Научная статья на тему 'Integrated application of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers'

Integrated application of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
rehabilitation means / circannian training cycle of sportsmen / Greco-Roman style wrestlers

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Zinaida M. Kuznetsova, Yriy D. Ovchinnikov, Nadezhda A. Nazarenko

Rivalry level increase during competitions and also the level of stability increase in such a difficult coordination kind of sport, as Greco-Roman wrestling, cause the necessity to search for new approaches to the training system and process of wrestlers. In this connection the problem of all sides of training improvement stays very urgent, as sports result depends on them. The training process intensification without any harm to sportsmen’s health is possible in case of a rational training lessons organization and different rehabilitation means use. In this connection it is important to study the aspects, connected with different rehabilitation means use during the process of sports training among wrestlers, which provide working capacity support. Material. The effectiveness of integrated use of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers. Research methods: scientific and methodical literature analysis and summarizing, modeling, mathematical statistics methods. Results. It was revealed that the structure of rehabilitation means use in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers should be realized taking into account the following factors: a wrestler’s weight category; the type of rehabilitation means influence; characteristics of rehabilitation means use; the peculiarities of a gradual use of different rehabilitation means; individual characteristics of a wrestler; the objectives of the training period and stage. The result of an integrated use of rehabilitation means in training highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers is competitive activity effectiveness increase and traumatism prevention. Conclusion. The methodology was tested during the pedagogical experiment, which conditioned a detailed specification of all parts of an integrated use of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers, taking into account their weight categories.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Integrated application of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers»

DOI 10/14526/04_2017_259


Alexsandr S. Kuznetsov — Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor

Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Nizametdinovа str., 28, Naberezhnye Chelny, 423806, Russia Zinaida M. Kuznetsova - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Square of the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, 4, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia

E-mail: kzm [email protected]

Annotation. Rivalry level increase during competitions and also the level of stability increase in such a difficult coordination kind of sport, as Greco-Roman wrestling, cause the necessity to search for new approaches to the training system and process of wrestlers. In this connection the problem of all sides of training improvement stays very urgent, as sports result depends on them. The training process intensification without any harm to sportsmen's health is possible in case of a rational training lessons organization and different rehabilitation means use. In this connection it is important to study the aspects, connected with different rehabilitation means use during the process of sports training among wrestlers, which provide working capacity support. Material. The effectiveness of integrated use of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers. Research methods: scientific and methodical literature analysis and summarizing, modeling, mathematical statistics methods. Results. It was revealed that the structure of rehabilitation means use in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers should be realized taking into account the following factors: a wrestler's weight category; the type of rehabilitation means influence; characteristics of rehabilitation means use; the peculiarities of a gradual use of different rehabilitation means; individual characteristics of a wrestler; the objectives of the training period and stage. The result of an integrated use of rehabilitation means in training highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers is competitive activity effectiveness increase and traumatism prevention. Conclusion. The methodology was tested during the pedagogical experiment, which conditioned a detailed specification of all parts of an integrated use of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers, taking into account their weight categories.

Keywords: rehabilitation means, circannian training cycle of sportsmen, Greco-Roman style wrestlers.

Greco-Roman wrestling is a difficult coordinating kind of sport, which is conditioned by the rules of competitions.

Rivalry level increase during competitions and also the level of stability increase in such a difficult coordination kind of sport, as Greco-Roman wrestling, cause the necessity to search for new approaches to the training system and process of wrestlers. In this connection the problem of all sides of training

improvement stays very urgent, as sports result depends on them (1, 3, 4).

It should be noted that some authors (6, 9, 14, and others) underline the negative influence of great volume and intensity training loads not only on sports result, but also on health of sportsmen, which provide overstress, overtraining states appearance and chronic diseases and injuries exasperation. Moreover, there is the tendency of the number of competitions and training lessons increase,

which leads to rehabilitation periods decrease between them and the increase of intensive loads. The training process intensification without any harm to sportsmen's health is possible in case of a rational training lessons organization and different rehabilitation means use.

