DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.4(49).100-108
УДК 346.26:331.44
JEL J11, J24, L26, M12, M54
Z. Wenjun, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia S.V. Panikarova, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Abstract. Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is essential for improving both organizational performance and labor efficacy in modern economic systems marked by a focus on innovation and competition driven by customer demand. By evaluating employees' alignment with the entrepreneurial mindset, the current study aims to investigate the impact of different demographic groups on the development of intrapreneurial conduct, which includes strategic renewal behavior and venture creating behavior. The dataset comprises responses from 261 individuals employed in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in China. We employed hierarchical and grouping regression methodologies using SPSS 26.0 to scrutinize the hypotheses posited in our study. The outcomes underscore a substantial positive association between the entrepreneurial mindset and employees' intrapreneurial engagements. Furthermore, income level and gender emerged as moderators in the nexus between an employee's entrepreneurial mindset and their intrapreneurial activities. Specifically, this connection exhibited greater potency among male employees and those with lower income levels within the organizations. Recognizing and addressing these variations empowers organizations to effectively motivate their diverse workforce, thus fostering innovation and bolstering their competitive standing. Additionally, this study acknowledges its limitations and proposes directions for future research.
Keywords: demographic differences, entrepreneurial mindset, intrapreneurship, strategical renewal behavior, venture creating behavior
Acknowledgements: financial support for this study was provided by the China Scholarship Council and the Russian Government Scholarship from Rossotrudnichestvo. We also express our gratitude to the reviewers and editors for their valuable contributions to our work.
For citation: Wenjun Z., Panikarova S.V. Intrapreneutial Behavior in Employees: Influence of Entrepreneurial Mindset and Demographics // BENEFICIUM. 2023. Vol. 4(49). Pp. 100-108. DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.4(49).100-108
Цзо Вэньцзюнь, Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина, Екатеринбург, Россия
С.В. Паникарова, Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина, Екатеринбург, Россия
Аннотация. Формирование предпринимательского менталитета необходимо как для повышения производительности организации, так и эффективности труда в современных экономических системах, характеризующихся ориентацией на инновации и конкуренцию, обусловленную потребительским спросом. Оценивая соответствие сотрудников предпринимательскому менталитету, данное исследование нацелено на изучение воздействия различных демографических групп на формирование интрапренерского поведения, включая стратегическое обновление и создание предприятий. База данных включает ответы 261 человека, работающих в малых и средних предприятиях (МСП) в Китае. Для проверки гипотез, выдвинутых в исследовании, использованы методики иерархической и группировочной регрессии с помощью SPSS 26.0. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о значительной положительной связи между предпринимательским менталитетом и интрапренерской активностью сотрудников. Кроме того, такие показатели, как уровень дохода и пол, оказались модераторами связи между предпринимательским менталитетом и интрапренерской деятельностью сотрудников. В частности, эта связь проявляется в большей степени у сотрудников мужского пола и тех, кто имеет более низкий уровень дохода в рамках организации. Признание и учет этих различий позволит организациям эффективно мотивировать персонал, способствуя тем самым развитию инноваций и укреплению своих конкурентных позиций. Кроме того, в данном исследовании обнаружены ограничения и определены направления для дальнейших исследований.
Ключевые слова: демографические различия, предпринимательский менталитет, интрапренерство, стратегическое обновление поведения, поведение создания предприятий
Благодарности: финансовая поддержка данного исследования была оказана Китайским стипендиальным советом и стипендией Правительства РФ от Россотрудничества. Мы также выражаем благодарность рецензентам и редакторам за их ценный вклад в нашу работу.
