Научная статья на тему 'Intellectual independence of students in the process of gaining knowledge'

Intellectual independence of students in the process of gaining knowledge Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Arsić Zvezdan

The main task of teaching at the present stage of social development that is characterized by the rapid development of science and technology should be directed towards ensuring that students are in the process of gaining knowledge as more independent. Learning in the modern conditions of life and work more focused on finding new information and acquiring skills that they interpret, judge, critically analyze and find their practical application. Individual learning is a process in which students do their own activities, and the school should primarily be to develop pupils’ skills and habits for independent work, or to enable them to actively come to know and own efforts. With a program of independent activities of children in the process of acquiring knowledge in teaching should begin already at a younger age in order to further their education existed during the constant rise of autonomy and independence. Individual learning in the classroom requires thought flexibility, critical thinking, individual work and intellectual independence, creativity and productivity, motivation and interest, as well as a partnership of teachers and students in the realization of educational tasks.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Intellectual independence of students in the process of gaining knowledge»


Dr. Zvezdan ArsiC, Faculty of Philosophy, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia E-mail: [email protected]

Received: November, 26.2014. Accepted: December, 09.2014.

Studies and articles UDK 37.025 371.3 37.015.3

Abstract. The main task of teaching at the present stage of social development that is characterized by the rapid development of science and technology should be directed towards ensuring that students are in the process of gaining knowledge as more independent. Learning in the modern conditions of life and work more focused on finding new information and acquiring skills that they interpret, judge, critically analyze and find their practical application. Individual learning is a process in which students do their own activities, and the school should primarily be to develop pupils' skills and habits for independent work, or to enable them to actively come to know and own efforts. With a program of independent activities of children in the process of acquiring knowledge in teaching should begin already at a younger age in order to further their education existed during the constant rise of autonomy and independence. Individual learning in the classroom requires thought flexibility, critical thinking, individual work and intellectual independence, creativity and productivity, motivation and interest, as well as a partnership of teachers and students in the realization of educational tasks.

Keywords: Teaching, Student, Teacher, Knowledge, Intellectual independence.


Intellectual independence of students is one of the most important prerequisites of their activating reasoning in the process of

Corresponding Author

Dr. Zvezdan Arsic, Faculty of Philosophy, Kosovska

Mitrovica, Serbia

E-mail: [email protected]

gaining knowledge, because the activity of the opinion that everyone just has to perform. Featured educators have long recognized the importance of intellectual independence and demanded that this capability needed attention. In accordance with this, М. Монтеа (1952, 54) requires that "knowledge is gained by their own actions to any internal acquis". J. А. Коменски (1954, 75), was the fact that "I am a student penetrates to the root of things and learned their meaning and purpose." Ж. Ж. Русо (1950, 170), demanded that "knowledge must be the consequence of their own observations and thoughts." The need for intellectual independence of students in the process of gaining knowledge is indicated and А. Дистервег (1956, 74), who pointed out that "no one can think instead of students, just as no one can replace, for example in the digestion of food," but К. Д. Ушински (1948, 76), which is in accordance with the requirements of the new school set before the children insisted that "children, preferably working independently." The ideas, perceptions and attitudes listed pedagogical classics are respected and prominent elder educators in Serbia, before all Ъ. НатошевиЬ (1861, 9), who demanded "that the real teacher only needs to finish, so that children find themselves all alone" and В. БакиЬ (1897, 123), who pointed out that "the only samoradnjom meoze learn something reliable."

Developing understanding of the organization of teaching in the second half of the 20th century, shows a tendency of appreciation of the importance and role of the intellectual independence of students in the learning process to their overall development. In accordance with such commitment is required "to teaching should be oriented towards students' acquisition of knowledge in all subjects and at all school levels" (Yoakam, Simpson, 1955, p. 103), that "school learning should need to establish, preferably, as a stand-alone

operation " (Штекер, 1960: 46), „every right to education contains elements of self "(various authors, 1969, p. 210)," the teacher to their work should reach to himself and his work gradually make unnecessary and superfluous" (Вученов, 1971, 42), „it is necessary to continue to create an atmosphere in which the student will be able to say instead, I learn, I learn (МандиЙ, 1972, 7), „that quality only those classes that the student provides personal intellectual revolving around the subject of learning" (Шимлеша, 1978, 89), „that the value of each teaching prices at what kind of space provides for forms of self" (Крнета, 1979, 136).