In this connection it is important to study the aspects, connected with different rehabilitation means use during the process of sports training among wrestlers, which provide working capacity support. At the same time, many specialists in the sphere of theory and methodology of sports training consider the peculiarities of rehabilitation means use, after the training and competitive loads, one of the main sides of training sportsmen (11, 14 and others). That is why there appeared the need for the experimental methodology creation of the integrated use of rehabilitation means among highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers in circannian training cycle.

The structure and content of the system of rehabilitation means use in many respects determine the effectiveness of sportsmen's competitive activity.

In the Federal standard concerning the kind of sport "Wrestling" and the model

program of the discipline "Greco-Roman wrestling" sufficient amount of hours is given to rehabilitation events, but the means themselves, their volume, intensity of influence and duration are not demonstrated in them.

Rehabilitation means in Greco-Roman wrestling we used in a complex. A complex regimen presents the range of rehabilitation means of different directions: pedagogical, psychological, physiotherapeutic, which increase the effectiveness of the training process (2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13).

The structure formation of rehabilitation means application should be realized depending on wrestlers' individual characteristics. One of the characteristics of an individual approach is weight category.

Nowadays there are the following weight categories in Greco-Roman wrestling: 59 kg, 66 kg, 71 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg, 98 kg, 130 kg.

Table 1 presents the distribution of wrestlers from the control and the experimental groups according to weight categories.

Table 1 - The distribution of wrestlers from the control and the experimental groups according to

weight categories

Weight categories / 59 kg 66 kg 71 kg 75 kg 80 kg 85 kg 98 kg 130 kg


EG-1(15) 3 2 2 2 3 1 2

CG-1(15) 2 3 2 2 2 2 2

EG-2(6) 2 1 1 1 1

CG-2(6) 1 1 1 2 1

The degree of different rehabilitation means influence directly depends on a sportsman's weight. For heavy weight category wrestlers, in order to achieve the desired result, the duration of rehabilitation events and the intensity of the influence should be longer and stronger in comparison with light weight category wrestlers. At the same time, for light weight category wrestlers the volume and frequency of rehabilitation means use

should be lower. If rehabilitation means are used in the same proportions in all weight categories, light weigh category wrestlers will have the decrease of physical working capacity and general muscles tonus and heavy weight category wrestlers will have insufficient rehabilitation and over-tension of neuromuscular apparatus.

A general rule for all sportsmen was rehabilitation means use 40-60 minutes after

the first training and 120-140 minutes after the second training.

In the experimental methodology of the integrated use of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of wrestlers the following rehabilitation means were used: lymphatic drainage apparatus, massage bed, sensory room, sauna, massage mattress, relaxation exercises, psycho-muscular training taking into account methodical recommendations on application and the peculiarities of relaxation exercises and psycho-muscular training use (plan-scheme).

During the scheme creation of rehabilitation means use we took into account the following preconditions:

1. Rehabilitation means are oriented at their use after the loads of the average and great volumes, taking into consideration the weight category of a wrestler.

Table 2 - Plan-schemes of rehabilitation means use in a weekly micro-cycle __(weight categories 59,66,71 kg)__

Weekdays Mon. Tues. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.

Means 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 A/R

VM + + +

Dosage 7'- 10Hz 8'- 10Hz 10'-10 Hz

MB + + +

Dosage 7' 8' 10'

LDA + + +

Dosage 7' 8' 9'

SR + +

Dosage 10' 12'

S + + +

Dosage 5' 7' 10'

RE + + +

Dosage 6' 8' 10'

PMT + + +

Dosage 5' 10' 12'

Notes: 1 - was used after the first training; 2 - was used after the second training; vibromassage mattress (VM) "Vitalax"; massage bed (MB) "DYUZON-700"; lymph-drinage apparatus (LDA) "Doctor Life DL 2002 D "; sensory room (SR) "SNUZLIN"; sauna (S) Home-Sweater; relaxation exercises (RE); psycho-muscular training (PMT); active rest (A/R)

1. Monday

2. The schemes of rehabilitation means use were created taking into account the results of each means effectiveness study.

