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Ключевые слова
personalized learning / learning autonomy / educational technology / e-learning / foreign language pedagogy / higher education / virtual environments / learning trajectories / персонализированное обучение / учебная автономия / образовательные технологии / электронное обучение / языковая педагогика / высшее образование / виртуальная среда / образовательная траектория

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zubkov A.D.

The article explores the intersection of higher education, e-learning technologies, and innovations in language pedagogy to chart new possibilities for customized, individualized learning trajectories in foreign language education. The work reveals constructivism, learner’s autonomy, and sociocultural frameworks, the piece analyzes affordances of online platforms, virtual environments, adaptive systems, and multimedia for student-centered, self-directed learning. Strategies for leveraging these technologies to tailor instruction to diverse needs are considered, while recognizing inherent challenges and ethical dimensions. Visions for future horizons are discussed, emphasizing the importance of balancing emerging capabilities with core educational values. The aim is providing integrated conceptual guidance to researchers and practitioners navigating the complex terrain of personalized language learning in the digital era.

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В данной статье рассматривается пересечение высшего образования, технологий электронного обучения и инноваций в языковой педагогике в попытке наметить новые возможности для создания индивидуальных траекторий обучения иностранным языкам. В статье, теоретически обоснованной конструктивизмом, автономией учащегося и социокультурными рамками, анализируются возможности онлайн-платформ, виртуальных сред, адаптивных систем и мультимедиа для автономного обучения, ориентированного на студента. Рассматриваются стратегии использования этих технологий для адаптации обучения к различным потребностям, при этом признаются присущие им проблемы и этические аспекты. Обсуждаются перспективы на будущее, подчеркивается важность баланса между появляющимися возможностями и основными образовательными ценностями. Исследование дает комплексное концептуальное руководство исследователям и практикам, ориентирующимся на сложный рельеф персонализированного изучения языка в цифровую эпоху.


Библиографический список

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4. Чернякова Н.С. Оценка как необходимый элемент обучения. Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук. 2015; № 9-2: 148-150.

5. Фромм Э. Человек для себя. Исследование психологических проблем этики. Перевод ЛА Чернышевой. Минск: Коллегиум, 1992.

6. Батурин H.A. Проблема оценивания и оценки в общей психологии. Вопросы психологии. 1989; № 2: 81-89.

7. Aбyльxанова-Cлавская КА Гуманистический подход и типология личностей. Психология и сознание личности: проблемы методологии, теории и исследования реальной личности: избранные психологические труды. Москва: Московский психолого-социальный институт, 1999.

8. Кряжев М.Г Проблема оценки в психологии. Филология и культура. 2003; № 1: 149-157.

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12. Матвиевская Е.Г. Формирование культуры оценочной деятельности. Москва: ФЛИHТA, 2014.

13. Шамова Т.И., Белова С.Н., Ильина И.В. Современные средства оценивания результатов обучения в школе: учебное пособие. Москва: Педагогическое общество России, 2008.

14. Лялькина AT. Тестирование на современном этапе математического образования: состояние, функции, перспективы развития. Интеграция образования. 2003; № 1: 66-69.

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17. Aванесов В.С. Основы научной организации педагогического контроля в высшей школе. Москва: Исследовательский центр по проблемам управления качеством подготовки специалистов при МИСиС, 1989.

18. Золотарева СА Оценивание результатов обучения английскому языку в вузе в условиях дистанта (опыт финансового университета при Правительстве РФ). Инновационные технологии в современном образовании: материалы IV Международной научно-практической конференции. Тираспол: Приднестровский государственный университет им. Т.Г. Шевченко, 2022: 66-71.

19. Aбалян ЖА К вопросу об эффективности косвенной обратной связи при коррекции письменных работ на занятиях по английскому языку в неязыковых вузах. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2023; № 2 (99): 135-137.


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19. Abalyan Zh.A. K voprosu ob 'effektivnosti kosvennoj obratnoj svyazi pri korrekcii pis'mennyh rabot na zanyatiyah po anglijskomu yazyku v neyazykovyh vuzah. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya. 2023; № 2 (99): 135-137.

