Научная статья на тему 'Intra-family relations and parental attitudes adopted by mothers who are educationally and vocationally active'

Intra-family relations and parental attitudes adopted by mothers who are educationally and vocationally active Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Przybysz-Zaremba M.

The paper presents the family as an educational environment of a child in which the relations between its particular members are shaped. On the basis of researches carried out with women/mothers the author presents the course of intra-family relation: mother-child, adopted parental attitudes by the mothers who are educationally and vocationally active, which under the influence of size of family undergo changes.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Intra-family relations and parental attitudes adopted by mothers who are educationally and vocationally active»

УДК 037.376



The paper presents the family as an educational environment of a child in which the relations between its particular members are shaped. On the basis of researches carried out with women/mothers the author presents the course of intra-family relation: mother-child, adopted parental attitudes by the mothers who are educationally and vocationally active, which under the influence of size offamily undergo changes.

Keywords: family, intra-family relations, parental attitudes, mother, child.



Презентовано ciм'ю як освтне середовище дитини, в якому формуються стосунки мiж членами ciM 'i. На оcновi проведеного з жтками/матерями до^дження запропоновано зразки внутрiciмейних вiдноcин мiж матiр 'ю i дитиною. До^джено ставлення прийомних батьюв, котрi проявляють освтню та виховну активтсть. Показано змти у цьому ставленн тд впливом фактора складу i розмiру dм 'i.

Ключовi слова: ciм 'я, внутрiciмейнi стосунки, батьтвське ставлення, матiр, дитина.




Представлено семью как образовательную среду ребенка, в которой формируются отношения между членами семьи. На основе проведенного с женщинами/матерями исследования предложены образцы внутрисемейных отношений между матерью и ребенком. Исследовано отношение приемных родителей, проявляющих образовательную и воспитательную активность. Показаны изменения в этом отношении поод влиянием фактора состава и розмера семьи.

Ключевые слова: семья, внутрисемейные отношения, родительское отношение, мать, ребенок.

Family constitutes the basic social group, which can be characterized by individual features, uniqueness and at the same time which prepares a child for different roles starting from the function in the generational family i. e. in the family of origin, through ability of finding oneself in their own procreative family, to the participation in different social groups. In the family indeed there are different relations based on the widely comprehended social and intrapersonal communication [9; 20, р. 589; 21, р. 134; 22]. The family is for a child (children) a natural educational environment in which the main element constitute interactions between its particular members [8, р. 11-12; 19].

The proper intrapersonal relations are an important element of every well-functioning system. They are of double importance in the family system as they have influence not only on the proper functioning of a family, but also on the child's educational process. The family is an environment in which a child grows ups, develops and shapes its personality. A lot of authors who carry out researches within the scope of intra-family relations claim that there are different relations between a mother and a child, and between a father and a child. K. L. Buist, M. Decovic, W. Meeus, M. A. G. Aken, M. H. Gerrits et al., K. Renk, C. McKinney, J. Klein, and A. Oliveros underline that the relations between a mother and a child, and a father and a child differ considerably. According to the authors, mothers show more positive liking for the children, than fathers do, what leads to efficient intrapersonal relations. According to S. K. Williams and F. D. Kelly it is justified by i. e. family-household roles which are often treated as female private space. Women-Mothers, as numerous

researches confirm, devote more time to family and household duties and in this way they have closer relations with their children, they become more open towards them and so the children do. The researches conducted by D. M. Lawson, D. F. Brossart, A. Russell, C. H. Hart, C. C. Robinson, S. F. Olsen, C. L. Shearer, A. C. Crouter, S. M. McHale in turn, point that mothers have greater experience in shaping positive relations with children thanks to more frequent being with children, whereas fathers according to the authors create relations within instrumental aims, such as interest in sports, which a father wants to give to a son/daughter or creating future plans connected most frequently with child's development. Such differences in relations mother-and-child and father-and-child according to T. E. Beckert, R. D. Strom, P. S. Strom and C. T. Yang do not depend on the child's sex, but its sex can have influence on parents' behaviour and educational methods chosen by them.

