UDK 101
Nuritdinova D.K.
Kokand medical college Uzbekistan, Kokand
Annotation: The emergence of new ideas and initiatives aimed at further strengthening the harmony between nations and citizens in our country will serve to strengthen the stronghold of literal friendship. After all, as the head of our state acknowledged, "Uzbekistan has a lot of wealth, but our greatest wealth, the highest value is the peace, friendship and solidarity that reigns in our society ".
Key words: nation, international harmony, peace and stability.
How many Nationalities, Peoples in the world, each has its own specific temperament, customs, qualities. Among the nobility, humanism, tolerance, the pursuit of harmony among the nation has been one of the highest qualities of our nation from time immemorial.
What is the essence of the concept of harmony in nationality?
When the nation speaks of harmony, it is possible to understand that the representatives of different nationalities and nationalities living in the territory of the country where many nations in harmony and mutual cooperation, the strength of the feelings of a single Motherland in their consciousness and soul, work diligently in the direction of its prospects and as stated by our president Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "since the early years of Independence, the development of a culture of tolerance and humanism, interethnic and inter-confessional solidarity, strengthening the harmony of citizens in the society, creating equal rights and opportunities for all citizens regardless of their nationality and religion, educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, respect for national and universal values, love and loyalty to the Motherland is defined as one of the important priorities of the state policy in Uzbekistan" - stressed the same fact.
Starting from the first years of Independence, Strengthening the solidarity between nations and confessions, ensuring the harmony of the nation, developing the culture of tolerance and humanism, and educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, respect for national and universal values are defined as one of the important priorities of the state policy in our country. This idea is reflected in the strategy of action, namely the issue of strengthening peace and harmony between nations and confessional ones. It is known that taking into account the needs of representatives of all nationalities and nationalities living on the territory of the country, harmonization of interests and orientation towards a single goal, that is, the development of the Motherland, is the main factor of ensuring national solidarity.
"Мировая наука" №12(33) 2019
According to statistics, today in our country live representatives of 136 nationalities, peoples and ethnic groups. Each of them has its own national cultural traditions, traditions, language, constitutional legal equality.
Today, the Republican International Cultural Center, 138 national cultural centers, the Council of Societies of friendship and cultural and educational relations of Uzbekistan with foreign countries, as well as 34 friendship societies are successfully operating in our country. All nationalities are given the same attitude on an equal footing, creating the same opportunities and conditions. Strengthened by the way of the bull. True, there are a lot of countries in the world, but within these countries our native land, Uzbekistan alone is unique. This is manifested in its unique nature, rich history, hardworking people, as well as in the fact that representatives of different nationalities live as children of a single family. Such harmony, friendship and cooperation also have its deep historical roots and foundations. We all bear witness to the fact that the processes of globalization in the world are increasingly accelerating and in a situation where geopolitical interests and various games are escalating, national conflicts in a number of countries have serious consequences. Of course, now there are a lot of plagues that threaten peace and harmony. But within them there is such a vice that leaves a severe complication in the life of society, he chooses neither nationality nor borders. This is aggressive nationalism, that is, chauvinism. It is inevitable that a society affected by such an act will face a state of instability. Many nationalities and representatives of the elat have been living in the territory of Uzbekistan since ancient times. The absence of national conflicts between them for centuries indicates the age-old tolerance of our people.
The main factor of ensuring national unity is to take into account the needs of representatives of all nationalities and nationalities living on the territory of the country, to harmonize interests and to direct the development of the motherland towards a single goal. The idea of national harmony is a universal value and is an important factor in the national development of the regions and states in which different peoples live together. This idea is the spiritual basis for the decision-making and strengthening of mutual respect, friendship and solidarity among people of different nationalities and nationalities living in one society and working for one purpose.
Therefore, the ideology of independence is one of the main goals in order to educate the nations living in our country today in the spirit of mutual solidarity. It is based on the qualities of nobility and humane to our people. It is known that in the conduct of national policy, multi-nationalism helps to understand the uniqueness of our goal, the unity of our destiny, the need for harmony, facilitates the primacy of universal ideas, the proper understanding of personal interests.
The material and spiritual wealth of our people is very much, but our greatest wealth, the nation that reigns in our society, is peace and harmony. Living in harmony with the nation is a great legacy left to our people from our ancestors. Being faithful to this heritage of our present generation, the dedication of the representatives of all nationalities and nationalities living in our country on the
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №12(33) 2019 science-j.com
path of strengthening the feeling of a single motherland is manifested as an important direction of enrichment of our spirituality.
Representatives of many nationalities and nationalities have lived in the territory of Uzbekistan since ancient times. The fact that there have been no national conflicts between them for centuries is evidence of the age-old tolerance of our people. It is the same fact that in countries where harmony arises in nationwide relations, multinational influence effectively on the political and economic development of society.
The idea of national harmony is a universal value and serves as a guarantee of the national development of the regions and states in which different peoples live together, peace and stability in this place. This can be seen as the example of the high achievements of Uzbekistan in various spheres along the path of independent development. Consequently, as noted by the president, "our people live the ideas of peace and prosperity, cooperation and solidarity as a profession and a goal".
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan guarantees the right of all citizens, regardless of nationality, language, religion, social status, to live freely, to receive a thorough education, to strengthen their health, to have a profession of their own interests and interests, to work. Large-scale work is being carried out on preserving and developing the values of all nationalities and nationalities living in our country, their sole purpose - the restoration of a free and prosperous, free and prosperous life.
National values play an important role in the development of tolerance. Tolerance is the inability of representatives of a nation to be discriminated against by representatives of other nationalities, realizing their identity, to live a peaceful, prosperous life with them. The sense of tolerance determines a person's behavior, morals, political and spiritual purity, his people and national heritage, wealth and attitude to national values. These features, however, evoke feelings of tolerance, internationality in every person.
Today, religious tolerance and friendship of the nation are becoming stronger in our society. All conditions have been created for citizens of different religions to be confident of their religious beliefs and deeds.
It was noted that the role and importance of religion, including the religion of holy Islam, in urging people to be noble and honest, to encourage purity, to maintain peace and tranquility, cannot be overemphasized. However, it is no secret that in today's difficult and dangerous, rapid globalization, conflicts occur in different regions of the world, sometimes a religious or national issue is being masked. This encourages everyone to be more vigilant and alert, to maintain peace and tranquility, to appreciate it, to maintain a stable environment in society, to feel responsibility for the upbringing of young people. In the fight against such a formidable and destructive power, the world community should act as one. In this sense, the policy aimed at ensuring interethnic and religious confessional harmony and mutual solidarity in our country is recognized by influential international organizations, foreign scientists and mature specialists as an example to the world community.
"Мировая наука" №12(33) 2019 science-j.com
In conclusion, it is necessary to further increase the effectiveness of propaganda and propaganda work carried out among the population in order to implement the idea of national harmony in our country and educate young people in the international spirit. After all, the strengthening of peace and harmony between nations and concessions is a pledge of ensuring peace and tranquility in the country.
Sources used:
1. Abdurahmonov M, Otamuratov S. Ma'naviy salohiyat. T. 2009.
2. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoyevning "Millatlararo munosabatlar va xorijiy mamlakatlar bilan do'stlik aloqalarini yanada takomillashtirish chora tadbirlari to'g'risida"gi Farmoni T. 2017-yil 9-may.
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