Научная статья на тему 'Integrated safety problems of “y” generation in Black sea region'

Integrated safety problems of “y” generation in Black sea region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zubareva Svetlana

Security problem of the generation “Y” in Russia and in the countries of the Black Sea region have a special actuality in connection with alterations, nowadays taking place in the world geopolitical situation. Considering the character of occurrent events and their consequences, directly influencing on population employable part, it is necessary to consider possible threats and risks, which the young generation representatives can be subjected. The influence of occurred events in the values formation context of young people generation first was considered by the American sociologists Neil Howe and William Strauss in 1991. Under the “Y” population they understood people, born from 1984 to 2003, characterized by deep involvement into digital technologies. Nowadays the given generation of young people is in the frustration state in consequence of discrepancy of wishes to existing possibilities, among which are available education, privileged accommodation, financial independence, presence of high-paying job. In the period of economic stability the problems can be solved and soften, then in connection with the economic crises in Russia, unstable economic situation, inflation they are considerably complicated. The given mental condition is capable to lead to undesirable consequences, negative for the society in whole. An individual begins to be dangerous not only for himself, but also for the surrounding people, losing the moral orientations under the conditions of traditional norms and values dithering. The youth as a transit and unstable group is mainly defenceless in front of the negative tendencies of modernity. Thus, gradually values of labor, freedom, democracy, international tolerance are neutralized. Under that avalanche criminalization of the youth takes place, numerical strength of the young people with social deviations also arouses, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, participation in extreme movements and cyberterrorism. Taking into consideration that the future is depended on the generation “Y” there appears demand in system, regulating comprehensive development of the youth potential. Formation and system effective functioning of the youth social safety of Russia and the Black Sea region countries is necessary in all spheres of the generation “Y” activity. Organization-administrative maintenance creates conditions, contributing to state of a person self-protection, social group, and community from the threats violation of their vital interests, rights, freedoms. The given process is necessary especially in political and socially-economic life for functioning of social, economic, cultural potential and also contributed to international competitive ability supplying and national security fortification. For the recent years the security problems of the young generation are in the focus of scientific community and of various levels authorities. In Russia this is reflected in realization of various social programs, such as juridical consulting, healthy lifestyle promotion, and organization of the youth international interaction, support of voluntary initiatives, assistance in employment, civic engagement increasing, and assistance delivery for the young people in difficult situations. However, in connection with alterations, taking place in the world space and in the countries of the Eastern Europe and North Asia, particularly it is necessary to consider, that the given process is out the frames of one country and requires collegial decision of countries according to the question of the modern youth security of the Black Sea post-Soviet countries.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Integrated safety problems of “y” generation in Black sea region»

UDC 101


S. Zubareva

post-graduate student Don state technical university. Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation [email protected]

Security problem of the generation "Y" in Russia and in the countries of the Black Sea region have a special actuality in connection with alterations, nowadays taking place in the world geopolitical situation. Considering the character of occurrent events and their consequences, directly influencing on population employable part, it is necessary to consider possible threats and risks, which the young generation representatives can be subjected. The influence of occurred events in the values formation context of young people generation first was considered by the American sociologists Neil Howe and William Strauss in 1991. Under the "Y" population they understood people, born from 1984 to 2003, characterized by deep involvement into digital technologies.

Nowadays the given generation of young people is in the frustration state in consequence of discrepancy of wishes to existing possibilities, among which are available education, privileged accommodation, financial independence, presence of high-paying job. In the period of economic stability the problems can be solved and soften, then in connection with the economic crises in Russia, unstable economic situation, inflation they are considerably complicated. The given mental condition is capable to lead to undesirable consequences, negative for the society in whole. An individual begins to be dangerous not only for himself, but also for the surrounding people, losing the moral orientations under the conditions of traditional norms and values dithering. The youth as a transit and unstable group is mainly defenceless in front of the negative tendencies of modernity. Thus, gradually values of labor, freedom, democracy, international tolerance are neutralized. Under that avalanche criminalization of the youth takes place, numerical strength of the young people with social deviations also arouses, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, participation in extreme movements and cyberterrorism.