Для цитирования: Wenjun Z., Panikarova S.V. IntrapreneutiaL Behavior in Employees: Influence of Entrepreneurial Mindset and Demographics // BENEFICIUM. 2023. Vol. 4(49). Pp. 100-108. (На англ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.4(49).100-108
There is a growing recognition of the pivotal role played by employees with entrepreneurial inclinations, commonly referred to as intrapreneurs, in driving innovation and bolstering economic growth [1, 2]. This positive perception is reinforced by instances of innovation originating from employees' creativity and self-initiative, as opposed to top-down directives, exemplified by notable cases such as Google's Gmail, 3M's Post-it Notes, and Amazon's Drones [3]. Consequently, both scholars and practitioners in the field of strategic management are actively engaged in cultivating intrapreneurial behaviors to enhance their organizations' competitive advantage and overall performance. Prior research predominantly employs a contingency research framework to investigate how institutional, organizational, and individual factors influence intrapre-neurial behavior [4, 5]. Among these individual factors, the entrepreneurial mindset, a well-established concept in entrepreneurship research, has been empirically verified as exerting a significant impact on intrapreneurial behavior [5].
Furthermore, demographic characteristics exert a fundamental influence on shaping employees' attitudes toward work, specifically their entrepreneurial mindset, by shaping their cognitive processes [6]. Hence, for a more profound understanding of how employees cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and subsequently manifest intrapreneurial behavior, it is essential to consider the impact of demographic variables. Within the realm of employees' entrepreneurial mindset, two specific demographic factors,
namely gender and income levels, emerge as particularly significant due to societal gender norms and organizational incentive structures [7, 8]. Despite the acknowledged importance of gender and income in shaping individuals' entrepreneurial cognition and their role in fostering intrapreneurial conduct, there remains a dearth of research exploring how these demographic variables influence the connection between an employee's entrepreneurial mindset and their intrapreneurial behavior.
To bridge this research void, our investigation seeks to empirically examine the correlation between an entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial activities, specifically operationalized as strategic renewal behavior and venture creation behavior. This inquiry incorporates two demographic variables, namely gender and income levels, within its analytical framework (Fig. 1). This scholarly endeavor aspires to shed light on lingering academic inquiries, including the potential disparities in how an entrepreneurial mindset influences the stimulation of intrapreneurial behaviors across demographic cohorts characterized by gender and income levels. Furthermore, it aims to elucidate whether gender and income levels function as moderators within the relationship linking an entrepreneurial mindset to intrapreneurial behavior. Ultimately, the study aims to discern which demographic group exhibits a more robust relationship: male versus female employees or low-income earners versus high-income earners.
Gender | |
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Intrapreneurial Behavior
Fig. 1. Research Framework / Рис. 1. Структура исследования
Source: compiled by the authors /Источник: составлено авторами
The entrepreneurial mindset is conceptualized as a cognitive framework that empowers individuals to generate value by identifying and seizing
opportunities, making decisions under conditions of limited information, and demonstrating adaptability and resilience in the face of often uncertain
and intricate circumstances [9]. On the organizational level, entrepreneurial mindset is intricately linked to strategic decision-making [10], innovation capabilities [11], and overall performance outcomes [12]. Especially, Reibenspiess et al. [13] underscore the critical role of employees exhibiting entrepreneurial behavior as the cornerstone of organizational innovation.
Intrapreneurship is etymologically characterized as an entrepreneurial activity taking place within an established organization, stemming from the fusion of "intra" (meaning within) and "entrepre-neurship" (denoting the creation of novel ventures or enterprises) [14]. In empirical terms, scholars op-erationalize intrapreneurship by bifurcating it into two constituent components: strategical renewal behavior and venture creation behavior [15]. To elucidate, strategical renewal behavior encompasses the proactive actions of employees in seeking opportunities and advantages, with the intent of substantially or incrementally rejuvenating existing products, services, work processes, and organizational strategies [12]. Meanwhile, employee venture creating behavior encompasses activities involving the initiation, augmentation, or allocation of resources toward the establishment of new business endeavors [16].