Статья поступила в редакцию 25.01.24

УДК 372.881.1

Zubkov A.D., senior teacher, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

INTERNET RESOURCES IN REALIZATION OF INDIVIDUAL TRAJECTORIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. The article explores the intersection of higher education, e-learning technologies, and innovations in language pedagogy to chart new possibilities for customized, individualized learning trajectories in foreign language education. The work reveals constructivism, learner's autonomy, and sociocultural frameworks, the piece analyzes affordances of online platforms, virtual environments, adaptive systems, and multimedia for student-centered, self-directed learning. Strategies for leveraging these technologies to tailor instruction to diverse needs are considered, while recognizing inherent challenges and ethical dimensions. Visions for future horizons are discussed, emphasizing the importance of balancing emerging capabilities with core educational values. The aim is providing integrated conceptual guidance to researchers and practitioners navigating the complex terrain of personalized language learning in the digital era.

Key words: personalized learning, learning autonomy, educational technology, e-learning, foreign language pedagogy, higher education, virtual environments, learning trajectories

АД. Зубков, ст. преп., Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления, г. Новосибирск, E-mail: [email protected]


В данной статье рассматривается пересечение высшего образования, технологий электронного обучения и инноваций в языковой педагогике в попытке наметить новые возможности для создания индивидуальных траекторий обучения иностранным языкам. В статье, теоретически обоснованной конструктивизмом, автономией учащегося и социокультурными рамками, анализируются возможности онлайн-платформ, виртуальных сред, адаптивных систем и мультимедиа для автономного обучения, ориентированного на студента. Рассматриваются стратегии использования этих технологий для адаптации обучения к различным потребностям, при этом признаются присущие им проблемы и этические аспекты. Обсуждаются перспективы на будущее, подчеркивается важность баланса между появляющимися возможностями и основными образовательными ценностями. Исследование дает комплексное концептуальное руководство исследователям и практикам, ориентирующимся на сложный рельеф персонализированного изучения языка в цифровую эпоху.

Ключевые слова: персонализированное обучение, учебная автономия, образовательные технологии, электронное обучение, языковая педагогика, высшее образование, виртуальная среда, образовательная траектория

The landscape of education has been fundamentally reshaped by the digital revolution [1; 2]. E-learning, or learning facilitated by internet technologies, has emerged as a disruptive innovation that has transformed pedagogical possibilities. As higher education institutions adapt to prepare students for a technology-driven world, e-learn-ing has become pivotal in expanding access to knowledge and enabling more engaging, personalized educational experiences [3; 4]. However, e-learning's significance extends beyond crisis-prompted emergency remote teaching; it signifies a paradigm shift driven by the digital era's technologies and networks. Foreign language education has undergone its own evolution in philosophy and practice over the past century, presenting unique opportunities and challenges. Digital technologies have increasingly been incorporated as supplements to enrich foreign language teaching [5]. However, e-learning presents possibilities to not just enhance but transform language pedagogy. Multimedia resources, simulated social environments, adaptive learning systems, and immersive virtual reality all provide ways educational experiences can be individualized and domains for authentic language use created.

This conceptual article situates itself at the intersection of higher education's digital transformation and innovative directions in foreign language pedagogy. It argues that the confluence of these two evolving realms presents urgent needs and opportunities to reconsider learning trajectories. Harnessing e-learning's capabilities can open new frontiers for learner autonomy and individual personalization. The relevance is determined by rapid growth of e-learning and need to leverage technologies to enable personalized language learning trajectories in higher education. As digital transformation accelerates, insights on integrating pedagogy and technology are crucial. The aim is to explore principles and possibilities for using internet resources and e-learning platforms to facilitate customized foreign language learning experiences focused on individual students' needs and goals. The objectives are: 1) to synthesize perspectives from key theories like constructivism, autonomy, and sociocultural frameworks; 2) to analyze affordances of educational technologies for personalization and self-directed learning: 3) to identify effective strategies and best practices for implementation; 4) to consider challenges, ethics, and future horizons for the field. The subject is personalized language learning trajectories, specifically focused on higher education contexts. The object is the use of internet resources and e-learning technologies, including online platforms, virtual environments, adaptive systems, and multimedia, to enable student-centered customization of foreign language education.

The underpinnings for reconceptualizing individual foreign language learning trajectories are found in constructivist learning theories and the paradigm of learner autonomy. Constructivism posits that knowledge is actively built by learners, not passively absorbed. This contrasts with transmission models viewing the teacher as transferring information to students. Constructivism recognizes the diversity of learners' backgrounds and developmental stages. It suggests educational experiences should build on individuals' existing knowledge. Language acquisition is an active process of constructing meaning, not acquiring vocabulary or structures [6]. Learner autonomy considers learners' capacities to direct their own learning, from setting goals to selecting methods and materials [7]. It aligns with constructivist priorities on students' agency in the learning process. Cultivating autonomy is considered crucial for lifelong language learning. However, applying constructivist and autonomous orientations depends on the possibilities of the learning environment. E-learning technologies expand pedagogical options dramatically. The Internet offers extensive multimodal resources and platforms for collaboration and communication. Digital devices track detailed analytics on students' learning processes, enabling adaptive systems to customize content. Immersive simulations create situated domains for experiential learning. AI conversational agents provide instant feedback. This vast digital palette enables more student-centered, personalized experiences. Yet technology's value depends on its thoughtful implementation guided by pedagogical priorities and theories [8; 9]. Technologies should enable new learning interactions, not simply digitize content delivery. The interplay between technology and pedagogy is key.