Taking into consideration that the future is depended on the generation "Y" there appears demand in system, regulating comprehensive development of the youth potential. Formation and system effective functioning of the youth social safety of Russia and the Black Sea region countries is necessary in all spheres of the generation "Y" activity. Organization-administrative maintenance creates conditions, contributing to state of a person self-protection, social group, and community from the threats violation of their vital interests, rights, freedoms. The given process is necessary especially in political and socially-economic life for functioning of social, economic, cultural potential and also contributed to international competitive ability supplying and national security fortification. For the recent years the security problems of the young generation are in the focus of scientific community and of various levels authorities. In Russia this is reflected in realization of various social programs, such as juridical consulting, healthy lifestyle promotion, and organization of the youth international interaction, support of voluntary initiatives, assistance in employment, civic engagement increasing, and assistance delivery for the young people in difficult situations. However, in connection with alterations, taking place in the world space and in the countries of the Eastern Europe and North Asia, particularly it is necessary to consider, that the given process is out the frames of one country and requires collegial decision of countries according to the question of the modern youth security of the Black Sea postSoviet countries.

Key words: generation "Y", cyberterrorism, security, Eastern Europe, North Asia, Black sear region.

Nowadays alterations, taking place in geopolitical structure of Russia, give rise to turn to the security problems. At the same time it is necessary to consider that the given

processes is beyond the scope of one country and it completely depends on collegiate decision of the country. So significant events in the course of history cannot help touching the approaches to the notion and original mentality phenomena of the person. In consequence of this consciousness changing take place, alterations in the character of thinking and worldvision of population, especially of young people of the Black sea region post-Soviet countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldavia).

Generation theory, developed by American researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss in the end of XX century helps to detect and understand deep behavior motives of a certain population layer. According to this theory, generation - a group of people, born in a certain age period, experienced the influence of the same events, and upbringing peculiarities, with similar values.

In the frames of its conception the authors emphasize six generations, living nowadays: "The G.I. Generation", "The Silent Generation", "The Boom Generation", "Generation X", "The Millennial Generation", "The Homeland Generation" [5]. The theory, built on this classification, is efficient concerning the whole world. However, taking into account that the authors considered the influence of socioeconomic events to the west society during consideration of the generation theory relating to Russia and countries of the Black sea region, one should refer to the researches of Russian scientists. The specialist in psycho-linguistics E.Shamis and the head of the project "RuGenerations" E.Nikonov adapted the given generation theory for the countries of the Eastern Europe and North Asia. In the result of the generations values analysis in Russia, the theory of N. Howe and Strauss was acknowledged to be acting and also enriched with events, actual for Russia in the corresponding historical periods, and values, which were formed under the influence of these events.

Nowadays according to this classification in the role of active generations can act: "Generation GI " ("generation of winners"), "Silent generation", "Generation of baby boomers", "Generation of X", ("Unknown generation"), "Generation Y" ("Millenium generation" ) [6]. In the context of Russian history one more generation classification, belonging to the famous publicist P.Deinichenko, which he quotes in his book "XXI century, attracts an interest. History is not finished" arouses direct interest [1]. The author suggests classification from the six basic generations.

"The old people":

1) generation of "the century contemporaries" (born about 1900);

2) generation of "the revolution contemporaries" (born about 1917).

"The adult people":

3) "war" and "postwar" generations (born in prewar years, during the war and immediately after the war);

4) generation of " thaw" (born in 1955-1965).

"Young people":

5) generation of " stagnation" (born after 1967);

6) generation of 1990-s, which the author did not give the title.

It is should be noted that this classification of P. Deinichenko is rather similar with the preceding one and it appears to be the enlarged version of generation classification in the works of Kh. Orteg-and-Gasset, who told "that three generations live in every present time:


young people, adults and old people. However, the mention about generation, born after 2000-s is absent in the given classification.

Every of these generations differ with events peculiar and usual for their representatives, which already formed values of these generations. In particular, the modern young people are referred to the generation "Y", which differs with the Internet using in the quality of the basic informational source and adherence to the new technologies. The basic peculiarities of the given generation are: young people are focused more on education, than on labor activity, high level of the internal migration and aspiration to emigration, presence of concrete impressions about working process, formed world view.

