Tukhtasinova Z.Z.
Karshi engineering and economics institute
Abstract: When training highly qualified specialists, universities strive to use interactive forms of teaching that ensure interaction between teachers and students. The article examines interactive forms of conducting practical courses at university such as: business games; housing technology; project classes; dialogical form of teaching; research activity; "POP formula"; electronic wallet.
Keywords: interactive learning, students, college, interactive forms, practical lessons.
Modern prospects for the development of the education system require new approaches to the educational process in higher education institutions. Interactive forms of learning can enable the implementation of a new learning approach. Universities strive to use new technologies to train highly qualified specialists to animate the courses, and interactive forms are part of it.
Interactive learning is a way of organizing the cognitive activity of students based on the interactive interaction of students and students with the teacher. As a result of implementing interactive learning, students develop teamwork skills. The excellent teacher V.S. Dyachenko noted that when implementing the interactive method, "everyone teaches everyone, and everyone teaches everyone."
Interactive ways of working can be divided into game and non-game
-game interactive learning methods.
Interactive game learning methods: business educational game, role-playing game, psychological training.
Non-game interactive learning methods: analysis of specific situations (Case study), group discussions, collaborative learning methods.
State educational standards provide for some types of interactive forms of learning:
- Business and role-playing games; -Psychology and other training; -Group, scientific discussion, dispute;
- Debates;
- Case method; -Project method;
- Brainstorming;
- Portfolio;
- Seminar in dialogue mode (seminar
- dialogue);
- Analysis of specific situations;
- The way of working in small groups (the result of the work of student research groups);
- Round tables;
- University and inter-university video teleconferences;
- Hold forums;
- Computer simulations;
- Computer modeling and practical analysis of results;
- Presentations based on modem multimedia tools;
- Interactive lessons;
- Press conference of the conference; -Binary lesson (lesson together);
- Lesson with pre-programmed errors;
- Problem lesson.
Interactive forms of teaching are those forms of organizing lessons that contribute both to individual and group study of course material, as well as to the active interaction of teachers and students.
Educational institutions vary in the specificity and predictability of goals. The main objective of conducting interactive forms of practical teaching in universities is to create favorable learning conditions for students, which has a productive impact on the entire learning process as a whole.
Interactive forms of organization of the educational process allow:
- develop thinking skills;
- develop a high level of cognitive activity;
- improve the quality of the learning and education process;
- development of independent research skills;
- develop students' communication skills;
- develop skills in the handling of modern technical means and technology for searching, processing and collecting information, etc.
The implementation of interactive forms of practical training of higher education students is based on the principles of inclusiveness, consistency, orientation to independent and collective practical activities, etc. A distinctive feature of the organization of interactive forms of practical training in universities is the implementation of the interaction of the subjects of the learning process (students and teachers) [1.VS 254].
The interactive learning process allows you to include all the subjective and objective experience of students in the educational process, to share it with other students, thus embodying the principle of mutual development. Interactive learning allows the teacher to delegate some of their functions between students. This increases student motivation for the learning process [4.VS 301].
During the interactive realization in practical lessons, the teacher strives to get the students to work independently. The activity of the students comes to the fore, and the task of the teacher in this case is to create favorable conditions for the manifestation of the students on their own initiative [3. C.275].The educational process, which is based on the use of interactive forms of learning, is implemented by involving all the students in the group in the cognitive process. In the educational process, these interactive forms are used to solve educational tasks in practical courses in higher educational institutions, such as:
- Business game - aimed at developing students' behavior and professional thinking.
Business games develop and consolidate students' ability to work independently, think professionally, solve problems and lead a team, make decisions and organize their implementation;
- Case technology is a kind of interactive technology for short-term learning based on various real and fictional situations. Cases are usually close to the real problem circumstances;
- Project classes - activities aimed at solving research, research and practical tasks. Project-based training aims to design concrete actions for students to perform job-related tasks;
- Form of dialogical teaching - aimed at developing the cognitive activity of pupils;
- Research Lesson - is a methodical system of various tasks designed by the teacher; the teacher adapts it to a specific educational situation and presents it to the students. The process of resolving the situation is carried out directly by the students under the guidance of a teacher;
- The "POPS formula" is an interactive technique for high quality control of the knowledge of students in the humanities, which is primarily aimed at student reflection;
- Electronic portfolio - is a collection of electronic evidence collected and managed by the user, usually online. Type the study of the recordings which represent the real proof of the services of the user [5. c.187].
Therefore, interactive forms of practical exercises are aimed at increasing the level of cognitive activity of students. Interactive learning allows you to implement a hands-on approach to learning. Independent research activity in the educational process ensures a strong link between theory and practice in student work.
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