Currently, there are many similar systems, however, most of them are selected for a particular task and have many shortcomings. The developed system of modular design and construction makes it possible not only to assemble the building element by element, but also to increase or decrease it by pity or adapt to new conditions [6]. This is characteristic not only for the entire building, but also element-wise for each module, which makes it possible to build such objects by adapting the modules to any environmental conditions. Moreover, the spatial position of an object, or for example a small building area, to a lesser extent becomes a problem for the designer and builder.
1. Tsay K. // Core Built, 2016 // Vienna young scientists symposium. P. 50-51.
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3. Merrell Paul, Schkufza Eric, Koltun Vladlen // Computer-Generated Residential Building Layouts, 2010. 6. 181. P. 1-12.
4. Schleicher S., Lienhard J., Poppinga S., Masselter T., Speck T. & Knippers J. // Adaptive Facade Shading Systems inspired by Natural Elastic Kinematics, 2011. International Adaptive Architecture Conference, Building Centre, London. P. 1-12.
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MODERN ARCHITECTURE Mutaliev A.D.1, Samoilov K.I.2
'Mutaliev Alisher Dil 'muratovich — Bachelor of Arts (Architecture);
2Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich — Doctor of sciences (Architecture), Professor, ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT, SATBAYEV UNIVERSITY, ALMATY, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN
Abstract: the concepts of sustainability and the principles of sustainable development in architecture are considered. The expanded content of the principles makes it possible to apply them in research and scientific-educational activities.
Keywords: sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable architecture, definition, principles of sustainable architecture.
UDC 72.0'
In the last decade, including in relation to architecture, the concept of "sustainability" is widely used. This term correlates with the Sustainable development Concept adopted by the UN as a strategic direction since the 1980s. In the report of the UN Commission on Environment and Development "Our Common Future", sustainable development is defined as the way in which "the needs of the current generation are met without restricting the ability of the next generation to satisfy its needs" [1, p. 59]. The famous architect N. Foster defines sustainable architecture as "a way to achieve maximum with minimal means" [2]. As the process shows, it is necessary to recognize that architects can influence the restoration of ecological balance and ensuring a high quality of life for people, creating an architectural environment that meets human needs and at the same time maintains or improves the state of nature. Such an architectural environment is sustainable.
Existing definitions of "sustainability", which are used by urbanists and designers, do not reveal the concept of sustainability in architecture. Sustainability is most often understood as an environmental balance and is associated primarily with technical characteristics. Such an understanding of sustainability is not applicable to the stylistic or artistic problems of architecture. We will try to give a generalized concept of "sustainability", considering it in an architectural and artistic context and using the method of intensions and extensions [3]. This simple and effective analytical method for explaining the meaning was first used by Albegov E.V., Butenko D.V. and Butenko L.N. in the monograph "Homeostatics: conceptual modeling of structured stable systems" for the synthesis of the concept of "system stability" [4].
By extension is understood the term of semantics, denoting the volume of a concept, that is, a lot of objects that can be called a given linguistic unit; under intensional - the term of semantics, denoting the content of a concept, that is, the totality of conceivable attributes denoted by the concept of an object or phenomenon. In the process of applying this method, categories — metalanguage cognitive formations — are distinguished from a variety of extensional groups, from which an intensional is subsequently formed.
To achieve the goal, we will build an intension of the concept of "sustainability" in an architectural and artistic context. The following definitions were chosen as the "sustainability" extension [4]: Stability - the ability of a system to maintain its current state when exposed to external influences; Stability - the ability to maintain one's state, to resist, to resist external influences; Sustainability - constancy, staying in one state; the opposite is change; Stability - vitality, endurance; constancy, immutability, stability, constancy, strength; break-even, solidity, creditworthiness, capitalism, inviolability, win-win, fortress, aplomb, test, tenacity, invincibility, reliability, firmness, firmness, security, permanence, unwaveringness, fundamentality, invulnerability, infallibility, solidity, persistence. The opposite is oscillation, volatility, instability; Stability -stability, the ability of the system to return to its original state after external influences and continue to work without changing the functional characteristics [3]. Intensional and extensional are paired categories of semantics, indicating the meaning and significance of linguistic expression. An intensional is a term denoting the content of a word-concept, that is, a set of conceivable attributes denoted by an anonymous concept of an object. Extensional is a term denoting the volume of a word-concept, that is, a set of objects designated by a given concept; Sustainability - the inherent ability of the system to withstand change; The stability of the system is the property of the system to return to its original state after the cessation of the impact that brought it out of this state. Living systems are manifested in their ability to adapt to changing conditions of existence.