Intra-family relations can be shaped under influence of various factors which are stuck not only in the family environment, but also the social one. The culture in which a family lives is also of major importance. Y. S. Park, L. P. Vo, i Y. Tsong provide an example of bringing up children in the Asian culture, where the mother is responsible for the family warmth and creation of hearth and home, cordiality, whereas a father according to traditional model of an Asian family is considered as a strict and distanced person both towards child/children and mother/wife.

L. Dyczewski points out that intra-family relations and tightly bound with family bond, which is some kind of resultant of internal forces that exist in a family and external forces that have influence on its members i. e. on the whole family group. The family bond is visible in various kinds of relationships between spouses/partners, parents-and-children, interrelations and attitudes adopted by the family members.

The author presents the course of intra-family relation between mothers, who are educationally and vocationally active and their children, as well as adopted parental attitudes by the mothers, which undergo changes under the influence of size of family, on the basis of researches carried out with women/mothers.

Methodological assumptions. The aim of every scientific research is to obtain a determined image of part of examined reality. The aim of this research was to get to know the course of relation between a mother and a child, as well as parental attitudes adopted by the mother.

Following research questions (matters) were formed according to the chosen aim of the research:

1. How are relations between mothers who are educationally and vocationally active and their child/children shaped?

2. What parental attitudes do mothers who are educationally and vocationally active adopt?

3. Is there any interrelation between the size of a family and parental attitudes adopted by mothers who are educationally and vocationally active?

The methodology of quantity-quality researches was used in order to obtain answers for the above mentioned questions. The quantity approach which originates from the theory and methodology of nature sciences pays particular attention to casual connections in order to discover rules and principles of functioning of the objective reality i. e. to explain examined phenomena. It lets in a conventional way collect and analyse a lot of data, as well draw on this basis general conclusions. On the other hand, the quality approach is characterized by general approach focused on inductive description of the context in which is the examined unit (phenomenon) - in order to understand situation in the way the examined person does.

Methods settled in the quantity-quality methodology were used in the research. The dominating method of research was the method of survey (questionnaire) and the Scale of Parental Attitudes worked out by Maria Braun-Galkowska.

710 women/mothers took part in the research including the survey and the Scale of Parental Attitudes.

An open, deepened interview (settled in the quality methodology) with 17 women was an unusual addition. The interview did not have an exact structure and was not totally «directed»

Altogether 727 women/mothers took part in the research.

The age of women ran at the level of: 25-30 - 264 persons i. e. 36.3% of all examined; 31-35 -191 persons i. e.: 26,3% of all examined; 36-40 - 272 persons i. e.: 37,4% of all examined. All women/mothers who took part in the research were educationally and vocationally active. They were

employed on the basis of employment contract - 450 persons i. e.: 61,9% did the physical job, whereas 277 persons i. e.: 38,6% mental work.

The women/mothers were educationally active - 255 persons (35,1%) were students of bachelor studies; 65 persons (8,9%) - graduate studies; secondary schools (high schools, technikum (vocational technical high schools), vocational schools) - 145 persons (19,9%), postgraduate studies - 106 persons (14,6%). 150 persons (20,6%) take part in short forms of education, which include different kinds of courses and trainings - also these ones organised from the European Union Funds. 6 of respondents carry on «different» kinds of education (2 persons are Ph.D. students, and 4 of them learn in post-secondary schools).

The models of the family- two-plus-one and two-plus-two dominated among the respondents. 297 women (40,9%) had a child, and 278 persons (38,2%) form a family with two children. The smallest group (152 persons i. e.: 20,9%) constituted women creating family, which consisted of five or more persons.

