UDK 37.01
Akramova D.M.
Student of Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute
Annotation: In this article highlights increasing learning effectiveness and interconnection of pedagog-student in the educational science.
Key words: education, science, student, pedagogical technology.
Human surrounded by people every day, every second, in other words, real or imagined pressure from community groups and independent, they would direct his thinking, the ability to be able to express their thoughts.
Children well mannered, polite and civilized aspects of the education of their young platform and ideas should be given special consideration because of their mental knowing the characteristics of moral purpose can not be achieved.
Mental activity not only knowledge, but the primary method used to compare knowledge, analysis, synthesis, and abstract, to generalize and apply them in different situations in practice to be able to experience. In this way an effective way of working is summarized and a general method of formulating different types of activities can be achieved. The depth and duration of the students' knowledge is determined not only by the sum total, but also by their systemicity. "Today we set our goals to achieve our prospects for the development of the society, the renewal of life and the fate of the reforms carried out effectively, first of all, the training of highly qualified personnel to meet the requirements of the problem are closely connected we all understand".
For the intellectual development of learners, it is important to consider the characteristics of mental activity and to choose the methods of processing information. Processes of understanding the mentality (memory, thinking, perception, etc.) are processes such as their representation and evaluation.
N.V.Levitov, as an important pedagogical skill in his child psychology and pedagogical psychology manual, provides the following:
1. Learners' ability to communicate is, first of all, by providing a clear, concise, and interesting storyline.
2. Understand the reader.
3. Independence and creativity of thinking.
4. Submission or quick and accurate fraud.
5. time to plan and direct students to always control activists to organize and distinguish the class, class team together as embodied skills, organizational skills.
A modern pedagogical pedagogue has a pedagogical process as a "teacher-facilitator" in order to effectively fulfill the tasks assigned to it, looking for positive expectations from students' work, and putting students, colleagues, administrators, parents and their interests at the center of pedagogical activity, that
"Мировая наука" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com
is, it is desirable to adhere to the principle of humanism.
Educating the younger generation, one of the main objectives of personal development in the process of teaching, provides the knowledge gained from human experience, the formation of the necessary vital skills and abilities. The student receives the knowledge that will enable him / her to participate in his / her overall work activities and, most importantly, to improve social production.
The philosopher Abu Ali ibn Sino, a leading figure in medical science, shows in his book "The Place of Repentance" that everyone has good and bad sides. It is important to note that the scientist must know the way to end the evil in his character and behavior. If a person is able to finish his shortcomings, he can help to eliminate shortcomings and shortcomings in others. However, Ibn Sino also emphasizes that such qualities as pride, pride, and self-evaluation of knowledge in his book indicate that his morals are low.
The spirituality of man consists of his character, behavior, and culture. Spirituality is formed on the basis of intellectual, moral, legal, economic and political knowledge. These knowledge, in turn, will lead to the perfection of human qualities. Virtues are a set of positive human qualities.
Hence, the purity of heart and good moral values are the foundation of the mind and the thought and the achievement of the accomplishment of human activity.
We know that the basis of the psychological attributes leading to humanity begins with family and neighborhood. In the family, community, and neighborhood, where parents are spiritually rich, morally, cultivating, and cultivating, good teaching brings good results.
One of the most important tools in the field of good human education is the example of family members. In the education of harmoniously developed generation, it is important for every person to realize his / her identity, to know the past, the way of life, and the place in society.
Central Asian thinkers in many of their works have written many ideas about the formation of an ideal person. Abu Nasr al-Farabi said in his book The People of Fazl that a compassionate person should know all the rules of his State and act upon it, to think intelligently, to be a master of his profession, to sacrifice himself for his homeland. A perfect human being is the most perfect, the most intelligent and wise man. So, the perfect person is the highest embodiment of faith and belief, honesty and purity.
Pedagogical and psychological preparation includes: knowledge on methodological bases of pedagogy and psychology; the laws of socialization and development of a person; the essence of education and the essence of technology; armed operations; the ability to find ideas and conclusions from the theory of education and upbringing. They give the reader a high level of mobility.
In fact, it is up to every student to increase his / her interest in particular science, so it should be more active, and experts in the field should be well-educated, generous, diligent and competent.
In conclusion, it can be said that it is advisable to conduct disciplined work
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com
on the basis of those qualities, without forgetting that the individual's responsibility to carry out educational work is an integral part of the individual's life. To enhance the effectiveness of education and to gain full access to learning, it is important for the individual to be in the focus of attention of the education and in order to ensure that young people are well-trained in education and well-trained in education, and who can use modern pedagogical technologies and interactive methods and can use them in teaching and learning teachers need. For this purpose, it is necessary to equip all teachers with innovative pedagogical technologies and interactive methods and to improve their skills in teaching and learning.
1. Полат Е.С Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования. Москва: Издательский центр "Академия", 2000.
2. Бухвалов В.А. Развитие учащихся в процессе творчества и сотрудничества. - Москва: Центр "Педагогический поиск", 2000.
УДК 37.037.02
Aripova N.R. teacher
Specialized school named after al- Khorazmiy
Annotation: In this article, highlights using educational technologies, pedagogical technologies in education and the role of technology in the development of students' prospects are considered.
Keywords: education, pedagogy, method, student-teacher, innovation.
Innovations in a broad sense include optimization of the educational process, improvement of its quality and efficiency due to innovations in the educational system. Innovations included in the pedagogical system can also negatively affect quality and efficiency. We understand the innovations that are included in the system to improve quality and productivity, taking into account its internal reserves and capabilities.
It is well known that the pedagogical process is systematic and covers components that remain stable within a certain limit. If the introduced innovation exceeds the allowable level, the system disintegrates and another system is created with a new function.
The pedagogical process (system) is always technically developed in its essence. This technology is an internal quality of the pedagogical system, and its capabilities are subject to strict rules and regulations.
Variations in the technology are not allowed, and a small component cannot be removed, because the technology has no excess.
Changing a component in it will certainly lead to a change.
"Мировая наука" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com