While personalized trajectories are emphasized, language learning also involves developing linguistic and cultural competency through social interaction. Sociocultural theories situate learning in collaborative meaning-making [10]. Communicative and constructivist approaches recognize language education's social dimensions. E-learn-ing can support social perspectives by facilitating communication, collaboration, and community. Digital networks allow connections both local and global. Platforms scaffold collaborative construction of understanding [11]. Harnessing technologies' socio-cultural potential allows personalized trajectories to intersect within a social nexus. Constructivist and autonomous paradigms call for learners to actively shape their own educational journeys. This recognizes the diversity of students' backgrounds, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. A one-size-fits-all approach cannot meet all learners' needs. E-learning enables education tailored to individual trajectories by expanding the possibilities for flexibility, personalization, and learner control. Students can direct their own pace and path through content within adaptive systems. Choices of learning materials, activities, and assessments can align with personal interests and goals. Developing metacognitive self-awareness helps students understand their needs and preferences as learners. Educators play key roles in mentoring and scaffolding to support student agency in charting personal learning directions. Learning management systems and language learning platforms incorporate capabilities for personalization, from customized study plans to tailored feedback. Adaptive

learning systems dynamically respond to individuals' evolving proficiency and self-directed choices to provide the right content at the right time. Digital education games immerse students in narrative arcs and gameplay tailored to their learning needs and interests. Intelligent tutoring systems serve as virtual mentors, providing personalized guidance. Such platforms make differentiation more scalable while increasing engagement. However, personalized learning cannot succeed without learners developing autonomy and self-regulation. Constructing knowledge requires active cognitive and metacognitive work [12; 13]. Students need capacities to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning in order to effectively navigate individualized trajectories. E-learning shifts more responsibility onto students to direct their own learning. Guiding students to build habits of self-regulation is crucial to help them thrive within digitally-enabled autonomy. A delicate balance emerges between flexibility and structure.

E-learning facilitates learning experiences that depart from the constraints of traditional classrooms [14]. Digital platforms provide flexible access to a vast array of multimedia materials and learning tools for self-directed study. Immersive virtual environments simulate authentic linguistic and cultural contexts. Platforms like Moodle or Canvas enable learners to access course materials, collaborate on projects, submit assignments, and receive feedback online. Commercial platforms offer extensive multimedia resources and communities for language learning [15]. Virtual worlds construct situated domains for experiential learning through avatars. Such technologies allow the learning process to extend beyond the confines of the physical classroom and timetable. Students can engage in meaningful language use and interactive learning activities tailored to individual needs and preferences. A key way e-learning enables personalized learning is through adaptive systems leveraging data analytics. Based on an individual's proficiency level, progress, and activity, algorithms adjust the sequence, difficulty, content types, and feedback delivered. For example, Duolingo responds to a learner's mastery to introduce new material and review areas of difficulty. Other systems incorporate AI to provide customized study plans or tutoring. Adaptivity supports differentiation and efficiency in meeting diverse learning needs at scale. While personalized e-learning shows promise, exactly how to best leverage these possibilities is still unfolding. Investigating efforts across institutions can illuminate effective, context-specific approaches. Some schools incorporate intelligent tutoring systems for differentiated support. Others utilize virtual reality to create situated learning scenarios. Adaptive technology integration may involve redesigning curricular scope and sequence to enable flexibility. Course formats range from hybrid to fully online. Comparing implementation strategies across settings can identify synergies and tradeoffs. More partnerships between researchers and practitioners could strengthen instructional designs and evaluate outcomes. Just as individual learners take varied trajectories, institutions implement e-learning's capabilities in diverse ways. Some utilize technology to supplement traditional instruction, while others enable completely remote learning.