Analysis of the research results. The proper process of child's socialization depends on «healthy» intra-family relations. Parents transfer their behaviours and attitudes to children consciously and unconsciously. Their relations with all other family members and other people are shaped on the basis of the child's relationship with a mother. The researches have proved that the relations of women, who were educationally and vocationally active, were proper. 16,4% of women have very good contact with their children, they have open and sincere communication, both the mother and her children do not have secrets, and all - even the smallest problems are the family daily routine, they constitute a topic for conversation and discussion, what leads to is finding a solution. 18% of women participates in the child's life actively, and 13,2% helps and supports them.

The materials obtained from the interviews, as well as the applied Scale of Parental Attitudes confirm the fact that women who fulfill themselves in the role of a pupil/student, worker fulfill their duties which result from being a mother perfectly. Below you can find examples of comments of some women:

We understand each other with my daughters... We have a very good contact. My daughters come and ask about various things, we talk [Kasia, age 40].

My son who is almost grown turns to me with his problems more often - my husband as a teacher very often adopts the estimating and moralizing attitude. We like to "chat" together, sometimes I come down a peg or two on purpose, I let my son overcome the barrier like: ADULT-CHILD. It gives us sense of unity, understanding, support [Agnieszka, age 37].

I have very good relations with my daughters, we talk a lot, in fact we are on the same wavelength especially with my eldest daughter. We organize plays together, we have fun. I trust my daughters and they trust me. It is obvious that there are misunderstandings, quarrels, arguments, but a conversation always helps. Together with my husband we assume that the conversation is the basis of our relation. The family life without conversation is poor and very often faked. I try to protect my daughters against the evil of this world, but at the same time I do not limit their curiosity [Beata, age 40].

Mother's engagement in the child's matters provides them with suggestive context, which makes them learn by means of observation. The child acquires some kind of psychological qualities concerning among other things spheres of the philosophy of life and social relations through observation, imitation, modeling and identification.

The conducted researches pointed that women recognize child's rights (6,8%), let them have a free hand (4,1%), but obey the above mentioned rules consistently (4,8%). In few cases women neglect their children (1,7%), do not show them love and support and are not guided by love. They separate from children by means of «helpers» such as grandparents, various institutions or baby sitters the most frequently. The fact of separation of mother and child/children can be justified by the lack of time of women who are educationally and vocationally active, as they are tired and they shift off the responsibility of being a mother to different persons.

According to E. Napora proper relations with a child depend on the attitude adopted by a mother, what has substantial influence not only on the further child's intra-personal relations, but also their self-assessment. Mother transfers to a child various models of behaviours and ways of solving the problems, which have influence on shaping in a child a defined, and at the same time adequate image of themselves, through the adopted attitude.

According to M. Braun-Galkowska the attitude of mother to a child can be described on the basis of analysis of the degree of intensification of the attitude of closeness, helpfulness, directing and requirements. On these measurements one can mark opposite attitudes, which are unfavourable as far as education is concerned: rejection, strangeness - excessive closeness, emotional stickiness; lack of help and care - excessive protectiveness; lack of standards, total freedom - supervising, excessive supervision; total lack of requirements-excessive requirements. The attitudes that are in the middle of the continuum as proper attitudes (mature parental love), which are characterized by proper moderation. They are not placed in one defined point, but in the area close to the centre and can change their location depending on the child's age, parent's personality and situation. Mature parental love which is expressed in positive, proper attitudes is bound with better understanding and greater respecting of child's needs and determines their functioning in a family definitely. Table 1 contains data concerning parental attitudes adopted by mothers.

Table 1

Parental attitudes of women/mothers who are educationally and vocationally active

Attitudes Categories Number %

Closeness Excess 248 34.9

Moderation 261 36.8

Deficiency 201 28.3

Total 710 100.0

Helpfulness Excess 258 36.4

Moderation 277 39

Deficiency 175 24.6

Total 710 100.0

Directing Excess 224 31.6

Moderation 270 38

Deficiency 216 30.4

Total 710 100.0

Requirement s Excess 270 38

Moderation 218 30.7

Deficiency 222 31.3

Total 710 100.0

Together Excess 1000 35,2

Moderation 1026 36,1

Deficiency 814 28,7

Total 2840 100,0

Source: Prepared on the basis of carried out researches.