The following categories were distinguished from the whole extension of the concept of "sustainability": characteristic, ability, property, condition, conservation, stability, immutability, constancy, opposition, impact, resistance, inviolability, strength, resilience, invincibility, reliability, hardness, unwaveringness, fundamentality, change, return, adaptability. They made it possible to form an intension of the concept of "sustainability" in an architectural and artistic context:
Sustainability in architecture - the ability to preserve and pass on to subsequent generations the characteristic stylistic features that reflect particular philosophical, religious and artistic representations, expressed in volumetric spatial composition, decor, and construction of buildings and structures. Along with the term "sustainable architecture", such concepts as "green architecture", "eco-sustainable construction", "environmental architecture", "high-tech architecture" are often used
A definition that relates to sustainable development: "Green technologies are innovations that are based on the principles of sustainable development and the reuse of resources" [5]. All these concepts to varying degrees are related to the technology of construction and operation of buildings, the purpose of which is to reduce the level of consumption of energy and material resources while maintaining or improving the quality of buildings and the comfort of their internal environment. These principles define the industry linking with "green technology" with "Green Building".
A study of green building practices and sustainable architecture provides a basis for identifying two main features of sustainable architecture: environmental friendliness and the use of high technology.
In a practical sense, ratings and criteria for the compliance of facilities with sustainability requirements have become rating rating systems. Three international rating systems are most widely used: American LEED, British BREEM and German DGNB.
Let us designate the spheres of birth of sustainable architecture: Scientific research; Experimental design; Regulatory support-regulation; Educational activities; Construction and design; Monitoring the condition of a structure or building.
Esaulov G.V. highlights the following principles of sustainable architecture: • harmonization of social, economic, environmental, spatial factors of the development of settlements; identification of the optimal combination of stable and changeable objects in the design program; nature compatibility and biomimetics; adaptability to the challenges and risks of natural-climatic and technogenic character; spatial and mathematical modeling of the shape of the building depending on factors determining the life cycle [5].
In the last 20 years, most of the positive transformations in cities around the world have been associated with the concept of "sustainable development". An eco-efficient city (aka "sustainable city" - sustainablecity) is developing according to the principles of sustainable development. The ultimate goal of creating sustainablecity - the emergence of a city with zero consumption of non-renewable resources and energy, with zero emissions into the environment - is not feasible and utopian, but sets the cities with a common vector of development. The quality, intensity and speed of transformation are the criteria for sustainablecity success.
It is important to understand that the city's resources will never be enough to solve all the environmental and infrastructural problems that have accumulated over decades, therefore, it is necessary to select priority areas for concentrating financial and administrative resources aimed at overcoming the most pressing
problems. Calgary (Canada). Adopted in 2006 a plan for sustainable development for 100 years in advance. In 2010, he was recognized as the most environmentally friendly metropolis of the planet (according to the Mercer agency's quality of life rating) for an optimal waste management system, wastewater treatment combined with low air pollution. Dallas (USA). adopted and successfully implements an ambitious comprehensive plan of environmental initiatives. Today, 41% of the fleet runs on alternative fuels, 40% of the electricity is produced by windmills, the projects of all new buildings meet LEED requirements, environmental standards have been successfully implemented in the public procurement system.
Consider the impact of the proposed principles on the architectural form in series. Harmonization of development factors. As part of the development of the trinity of economic, social and environmental components of sustainable development, requirements are developed for a strategy for the formation and reconstruction of the living environment and, in turn, for architecture and urban planning systems. Full-scale design at the new city level, taking into account the harmonization of all factors, is being undertaken at present on smartcity models.
One of the rather free definitions of smartcity is: "Smart cities use ICTs in order to become more efficient in using various resources and, as a result, to save in total costs and energy costs, improve the level of service and quality of life, reduce the negative impact of humanity on the environment — all thanks to innovation and a low-carbon economy. " Smart City suggests that "through governance with public participation, public investment in human and public capital, traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) technologies, it will be possible to ensure sustainable economic growth, efficiently manage existing natural resources and ensure a better quality of life in urban settlements ". Songdo (South Korea) as examples of smartcity.
Identification of the optimal combination of stable and variable. The position of sustainable development makes us otherwise assess the ratio of stable and variable in architecture. Their dynamic balance should ensure the implementation of the principle of sustainability. At the same time, the elements of sustainability are both stable and changeable. Stable has spiritual and material components. Preservation of immovable monuments of historical and cultural heritage is generally recognized as a component of environmental sustainability, the material basis of the cultural identity of peoples.
Time lags affect the value characteristics of works of architecture, revealing in the case of objects of past periods of time a unique, typical, characteristic of all three layers [7] and giving individual buildings the status of a monument, carrying out the process of "imputation of values".
