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Ключевые слова
contextual learning / contextual education / innovative technologies / problem-based learning / project-based learning / quasi-professional activities of students / traditional learning / business games. / контекстне навчання / контекстна освіта / інноваційні технології / проблемно-орієнтовне навчання / про-ектне навчання / квазіпрофесійна діяльність студентів / традиційне навчання / ділові ігри.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yasynska E.Ts.

The publication reflects the pedagogical possibilities of using contextual learning technologies in the process of preparing students of higher educational institutions. The article presents the main innovative tech-nologies for organizing contextual learning when students master the basic forms and models of such learning as contexts of professional activity. The main principles and advantages of using contextual learning in com-parison with the traditional one are presented.

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У публікації висвітлено педагогічні можливості використання технологій контекстного навчання в процесі підготовки студентів вищих навчальних закладів. У статті представлені основні інноваційні технології організації контекстного навчання під час опанування студентами базових форм і моделей такого навчання в якості контекстів професійної діяльності. Надано основні принципи та переваги за-стосування контекстного навчання в порівняння з традиційним.



УДК: 378.147.091.3

Yasynska E. Ts.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Bukovinian State Medical University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-18141-40-43 INTRODUCING CONTEXT LEARNING IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING STUDENTS OF HIGHER


Ясинська Е.Ц.

Кандидат медичних наук, доцент, Кафедра Cоцiальноï медицини та орган1заци' охорони здоров 'я Буковинський державний медичний ymiверситет




The publication reflects the pedagogical possibilities of using contextual learning technologies in the process of preparing students of higher educational institutions. The article presents the main innovative technologies for organizing contextual learning when students master the basic forms and models of such learning as contexts of professional activity. The main principles and advantages of using contextual learning in comparison with the traditional one are presented.


У публжаци висвiтлено педагогiчнi можливостi використання технологт контекстного навчання в процеа пiдготовки студентiв вищих навчальних закладiв. У статтi представленi основнi iнновацiйнi технологи' органгзацИ' контекстного навчання пiд час опанування студентами базових форм i моделей такого навчання в якостi контекстiв професшноï дiяльностi. Надано основнi принципи та переваги застосування контекстного навчання в порiвняння з традицйним.

Key words: contextual learning, contextual education, innovative technologies, problem-based learning, project-based learning, quasi-professional activities of students, traditional learning, business games.

Ключовi слова: контекстне навчання, контекстна освiта, iнновацiйнi технологи, проблемно-орieнтовне навчання, проектне навчання, квазтрофесшна дiяльнiсть студентiв, традицшне навчання, дiловi ^ри.

Introduction. The highest quality professional training of students of higher educational institutions, taking into account the needs of students and teachers, is possible using a contextual approach based on the use of external contexts for learning, taking into account different real situations of professional activity. "Contextual learning is a form of active learning focused on the professional training of students and implemented through the systematic use of a professional context, the gradual saturation of the educational process with elements of professional activity" [1]. Students can apply a contextual approach to the study of various subjects and use the acquired competencies and skills in practice. "The main goal of contextual learning is the formation, within the framework of the student's educational activity, of his holistic, internally motivated professional preparedness for the future specialty" [2]. Contextual learning requires creative thinking and analysis of different skill contexts.

Contextual core skills include: active learning and student collaboration, interdisciplinary learning, teacher-student collaboration.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems of applying an integrated approach to contextual

learning in the professional training of students of higher educational institutions at the present stage.

Basic text. "In the practice of contextual training, they use: problem solving; self-regulated learning; learning anchored in students' diverse life contexts; coeducation, learning from each other; authentic appreciation and use of different contexts such as home, community and workplace" [4]. Contextual learning is the basis for the gradual transformation of educational activity into a professional one, which occurs by replacing motives, needs, subjects and results with professional ones, creating didactic, pedagogical and psychological conditions for setting and achieving by the subject of his individual goals.

Education of university students using the contextual approach is characterized by the following indicators:

• self-regulation of activities;

• variety of personal experience;

• desire and willingness to learn;

• orientation to the problem;

• motivation based on internal factors.

