Научная статья на тему 'Interactive teaching methods in the process of foreign language communicative competence development'

Interactive teaching methods in the process of foreign language communicative competence development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zonova Marina Vasilyevna, Nikolaeva Natalya Alexandrovna, Sosnina Natalya Georgievna

The process of foreign language communicative competence development is obviously the most important item that teachers focus in the classroom. The theory of communicative approach both in Russia and abroad provides the basis for the competence in study development in the process of speaking activity. This creates the conditions for real-life communication and the possibility to build interpersonal and intercultural interaction capacity. The fact is that active/interactive teaching methods are very useful in this regard. Numerous researches have been done to prove the importance of interactive techniques for foreign language competence development. None of the researches describes the process of development in non-linguistic high school classroom. Thus the aim of this article is to demonstrate the process of the competence under consideration development in high school. The process undergoes three stages based on different levels of autonomy. The interactive students’ club “Get to Know” illustrates this process.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Interactive teaching methods in the process of foreign language communicative competence development»

pedagogical sciences

УДК 372.881.1



© 2017

Зонова Марина Васильевна, старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранных языков» Николаева Наталья Александровна, старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранных языков» Соснина Наталья Георгиевна, старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранных языков» Уральский государственный экономический университет (620144, Россия, Екатеринбург, улица 8Марта/Народной Воли, 62/45, e-mail: [email protected])

Аннотация. Процесс формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции заслуживает особого внимания учителя в процессе преподавания. Теория коммуникативного подхода в России и за рубежом представляет собой основу для формирования названной компетенции в процессе речевой деятельности. В результате создаются условия для живого общения и возможность межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия. Очевидно, что активные/интерактивные методы обучения играют большую роль в этом отношении. Многочисленные исследования были проведены, чтобы доказать важность использования интерактивных методов обучения в процессе формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. Однако ни одно из исследований не описывает этот процесс в условиях неязыкового вуза. Таким образом, целью данной статьи является изучение процесса формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в неязыковом вузе. Данный процесс включает в себя три этапа, основанных на уровне самостоятельности студентов. Демонстрация процесса формирования компетенции проходит на примере интерактивного студенческого клуба "Get to Know".

Ключевые слова: формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции, теория коммуникативного подхода, речевая деятельность, реальное общение, способность межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия, методы обучения, интерактивные приемы обучения, занятия в неязыковом вузе, уровень самостоятельности, интерактивный клуб.


© 2017

Zonova Marina Vasilyevna, assistant professor of the chair "Foreign Languages" Nikolaeva Natalya Alexandrovna, assistant professor of the chair "Foreign Languages" Sosnina Natalya Georgievna, assistant professor of the chair "Foreign Languages" Ural State University of Economics (620144, Russia, Yekaterinburg, st. 8 March/Narodnoy Voly, 62/45, e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract. The process of foreign language communicative competence development is obviously the most important item that teachers focus in the classroom. The theory of communicative approach both in Russia and abroad provides the basis for the competence in study development in the process of speaking activity. This creates the conditions for real-life communication and the possibility to build interpersonal and intercultural interaction capacity. The fact is that active/interactive teaching methods are very useful in this regard. Numerous researches have been done to prove the importance of interactive techniques for foreign language competence development. None of the researches describes the process of development in non-linguistic high school classroom. Thus the aim of this article is to demonstrate the process of the competence under consideration development in high school. The process undergoes three stages based on different levels of autonomy. The interactive students' club "Get to Know" illustrates this process.

Keywords: foreign language communicative competence development, theory of communicative approach, speaking activity, real-life communication, interpersonal and intercultural interaction capacity, teaching methods, interactive teaching techniques, non-linguistic high school classroom, level of autonomy, interactive club.

Problem statement in general view and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Rapidly changing conditions of modern information society impose new requirements to the quality of specialist training. It is assumed that a graduate should not only correctly apply the University knowledge, but also should be able to think independently and creatively, as well as owning skills communication correctly, both in native and foreign languages.

Social and economic order of the society in terms of such specialists preparation is reflected in Federal educational standards for higher education (hereinafter referred to as FES). Analysis of the texts of FES in undergraduate level allows us to conclude that foreign language requirements we are interested in are reduced to the following generic competence - the ability to communicate orally and in written forms both in Russian and foreign languages to meet the challenges of interpersonal and intercultural interaction [1]. The wording can be found in the texts of the FES in economic areas of training.

Analysis of recent researches and publications, which dealt with aspects of this issue and the author refers to; unsolved parts of the problem highlighting. In the domestic and foreign literature the competence in study is defined as a mastership communicative competence. It should be noted that the communicative basis of training is a leading aspect in the methods of teaching foreign languages. The essence of communicative methods of teaching is that "the process of learning is a model of communication" [2, p. 4]. This creates

the conditions for real-life communication and the possibility to build interpersonal and intercultural interaction capacity.

