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Rakhimov O.D. , Chorshanbiev Z.E. , Rakhimov A.Kh.
1Rakhimov Oktyabr Dustkabilovich - Professor, DEPARTMENT ECOLOGY AND LABOUR SAFETY;
2Chorshanbiev Zafar Esonpulatovich - Associate Professor, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER MATHEMATICS, 3Rakhimov Aktam Khusenovich - Associate Professor, Head of the Department, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL PHYSICS, KARSHI ENGINEERING-ECONOMICS INSTITUTE, KARSHI, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: the article provides information on the relationship between pedagogical technology, information technology, and production technology, the definition of technology, technology cluster, technology transfer, beams, and nanotechnologies in the training of competent personnel in a modern educational environment. The author's description of pedagogical technology is given. It is a set of pedagogical-psychological methods, aimed at solving the problems of teaching, educating, personal development of students and implemented based on a certain sequence. It is an innovative project that develops and renews itself depending on the policy, the information space of the society ("Internet"), its accessibility, the spiritual world of educators and students, as well as the level of material security.
Keywords: technology, technology cluster, technology transfer, beam technology, nanotechnology, pedagogy, information, production technology, innovation.
DOI: 10.24411/2413-2101-2021 -10201
The XXI century, as an age of intellectual potential, thinking, and spirituality is opening up new horizons for humanity, raising even more acute problems than we have ever seen before. Educators are required not only to educate young people in the spirit of the times in today's complex world but also to carry out educational work aimed at encouraging young people to goodness, honesty, kindness, and tolerance, thinking about the future of mankind [1].
According to Eastern views on the human mind, the mind is of two kinds, natural and professional. Natural intelligence is innate in man. Professional intelligence, on the other hand, is acquired through reading, knowledge, and experience. The honorable and difficult task of forming a professional mind is entrusted to educators. There are such sentences in Abdullah Avloni's book "Turkish Gulistan or Morality" in the chapter "Time of Education". "It is now clear that upbringing should start from birth, strengthen our bodies, enlighten our minds, beautify our morals, and enlighten our minds. The question arises: who does the upbringing and where is it done? To this question "First home education. This is the mother's duty. The second is the education of schools and madrassas, which is the duty of the father, the teacher, the teacher and the government. " It is this school and madrasah that have been taught by teachers before and now.
It is gratifying to note that the introduction of a modern education system is yielding positive results today. Now, the task of our teachers should be to educate our youth based on innovative educational technologies at the level of requirements in educational institutions with modern technical equipment. To do this, every educator must work on himself, not to lag behind the times, thoroughly know and introduce innovative teaching technologies in their work. Nowadays, old traditional style lessons do not meet the needs of our young people, they do not want to listen to such lessons. Because thinking and thinking are different, knowing in a particular science is different. Thinking and reasoning are a product of natural intellect, and knowledge is a product of an educational institution, a product of pedagogical activity. The thinking and thinking of our youth are much higher and faster than that of the youth of 15-20 years ago. If a teacher does not think in harmony with young
people, if he does not keep up with the latest news and requirements of the youth, his work in the field of education will be ineffective. The result of a teacher's activity is determined by his knowledge of modern innovative pedagogical technologies, his ability to connect them to information technology and production technology. Below we will focus on the definition of technology, including pedagogical, information, and production technology and the interrelationships between them, the technology cluster, technology transfer.
Technology is a set of cost-effective designed processes to achieve a set goal and a guaranteed result. The word "technology" comes from the Latin "Thexnos" - art, craft, industry, and "Logos" - science.
A technological cluster is an association of enterprises and organizations located in a limited area and interconnected through production links. Technological park (technopark, TP) - a subject of innovative infrastructure, equipped with highly qualified personnel and sufficient information and experimental base, creating conditions for the effective development of entrepreneurship in science and technology. TP is the regional integration of science, education, and production in the form of an association of scientific organizations, design bureaus, educational institutions, and industrial enterprises.
Technology transfer is a new type of activity in the form of transition of scientific ideas and research into products, brands, such as "Innovation Management", "Commercialization of scientific developments", "Implementation of research in practice." In 1958, at a conference of the American Society of Physicists, Professor R. Feynman (who won the 1965 Nobel Prize) delivered a famous speech. In his report, the scientist said, "The laws and principles of physics do not prevent the manipulation of individual atoms and thus the creation of various objects. Based on this, it can be said that shortly, humanity will move from the age of Balkan technology to the age of nanotechnology.
In technology, if humanity could have created an object by copying not the individual atoms, but their entire complex, now, based on nanotechnology, it can make any object by placing the atoms where it wants.
Nanotechnology began to enter our lives in the late twentieth century, in 1981 -1985. Today, nanotechnology has entered our lives as a science. In the ancient divine books, "Eve Adam a.s. was created from ribs. At this point, "How can a woman be created from a part of a man's body? The question arises. One of the modern secular sciences - nanotechnology -gives a positive answer to this question. Odam a.s. with little modification to the program in the DNA isolated from any part of the body, and the creation of its pair, this is exactly in line with the conclusions of modern genetics. In any case, all technologies serve to create the necessary item or food to satisfy human interests, and these technologies are man-controlled. Therefore, knowledge of product manufacturing technology is required to improve as demand grows. The development of science and secular sciences plays an important role in the improvement of production technologies.
