№ 1 (115)
январь, 2024 г.
Marguba Abdullaeva
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, senior lecturer, Tashkent Medical A cademy, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected]
Абдуллаева Маргуба Толибжоновна
д-р филос. (PhD) по техн.наукам, ст. преп., Ташкентская медицинская академия, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
The mutual influence of the components in the CH3COOHH2NC2H4OH -KCI-H2O system, studied by the isomolar series method, showed that the isotherms of crystallization temperature, viscosity, density and pH of the medium revealed branches of the existence of the original components and new chemical compounds.
Взаимное влияние компонентов в системе CH3COOH^H2NC2H4OH -KCI-H2O, изученное методом изомолярных серий показало, что на изотермах температуры кристаллизации, вязкости, плотности и рН среды выявлены ветви существования исходных компонентов и новых химических соединений.
Keywords: physiologically active substances, liquid fertilizers, potassium chloride, monosubstituted monoethano-lammonium acetate.
Ключевые слова: физиологически активные вещества, жидкое удобрения, хлорид калия, однозамещенный уксуснокислый моноэтаноламмоний.
The significance of the study lies in the fact that the growth of the world population leads to an increase in demand for basic food products while simultaneously reducing the resource of free global arable land per person, which necessitates the intensification of agriculture, the development and implementation of new technologies. As a result, the needs of agricultural producers for mineral fertilizers are growing, and their quality characteristics are also changing [1].
As is known, the coefficient of nutrient utilization by plants for phosphorus does not exceed 15-20%, for nitrogen and potassium - 40-50%.
As is known, the coefficient of nutrient utilization by plants for phosphorus does not exceed 15-20%, for nitrogen and potassium - 40-50%. One of the ways to increase the yield of agricultural crops and increase the efficiency of fertilizers is to introduce physiologically active substances into their composition [2].
Physiologically active substances have a beneficial effect on the growth, development and fruiting of plants, significantly increase resistance to various diseases and improve product quality [3,4].
To obtain high yields with good qualities, physiologically active substances (auxins, kinins, gibberelenes, succinic acid, monoethanolamine, thiocarbamide and others) are widely used today. One of them is monosub-stituted monoethanolammonium acetate , which is a physiologically active substance. As noted in the literature review, monoethanolamine and its derivatives in the composition of preparations enhance the effect of the active components, while simultaneously eliminating the negative effects of the preparations on plants. It has been established that when monoethanolamine reacts with acetic acid, monosubstituted monoethanol ammonium acetate is formed [5,6].
Potassium chloride is one of the most popular basic fertilizers in private farming. This is due to the availability and speed of migration in the soil compared to other potash plants, which makes it possible to promptly feed annuals with potassium chloride during the season. However, the same speed of migration and the presence of chlorine ions, which are contraindicated for many garden crops, require the use of potassium chloride with caution.
Библиографическое описание: Abdullaeva M.T. INTERACTIONS OF MONOETHANOLAMMONIUM MONOSUBSTITUTED ACETIC ACID WITH POTASSIUM CHLORIDE // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 1(115). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/nature/archive/item/16553
Potassium chloride can be used to feed plants that do not like chlorine, such as potatoes, carrots, pumpkins and others, you just need to know how and when.
At the same time, potassium chloride, which contains up to 47% chlorine, is used as a source of potassium in most industrially produced complex fertilizers [7].
Depending on the type and quality of various chemical compounds (microelements, physiologically active substances) introduced into the potassium fertilizer KCI, its efficiency can be increased. In this regard, it was necessary to study the mutual influence of the components in a system consisting of monosubstituted monoeth-anoammonium acetate, the results of which can serve as a physicochemical basis for the technology for producing new liquid nitrogen fertilizers containing a physiologically active substance.
Target. In order to theoretically substantiate the process of producing fertilizer based on potassium chloride containing PAS, the mutual influence of the components in the CH3COOHH2NC2H4OH-KSI-H2O system was studied in a wide temperature and concentration range using the isomolar series method [8].
For the study, the starting components were potassium chloride, recrystallized from an aqueous solution, grade "pure grade", monosubstituted monoethanol ammonium acetate, synthesized on the basis of acetic acid and monoethanolamine taken in a molar ratio of 1:1 [6].
Research methods. To establish the mechanism of interaction of potassium chloride with monosubstituted monoethanolammonium acetate, the system potassium chloride - monosubstituted monoethanolammonium acetate - water was studied using the isomolar series method. For this purpose, the concentration of aqueous solutions of potassium chloride and monosubstituted monoethanolammonium acetate was 2 mol/l. All measurements were carried out in a water thermostat at (20±0.1)°C [8].
The kinematic viscosity of solutions was determined using a capillary viscometer VPZh-2 with a capillary diameter of 1.16-2.75 mm. The accuracy of the results is ±0.0001 10-1 m2/s [9].
Relative density was determined by the pycnomet-ric method. To determine the density, the pycnometers were filled with distilled water, thermostated at 20°C and weighed. Knowing the weight of a dry pycnometer, the density of water at 20°C, the weight of a filled pycnom-eter, and its volume was calculated. Weighing was carried out with an accuracy of ±0.00005 g. The results are presented with an accuracy of ±0.1 kg/m3 [10]. The pH of the solutions was measured according to the method on a METTLER TOLEDO FE 20/FG pH meter [11]. The crystallization temperatures, viscosity, density and pH of the solution environment of this system were determined depending on the ratio of the components. (1. Table)
Table 1.
Changing the properties of the system in molar ratio
Ratio OyK.K^A:KCI pH d, gr/cm3 q, mm2/c Tem cr. T°C.
100 7,00 1,0256 13,00 -1,8
90:10 7,00 1,0280 12,70 -1,8
80:20 6,98 1,0300 12,36 -1,9
70:30 7,00 1,0328 11,95 -1,9
60:40 7,05 1,0352 11,52 -2,0
50:50 7,05 1,0378 11,19 -2,0
40:60 7,10 1,040 10,62 -2,1
30:70 6,98 1,410 10,52 -2,2
20:80 6,98 1,439 10,31 -2,2
10:90 7,00 1,462 10,02 -2,2
100 7,00 1,483 9,050 -2,3
Based on the data obtained, a "composition-properties" diagram of the system CH3COOH H2NC2H4OH-KCI-H2O was constructed. Laying the properties (density, pH of the medium, viscosity and crystallization temperature) on the ordinate axis, and the compositions of solutions on the abscissa. It has been established that in isomolar solutions a compound with a molar ratio is not formed. On the isotherms of the refractive index, density, viscosity and pH of the composition-property diagram of the studied system, one bend is observed, corresponding to the branches
of existence of the initial components. According to the diagram, it occurs in the concentration range of 70.0-30.0% CH3COOHH2NC2H4OH and KCI substances are present together.
Conclusion. The mutual influence of the components in the CH3COOH H2NC2H4OH -KCI-H2O system, studied by the isomolar series method, showed that the isotherms of crystallization temperature, viscosity, density and pH of the medium revealed branches of the existence of the original components and new chemical compounds.
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