The works of many authors are devoted to the development of mastership communicative competence. So, N. D. Galskova pays great attention to intercultural factor as "the human capacity for intercultural communication on foreign language level and adequate interaction with other cultures" [3, p. 46]. A. G. Kancur focuses on the creation of new knowledge and concepts in the process of communication [4, p. 4]. V. G. Kostomarov and O. D. Mitrofanova consider communications in relation to the social factors [5]. E.V. Makarova allocates rhetorical aspect in the development of monologue speech skills [6].

In the context of the communicative approach particular attention must be given to the interactive teaching methods, which allow us to create a communicative situation of interpersonal interaction. So far scientific works are known studying the sensitive use of interactive methods of teaching foreign languages in linguistic universities. In this context, of great interest is D. A. Starkova's dissertation research on the use of interactive methods of teaching foreign language [7]. Based on domestic and foreign methodological concepts through an interactive approach D. A. Starkova has developed a classification of techniques for teaching foreign languages, regarding the stages of speech skills development. So, for the development of productive communicative skills the named author has chosen William Littlewoods concept of productive skills, based on the degree of autonomy [8].

So, numerous researches have been done to prove the importance of interactive techniques for mastership communicative competence development. Though none of works describes the process of development in non-linguistic high school classroom. The analysis of the stated issue concluded that today there is scientifical and methodical base for exploring the possibility of building the mastership communicative competence in the use of interactive teaching methods in the non-linguistic university.

Defining the purposes of the article and setting the tasks. Thus, the essence of this article is to demonstrate the process of the competence under consideration development in non-linguistic high school.

There are the following tasks to be performed:

1. To study the stages of communicative competence development.

2. To select the corresponding interactive teaching techniques for each stage above.

3. To work out the set of lessons in the interactive students' club "Get to Know" according to the approach in study.

4. To justify the results obtained.

5. To present conclusions and prospects for further research.

Presentation of the main research material with full provement of the results. There is no common opinion about the stages of communicative skills development either in domestic or foreign literature. The approach based on emotional response of the students was introduced by Jeremy Harmer. His approach gives some freedom to the teachers over the sequence of development stages. They can be the stages of engage, study and activate or engage, activate, study and activate. The choice of sequence depends on the learners' level [9].

The theory invented by Jim Scrivener offers analytical concept. The authentic, restricted and clarification stages described by this author imply the different levels of students' autonomy [10].

And the most appropriate approach in this field is the scheme offered by William Littlewood. It combines the previous theories in terms of language learners' personal experience and the level of autonomy [8]. The author describes the communicative skills development within three stages:

1. Controlled stage. It allows the teacher to work out specific language units that may be later used by learners.

2. Guided stage. It is the stage of partial control that provides learners with the opportunity to select language units for expressing their own thoughts.

3. Free stage. The stage of independent speaking illustrates a situation as much as possible approached to the real conditions of companionship. Learners should achieve the objective on their own making use of necessary communication means of foreign language.

The communicative competence development process described by William Littlewood is of great importance to our research as far as it involves the learners' autonomy that is the leading learning principle in high school. It also provides systematic work on functional as well as structural aspect of language. The process undergoing these stages helps teachers to deal with problem areas in non-linguistic high school classroom. These problems will be revealed in the conclusions of the given research.

It should be noted that speaking as a component of speech activity, takes a leading place in the process of communicative skill development. So each stage described above involves the use of specific interactive learning techniques [11], [12].

Thus, for C-stage, fully controlled by the teacher, the use of the following interactive teaching techniques is required. They are: chain pronunciation, language games, question-answer, repetition, expanding information, replacement, transformation, translation, substitution exercises.

On G-stage, partly controlled by the teacher, interactive

tech-niques are communicative games, expanding information, decision making, description, action, discussion, dramatization, expanding information, finding similarities and differences, filling-in, interview, information deficit, information transfer, interview, restoration of disparate information, functional dialogue, pantomime, picture addition, planning, preferences expression, problem solving, quiz, ranking, review, simulation, oral story-telling, summary, questionnaire.

On F-stage, that is the stage of fluent speaking, the effective interactive teaching techniques are as such: associating, communicative games, debating, decision making, description, discussion, expanding, finding similarities and differences, information transfer, interview, text drafting, planning, picture addition, preferences expression, problem solving, ranking, role-play, simulation, oral presentation.

The given list of interactive teaching techniques is to a large extend connected with a huge spectrum of communicative skills involved and is the way to create a real-life communication in the classroom [4]. Therefore the mastership communicative competence development process will be worked out though the staged mentioned above and with the use of techniques described. The interactive students' club "Get to Know" illustrates this process.