Individual cognition plays a pivotal role in shaping intrapreneurial behavior. Specifically, individual cognition can be closely associated with what is commonly referred to as entrepreneurial mindset, or more broadly, individual entrepreneurial orientation, within the domain of entrepreneurship research. Previous studies have established a positive correlation between individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) and intrapreneurial behavior. It is well-established that employees with a heightened level of IEO are inclined to engage in exploratory activities, which serve as the foundation for intrapreneurial processes [17]. Additionally, various other individual cognitive factors hold the potential to influence an employee's intrapreneurial behavior. For instance, Kraus et al. [17] have identified the concept of "locomotion" as a moderating variable in the relationship between IEO and intrapreneurial activities. Locomotion, defined as an individual's capacity to transition between states without a predetermined direction or destination [18], underscores our proposition that intrapreneurial behavior can be attributed to individual cognitive processes. Furthermore, it is noteworthy to mention the significant role of the "big five" personality traits in driving intrapreneurial behavior. The "big five" personality traits, a fundamental construct in psychological studies, are employed to assess an individual's predispositions and characteristics [19]. Mahmoud et al. [20] have demonstrated that three of these "big five" traits, namely conscientiousness, disa-greeableness, and emotional stability, directly impact intrapreneurial behavior.
Hypothesis 1:Entrepreneurial Mindset has a positive influence on employees' strategic renewal
Hypothesis2: Entrepreneurial Mindset has a positive influence on employees' venture creating behavior.
This study builds upon the established link between individual cognitive processes and intrapreneurial behavior, with a particular focus on the connection between individual intrapreneurial orientation and intrapreneurial behavior. To enhance our understanding, we introduce demographic variables as moderators in our investigation. Specifically, we propose that the influence of an entrepreneurial mindset varies under different demographic conditions. While we acknowledge that entrepreneurial mindset comprises multiple dimensions, such as risk-taking, need for achievement, and proactive-ness, we contend that its impact may differ across diverse demographic groups. To substantiate this hypothesis, two key points warrant clarification. To begin with, the entrepreneurial mindset displays disparities within different demographic cohorts. Demographic elements such as gender and income level constitute integral components of an individual's identity within the organizational context. As per the tenets of social identity theory, an individual's sense of identity and affiliation with specific groups significantly shapes their cognitive processes, potentially impacting the essence of the entrepreneurial mindset. Furthermore, the diverse facets of the entrepreneurial mindset yield varying impacts on the facilitation of intrapreneurial behavior. Drawing from the theory of planned behavior, an individual's intention to engage in specific actions is intricately linked to their attitudes and perceived control over those actions. This aligns with our proposition that demographic variables influence one's intrapreneurial behavior by shaping identity and attitude formation. Consequently, we advance the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 3: Gender differences moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial behaviors.
Hypothesis 4: Salary differences moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial behaviors.
We employed a convenience sampling technique to engage department heads in China, leveraging established communication channels aligned with our research interests. These department heads, upon agreement to participate, distributed the online questionnaire link via their subordinates' personal social media profiles. Consequently, we garnered a total of 278 responses. Following quality control measures, 17 responses were excluded, resulting in a dataset of 261 valid responses. The demographic profile of our sample is as follows:
1) the preeminent age group within our sample was individuals between 18 and 30 years old, comprising 90% of respondents, with 9.6% falling into the 31 to 40 age group, and only 0.4% aged 41 to 50;
2) in terms of educational attainment, 73.9% of participants had completed education at the junior college or university level, while 26% held master's or doctoral degrees;
3) male respondents constituted 17.6% of the participants, while 82.4% were female;
4) in regard to income, 39.1% of respondents reported incomes below 4000 CNY (approximately 564.58 USD), 41.8% fell within the income bracket of 4000 to 8000 CNY (approximately 564.58-1129.16 USD), 12.3% had incomes ranging from 8000 to 12000 CNY (approximately 1129.16-1693.74 USD), and 6.9% earned incomes exceeding 12000 CNY (approximately 1693.74 USD).
This investigation employed a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), as the assessment instrument. The study encompassed three continuous variables: entrepreneurial mindset, strategic renewal behavior, and venture creation behavior. In addition, two
categorical variables, specifically gender and income levels, were integrated into the analysis. Control variables included educational attainment and age. To gauge entrepreneurial mindset, we utilized the College Students' Entrepreneurial Mindset Scale (CS-EMS) [21], which exhibited a reliability coefficient of 0.94. Strategic renewal behavior and venture creation behavior were evaluated using the Employee Intrapreneurship Scale (EIS) devised by Gawke et al. [6]. In their investigation, Cronbach's a coefficients for these constructs were established at 0.91 and 0.87, respectively, affirming the reliability of this measurement tool for assessing intrapreneurial behavior. Consistent with prior scholarly work, educational attainment and age were treated as control variables in our analysis.