The above presented data lets notice that the women who are educationally and vocationally active adopt most frequently parental attitude in the moderation category (36,1%). This category was pointed the most frequently by women who adopted attitude of helpfulness (39%), directing (38%) and closeness (36,8%). Smaller group (35,2%) was created by persons adopting the attitude in the category of excess, which was most frequently pointed out by mothers adopting attitudes of requirements (38%), helpfulness (36,4%) and closeness (34,9%). The smallest group was the attitude in the category of deficiency (28,7%) it was adopted most frequently by women representing attitude of requirements (31,3%) and directing (30,4%). In the attitude of closeness and helpfulness this category has a slightly smaller index (attitude of closeness - 28,3%); attitude of helpfulness - 24,6%).

The parental attitudes adopted by mothers who are educationally and vocationally active, were changed under the influence of the size of a family. It was stated that there are high dependencies between the size of a family and the parental attitudes adopted by mothers on the basis of conducted statistic analyses. The empirical value Chi2 for the influence of this feature on the attitudes adopted by women appeared as follows: attitude of requirements: Chi2emp. 14,74>Chi2 tab. 9,46; attitude of closeness: Chi2emp. 35,37>Chi2teb. 9,46; attitude of helpfulness: Chi2emp. 33,51>Chi2tab. 9,46; attitude of directing: Chi2emp. 15,97>Chi2 tab. 9,46 — by df—4 and a—0,05. The researches also proved (see also table 2) that attitude of requirements in the category of excess was adopted most frequently by women who have both small family (model two-plus-one), as well as big one so called family with many

children (model two-plus-three and more). The index for the small family amounted to 41,2%, whereas for the family for many children 43,6%. Attitude of requirements in the category of moderation dominated in the four-persons families (37,8%). In the families with many children (five persons or more) in turn quite high index (34.9%) concerned the attitude of requirements in the category of deficiency. Attitude of closeness in the category of excess was also adopted most frequently by women in the three persons family (36,4%) and five persons family (41,6%). Nearly half (48,9%) of women with a model of a family two-plus-two and 33,7% representing model two plus one adopt attitude of closeness in the category of moderation. Deficiency of the attitude of closeness obtained quite high index (37,6%) in families with many children, as well as in small families (model two-plus-one). The phenomenon that the attitude of closeness in the category of deficiency obtained index of about 30% in small families can be explained by the fact that women who are educationally and vocationally active have too little time for their children especially because 50% of them do physical work and 43,5% work also on shifts. It can be presumed that women do not always count on support and help of their spouses/partners.