The interactive students' club under consideration represents a set of lessons connected by one topical problem that motivates the students to research the unknown area. As such, the interactive club provides the students with a large opportunity to enrich their communicative experience, express their personality and exchange views with other members of the club.

The purpose of the club is to create a communicative environment whereby the students discover the knowledge themselves rather than get knowledge ready. The role of the teacher seems to be shifting from direct teaching to supervising. Students display more freedom of study.

The aim of the lessons is to develop the ability to freely speaking.

Following are the tasks of the lessons within one topic.

1. To perform language and communication tools necessary to research unknown areas.

2. To practice the usage of language and communication tools on the level of prepared speech.

3. To build communicative skills in the process of panel discussion.

The material for study and research: authentic texts on country study, dictionaries, encyclopedias, corresponding theme sites.

An interactive lesson undergoes the following stages of study:

1. Motivation.

2. Organization of work with information.

3. Intermediate control and correction.

4. Presentation.

5. Reflection.

The stage of motivation is the stage fully controlled by the teacher. At this stage, the task of the teacher is to interest students and motivate them to study the ethnographic material through the demonstration of attention to their experience and opinion. One of the interactive teaching techniques implied can be the stimulation of expressing students' own opinion. For example, the teacher can ask the following questions:

- What part of Great Britain thistle is the emblem of?

- What is the biggest Welsh Gulf?

- What is "Yarg"?

- Is Cullen Skink eatable?

The content of the questions asked should affect the little known / unknown facts of the country study, which, in turn, is of great interest to students seeking information. Thus, for students a personal need appears in the study of unknown areas of investigation.

On the stage of organization the teacher monitors students work partly. The interactive teaching techniques of this stage

Азимут научных исследований: педагогика и психология. 2017. Т. 6. № 3(20)


pedagogical sciences

can be:

- decision making (the choice of research topic);

- searching information for study and investigation (printed and electronic resources);

- restoration of disparate information (merge the information into a single text);

- working on presentation communicative skills (speaking grammatically and phonetically correct).

On the following stage of the intermediate control and correction the teacher checks the prepared statements in conjunction with the students. This stage is also partially controlled by the teacher. The interactive techniques of this stage are:

- expanding information (addition of modern / historical facts about the object of study);

- asking questions / answering questions (practicing skills to understand and answer the questions posed to the audience);

- finding relationships between objects (the ability to conduct the operations of synthesis, analysis and comparison);

- decision making (the ability to choose the optimal direction from several proposed options).

On the stage of presentation the students perform their prepared reports. This process can be divided into two levels: presentation of prepared speech and unprepared speech. Among the techniques of the prepared speech level can be the following:

- planning (independent planning statements);

- questionnaire (gathering information about the target object in the form of questionnaires, interviews, oral questioning);

- ranking (the presentation of information in a particular order);

- compiling the rankings (comparative analysis);

- oral story-telling (prepared statements).

The techniques of unprepared speech level are:

- asking questions and giving answers;

- discussion (received information discussion);

- debate (exchanges);

- panel discussions.

The stage of reflexive analysis implies the discussion of the given results. All participants (teacher and the students) sum up the results of students' research as s well as the communicative abilities of the latter. This stage clearly indicates the development level of the competence in study [13].

The findings of the study and the prospects for further research. So, a broad methodical analysis of the mastership communicative competence development process determines the interactive ability of the teaching techniques applied. The set of lessons within interactive students' club creates the environment for the real-life communication that enriches the communicative experience of students and demonstrates the features of communicative behavior relevant and useful for their future profession [14].

Moreover the interactive environment corresponds to the students' age psychological features. There is no doubt that the lessons in their usual form are a bit dull for 18-year-old creators. Thus the interactive process helps teachers to deal with the following problem areas in non-linguistic high school classroom [15]:

- classroom management transforms into self-management;

- avoidance of English is changed by accurate target structures;

- no demand on language speaking becomes embarrassing since everyone emphasizes to express their opinions;

- struggle with educational values and rules familiar to this age ends up with new priorities of becoming a competent specialist speaking the language of the potential business partners.

So we can definitely come to the conclusion that a graduate with a master communicative competence will

reach more goals in his/her future profession. Developing the competence under consideration at the high school provides the students with mobility and tends them to get adequately ready for the workplace [16].

It must be emphasized that with the development of modern business relations in the society, the need for direct communication without intermediaries and interpreters is becoming increasingly urgent [17]. In this field our study proves the efficiency of the mastership communicative competence developing from the position of direct interpersonal interaction.

The further research should be done to investigate nonproductive communicative skills (reading and listening skills) in the use of interactive teaching techniques.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

5. Kostomarov V. G. Methodological guidance for teachers of Russian language for foreigners. / V. G. Kostomarov, O. D. Mitrofanova - M.: Russkiy yazyk, 1988. - 157 p.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 21.07.2017.

Статья принята к публикации 25.09.2017._

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