If you truly want to be a student of the subject, not only in teaching facility, should make conditions on this process to substantial knowledge of reality comes our own intellectual activity. Highlighting the need of intellectual independence of students in learning in the classroom is also important because, as it is an important condition for their training for self-education. Education in the modern conditions of life and work cannot be completed at a certain level or levels of education no matter how it was and how long it lasted or can be realized only in schools or other educational institutions. Students are trained to self-most successful in the classroom based on a combination of teaching and self-learning, or teaching that is organized so that learning is characterized by external help, gradually turns into learning without help. Therefore, you should work on creating the conditions that the elements of independent learning Introduction Since the beginning of schooling and what grade levels are increasingly narrowing the scope of direct teaching. Taking into account this request M. EaKOB^eB (1983, 65), says that "teaching does not need to be preceded by self-education, but it has developed throughout his life - all while so it does not develop to become superfluous." In teaching that develops its activities in this direction, it is impossible to set sharp boundaries between teaching and pedagogical-didactic organized self-learning. Under the independence of teaching

are considered Ж. ПротиЙ (1920, 120-121), includes thought-independence. The teacher's encouraging students to just thinking. However, one can often come across and the concepts by which students under intellectual independence process of gaining knowledge include activities in which the student works alone, without the help of teachers. Such an understanding cannot be accepted, because the success in acquiring knowledge in teaching involves the student's own opinion to systematically nurtured and developed. Therefore, teachers should be required to foster in their students to use their own intellect and create situations in which the maximum independence of thought expressed by students.

Highlighting the need of intellectual independence of students in the process of gaining knowledge, does not mean that they should be left to themselves. On the contrary. Request for intellectual independence of students in the classroom, without prejudice to the leading role of teachers. This process is not aimed at eliminating the teacher's leadership in learning in the classroom, but is directed towards its radical and change. And modern-oriented teaching leadership role of the teacher is viewed in this context. It is not rejected, but only radically changed. In modern oriented and organized teaching the teacher does not feed, nor restricts its pedagogical function. The only change to which insists refers to the fact that the leadership role of teachers should be put into operation changes the position of students and its role in their personal development. So, learning and therefore the acquisition of knowledge in teaching should be organized as an independent and guided activities, it is important to know that in this process governed complex relationships arising from self-guided and gaining new knowledge.

The attitude of the student as a subject in teaching today is very often interpreted in terms of the absolute independence of students from the teacher what is wrong. It would be very damaging, but also dangerous to be due to the determination of the position of students as subjects in teaching underestimated, subordinate or even off the leadership role of teachers and their pedagogical function. In teaching, we need to create the conditions for recognition of students subjective position, but you should know that he sometimes has to be in a position to object. The existence of a subjective position of students would bring into question the essence of its existence. Independent work of students in the process of gaining knowledge must be guided, as effective

