосахариды циклического строения, способные к образованию комплексов включения с гидрофобными лекарственными веществами и используемые для увеличения растворимости субстанции в воде. Различные производные ЦД, отличающиеся не только заместителями, но и степенью замещения, получили распространение в фармацевтической практике. В данной работе описываются характеристики гидрокси-пропил-в. циклодекстрина (ГПвЦД) и его комплекса включения с дисульфирамом (ДСФ) методом ЯМР 1Н, описано понятие «степень замещения» ГПвЦД и «степень молярного замещения» ГПвЦД. ABSTRACT
Cyclodextrines (CD) are cyclic oligosaccharides capable of complex formation with hydrophobic drug molecules. Various CD derivatives, characterized not only by substituting group but also substitution degree, are well-known in the pharmaceutical
practice. In this research we studied characteristics of hydroxypropyl-e-cyclodextrine and its inclusion complex with disulfiram (DSF) through 1H NMR spectroscopy. The concepts of HPeCD substitution degree and molar substitution degree were also described and molar ratio (n) dependence on HPeCD molar substitution degree was shown.
Ключевые слова: циклодекстрины; гидроксипропил в циклодекстрин; степень замещения; комплекс включения; дисульфирам
Keywords: cyclodextrines, hydroxypropyl-e-cyclodextrine, substitution degree, inclusion complex, disulfiram
Cyclodextrines (CD) are cyclic oligosacharides, known for their ability to form inclusion complexe with hydrophobic drug molecules, resulting in enhancment of solubility [1, 1033]. The most well known cyclodextrines are a-, P-, and y having 6, 7 and 8 a-D-glucopyranoside units accordingly, their derivatives also have a number of applications. [2, 44].
Hydroxypropyl derivatives (HPCD) are one of the most widespread CD derivatives on the pharmaceutical market. In this species, protons at C-2, C-6 and C-3 carbon atoms are substituted by hydroxypropyl groups. Degree of substitution shows an average number of substituted groups. It has also been reported [3, 330] that higher substitution degree led to higher solubiluty of CD's derivative, which allows an increase in the complex's water concentration. However, increase of substitution degree results in steric hindrance during complex formation with guest molecule; therefore, it is necessary to take in account the correlation between degree of substitution of CD and size of DSF's guest molecules.
The aim of this paper is to study the properties of hy-droxypropyl-р- cyclodextrin (HPPCD) and its inclusion complex with disulfiram (DSF) through 1H NMR spectroscopy.
In this work we used the HPPCD-DSF inclusion complex (Cavitron w7hp5 pharma by ASHLAND and DSF by Synthexim), which was obtained by the method described in [4, 74].
1H NMR inclusion complex spectra were recorded on an Avance Bruker DPX-300 at 313 K with an operating frequency of 300 MHz.
Approximately 10 mg of the sample was dissolved in 0,5 ml of D2O, which contained DSS as an external standard for signal assigment, and was transfered into 5mm NMR tube. Since the integrated intensity is also affected by relaxation effects, the delay between impulses according to the rule 5T1 was 15 s. ЯМР 1Н спектры полученного образца комплекса включения ГПРЦД с ДСФ регистрировали на спектрометре Avance Bruker DPX-300 при 313 К с рабочей частотой на атомах водорода 300 МГц.
A typical 1H NMR inclusion complex spectrum of the HPPCD - DSF in D2O is presented in Figure 1.
NMRBMFT-0643 001001 r
0.56 0.60 3.00
5. 0 4.5 4.0 3. 5 3. 0 2. 5 2.0 1.5 1. 0 0. 5
Chemical Shift (ppm)
Figure 1. A typical 1H NMR spectrum of the HPPCD -DSF inclusion complex Assigned numbers for carbon atoms in the HPPCD
and DSF molecules are presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Assigned numbers for carbon atoms in the HPPCD and DSF molecules.
The interpretation of NMR 1H signals of the HPPCD This is shown in Table 1.
DSF complex was carried out using the spectral SDBS database [5].
Table 1.