Results and Discussion
Table 1 presents the correlation matrix and descriptive statistics, including the mean and standard deviation of the research variables.
Table 1 / Таблица 1
The Descriptive Statistics and the Correlation Coefficient Matrix / Дескриптивная статистика и матрица коэффициентов
Variables / Переменные Mean / Среднее Std. Deviation / Стандартное отклонение EM SRB VB
EM 4.9220 0.8487S 1
SRB 4.S977 1.24268 0.720" 1
VB 4.2366 1.40391 0.679" 0.822" 1
Note. N = 261; Significant level: * p<0.05; "" p<0.01; """ p<0.001; EM: Entrepreneurial mindset; SRB: strategic renewal behavior; VB: venture
creating behavior.
Source: calculated by authors using SPSS version 26.0 based on collected data / Источник: рассчитано авторами с использованием SPSS версии 26.0 на основе собранных данных
The results indicate the following: (1) there is a significant positive correlation (r = 0.720, p < 0.01) between entrepreneurial mindset and strategic renewal behavior; (2) there exists a significant positive correlation (r = 0.679, p < 0.01) between entrepreneurial mindset and venture creation behavior. This
initial examination suggests that entrepreneurial mindset is a strong predictor of an employee's intrapreneurial behavior, providing preliminary support for our research hypothesis 1 and 2.
This research employs hierarchical regression analysis to further validate hypotheses 1 and 2 (Table 2).
Table 2 / Таблица 2
The Hierarchical Regression Results of Entrepreneurial Mindset on Intrapreneurial Behavior / Результаты иерархической регрессии предпринимательского менталитета на интрапренерское поведение
Variables / Переменные Strategic Renewal Behavior / Поведение стратегического обновления Venture Creating Behavior / Поведение создания предприятия
M 1.1 M 1.2 M 1.3 M 1.4
Age / Возраст 0.205" 0.141" 0.130 0.069
Education / Образование 0.042 0.030 0.048 0.036
EM 0.706™ 0.671™
F 6.383" 100.871™ 2.838 75.365™
R2 0.047 0.541 0.022 0.468
ДR2 0.047" 0.541™ 0.022 0.468™
Note. N = 261; Significant level: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001. EM: Entrepreneurial mindset.
Source: calculated by authors using SPSS version 26.0 based on collected data / Источник: рассчитано авторами с использованием SPSS версии 26.0 на основе собранных данных
In Model 1.1 and Model 1.2, the dependent variable is strategic renewal behavior, while in Model 1.3 and Model 1.4, it pertains to venture creation behavior. The analytical process unfolds in two steps: firstly, the inclusion of categorical variables, age, and education, into the regression equation via dummy variable encoding; secondly, the introduction of the entrepreneurial mindset into the regression equation. The findings from the hierarchical regression analysis are succinctly summarized in Table 2. Model 1.1 underscores that control variables elucidate 4.7% of the variance in strategic renewal behavior. Model 1.2, in contrast, unveils a statistically significant positive correlation between the entrepreneurial mindset and strategic renewal behavior (P=0.706, P<0.001, R2=54.1%). Moving on to Model 1.3, control variables account for 2.2% of the variance in strategic renewal behavior, while Model 1.4 distinctly showcases a noteworthy positive relationship between the entrepreneurial mindset and strategic renewal behavior (P=0.468, P<0.001, R2=46.8%). Consequently, our research corroborates the support for hypotheses 1 and 2.