While present capabilities are expansive, the rapid pace of technological change will further transform possibilities. Artificial intelligence, extended reality, and neuroscience insights could shape new paradigms for personalized learning. Al-driven advances in adaptive systems, intelligent tutors, and natural language processing will enable deeper personalization. Immersive environments will increase experiential authenticity. Brain research could uncover new understandings of language acquisition to inform instructional design. Continually monitoring emerging innovations will be crucial. Foresight and proactive assessment of technologies' educational potentials is needed to envision and construct future horizons. Pedagogical paradigms also continuously evolve as new theories and practices emerge. The steady accumulation of research insights shapes understanding of effective teaching and learning. Educators must adapt accordingly. For example, project-based and game-based approaches might gain prominence given aligned priorities like student engagement and collaboration. Frameworks like growth mindset and self-determination theory could further transform perspectives on motivation and autonomy.

This conceptual exploration has traced diverse threads relevant to realizing personalized language learning trajectories in higher education's digital era. Future horizons were envisioned while emphasizing ethical imperatives amidst technological turbulence. Scientific novelty lies in synthesis of perspectives across education, technology, and language acquisition to provide an integrated framework for personalized e-learning trajectories. Theoretical significance is determined by contribution of new conceptualizations of how core learning theories could shape and be shaped by emerging technologically-enabled paradigms. Practical significance is expressed in the exploration of implementation strategies and future directions provides concrete, pragmatic insights for leveraging e-learning's affordances in real-world educational contexts. Further research could involve designing and empirically evaluating personalized language learning systems across educational settings and populations. This journey synthesized these perspectives into a conceptual map for navigating toward more student-centered, personalized language education. Several theoretical strands have been woven together here, complementing and complicating one another. Tensions arise between standardization and personalization, structure and agency, automation and humanity. Yet embracing these dialectics can lead to integrative insights and contextual wisdom. By bridging theory and practice, old and new paradigms, this dialogue adds texture to the intersecting fabrics of education, technology and philosophy. The interplay of autonomy, sociality, and ethics highlights learning's ultimately humanistic nature, even when digitally mediated.

Библиографический список

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4. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 636: 431-439.

5. Комкова А.С., Кобелева Е.П., Стучинская Е.А., Крутько Е.А. Формирование метакомпетенций студентов вуза в процессе научно-исследовательской работы на иностранном языке. Профессиональное образование в современном мире. 2020; Т. 10, № 2: 3718-3725.

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9. Азыбаев М.А., Веряев А.А., Ушаков А.А. Синхронные и асинхронные формы сопровождения дистанционных проектов и курсов. Научно-педагогическое обозрение. 2021; № 6 (40): 103-113.

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13. Азизова С.М. Использование интернет-ресурсов при обучении студентов иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе. Гуманитарные науки и образование. 2016; № 4 (28): 119-123.

14. Zubkov A.D. Using MOOCs to Teach Foreign Language Writing to University Students. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 499: 23-31.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 29.01.24

УДК 378

Kantysheva A.A., senior teacher, Department of English Language and Professional Communication, Financial University under the Government

of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

THE DEVELOPMMENT OF LEADERSHIP SKILLS OF THE STUDENTS, MAJORING STATE AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT, DURING FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES. The article deals with a modern crucial problem of the formation and development of leadership skills of the students, majoring "State and municipal management", during foreign language classes. While investigating different lists of leadership skills from Russian and foreign scientific papers as well as after conducting a survey of the students, the author of the article distributes the main identified leadership skills into basic categories and proves that the special approach is needed for each category. The study also provides a definition of explicit and implicit methods and techniques for developing leadership skills, and also accentuates the difference between them. For each category of leadership skills, the article indicates the corresponding explicit and/or implicit tasks and exercises. The author describes in detail how to effectively apply these tasks in the process of teaching foreign languages and provides methodological recommendations for teachers on the development of certain leadership qualities among students majoring "State and municipal management".

Key words: leadership, leadership skills, foreign language, explicit and implicit tasks

А.А. Кантышева, ст. преп., Департамент английского языка и профессиональной коммуникации Финансового университета при Правительстве

Российской Федерации, г. Москва, E-mail: [email protected]


Статья посвящена важной современной проблеме формирования и развития лидерских качеств у студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Государственное и муниципальное управление», на занятиях по иностранному языку. В процессе изучения различных перечней лидерских качеств, встречающихся в российских и иностранных научных материалах, а также после проведения опроса самих учащихся автор статьи распределяет основные выявленные лидерские качества на базовые категории. Далее в исследовании приводится определение эксплицитных и имплицитных методик и приемов для развития лидерских качеств, а также подчеркивается разница между ними. Для каждой категории учащихся, наделенных соответствующими лидерскими качества-

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