Pedagogical technology is a set of scientifically based processes of education and upbringing of a person, which is carried out in connection with human thinking, that is, the intellectual potential of the teacher and the learner. Pedagogical technology cannot be considered to be continuously the same (even for a certain short period), i.e. a pre-designed process [2]. In a word, pedagogical technology cannot be said to be a definite unchanging project that fits into a mold. Because each audience, depending on the knowledge, scientific potential, age, gender, and other indicators of the audience for each group, requires a separate pedagogical approach and its technology for each listener in the group, if necessary [3]. For example, a teacher is required to teach a subject to school children on a different technology, university students on a different technology, production engineers and technicians on a different technology, and university teachers on a different technology. Also, when teaching in a certain group, the technology of teaching, which is pre-designed by the teacher, can change based on the readiness of the audience, the situations that arise as a result of questions and answers. Only then will the educator be able to convey the desired result - that is, to convey their knowledge to the minds of the audience and to stimulate
active development in them. The purpose of teaching is to teach the listener to read, not to teach them what is clear, in advance. Because the technical means that we teach students today, especially the techniques of information and communication systems, quickly become obsolete, which means that the graduate must study independently, know the secrets of working with new technical means, and at the same time develop practical skills. There are hundreds of definitions of pedagogical technology, including:
"PT is a project of the process of forming a student personality that can guarantee pedagogical success regardless of the teacher's skill" (V.P. Bespalko).
"PT is a system of orderly actions that lead to pre-planned results and must be performed" (VM Monakhov).
"The PT-technological approach to the learning process is to design the learning process based on pre-defined goal indicators" (M.V. Clarin).
"PT represents a defined goal that can be reliably understood through the learning outcomes reflected in students' actions "(I.Ya. Larner).
"PT is the process by which a teacher (educator) influences students in certain conditions with the help of teaching (educational) tools, and as a product of this activity is the process of intensive formation of personality traits predetermined by them" (N. Saidakhmedov, A. Ochilov).
"PT is a new approach to the educational process, and in pedagogy, it is an expression of socio-engineering consciousness. It is a social phenomenon associated with the standardization of the pedagogical process based on technical capabilities and human thinking and the development of its optimal design "(B.L. Farberman).
"PT is the incorporation of a complex way of thinking into pedagogy, in other words, the integration of the pedagogical process into a specific complex" (T. Sakomoto).
Pedagogical technology is a set of pedagogical-psychological methods, methods aimed at solving the problems of teaching, educating, personal development of students and implemented based on a certain sequence. It is developed and updated in connection with innovations in the technical support of the educational process, student thinking, socioeconomic relations in society, public policy in education, the information space of society ("Internet"), access to it, the spiritual world of teachers and students. is an ongoing innovative project (author's definition) [2].
Pedagogical technology is an activity of educational interaction with a person according to a predetermined purpose. However, it is possible to distinguish between pedagogical technology and teaching methods. Teaching methods are aimed at teaching a particular subject and the application of the laws of educational work [4]. At present, the development and improvement of pedagogical and production technologies take place directly based on information technology.
In the application of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process, the use of teaching methods such as problem-based learning, problem-based lectures, telecommunication technologies [5], project methods, modern lectures [6, 7, 8] gives good results.
Production technology is a set of cost-effective, sequential processes based on the production of a quality product that meets the requirements of the times and finds its place in the world market. If the sequence of these processes, or in other words the technical means used in the technology, does not become obsolete, this technology will not change for a certain period. This technology is the design of production that leads to a pre-defined and defined goal and a guaranteed result. Farmers and entrepreneurs who use new technological equipment and improved technical means [9, 10] recommended for introduction into production should be trained in distance learning courses based on modern educational technologies. The quality of e-learning resources [11] also plays an important role in this.
Information technology is a set of methods and tools for collecting, storing, transmitting, and processing information. The introduction of production and information technologies directly into the correct and effective practice depends on human resources.
Pedagogical technologies play an important role in training highly thinking and competent personnel. Only based on modern pedagogical technologies we can train specialists who meet modern requirements.
One of the main tasks in the training of such personnel is to develop the integration of science, education, and industry. The solution of this problem requires interconnectedness, coherence, complementarity between information, pedagogical, and production technologies. Today, every educator or production worker is required to have a thorough knowledge of information and communication technologies, technical systems, and the basics of their systematic analysis. At the same time, the pedagogue is an active participant in production, a production specialist, in turn, must act as a teacher. Also, the development of science depends on the activities of scientists in universities and research institutes, cooperation with industry, the introduction of scientific achievements into production. The use of innovative pedagogical technologies and modern teaching aids in educational institutions has a significant impact on the quality of staff. The development of innovative pedagogical technologies directly depends on the development of information technology, the level of their use by educators and recipients. Thus, the development of pedagogical technologies affects the quality of training, and the quality of personnel affects the improvement of production technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to improve pedagogical and production technologies in close connection with each other, based on the development of information and communication technologies, as well as to enrich the information space with educational and production information.
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