In accordance with Cohen et al.'s [22] recommended guidelines, it is advisable to apply grouping regression when assessing moderating influences in cases where the moderating variable is categorical and the independent variable is continuous. In our investigation, we have two categorical moderators, specifically gender and income level, while our independent variable, the entrepreneurial mindset, remains continuous. As a result, our study categorized our sample into distinct groups based on these two categorical variables: male/female groups and employees with incomes equal to or below 8000 CNY (approximately 1129.16 USD) and those with incomes exceeding 8000 CNY. Within each of these groups, we conducted hierarchical regression analysis, involving the initial incorporation of control variables in the regression model, followed by the inclusion of the entrepreneurial mindset as a
predictor in our regression analysis. Our focal dependent variables encompass two primary constructs associated with intrapreneurial behavior: employees' strategic renewal behavior and venture creation behavior.
Table 3 offers insights into the influence of the independent variable, "entrepreneurial mindset," on the explanatory power of both strategic renewal behavior and venture creation behavior, stratified by gender. In the context of male employees, when examining Model 2-2 in relation to strategic renewal behavior, a substantial 72% increase in the proportion of explained variance is evident, accompanied by a noteworthy correlation coefficient of 0.831 (P<0.001). Similarly, for their female counterparts, Model 2-4 displays a significant 49% boost in the variance explanation, along with a correlation coefficient of 0.664 (P<0.001) concerning strategic renewal behavior. Likewise, for male employees in the context of venture creation behavior, the inclusion of the "entrepreneurial mindset" independent variable within Model 2-6 results in a remarkable 57.4% augmentation in explained variance, coupled with a correlation coefficient of 0.739 (P<0.001). In contrast, among female employees, Model 2-8 reveals a 43.8% increase in the variance explanation, featuring a correlation coefficient of 0.637 (P<0.001) regarding venture creation behavior. These findings underscore a gender-based disparity in the impact of entrepreneurial mindset on intrapreneurial behavior, where this influence is significantly more pronounced among male employees compared to their female counterparts. Additionally, the correlation coefficient between entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial behavior is more pronounced within the male cohort. Therefore, gender differences serve as a moderating factor in the relationship between entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial behavior, aligning with the empirical support for Hypothesis 3 in our analysis.
Table 3/ Таблица 3
Gender's Moderating Effect on Intrapreneurial Behavior / Модерирующий эффект пола на интрапренерское поведение
Variables / Переменные Strategic Renewal Behavior / Поведение стратегического обновления Venture Creating Behavior / Поведение создания предприятия
Male / Мужчины Female / Женщины Male / Мужчины Female / Женщины
M 2.1 M 2.2 M 2.3 M 2.4 M 2.5 M 2.6 M 2.7 M 2.8
Age / Возраст 0.220 0.199^ 0.206" 0.136" 0.116 0.097 0.147^ 0.080
Education / Образование -0.227 -0.045 0.106 0.048 -0.250 -0.087 0.121 0.066
EM 0.831" 0.664" 0.739" 0.637"
F 1.385 35.949" 6.628" 67.854" 1.198 18.877" 4.50Г 54.761"
R2 0.061 0.720 0.059 0.491 0.053 0.574 0.041 0.438
ДR2 0.061 0.720™ 0.059" 0.491™ 0.053 0.574™ 0.04Г 0.438™
Note. N = 261; Significant level: " p<0.05; " p<0.01; "" p<0.001. EM: Entrepreneurial mindset.
Source: calculated by authors using SPSS version 26.0 based on collected data /Источник: рассчитано авторами с использованием SPSS версии 26.0 на основе собранных данных
Table 4 presents the results of our analysis examining the moderating effect of income on the relationship between entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial behavior. Among employees earning less than 8000 CNY, there is a substantial 51.8% increase in the proportion of explained variance, accompanied by a noteworthy correlation coefficient of 0.715 (P<0.001) indicating the significant role of entrepreneurial mindset in stimulating their strategic renewal behavior. Similarly, for employees earning above 8000 CNY, Model 3.4 demonstrates a 59.3% increase in the proportion of explained variance and a coefficient of 0.690 (P<0.001). Additionally, entrepreneurial mindset can account for 47.2% of the variance in venture creation behavior among employees earning less than or
However, there are differences in the proportion of explained variance for entrepreneurial mindset regarding strategic renewal behavior and venture creation behavior. For strategic renewal behavior, entrepreneurial mindset can account for 59.3% of the variance among employees earning higher than 8000 CNY, compared to 51.8% for those earning lower than 8000 CNY. Concerning venture creation behavior, entrepreneurial mindset explains 47.2% of the variance among employees with salaries below 8000 CNY, in contrast to 40.4% for those with incomes above 8000 CNY. This implies that the entrepreneurial mindset can better explain variances in high-income employees' strategy renewal activity than it can in their behavior for new venture formation.