Assignment of signals in NMR 1H spectra for HPPCD - DSF inclusion complex
№ Assigned signals or group of signals Chemical shift, ppm
гп-р-цд ДСФ
1. C1 proton signals (in the event of an unsubstituted C2 neighbor atom), IH1 4,90
2. C1 proton signals (in the event of an substituted C2 atom neighbor atom), IH1' 5,08
3. C2-C5, C7, C8 proton signals, IH2-H5,H7,H8, H11*,H18*,H13*,H16* 3,33-3,92
4. C11*, C18* proton signals 3,33-3,92
5. C13*, C16* proton signals 3,33-3,92
6. C9 proton signals, IH9 0,98-1,00
7. C10*, C19* proton signals, IH10*,H19* 1,35
8. C12*, C17* proton signals, IH12*,H17* 1,19
Because of the signal isolation, we used C1 signals deriving from the methine group of a-D-glucopyranose units belonging to HPPCD and methyl groups of DSF (C10 *, C19 * or * C12, C17 *) in order to calculate the molar ratio of HPPCD to DSF.
To make these calculations possible we need to take the following assumptions into account:
1. Given that water (D2O) solubility of pure DSF is extremely low (4.09 mg/L, 25°C), we expect the amount of DSF in the sample to be 20 g/L (transparent solution). In such case, we can register concentration of inclusion complex only, and neglect concentration of pure DSF.
2. Integral proton signal intensities in 1H NMR spectrum are proportional to the molar ratio.
According to the statements above, the molar ratio of HPPCD to DSF can be calculated by using the following equation (1):
(IH i + IH r)/7
: (I L
Н 10*Н 19* ^ IH 12*H 17*
(1), where
H1 - integral intensity of C1 proton signals in the event of an unsubstituted C2 neighbor atom;
H 1 - integral intensity of C1 proton signals in the event of an substituted C2 atom neighbor atom;
1H10* H19*
' - integral intensity of proton signals
deriving from C10*, C19* methyl groups of DSF;
1H12* H17*
' - integral intensity of proton signals
deriving from C12*, C17* methyl groups of DSF.
Using 1H NMR, it is possible not only to calculate molar
ratio but also HPPCD substitution degree (sub.). In this case,
substitution degree (sub.) can be characterized as a quantity
of substituted glucopyranose units of at least one molecule.
Based on this, substitution degree can be calculated as
following (2):
Ih v
Ih v
H 1 - integral intensity of C1 proton signals in the event of an unsubstituted C2 neighbor atom
I/f 1
H 1 - integral intensity of C1 proton signals in the event of an substituted C2 atom neighbor atom
It is necessary to distinguish HPPCD substitution degree (sub.) from HPPCD molar substitution degree. (m.sub.). Molar substitution degree (m.sub.) is characterized by a ratio of molar quantity of hydroxypropyl groups to 1 mole of glucopyranose unit.
Molar substitution degree can be calculated as following:
IH 9/3
Ih 1 + Ih 1 (3), where
SUb. :
1H1' + 1H1
H1 - integral intensity of C1 proton signals in the event of an unsubstituted C2 neighbor atom
Ih 1
H 1 - integral intensity of C1 proton signals in the event of an substituted C2 atom neighbor atom
IH 9
- integral intensity of proton signals deriving from C9 atom in hydroxypropyl radical
Table 2 shows the values of integral carbon atom intensities deriving from C1, C10* and C19* atoms for 3 inclusion complex samples, as well as a stoichiometric ratio of HPPCD to DSF.
As seen in Table 2, molar ratio of HPPCD to DSF decreases with the growth of HPPCD molar subtitution degree. Therefrom we suggest that the probability of DSF inclusion in the HPPCD cavity decreases with the growth of hydroxypropyl radicals quantity. It seems that this is due to steric hindrance.
In this paper we studied the properties of HPPCD and the inclusion complex using the 1H NMR spectroscopy. We also described the concepts of HPPCD substitution degree and molar substitution degree and showed a molar ratio (n) dependence on HPPCD molar substitution degree.
H1 (2), where
Table 2
integral carbon atom intensities from C13 NMR spectra of HPPCD-DSF inclusion complex (*)
№ Signal Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
1. Integral Intensity C1 proton signals (in the event of an unsubstituted C2 neighbor atom), IH1 0,58 0,50 0,47
2. C1 proton signals (in the event of an substituted C2 atom neighbor atom), IH1' 0,98 0,86 0,82
3. C10*, C19*proton signals, IH10*,H19* 0,56 0,5 0,47
4. C12*, C17* proton signals, IH12*,H17* 0,60 0,53 0,54
5. C9 proton signal, IH9 3,0 3 3
Molar ratio of HPPCD to DSF. (n) 2.31 2,26 2,19
HPPCD substitution degree (sub.) 0,63 0,63 0,64
HPPCD molar substitution degree (m.sub.) 0,64 0,74 0,78
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5. Спектральная база данных для органических соединений, SDBS - http://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/