Tables 2, 3, 4 present the plan-schemes of rehabilitation means application in weekly micro-cycle for Greco-Roman style wrestlers of light, average and heavy weight categories.

Plan-schemes of the methodology of the integrated application of rehabilitation means are directed at the realization, in terms of weekly training micro-cycles, where the stimulating influence is directed at sportsmen's functional readiness increase.

Plan-schemes include the means of rehabilitation, duration of application, intensity of the influence, general time and time of application during the training day (tables 2,3, 4).

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 7 minutes, intensity

- 10 Hz);

b) after the second training:

• sauna "Home-Sweater" (séance duration - 5 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 5 minutes).

2. Tuesday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZ0N-700" (séance duration - 7 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -

7 minutes);

• relaxation exercises (séance duration - 6 minutes).

3. Wednesday

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 8 minutes, intensity

- 10 Hz);

b) after the second training:

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -

8 minutes);

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 10 minutes).

4. Thursday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZON-700" (séance duration - 8 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• sauna "Home-Sweater" (séance duration - 7 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 10 minutes).

5. Friday

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 10 minutes, intensity - 10 Hz);

b) after the second training:

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -

9 minutes);

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 12 minutes);

• sauna "Home-Sweater" (séance duration - 10 minutes).

6. Saturday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZ0N-700" (séance duration - 10 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• relaxation exercises (séance duration - 10 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 12 minutes).

Table 3 - Plan-schemes of rehabilitation means use in a weekly micro-cycle

Weekdays Mon Tues. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.

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Means 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

VM + + +

Dosage 7'- 15Hz 8'- 15Hz 10'-15Hz

MB + + +

Dosage 10' 11' 12'

LDA + + +

Dosage 10' 12' 14' А/R

SR + + + +

Dosage 12' 13' 15' 16'

S + + +

Dosage 6' 9' 11'

RE + + +

Dosage 8' 10' 12'

PMT + +

Dosage 6' 8'

Notes: 1 - was used after the first training; 2 - was used after the second training; vibromassage mattress (VM) "Vitalax"; massage bed (MB) "DYUZON-700"; lymph-drinage apparatus (LDA) "Doctor Life DL 2002 D "; sensory room (SR) "SNUZLIN"; sauna (S) Home-Sweater; relaxation exercises (RE); psycho-muscular training (PMT); active rest (А/R)

1. Monday

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 7 minutes, intensity

- 15 Hz);

b) after the second training:

• sauna "Home-Sweater" (séance duration - 6 minutes);

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -10 minutes);

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 12 minutes).

2. Tuesday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZ0N-700" (séance duration - 10 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• relaxation exercises (séance duration - 8 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 6 minutes).

3. Wednesday

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 8 minutes, intensity

- 15 Hz);

b) after the second training:

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -12 minutes);

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 13 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 8 minutes).

4. Thursday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZON-700" (séance duration - 11 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• sauna "Home-Sweater" (séance duration - 9 minutes);

• relaxation exercises (séance duration - 10 minutes).

5. Friday

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 10 minutes, intensity - 15 Hz);

b) after the second training:

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -14 minutes);

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 15 minutes).

6. Saturday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZ0N-700" (séance duration - 12 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• relaxation exercises (séance duration - 12 minutes);

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 16 minutes);

• sauna "Home-Sweater" (séance duration - 11 minutes).