The concept of an entrepreneurial mindset has garnered increasing scholarly attention in recent years, primarily due to its recognized capacity to bolster innovation and enhance organizational performance. This study substantiates the pivotal role played by an entrepreneurial mindset in predicting intrapreneurial behavior, encompassing both strategic renewal and venture creation actions. Scholars
equal to 8000 CNY, with a coefficient value of 0.678 (P<0.001). Conversely, for employees earning beyond 8000 CNY, entrepreneurial mindset can explain 40.4% of the variance in their venture creation behavior, along with a coefficient of 0.628 (P<0.001). These findings partially validate our hypothesis that income moderates the relationship between employees' entrepreneurial mindset and their intrapreneurial behavior, showing a stronger connection among low-income employees. Therefore, income differences serve as a moderating factor in the relationship between entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial behavior, aligning with the empirical support for Hypothesis 4 in our research.
Table 4 / Таблица 4
universally acknowledge the significance of fostering intrapreneurial initiatives within organizations, regardless of their size or longevity [2]. In the face of the intricate organizational dynamics arising from the contemporary economic landscape, scholars contend that embracing intrapreneurial initiatives is imperative, whether one occupies a top-management leadership position or functions as a frontline employee [6].
Scholars concur on the importance of fostering intrapreneurial behavior within businesses to maintain core competitiveness. However, it is essential to recognize that both top-management leaders and frontline employees require persuasion, as the motivating factors behind their intrapreneurial behavior appear to differ. Our research findings indicate that, notably among high-income employees who often assume roles as department managers or toplevel leaders, the positive relationship between an entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial behavior is more pronounced in low-income employees compared to their high-income counterparts. The likelihood of an entrepreneurial mindset motivating intrapreneurial behavior in low-income employees within an organizational context can theoretically be explained by several factors. Low-income
Income's Moderating Effect on Intrapreneurial Behavior / Модерирующий эффект дохода на интрапренерское
Variables / Переменные Strategic Renewal Behavior / Поведение стратегического обновления Venture Creating Behavior / Поведение создания предприятия
Below 8000 CNY / Менее 8000 Юаней Above 8000 CNY / Более 8000 Юаней Below 8000 CNY / Менее 8000 Юаней Above 8000 CNY / Более 8000 Юаней
M 3.1 M 3.2 M 3.3 M 3.4 M 3.5 M 3.6 M 3.7 M 3.8
Age / Возраст 0.087 0.052 0.293^ 0.28" 0.112 0.079 0.092 0.080
Education / Образование -0.015 -0.015 0.140 0.186 0.032 0.031 0.041 0.083
EM 0.715" 0.690" 0.678" 0.628"
F 0.818 74.264™ 3.177 22.383™ 1.409 61.684™ 0.274 10.387™
R2 0.008 0.518 0.119 0.593 0.013 0.472 0.012 0.404
ДR2 0.008 0.518™ 0.119 0.593" 0.013 0.472" 0.012 0.404"
Note. N = 261; Significant level: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001. EM: Entrepreneurial mindset.
Source: calculated by authors using SPSS version 26.0 based on collected data / Источник: рассчитано авторами с использованием SPSS версии 26.0 на основе собранных данных
employees may possess a stronger desire for economic improvement, a higher tolerance for risk in their organizational behavior, and a heightened motivation to overcome resource constraints. Additionally, they may demonstrate an increased ability to identify opportunities for innovation and advancement within the organization due to their firsthand experience with challenges.