real activity and individual work of students are possible only under the leadership roles of teachers. Of course, this leadership cannot be reduced to coercion, which in the past was a common occurrence. Also, teacher management should not interfere with the student's intellectual independence in the acquisition of knowledge in what is, unfortunately, very often. In connection with this problem H. n. ApTpucoBa (1968, 40), says that "assist the student in learning and acquiring knowledge is by no means a simple matter" and that "much easier to interfere in this process." Teachers often exhibit excessive activity and thus hinder the development of intellectual independence in students during learning. This means that it does not take sufficient account of the requirements of modern didactics, that the teacher as possible to deviate from the dominant position and its leadership role into the function of the realization requires that allow students intellectual independence. Among the factors that interfere with the independence of students, even when the request wants to meet, the most crucial is, by all accounts, habituation (most) teachers at all costs they dominate the teaching and at any moment to be at the forefront (EaKOB^eB, 1983, 71). They are manifested in various forms such as answering their own questions, the exclusion of students from the determination of processed, grab the words of students, student repetition (correct answers), too correcting students' mistakes, interruption of student presentations and speaking superfluous (Ibid, 71- 74). In addition to these factors that hinder the intellectual independence of students, research results (Apcuh, 2014,126), show that this is due to the time that is available to students to think in answering questions (students do not have enough time to think), the ratio of teachers to students' errors (lack of understanding of students' errors that occur during classes, students mockery of wrong answers, punishment incorrect responses by reducing the assessment or by typing negative rates), inadequate preparation of students for the processing of new teaching content (students are not informed about the case of work on the next lesson) and bias when evaluating students.

Intellectual independence of students in gaining knowledge in teaching should be conducted only as much as is needed to develop his strength and stimulate its activity and self-development. This guidance should be "more indirectly than directly" (ByKacoBuh, 1976, 139). Teachers in the process of intellectual independence, students should be treated as

junior partners in the same team. Moreover, teachers themselves need to operate a strategist, routers and organizers of the teaching process and to be parties to a collective process knowledge, true friends and comrades of his senior students. Modern teaching the teacher's work did much more challenging, but also heavier, so the role of the teacher become more assertive and more complex than it has ever been. Creating conditions for the intellectual independence of students, the teacher's management gets deeper content and contributes to his work becomes more accountable and effective.


In the traditionally organized courses, students are accustomed to intellectual dependence on teachers, because it mostly just listen, observe, remember and reproduce what the teacher tells and shows, and knowledge are adopted as final products of others' intellectual operations, so they no occasional special classes dedicated to learning about and practicing techniques of self-education will not qualify for successful independent acquisition. They are, therefore, not later, as an adult human, failing to educate their own, without help, because they are deprived of adequate skills and habits. In contrast to such a mode of organization of teaching and learning in it, in which classes are taught their own intellectual efforts not only provides high-quality, flexible and practical use of knowledge but also intellectually independent learners and thereby enables them to self-education. This is the main reason why such teaching imperative scientific and technological revolution that is the time in which we live. And this teaching is managed by the teacher, but his main task is to encourage young people to a more complete and versatile intellectual activity. In such circumstances, students are constantly engaged intellectually: discuss issues and solve problems, set and test hypotheses, analyze the facts reveal causal relationships and looking for all the convincing evidence. In the process of intellectual independence of special importance is the fact that what the students are allowed to doubt the correctness and accuracy

of the results and you get used to learn from mistakes, instead of hiding fearing teacher's reprimand and a bad score. Of course, the main initiator of the teacher who encourages, channeled and controlled, then organize a situation conducive to such learning.

The essence of intellectual activity and intellectual development in the process of gaining knowledge, is focused on developing the capacity of thinking that is the basic prerequisite for the intellectual independence of students in it. Whose development courses can systematically influence through education. In addition, the intellectual independence of students in the process of gaining knowledge depends on the content of teaching and students' activities. Course content in any field, its nature and basic characteristics, determine the nature of the system activities of students' in the classroom, which is a tool designed to influence the development of certain skills students', and thus represents the basis of the process of intellectual education in teaching (Антон^евиЬ, 2010, 224). Intellectual independence assumption students are the result of successful teaching, because learning from somebody else turns into learning without help. According to the М. Баковлева (1992, 125) „Only those who are insufficiently familiar with the essence of teaching can claim to be the student's intellectual independence and the teacher's management of student mental activity is incompatible. "The teacher does not force students to listen, observe, remember and reproduce, but initiates, supports, channels and tactical control unobtrusively as independent work of students. Thus, a teacher with his changing role and necessary professional and pedagogical-psychological and didactic-methodological training is an essential prerequisite for the intellectual independence of students in process gaining knowledge.

Conflict of interests

Authors declare no conflict of interest.


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