Interaction of non-profit organizations and state structures of the region in the field of adaptive physical culture
UDC 796.06
Postgraduate student E.V. Strizhakova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Kadutskaya1, 2
PhD M.V. Shimokhina1
Postgraduate student D.G. Arakelyan1
''Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
2Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Belgorod
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to identify trends in the development of interaction between government agencies and nonprofit organizations whose activities are aimed at working with people with various health disorders.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the work, a survey and analytical methods were used: data from open sources on the research problem, official state statistics were analyzed, a content analysis of the content of official sites, regulatory legal documents on the organization of extrabudgetary activities was carried out.
Results and conclusions. The features of the provision of services by state organizations, non-profit organizations within the framework of project activities and grant support in the field of adaptive physical culture and sports are revealed. Based on the results of the analysis of the involvement of non-profit organizations (NPOs) and socially oriented non-profit organizations (SO NPOs) in the scheme of interaction with government agencies, their effectiveness in providing services (works) to the population in the field of adaptive physical culture and sports, a scheme of interaction was developed and proposed to solve the identified problems.
Keywords: adaptive physical culture, adaptive sports, non-profit organizations, grant, project activities, socially significant services.
Introduction. Starting from 2009, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the provision of state and municipal services in the social sphere and to attract the non-state sector, the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation provided for the introduction of the institution of socially oriented non-profit organizations. The message intensified the improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of facilitating the entry of SO NPOs into the market of services in the social sphere [2].
According to Rudakova O.Yu. in modern conditions, in the structure of the public sector, a significant place is occupied by non-governmental non-profit organizations created to meet the social, cultural, educational, spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protect the health of citizens, develop physical culture and sports [6].
The activities of the authorities in the areas of education, healthcare, social protection and social services, culture, physical culture and sports, and, quite often, youth policy are directly related to the substantive activities of NPOs, because quite often they are aimed at solving social problems. Accordingly, they can be and are direct partners of NPOs [7].
Objective of the study was to identify trends in the development of interaction between government agencies and non-profit organizations whose activities are aimed at working with people with various health disorders.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the study, a survey and analytical methods were used: data from open sources on the research problem, official state statistics were analyzed, a content analysis of the content of official websites, regulatory legal documents on the or-
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I April I № 4 2022
ganization of extrabudgetary activities was carried out.
Results of the study and their discussion. As
of January 1, 2021, 30 non-profit organizations carry out activities to support people with disabilities in the Belgorod Region, of which 13 NPOs work with children with disabilities, including in the field of physical culture and sports, rehabilitation and habilitation. In 2020, 10 000 applications from all over the country were submitted to the competition of the Presidential Grants Fund. Among the winners are 45 projects from the Belgorod region.
At present, taking into account the experience of project activities for the implementation of socially significant projects, the region is building interaction with non-profit and public organizations in order to improve the quality of socially significant services.
According to the Ministry of Economic Development (report on the activities and development of socially oriented non-profit organizations, 2019), the total amount of funds transferred to the subjects of the Russian Federation by socially oriented NPOs in social sectors in 2018 exceeded 31.3 billion rubles. These funds were distributed among 4.4 thousand SO NPOs, whose services were received by more than 22 million people (in 2017 - more than 24 billion rubles for 4.1 thousand SO NCOs, whose services were received by more than 6 million people).
It is fundamentally important that the state has obligations to citizens and society, and tasks for their implementation. NPOs can and do offer solutions to these problems. This is a very important perspective
- it allows NPOs to move out of the role of a petitioner and into interaction with the state. It is important, however, to understand that views on problems and their solutions may not coincide between NPOs and state structures.
In addition, NPOs sometimes have to compete with other organizations, because government agencies have a choice with whom to interact. This means, according to K.A. Sulimov, an expert at the GRANI Center for Civil Analysis and Independent Research, that NPOs need to have and be able to use their competitive advantages.
Based on the survey data and practical experience in the interaction of NPOs, SO NPOs with government agencies, we propose a scheme of interaction between NPOs and government agencies of the Belgorod Region.
Conclusions. In order to increase the effectiveness of interaction between non-profit organizations and state structures of the Belgorod region in the field of adaptive physical culture and sports, it is necessary to:
• replicate the best practices and experience of non-profit organizations in interaction with government agencies;
• inform non-profit organizations about the possibility of obtaining grant support with assistance and close cooperation with government organizations;
• develop a set of measures aimed at the quality provision of socially significant services provided by non-profit organizations;
• develop cooperation between state structures and non-profit organizations in the context of munici-
Development of the socioeconomic sphere of the region
Development of social partnership
A set of measures to provide services at the regional and municipal levels
Planning for the development of adaptive physical culturein the region
Increasing competenci investments in the social sphere Feedback
Attracting investments in the social sphere
Desired result
Scheme of interaction between government agencies and non-profit public organizations
pal districts and urban districts of the Belgorod region, based on available resources;
• to build the mechanism of interaction mainly on social partnership.
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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I April I № 4 2022