Similarly, our research reveals that gender moderates the relationship between an entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial behavior, with this relationship being more robust among male employees than female employees. The explanation for why an entrepreneurial mindset may be more likely to motivate male employees in organizational contexts can potentially be attributed to several factors, including socialization and cultural norms, unequal access to resources and networks, limited female role models, potential risk aversion among women, and differing leadership styles, as supported by previous studies [7, 23, 24].
Our study has also revealed that the entrepreneurial mindset's ability to account for variations in high-income employees' strategic renewal behavior tends to be more pronounced when compared to its influence on their venture creation behavior. This phenomenon can be elucidated from three distinct perspectives. Firstly, high-income employees typically possess more substantial financial resources and enjoy greater access to organizational assets, which can reduce their reliance on engaging in venture creation endeavors as a means to augment their income or career opportunities [25]. Secondly, these individuals may sustain their elevated income levels by adhering to more conservative, risk-averse strategies, such as stable employment or investments in established ventures [26]. Consequently, they may exhibit less inclination to undertake the elevated risks associated with venture creation, given the potential for significant personal financial losses. Thirdly, high-income employees may be driven by different motivations compared to their low-income counterparts [27]. Their priorities may revolve around job security, career advancement, or the preservation of their existing lifestyle, while individuals with lower incomes might possess stronger incentives for establishing new ventures to ameliorate their financial circumstances.
Given the substantial influence of the entrepreneurial mindset on predicting intrapreneurial behavior among employees, it is imperative for organizations to adopt managerial strategies aimed at fostering this mindset within the organizational context. For instance, cultivating psychological safety and enhancing job engagement are pivotal in nurturing employees' entrepreneurial mindset, which, in turn, drives their intrapreneurial behavior [5]. To leverage this potential, organizations should consider implementing tailored strategies that address the unique motivations and requirements of employees with lower income levels. These
strategies may encompass opportunities for skill enhancement, support in mitigating resource constraints, and the promotion of calculated risk-taking. By acknowledging and addressing these distinctions, organizations can effectively motivate their diverse workforce to contribute to innovation and enhance their competitive standing. In practical terms, it is essential for organizations to cultivate an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages individuals of all genders to embrace entrepreneurial thinking, ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities. The promotion of gender diversity in entrepreneurship and leadership roles can enrich organizations with a broader spectrum of perspectives and ideas, ultimately yielding benefits for both the organizations and society at large.
This study delves into the impact of an entrepreneurial mindset on intrapreneurial behavior, taking into account gender and income disparities. While this research offers valuable insights and fills a void in the current academic discourse, it does have its limitations. To begin with, we have discerned that the potency of the association between an entrepreneurial mindset and intrapreneurial conduct exhibits variations among individuals of different genders and income levels. Nonetheless, further empirical investigations are imperative to unveil the underlying mechanisms driving these disparities. Consequently, future scholars are urged to empirically scrutinize the determinants contributing to these distinctions. Secondly, augmenting the sample size or exploring diverse samples from various social and organizational contexts could augment the applicability of the findings. Thirdly, researchers may contemplate employing a longitudinal research design, as distinct from the cross-sectional methodology employed in this study, to gain a more comprehensive comprehension of this relationship over time.
Authors' Contribution
Zuo Wenjun partaken in this study by contributing to its conception and design, overseeing data collection, conducting data analysis and interpretation, drafting the article, critically revising the content, and providing final approval for publication. S.V. Panikarova was involved in the research by participating in the conception and design of the study, critically reviewing the article, and giving her final approval for publication.
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About the Authors / Информация об авторах
Цзо Вэньцзюнь, аспирант, Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина, Екатеринбург, Россия / Zuo Wenjun, Graduate Student, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia E-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0009-0007-0429-0593 ResearcherlD HTP-1429-2023
Светлана Викторовна Паникарова - д-р экон. наук, доцент; профессор, Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина, Екатеринбург, Россия / Svetlana V. Panikarova - Dr. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Professor, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: [email protected] SPIN РИНЦ 2665-2208 ORCID 0000-0003-4754-2213 Scopus Author ID 56695219800
Дата поступления статьи: 25 сентября 2023 Принято решение о публикации: 25 ноября 2023
Received: September 25, 2023 Accepted: November 25, 2023