Научная статья на тему 'International activity of the department as a way of developing students’ mobility'

International activity of the department as a way of developing students’ mobility Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Korotun Anna Valerianovna, Ufimtseva Olga Vitalyevna

The article raises the issue of organization of international activities of a higher educational establishment. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of international activities of university students in adapting to integrative processes taking place in the world community in all spheres. Integration of Russian universities, science and education in the world educational space is of great importance as it enables academic mobility of students. The article makes an attempt to prove that academic mobility would contribute to the development of a person of new formation, who are able to take their place in the world and exercise significant impact on domestic economy and politics. Access to high-quality educational programs, courses and research would allow a student to return to the country of residence with a new store of knowledge, and cultural and academic experience. Academic mobility is a prioritized tool for creating global educational space, providing human capital and contributing to the availability, quality and effectiveness of education. The author analyzes the experience of the department in development of international cooperation with foreign universities, identifies problems, and proposes solutions. It is proved that in order to maximize the benefits of project mobility, the project must meet the student's needs related to learning and personal development. The period of study abroad must be a part of the student's educational program.

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Текст научной работы на тему «International activity of the department as a way of developing students’ mobility»

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ГСНТИ 16.21.27

Код ВАК 13.00.02

Коротун Анна Валериановна,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой рекламы и связей с общественностью, Уральский государственный педагогический университет; 620017, г. Екатеринбург, пр-т Космонавтов, д. 26; e-mail: [email protected]

Уфимцева Ольга Витальевна,

кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель, кафедра рекламы и связей с общественностью; Уральский государственный педагогический университет; 620017, г. Екатеринбург, пр-т Космонавтов, д. 26; e-mail: [email protected]


КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: международная деятельность; международное сотрудничество; интеграционный процесс; единая образовательная среда; академическая мобильность.

АННОТАЦИЯ. В статье поднимается вопрос об организации международной деятельности высшего учебного заведения. Цель работы - определить роль международной деятельности университета в адаптации студентов к процессам интеграции, происходящим в мировом сообществе во всех сферах жизнедеятельности человека. В процессе интеграции российских вузов, образования и науки в мировое образовательное пространство важное место отводится академической мобильности обучающихся. В статье делается попытка доказать, что академическая мобильность будет способствовать формированию человека новой формации, способного занять достойное место в мировом пространстве и оказывать решающее воздействие на отечественную экономику и политику. Доступ к качественным образовательным программам, курсы и научные исследования позволят обучающемуся возвратиться в страну постоянного проживания с новым багажом знаний, культурным и академическим багажом. Академическая мобильность является приоритетным инструментом формирования мирового образовательного пространства, обеспечения человеческого капитала и способствует повышению доступности, качества и эффективности образования. В статье дан анализ опыта кафедры в развитии международного сотрудничества с зарубежными университетами, выявлены проблемы, предложены пути их решения. Доказано, что для обеспечения максимальной пользы от проекта мобильности проект должен отвечать студенческим потребностям, связанным с обучением и личностным развитием. Период учебы за рубежом должен быть частью учебной программы студента.

Korotun Anna Valerianovna,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Advertizing and Public Relations, Ural State Pedagogical

University, Ekaterinburg, Russia.

Ufimtseva Olga Vitalyevna,

Candidate of Pedagigy, Senior Lecturer of Department of Advertizing and Public Relations, Ural State Pedagogical University,

Ekaterinburg, Russia.


KEYWORDS: international activity; international cooperation; process of integration; higher educational establishments; global educational space; academic mobility.

ABSTRACT. The article raises the issue of organization of international activities of a higher educational establishment. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of international activities of university students in adapting to integrative processes taking place in the world community in all spheres. Integration of Russian universities, science and education in the world educational space is of great importance as it enables academic mobility of students. The article makes an attempt to prove that academic mobility would contribute to the development of a person of new formation, who are able to take their place in the world and exercise significant impact on domestic economy and politics. Access to high-quality educational programs, courses and research would allow a student to return to the country of residence with a new store of knowledge, and cultural and academic experience. Academic mobility is a prioritized tool for creating global educational space, providing human capital and contributing to the availability, quality and effectiveness of education. The author analyzes the experience of the department in development of international cooperation with foreign universities, identifies problems, and proposes solutions. It is proved that in order to maximize the benefits of project mobility, the project must meet the student's needs related to learning and personal development. The period of study abroad must be a part of the student's educational program.


rowadays we can notice an encourag-I ing tendency of improving international cooperation of Russian Higher school establishments with foreign universities. The basis for this cooperation is in the fact Russia higher education institutions are able adequately to compete in the world market of educational services [5, p. 147].