Table 2

Size of a family and the parental attitudes adopted by mothers

Attitude of requirements 3-persons 4-persons 5- persons and more Total

N % N % N % N %

Excess 120 41.2 85 31.5 65 43.6 270 38.03

Moderation 84 28.9 102 37.8 32 21.5 218 30.70

Deficiency 87 29.9 83 30.7 52 34.9 222 31.27

Total 291 100.0 270 100.0 149 100.0 710 100.00

Attitude of closeness 3-persons 4-persons 5- persons and more Total

N % N % N % N %

Excess 106 36.4 80 29.6 62 41.6 248 34.93

Moderation 98 33.7 132 48.9 31 20.8 261 36.76

Deficiency 87 29.9 58 21.5 56 37.6 201 28.31

Total 291 100.0 270 100.0 149 100.0 710 100.00

Attitude of helpfulness 3-persons 4-persons 5- persons and more Total

N % N % N % N %

Excess 108 37.1 91 33.7 59 39.6 258 36.34

Moderation 103 35.4 136 50.4 38 25.5 277 39.01

Deficiency 80 27.5 43 15.9 52 34.9 175 24.65

Total 291 100.0 270 100.0 149 100.0 710 100.00

Attitude of directing 3-persons 4-persons 5- persons and more Total

N % N % N % N %

Excess 94 32.3 84 31.1 46 30.9 224 31.55

Moderation 110 37.8 119 44.1 41 27.5 270 38.03

Deficiency 87 29.9 67 24.8 62 41.6 216 30.42

Total 291 100.0 270 100.0 149 100.0 710 100.00

Source: Prepared on the basis of carried out researches

Attitude of helpfulness in the category of excess is adopted most frequently by women from the small families (37,1%), as well as families with many children (39,6%). The attitude of helpfulness in the category of moderation (50,4%) dominates in the four persons families. Quite high index (35,4%) of this category can also be observed in the three persons families. Attitude of directing in the category of moderation dominates in the small - three-or-four persons families. In families with many children in turn a deficiency of the attitude of directing was noticed. 41,6% of women adopts such attitude excusing themselves with the lack of time for children, and sometimes not good relations with them. The researches also show that the relations with mother can be incorrect as well as in small families (three-persons ones). Below you can find chosen examples of respondents:

We have a daughter...she is some kind of a daddy's girl... She usually runs to him, when something happens there. My husband spoils her and she is apple in his eye. I in turn introduce rules in the house, it must be clean and I do not have too much time for my daughter [Maria, age 25].

Because of the fact that I work a lot, my younger daughter asks her sisters or grandma for help more often. Maybe I used to have more time for children, but now when I work and educate myself this contact is not as good, as I wished it to be. Now I can see that with the younger daughter I have worse contact [Kasia, age 40].

Women who took part in the research show mainly parental attitude in the category of moderation, which as M. Braun-Galkowska points out — characterizes by maturity of parental love. Mothers adopted nearly all attitudes i. e. the attitude of closeness, helpfulness, directing in the category of moderation. It can be assumed that the above mentioned attitudes adopted by mothers in the category of moderation can result from/ bound with their educational and vocational activity. It was also noticed that the attitude in the category of excess was also adopted. It mainly dominated in the adopted attitude of requirements.

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Research results. Analysis of conducted researches lets draw following conclusions:

• relations of women/mothers who are educationally and vocationally active with children were proper;

• mothers participated in the lives of their child/children actively;

• their relations are characterized by openness, sincere conversations, and also rules which were inculcated mainly during common diners;

• women/mothers who were educationally and vocationally active adopted most frequently the parental attitude in the category of moderation, showing helpfulness, directing child/children and offering them closeness, what was reflected in the daily, sincere conversations;

• 1/3 of examined women adopted parental attitude in the category of excess, which dominated in the shown by mothers attitudes of requirements, helpfulness and closeness;

• mothers adopted parental attitude in the category of deficiency less frequently — it dominated in the attitude of requirements, directing and closeness;

• the size of family had influence on the parental attitudes adopted by women who were educationally and vocationally active;

• category of moderation was adopted by women most frequently and dominated in the attitude of helpfulness, directing and closeness in the four persons families ( model two-plus-two);

• in the small families (model two-plus-one) and big ones (model two-plus-three and more) women adopted most frequently attitude of requirements, closeness and helpfulness in the category of excess. The excessive protectiveness, closeness, helpfulness and excessive requirements imposed by women to a child/children can have its source in their educational and vocational activity.

• in families with many children dominates also adopted by women attitude in the category of deficiency which is shown in the attitude of directing, closeness and helpfulness. Deficiency in adopted attitudes can be reflected in the lack of time bond with carrying out at the same time various roles and more duties concerning family and household resulting from the size of a family.


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УДК 037.376




We can notice transformations within the scope of functioning of the family nowadays. The rate of changes destroys the family bonds very often, impoverishes intrapersonal relations, destabilizes family life and quite often generates occurrence of improper parental attitudes. Parental attitude is described as nature of emotional attitude of parents towards their children. Attitudes towards children can have positive character — it is conductive to proper development and child's socialization, or negative one — it leads to the state of deprivation of its needs.

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