L.A. Kovalenko, Ph.D.
B.P. Yakovlev, professor, Dr.Psych.
A.I. Kovalenko, postgraduate student
Surgut State University, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district Yugra, Surgut
Key words: education, integrated assessment, professional competency, trainer.
In conditions of reforming of the system of modern education, changing to the federal state educational standards and in light of the new law "On education" it is especially important to develop the teacher's professional competency. Therefore, it is essential that to create favorable conditions in educational institutions for the formation of a professional educator who would be able to analyze teaching activity and control it, who knows the tools of diagnostics of the process and products of own work, as well as on the methods of validation of the ways and means of its correction and further improvement [1, 2].
Work with school teachers is most effective when it is organized as an integrated system. Its success depends on the interest of teachers in professional development, organization of school educational process. The more a teacher is satisfied with his work, the more he is interested in improving his skills. Consequently, it is fair to say that today there is a certain volume of scientific knowledge, the use of which in educational activity is the basic requirement for the formation of a professionally competent teacher, a researching teacher who is able to improve the training process and direct it to the solution of the issues of achievement of personality formation and development of both students and a teacher himself [3].
When estimating professional competency of trainers, we proceeded from the necessity of modeling an integral context of professional activity, with an opportunity to assess the knowledge and ability to use, apply it effectively in a variety of professional situations [2, 7].
The purpose of the study was to assess the level of professional competency of specialists in physical culture and sport of an educational institution.
Materials and methods. In order to carry out an integrated diagnostics of professional competencies of trainers within the system of acmeological monitoring, we developed a diagnostic toolset in which personal and professional competencies were divided into six groups: Group 1 - personal qualities, Group 2 - individual characteristics, Group 3 - qualities based on psychological mechanisms
Group 4 - creativity,
Group 5 - self-improvement expertise,
Group 6 - professional competencies comprising: psycho-pedagogical, gnostical, design, communicative, organizational, scientific-research, diagnostic, motor, acmeological, constructive competencies [5].
A total of 22 trainers of a children's sport school (45% males and 55% females) were examined during the integrated assessment of professional competency.
Table 1 represents the 6-unit integrated assessment of professional competency.
Table 1. Level of personal qualities and professional competencies of trainers
Competencies Points Level
1. Personal qualities 4.2 Sufficient
2. Individual characteristics 4.4 Sufficient
3. Qualities based on psychological mechanisms 4.1 Sufficient
4. Creativity 3.9 Average
5. Self-improvement expertise 3.8 Average
6. Professional competencies 4 Sufficient
According to Table 1, trainers are deemed qualified for their position provided that they improve the underdeveloped components of their professional activity and specific professional competencies.
Results and discussion. During the study of personal qualities of trainers, a sufficient level of qualities was determined (Table 2).
Table 2. Level of personal qualities of trainers within the group
Personal qualities Points Level
Total on scale 4.2 Sufficient
Sense of object 4.1 Sufficient
Sense of proportion 4 Sufficient
Sense of tact 4.1 Sufficient
Sense of ownership 4 Sufficient
Sense of orientation 4 Sufficient
Sensitivity 4 Sufficient
Sense of delicacy 4.1 Sufficient
Sense of humor 5 Reference
Insightfulness 4.2 Sufficient
The data presented in Table 2 prove that trainers are qualified for their position, merit a reward, and yet they have an opportunity to improve their professional skills, professional competency. Closer attention should be paid to such qualities as sense of proportion, ownership, orientation, sensitivity (Fig. 1). Since these qualities are on the borderline with the mean values.
Fig. 1. Comparative analysis of personal qualities of trainers and the reference level
The results of the analysis of the qualities based on psychological mechanisms are presented in
Table 3.
Table 3. Results of analysis of qualities based on psychological mechanisms
Qualities based on psychological mechanisms Points Level
General level 4.1 Sufficient
Self-reflection 3.8 Average
Identification 3.9 Average
Empathy 4.2 Sufficient
Decentration 4.2 Sufficient
Each of the singled out personal qualities based on psychological mechanisms is marked by its peculiar characteristics.
Self-reflection (equivoque) is the capacity of a teacher to see himself as a student sees him. During the diagnostics of this quality we found out that, apart from seeing only the positive sides in their teacher (erudition, intelligence, culture, tact, etc.), students also single out those qualities which he certainly needs to reconsider (dictatorial tone, ability to give a rebuff, deliquescence, "action" with no hope of a response, etc.)