Traditionally main components of the world sphere of education are:

a) foreign students coming to foreign countries having a purpose of getting education or improving their level;

b) foreign experts, trainees, graduate students arriving in foreign countries to get postgraduate education or improving qualification;

© Коротун А. В., Уфимцева О. В., 2016



c) foreign teachers going to educational institutions of foreign countries to work;

d) scientific knowledge and experience of an educational establishment to organize educational, methodical and technical support of educational process [11, p. 10].

In conditions of contemporary society a highly educated professional ought to get deep knowledge in the sphere of his activity, moreover he should be able to analyze connections and possibilities of each object without correspondence to its material and social state. The important step in this direction is transition to two-level training in the type of bachelor -master, and also wide usage of international experience in training specialists [12, p.8].

In order to satisfy demands of contemporary society in getting up-to-date education it is reasonable to establish academic contacts with teachers and scientists of foreign higher educational establishments. It enables to increase quality of teaching and gives an opportunity to get acquainted with achievements of technologically advanced countries in the sphere of a teaching methods and techniques and research activity [10].

In the XXI century education market has evolved into a full-fledged branch of the world economy. The "National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation" defines the strategic objectives of high school until 2025 and sets a challenge of «integrating education and science into the global space by training professionals to meet international requirements, the ability to timely and accurately solve the urgent problems of modern civil society» [13].

Moreover the process of globalization and internationalization of higher education plays an important role in a modern social-economic context of developing educational systems. Academic mobility is a useful tool of integrating Russia into international educational and scientific space [6].

Academic mobility provides for the development of human potential, increase in global competitiveness, forming appositive image of Russia, popularization of the Russian language and culture.

Russia follows basic trends of developing internalization of higher education and academic mobility, fortifying relations with foreign educational and scientific organizations, broadening initiatives on developing network partnership between Russian and foreign organizations

Attraction of foreign students for training in the Russian Federation has a special role from the point of view of geopolitical safety of the state and forming of positive image of Russia in the World. It is obvious that each student - the foreigner visitors for study to some extent adapts not only for Higher School, but also fea-

tures of life in another country: to culture, the traditions, existing system of rates and moral values. Foreign students are future potential partners of the Russian state in sphere of economy, a policy, formation, sports, and culture. On the basis of the student's friendship generated in days of stay in our country new business relations and mutually advantageous cooperation will be fastened [8]

The main advantage of international exchanges is the ability to learn about another culture by experiencing it through communication with its representatives. Personal contact between the representatives of different cultures will lead to higher knowledge about culture that in turn will lead to positive attitude change.

As Ambassador Anne E. Derse said «The power of educational exchange is the power to change people. We live in an inter-connected world, where it is critical for young people to have open minds and open hearts, to have unique experiences, and to make the important connections that will be with them throughout their lives» [1]

International cooperation is one of the most important directions in the activity of Ural state pedagogical university. This activity includes scientific educational and methodical cooperation in organization of academic exchanges, conducting joint scientific researches and publications of their results, exchanging experience in the sphere of organizing educational process, organization of international conferences and seminars, organization and holding exhibitions [3, p. 16 ].

The Faculty of International relations and social-humanitarian communications in the Institute of social education of Ural state pedagogical university realize international activity in three main directions:

1. Organization of international cooperation with foreign establishments with the aim to form and develop professional competence of students - future experts of international relations and of PR-communication.

2. Participation of educators and students in international projects and projects of federal level with foreign participation.

3. Participation of educators in international scientific events with the aim to develop research competence.

In order to achieve the first direction we organize regular meetings and seminars with representatives of Representational office of the Ministry of Foreign, foreign consular agencies and foreign public officials in the frames of «The Week of international relations» held in the Institute of social education.

Students of the Faculty of international relations and social-humanitarian communications have an opportunity to study the Chinese

language and the Check language with native speakers. It gives students an opportunity to understand authentic speech, helps them to overcome language barrier, to gain fluency and spontaneity of speaking.

There have been several internships in Academy of political education of the youth in Bad Libentsel (Germany) organized.

Students' exchange programmes give students an opportunity to master the language, form and develop professional skills. Besides they enable to obtain skills of international communication.

The educational process includes training and immersion into a cultural environment in order to assist adaptation, to overcome negative consequences of "cultural shock", pass identity crisis, and interact with residents efficiently.

Educational process and out-of-class activities are organized in such a way that students enable to develop their communicative skills in order to overcome language gap and master verbal and nonverbal ways of behavior; realize differences of cultural dimensions in order to improve comprehension between cultures [14, p. 37].

Participation in the exchange programs and study abroad can be incredible academic, professional and personal experience. Students have an opportunity to travel, learn another culture, people and their way of life and learn the academic life of another institution. During the exchange, students gain new skills, implement ideas and make new friends. It also gives an opportunity to improve their CV, expand employment opportunities and make themselves attractive candidate for any job - employers appreciate international experience and qualities such as independence, self-motivation and the ability to overcome challenges.