Stability is systemically characterized by physical and mechanical strength, engineering and technical reliability and survivability (the ability to preserve properties) of structural and engineering systems, the inertia of the properties of an object, and the preservation of the value characteristics of architectural objects integrated in the concept of "architectural monument" [5].
• table and changeable in modern architecture have their embodiment in the literal sense. Typical examples of the stable and variable in the relations of the shell of the form and space of architecture and nature are three types:
• stationary form (providing a microclimate due to engineering systems and partially - changing the shape of the shell): multifunctional complex Riverview (PelliClarkePelliArchitects), Wuhan, China; BREEAM certified;
• moving (dynamic) form (architecture sensitive to weather changes due to the movement of shells of building forms: opening / closing, moving forms, changing the tilt angles of visors, blinds, awnings): "Sliding House" (DRMM Architecture), Suffolk, UK. These works are carried out as part of the study of bioadaptive shells of the building [8];
• interior space containing fragments of the natural environment that affect the microclimate of the object: CybertectureEgg (JamesLau), Mumbai, India.
Consistency and biomimetics. The term "biomimetics" is derived from the ancient Greek words "life" and "imitation". It belongs to the American biophysicist Otto Schmidt, who invented it in the 1950s, and is often used as a synonym for the words "biomimicry," "biomimesis," and "bionics." The most famous example of biomimetics is Velcro (imitation of burdock villi). In architecture, the principle of biomimetics is illustrated by the Al-Bahar towers in Abu Dhabi with their movable facade (Aedas Architectural Bureau, 2012).
The main task of the engineers was to create conditions for maintaining a cool climate inside the complex of premises, without using a large number of air conditioners. Such an environmentally friendly approach to solving the problem of ventilation in the United Arab Emirates is of particular importance, in connection with pressing issues of sustainable development, independent of oil production.
Adaptability to the challenges and risks of climatic and technological nature. Climate changes, increasingly sharp fluctuations in temperature cycles, rising temperatures, heat and drought, showers and floods, other extreme environmental impacts and man-made disasters - all this dictates new requirements for survivability, persistence and stability in the literal sense of urban structures and architectural objects. Hence the emergence of two directions of overcoming catastrophic influences. The first is to tighten the
requirements for the artificial environment, ensuring its safety and human protection. The second direction consists in the possibility of implementing new methods for the existence of an artificial environment (floating, flying buildings and cities), etc. At the Expo-2012 "Living Ocean and Coast" in the South Korean city of Iosu (Yosu), approaches to solving the ocean problem in conditions of global warming were presented.
Spatial and mathematical modeling of the shape of the building depending on the factors that determine the life cycle. IT-modeling of forms with a demonstration of internal functional and external processes and effects on the architectural form, the effects of natural and climatic cycles, taking into account natural risks and the changing state of the building during various stages of the life cycle will provide a new level of solution to design problems. the state of the carrier system at each stage of the life cycle undergoes significant changes, the causes of which may be different. These changes often begin already at the design stage, when when calculating according to the classical model, the internal forces arising in the structural elements are determined. The stage that forms the stress-strain state is the erection stage. At this stage, internal efforts vary depending on the technological features of the construction industry, the design and design schemes of the building change, and constant loads are gradually applied to the building. At the operation stage, the longest for multi-storey buildings, temporary loads are applied to the supporting system, and the material properties of the supporting structures change. These changes depend on many factors, while materials and structural elements show a non-linear nature of the work.
In the process of operation of residential and public buildings, aging of structural materials occurs, which depends not only on time, but also on various types of emergency and emergency situations, and man-made impacts. In this regard, questions often arise related to the reconstruction, dismantling, disposal and overhaul of multi-storey buildings. To assess the safety of a building, it is necessary to know the history of its loading, the schemes of applying external loads, the history of the formation of final internal forces in structural elements, to be able to determine its stress-strain state at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to generalize the corresponding mathematical models into a single information model, to create a single software package that provides support for the supporting systems of multi-storey buildings. The question of what efforts actually operate in the supporting structures of multi-storey buildings remains open. Therefore, knowing the actual stress-strain state of the elements of the bearing systems, one can find a reasonable and optimal solution to the tasks. This becomes possible when a number of numerical experiments are simulated on the basis of a software package that simulate certain situations.
Thus, the information support of the life cycle of the carrier system is provided through the use of the information model of a particular building or structure, reflecting its properties, condition, relationship with the external environment.
1. Foster+Partners/JaffeHouse (SkybreackHouse) UK 1965 - 1966. [Electronic Resource]. URL: // (date of access: 02.12.2019).