Identification is a teacher's ability to put himself in student's shoes and thus, being aware of his problems, explain his behavior. Indeed, most students are not able to learn better if teachers are
unable to concentrate (compact) teaching information for each of them. In other words, it is overload that interferes. Some students neglect the educational material. Others do not believe in their teachers' support: students hold ill opinion of them.
The mentioned qualities need to be improved by using the programs for raising of professional competency [4, 6, 7].
Empathy is the ability to perceive the emotional state of each student. Given that his physiological state displays itself unpredictably (apathy, blackouts, irritability, excitability). Society exerts a certain influence too (family, environment, group). A student's behavior is also affected by the character structure (system of social relations in general). Otherwise, earnest "teacher-student" communication is impossible.
Decentation is the ability of a teacher to put his egocentric assessment of a student aside and embrace his point of view. Here a teacher usually displays the finest sensitivity: he is ready to "become defiled" with a student's behavior so that, having earned his confidence, he could "wash off' together with the student.
Self-reflection, identification, empathy, decentration are lifetime psychological formations. A teacher who is demanding and responsible at work, and an organized person indeed, will be able to develop these qualities in himself [2].
The results of the 10-section assessment of the professional competencies of trainers are presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Results of assessment of trainers' professional competencies
Professional competencies Points Percentage Level
1. Psycho-pedagogical 4.3 86 Sufficient
2. Gnostic 3.9 78 Average
3. Design 3.8 76 Average
4. Communicative 4 80 Sufficient
5. Organizational 4.3 86 Sufficient
6. Scientific-research 3.8 76 Average
7. Diagnostic 3.6 72 Average
8. Motor 4.4 88 Sufficient
9. Acmeological 4 80 Sufficient
10. Constructive 3.9 78 Average
The group of psycho-pedagogical competencies (6.1), that ensure transferring innovative solutions in the sphere of intelligent professional stimulation of students' motives and abilities to
orientate themselves and create a mindset, included the competencies related to the learning and educational effects of physical culture and sport, and of the teacher's work in general.
The group of gnostic competencies included the activities associated with the accumulation of new knowledge of the tasks and objectives of the system, the means of pursuing of these objectives, of the state of the objects and subjects of the pedagogical interaction at different stages of pedagogical problem solving process, of psychological characteristics of students and teachers. The gnostic component relates to the ability to acquire new knowledge through the analysis of own professional activity and to transform it basing on the new educational, methodological and scientific information.
Design competencies imply the activities attributed to the study of the trends of development of educational practical training and determination of the directions of correction of the educational system operation; the ability to implement different planning types, aimed at narrowing the gap between the obtained results and the desired ones, which are required by an individual and the society on the whole.
Communicative competencies, determining the abilities in the field of mastering the technologies of information sharing, abilities to bring into communication, dialogues, interaction, are connected with the establishment of pedagogically rational relationships, the motivation of the ones involved in educational process to be engaged in further activity.
The group of organizational competencies comprises the activities related to pursuing of the educational goal in a particular organization of personal interaction in time and space in accordance with the pre-formed system of principles with which the educational process is to comply in order to achieve the target.
Scientific-research and diagnostic competencies are associated with the readiness to conduct a scientific research, with the study of the products of own work under different conditions using different methods, forms and techniques of training and teaching, and with evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical stimulation.
Motor competencies require from a physical education teacher a sufficiently high level of motor skills in the chosen activity, as well as a wide range of various motor actions.
Acmeological competencies contribute to the development of those abilities which enable understanding the levels of own activity, organizing the process of professional self-improvement, and taking part in the corporate creative work.
The group of constructive competencies is associated with the selection of the means, forms and methods of pedagogical stimulation, their compositional arrangement and further experimental verification during an educational process.
Conclusion. The conducted assessment of professional competency of specialists in physical culture and sport in an educational institution on the basis of the selected competencies resulted in the
identification of the "problem areas" and trends that need further consideration when developing and implementing additional vocational training programs for trainers of a children's sports school.
The findings of the study for the purpose of improvement of teacher's professional competency can be used to bring the operation of an educational institution closer to the innovative developing system, which represents one of the most urgent problems of modern education.
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