Sociologists offered the hypothesis about that such events as USSR disintegration, terrorist attacks and war conflicts, worldwide commercial globalization and digital technologies development influenced a lot on generation "Y" values formation, formed during the period from 1984 to 2000. One can continue the given list with events, taking place for the last decade: sanctions and restriction of collaboration with Russia, conflict in the east of Ukraine, financial crises in Russia, international terrorism and extremism (in the context of ISIL (the organization declared to be extremist in Russia and it is prohibited) and other terrorist groups), revelation of the USA NSA illegal activity.

Experience of various character events in the modern conditions can become the source of strong pressure to the generation "Y" in the international scope. All activities of the generation "Y" representatives can be conditioned by activity of these situational factors. Consequently, the concrete temporary orientation can strongly influence on the reaction of a person to the live way and reaction to subsequent processes of various events in the present and future, what will be his achievements in the nearest future, dangerous behavior, goals setting and other processes.

Among the values of the generation "Y" one can emphasize: freedom, "fun", civic duty and morality, responsibility, immediate reward, optimism, self-confidence, diversity, creative work, freelance, enjoyment, achievements, time, flexibility, optimism, improve the world and the country, freedom of movement through time and space, life quality, communication and collaboration.

Representations about the generation "Y" values help to determine priorities and directions of social development of modern youth. Following the generation theory, offered by N. Howe and Strauss one can determine how strong the representatives of the given generation will be subjected to the existing dangers and threats.

Basic motivation study of youth social groups behavior is considered to be important during the social deviation study. In consequence of the world financial crisis, introduction of economic sanctions, particularly in Russia and appeared later unfavorable conditions for labor activity of the generation "Y" appeared to be defenseless in social relation, especially for young specialists with high education in connection with ambitions discontent after university graduation.

Market competition among those, who at the beginning of the career is higher than among specialists with work experience. In the period from January to the present year June there were from 300 000 to 1 mln of unemployed in Russia in the age from 15 to 29, i.e. the representatives of the generation "Y" [2]. According to the data of the Internet-

recruitment HeadHunter, about 30% from graduates of universities and colleges, who referred to the employment service, get the job.

The problems with employment and first professional experience obtainment introduce the young people into frustration state, that often becomes a problem of alcoholism and drug addiction development among the youth. However, primary socialization in difficult families, absence of upbringing and lack of information about drugs, and also negative influence of senior authoritative friends are also referred to the reasons of addiction beginning. The high narcotization level of Russian population stays to be a direct safety risk and the basic factor of demographic and country socioeconomic potential disruption.

Taking into consideration that the generation "Y" at the present time and in the nearest future represents an active population layer, increase of dependent number will lead to the reduction of families in comparison with the preceding generation of social orphanage, crime growth and aggression in the youth environment, spread of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Presently, according to the data of Federal State Statistics Service, the lethal level broadly conditioned by the factor of drugconsumption in the age category from 15 to 34 in Russia comprises more than 200 people on 100 thous.of population [3]. The given situation is conditioned by the fact that about two thirds from the general number annually dying young people in Russia, dye from various bodily diseases unusual for the youth, the source of which is considered to be drug misuse.

Addictive behavior spread in Russia - indefeasible part of the world drug addiction problem, requiring coordinated and sustainable actions of the whole world community. However not only the youth health service problem, but also psychological state of the generation "Y" representatives, especially in the current situation of terrorist attacks threat expect the similar actions.

Emersion of extremism and aggression in the youth environment can be explained on the basis of historical period peculiarities, in the process of which the formation and development of this group took place. Young people, whose first socialization took place under the USSR disintegration and the world extremism, used to fight condition, and perceived it as normal, and this was direct reflected on their formation as individuals, society members, citizens. The paradigm of relation to the life was changed - egocentrism and also cult of power and material values became the dominant. Broadly the predominance of negative information, verbal and visual aggression in mass media contributes to the given state. However, some researchers consider political views, political consciousness of young generation, support degree of nationalists and terrorists in the quality of an original criterion of adherence to extreme views.

The representatives of the Generation "Y" express an active interest to political sphere, they participate in meetings, marches, appear to be the members of political parties youth movements and with interest watch the activity of political leaders. The representatives of "Y" generation are present in all-Russian social organizations, as liberally-democratic movement, rightliberal, so in aspiring to formation of renewed socialism in Russia. However, the critically disposed youth is also present among Russian representatives, and the young people are waiting for the emersion of a chief-hero, honest and fearless, who will be able to lead the way. Oppositionists, acting in the frames of the right side, are appeared to be incapable for young people to change the actual state of things. Nega-


tivism, covering numerically insignificant audience of the given generation does not turn into revolutionary feeling. The great majority of young people never took part in the protest actions. Taking into account the values peculiar for the "Y" generation one can suppose that decision making about taking part in some protest action will depend on the conditions of its realization, how favorable or unfavorable they will be.