2. "Our Common Future" - Report of the World Commission on the Environment and Development. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 02.12.2019).
3. Albegov E.V. Homeostatics: conceptual modeling of structured stable systems: monograph / Albegov E.V., Butenko D.V., Butenko L.N. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Natural Sciences, 2014. p. 131.
4. Karnap R. Value and necessity / R. Karnap. Moscow: Publishing House of Foreign Literature, 1959. 384 p.
5. Esaulov G.V .Sustainable architecture: from principles to development strategies // Bulletin of TSASU, 2014. № 6. P. 9-14.
6. Volker Hauff. Brundtland Report: A 20 YearsUpdate. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 02.12.2019).
7. Esaulov G.V. Sustainable architecture as a design paradigm (to the question of definition) // "Sustainable architecture: present and future." Proceedings of the international symposium. November 17-18, 2011 Scientific works of the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) and the KNAUF CIS group. Moscow, 2012.
8. Remizov A.N. Strategy for the development of sustainable architecture in Russia // "Sustainable architecture: present and future." Proceedings of the international symposium. November 17-18, 2011 Scientific works of the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) and the KNAUF CIS group. Moscow, 2012.
9. Sustainability. [Electronic resource] // Academician, 2000-2016. URL: (date of access: 02.12.2019).
10. Esaulov G.V. Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Architecture as Development Vectors / [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 02.12.2019).
11. «The Green Encyclopedia». [Electronic Resource]. URL: http:/// (date of access: 02.12.2019).
'Nogaibayeva Anara — Bachelor of Arts (Architecture), post graduate Student;
2Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich — Doctor of sciences (Architecture), Professor, ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT, SATBAYEV UNIVERSITY, ALMATY, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN
Abstract: the operating life of mobile buildings determines the uniqueness of their material and structural solutions and the specifics of furniture. However, all these characteristics are in unity with the general concept of transformability and mobility.
Keywords: mobile housing, operational characteristics, types of mobile buildings.
Depending on the term of operation, all mobile buildings can be divided into four types: Type A (duration of operation in one place up to 1 month); Type B (duration from 1 month to 1 year); Type B (duration from 1 year to 5 years); Type G (duration more than 5 years). That is, types A, B, C are mobile buildings, structures and complexes; Type G - prefabricated.
Objects of mobile architecture with a duration of operation in one place up to ' month (type A). The need to use mobile objects of this type is due to the territorial dispersion of various elements (sections) of the rapid response complex and the mobile nature of the functional and technological processes served. Examples of objects of type A mobile architecture are, for example, a residential unit for specialists of various specialties, a mobile laboratory or medical center, and auxiliary facilities. Functional groups of blocks - inventory shower room, for example, with solar heating, various mobile repair shops for the repair of construction equipment, mobile concrete mixing stations; mobile manufacturing facilities.
The architectural and spatial organization of the functional group of type A blocks should provide a high degree of spatial integration of planning elements. This is achieved by the integrated relative position of the blocks included in it. With this solution, both the compactness of the architectural and spatial organization and the speed and convenience of transferring functional groups of blocks from the transport position to the operational one is ensured [2].
Objects of mobile architecture with a duration of use in one place of 1 year (type B). The need for the use of mobile objects of type B is due to the longer use of objects in one place than type A. Examples of mobile objects of type B are: - mobile units - folding UKS units (universal cable system), seasonal warehouses of tent structures, mobile fuel distribution stations, multi-purpose units; - functional groups of blocks -collapsible warehouses from pneumatic structures, bath-laundries, collapsible residential groups, track mobile blocks, high-performance mobile workshops; mobile complexes - residential settlements, mortar-concrete stations. In the non-operational period, the dismantled object or part of the object can have a different nature of use: a mobile object or a dismantled part of the object is relocated to another site with extreme conditions and used there, preserving the functional purpose and, of course, without changing the architectural and spatial structure; a mobile object or a dismantled part of a mobile object is relocated to the base and repaired, preserved there. Speaking about the nature of the architectural and spatial organization of objects of type B mobile architecture, it should be noted that in order to increase the efficiency of functioning of these objects, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of their round-the-clock variant use at various production sites. The architectural and spatial organization of a type B mobile unit should be oriented towards the implementation of a complete functional-technological process in it. This will, if necessary, isolate it from the group of blocks and use it as an independent object or as an element in another group of blocks. Such an approach to the architectural and spatial organization of type B mobile units will provide the possibility of their multifunctional use. This is achieved by using multi-purpose, universal blocks. The functional-spatial organization of a group of blocks of type B mobile architecture should ensure the possibility of easy