Reasons for students to study abroad are, in no particular order, the opportunity to live abroad, to learn or improve a foreign language, to meet new people and to develop soft skills i.e. adaptability, social interactivity, which improve future employability. Moreover they are

Students of International relations are regular participants of Summer School of Chinese in Jilin Institute of foreign languages (Changchun, China), of Summer School of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Project in East China Normal University (Shanghai, China).

The Faculty has successful experience of organization of Students' exchange pro-

motivated to continue education in foreign universities [4, p. 12].

Good command of foreign languages enables students to participate in different international projects and projects of federal level with foreign participation. Some of our students worked as volunteers in XXVII World Summer Students' Games, XXII Winter Olympic Games 2014. 120 students of Foreign relations participated as volunteers in European Table Tennis Championship.

These activities give positive results for educational process: students have an opportunity to use their knowledge of foreign languages and cross-cultural communication for practical purposes. That increases motivation for improving foreign language level, shows the aim of further development of professional competences.

However it is necessary to recognize that there are several barriers such as thresholds induced by language barrier, lack of motivation, cultural differences, socio-economic background and financial reasons, socially induced thresholds (family and personal relationships), insufficient information and awareness, recognition issues of diploma's and credits, an imminent danger for study delay, and eventually also the weight of administrative burden.

Priority of international cooperation, consistency of planning, monitoring of results, and responsibility of all participants of joint projects can enable to overcome these difficulties and obstacles.

Establishing the University as a global presence requires pursuing the following objectives:

grammes (pict. 1).

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China USPU


Pict. 1. Quantity of students




• Encourage students to include study abroad in their educational plans;

• Encourage faculty members to pursue their research, teaching, and service interests within a global framework;

• Plan curriculum so students become familiar with various cultural perspectives, encouraging them to explore subjects in that global framework;

• Make available language and cultural programs of quality, variety and depth, while integrating language and cultural learning with the rest of that curriculum;

• Make available electronic informational and interactive resources, integrating these resources with opportunities for global learning;

• Welcome international students as integral and valued members of the educational process and provide for their special needs and interests;

• Invite international scholars to participate in research at the University and facilitate their stays;

• Join with international academic institutions in collaborations that encourage free movement of students and scholars;

• Engage in programs abroad that further the internationalization of the University's general mission;

• Promote integration and coordination of international resources across the University, while encouraging their expansion.

All these demand innovative methods and means of studying widely used in the process of education: delivering of problem and complex lectures, demonstrative modules, distance and interactive teaching, electronic textbooks and multimedia means. In accordance with modern demands the newest technologies are used in educational activity: the system of quality managing, Internet-tests, marks' rating system of students' knowledge estimation.


1. Ambassador A. E. Derse Comments to the Press U.S. Embassy Baku, Azerbaijan January 26, 2009 http://azerbaijan.usembassy.gov/uploads/XD/C0/XDC0S2hZliVhxrVGvGeB0w/0i2909_AMB_pressremarks_E NG.pdf.

2. Alipichev A., Bogoroditskaya N., Galiguzova A., Dvoretskaya E., Kosova G., Kuznetsov A., Polyakova T., Shelenkova I., Shchaveleva E. English for Students, Lecturers and Administrators. Coursebook Ed. by T. Polyakova. Moscow, MADI (STU), 2009.

3. Babich G. N. USPU: stages of development of international cooperation, Pedagogical education in Russia № 1, 2014, p.13-16

4. Bart De Moor Piet Henderkx International curricular and student mobility // League of European research universities. 2013. № 12. P. 3-21

5. Bazhenova E. D Trends academic mobility of students in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan / / Actual problems of modern pedagogy : Materials of the III International scientific Conf. Ufa, 2013. P. 147-149.

6. Bubnovskaya O. V. Academic mobility and the problem of educational programs continuity. URL: http: / / cyberleninka.ru/ article/n/ academic-mobility-and-the-problem-of-educational-programs-continuity.

7. Bubnovskaya O.V. Academic mobility as an integration tool of Russia into international educational and scientific space / / International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. 2013. №2. URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24398.

8. Byshevsky A. International educational activity of high school as an instrument of modern geopolitics URL: http://csef.ru/en/nauka-i-obshchestvo/459/mezhdunarodnaya-obrazovatelnaya-deyatelnost-vysshej-shkoly-kak-instrument-sovremennoj-geopolitiki-6430.

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13. National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation. URL: http://wenr.wes.org/2005/12/wenr-dec-2005-education-in-the-russian-federation-2/.

14. Soldatova G. U., Shayagrova L. A., Makarchuk A. V. Training of increasing intercultural competence. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2005.

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15. Rubina L. Y., Igoshev B. M. Strategy of development Ural state pedagogical university. 2011-2015. Yekaterinburg, 2011.

Статью рекомендует д-р пед. наук, проф. С. А. Минюрова.

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