«coyyomum-jmtmal» mm / pedagogical sciences


Besides, when students take their own responsibility for learning, their motivation to learn is greatly enhanced.

Contextual learning should be carried out with the help of special strategies:

• to teach students to become self-regulating subjects, able to direct and control themselves;

• be able to independently solve all sorts of problems;

• be able to learn and teach full-time and remotely in different situations;

• to teach students to consolidate their actions in various life contexts;

• encourage students to study alone and in general groups, in contact with each other;

• apply authentic assessment.

In the context of training, it is advisable to use several types of training scenarios: project and target. "With contextual learning, it is necessary to put students in situations in which the goals they want to achieve correspond to the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills" [6]. In the process of contextual learning, the context is considered as the most important component, which has five learning approaches. These approaches help to engage students in an active learning process, they can be used in combination with others or separately:

1. Problem-based learning is an approach that includes the search for information, synthesis, analysis and presentation of results on a specific issue.

2. Cooperative learning is the approach through which learning is organized. At the same time, small groups are used that provide for the joint work of students to achieve learning goals.

3. Project-based learning is an approach based on the principles and central concepts of the discipline, bringing students together to explore problems and other problematic issues, allowing them to shape their own learning as a result of independent work.

4. Community learning - an approach that, through special projects and measures, ensures the application of practical skills and knowledge in society.

5. On-the-job training is an approach that integrates workplaces with the content of an imaginary workplace.

Contextual education focuses students' attention by illustrating learning experiences and helps them find and create their own concept based on their existing knowledge. With this approach, knowledge becomes the student's own property. In contextual learning, students are trained according to a contextual plan, which, unlike the traditional one, integrates learning content in various subjects into professional activities.

Contextual learning has the following characteristics:

• studying and solving problems in real situations;

• integrated learning in multiple contexts;

• content obtained from a variety of real situations;

• evaluation of the obtained results.

With the help of these built-in components, students can more carefully and qualitatively realize and assimilate the information received.

These components include:

• establishment and integration of existing links;

• doing meaningful work;

• cooperation between students and self-regulated learning;

• creative and critical thinking;

• education and self-improvement of the individual;

• achieving high standards;

• use of evaluation results.

To contextualization of learning is provided by creating conditions for interdisciplinary cooperation of the teaching staff [7].

These requirements include:

• Discussion of teaching methods; training programs and approaches to assessment, mutual visits.

• Discussion of teaching methods and educational practice.

• Coordination of the content of training programs.

• Initiating, supporting and continuously improving the professional development of contextualization.

• Use of various professional development methodologies based on stimulation of interest and evidence.

The effectiveness of contextual learning depends on the following pedagogical conditions:

• Formulation of universal communicative competencies, which should be included in the content of the thematic sections of the academic discipline.

• Systematic use in the learning process of theoretical disciplines integrated with the help of interactive teaching methods and various ways of organizing educational activities: discussions, role-playing games, analysis of specific situations

• Creation of a creative learning environment.

In the concept of contextual learning, there are

three basic forms of activity and several intermediate ones.

The basic forms are:

• educational (lecture, seminar);

• quasi-professional (analysis of specific decisions, business game and other game forms);

• educational and professional (practical training, research work, preparation of various projects).

In the forms of educational activity, the accumulation of transmission and assimilation of information; in the forms of quasi-professional - whole fragments of future professional activity, its social role and subject meaning are modeled; in the forms of educational and professional activity of students, actions and deeds that correspond to the norms of future professional activity operate.

These forms of activity include three learning models: semiotic, imitation and social.

The semiotic model contains all problematic situations in learning, work with textual material, and ensures the assimilation of lexical and grammatical knowledge by students.

The simulation model ensures the fulfillment of educational tasks and is aimed at mastering students' future professional activities.

It has been established that the situational of teaching theoretical disciplines is one of the principles of the contextual approach to learning, which is based on learning in the dynamics of constant changes in conditions, situations, contexts of professional activity.

Conclusion. Through the use of all methodological and practical approaches to contextual learning, learning information acquires meaningful content and becomes a means of performing professional activities.

According to the conclusions of the practical experience gained, contextual learning significantly increases the productivity of learning, motivates and interests not only students, but also teachers.


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