The special attention should be paid to the questions of the youth security, taking into consideration the fact that the generation "Y" is characterized by a deep involving into information and communication technologies. The modern generation of the young people is often imagined, as a dissimulation society, this is connected with that the relatedness with reality is removed - society is satisfied with artificial sign systems, replacement of real.

Simulative reality of the modern society destroys from within the values of social space, more precisely, transforms social communications and interpersonal relationships. For the reason that space-temporal border between reality and dissimulation gradually disappears, an individual and connection between them gradually lose the principle of reality, which is not experienced any more, but only simulated. Functions as in case with real things, so with genuine functional simulacra go to the foreground. Things replace the concrete interindividual and social relations. Thus, the thing ceases to be a method of defined practical problem solution, it easily can also resolve a social problem. In the situation, where there is own thing for every problem, it even does not solve the conflicts, as substitutes them with an illusion of unharmed resolution. Mechanical solution acts in place of social solution or simulative adaptation. In other words, the modern society breaks traditional system of things understanding, loses identity, individuality.

IR technologies provide the young men and women with a row of possibilities and at the same time bear new threats. The representatives of the generation "Y" are represent a special risk group, in connection with that there are many web-sites in the Internet, where there are information, dangerous for the young people with an unstable psyche. The publication at the web-site of Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare illustrates the given thesis: "In connection with telecommunication technologies development and more accessibility to the Internet of children and teenagers, computer and internet technologies began essentially influencing on the indice of child suicide" [4]. However not only the theme of life and death is considered to be actual in the informative-telecommunications network Internet. One should notice that representatives of the given generation give preference to personalized media, possessing high level of social service that conditions striving for individualism, presence of high demands in self-realization, self-presentation and aspiration for comfort. However, considering the fact that creating personal account in social network a user registers his personal data, there is the danger of cyberterrorism, stealing of personal data by malefactors.

The danger of virtual terror also manifests in location of provocative messages at media-platforms, to induce conflicts among the participants of virtual community. In consequence of which debates, polemic, demagogy, with using of offensive utterances can emerge, virtual persecutions and threats are also possible. Despite the fact that interpersonal communication in the virtual space bears transit character and can be realized anonymously, behavior pattern can do a serious harm to a young person in the real life. Especially if psychological virtual terror takes place, which does irrecoverable harm, leads to


incitement to suicide, death of a victim in consequence of bullying. The basic consequence of victims and their pursuers falls on the young representatives of the generation "Y", characterized by high sensibility to offences, hearings and social failures. The given problem can be prevented if the victims will give an adequate help from the parents or teachers, in case if the latest possess experience and knowledge about the given problematics.

Presently situation of a person being can be considered as the situation, where the youth does not feel in safety. There is a threat of involvement in extremist movements and terrorist organizations, and also negative influence to the health of a person, infusion of narcotic and alcohol addiction. Considering that interpersonal communication among the representatives of the progressive generation takes place in the global Internet at the social media platforms it is practically cannot be controlled, excepting using of various applications, controlling the user route. Accordingly, the general decrease of safe feeling, self-protection of the modern generation "Y" can be observed. It also can be observed that the situation of threat becomes an accustomed temporal orientation for the given generation of young people.


1. Дейниченко П. XXI век. История не кончается. М., 2000.

2. Основные тренды на рынке труда России: итоги 2015 и начало 2016 года [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://hhcdn.ru/file/16386724.pdf (дата обращения: 28.06.2016).

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4. Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://rospotrebnadzor.ru/deyatelnost/zpp/?ELEMENT_ID=6446 (дата обращения: 28.06.2016).

5. Howe N., Strauss W. Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069. N.Y., 1991.

6. RuGenerations. Теория поколений в России: Основы Теории Поколений: online проект. URL: http://rugenerations.wordpress.com (дата обращения: 28.06.2016).

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October, 28, 2016

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