Table 4 - Plan-schemes of rehabilitation means use in a weekly micro-cycle

Weekdays / Means Mon. Tues. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

VM + + +

Dosage 10'-20Hz 13'-25Hz 15'-25Hz

MB + + + a

Dosage 10' 12' 15' c r

LDA + + + t e

Dosage 13' 15' 17' i s

SR + + + + v t

Dosage 15' 17' 19' 20' e

S + + +

Dosage 15' 16' 20'

RE + + +

Dosage 10' 13' 15'

PMT + + + + +

Dosage 10' 15' 17' 19' 20'

Notes: 1 - was used after the first training; 2 - was used after the second training; vibromassage mattress (VM) "Vitalax"; massage bed (MB) "DYUZON-700"; lymph-drinage apparatus (LDA) "Doctor Life DL 2002 D "; sensory room (SR) "SNUZLIN"; sauna (S) Home-Sweater; relaxation exercises (RE); psycho-muscular training (PMT); active rest (A/R)

1. Monday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZON-700" (séance duration - 10 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -13 minutes);

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 15 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 10 minutes).

2. Tuesday

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 10 minutes, intensity - 20 Hz);

b) after the second training:

• relaxation exercises (séance duration - 10 minutes);

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 15 minutes).

3. Wednesday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZ0N-700" (séance duration - 12 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -15 minutes).

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 17 minutes);

• sauna "Home-Sweater" (séance duration - 16 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 15 minutes).

4. Thursday

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 13 minutes, intensity - 25 Hz);

b) after the second training:

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• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 19 minutes);

• relaxation exercises (séance duration - 13 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 17 minutes).

5. Friday

a) after the first training:

• massage bed "DYUZ0N-700" (séance duration - 15 minutes);

b) after the second training:

• lymph-drinage apparatus "Doctor Life DL 2002 D" (séance duration -17 minutes);

• relaxation exercises (séance duration - 15 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 19 minutes).

6. Saturday

a) after the first training:

• vibromassage mattress "Vitalax" (séance duration - 15 minutes, intensity- 25 Hz);

b) after the second training:

• sensory room "SNUZLIN" (séance duration - 20 minutes);

• sauna "Home-Sweater" (séance duration - 20 minutes);

• psycho-muscular training (séance duration - 20 minutes).

of local influence was used and after the During rehabilitation means planning second training séance of general influence we took into consideration the effective area of was used. each means. After the first training the séance

During the rehabilitation means use in competitive period it was taken into account that séances duration should be not great with predominance of general influence means. During the preparatory period the combination of general and local séances was provided.

It is difficult to study the processes of rehabilitation, as different systems have different rehabilitation. This process has temporary character that is why different indices in different time periods after the loads can change.

The control over the rehabilitation processes is realized with the help of express-diagnostics DK-Test before the first and the second trainings.

Thus, the structure of rehabilitation means application in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers should be realized taking into account the following factors: a wrestler's weight category; the type of rehabilitation means influence; characteristics of rehabilitation means use; the peculiarities of a gradual use of different rehabilitation means; individual characteristics of a wrestler; the objectives of the training period and stage.

The result of an integrated use of rehabilitation means in training highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers is competitive activity effectiveness increase and traumatism prevention. The methodology was tested during the pedagogical experiment, which conditioned a detailed specification of all parts of an integrated use of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers, taking into account their weight categories.


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14. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z. Diagnostics of Functional State and Recerve Capacity of young Athletes' Organizm. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and

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Submitted: 20.12.2017 Received: 23.12.2017

Authors information:

Alexsandr S. Kuznetsov — Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Nizametdinova str., 28, Naberezhnye Chelny, 423806, Russia

Zinaida M. Kuznetsova - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Square of the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth, 4, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, E-mail: kzm [email protected]

For citations: Kuznetsov A.S., Kuznetsova Z.M. Integrated application of rehabilitation means in circannian training cycle of highly-qualified greco-roman style wrestlers, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Pshycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 6-14. DOI 10/14526/04_2017_259

DOI 10/14526/04_2017_260


Zinaida M. Kuznetsova — Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia Yriy D. Ovchinnikov — candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Nadezhda A. Nazarenko — student Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 161, Budenny str., Krasnodar, 350015, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. Nowadays universalfight becomes very popular among young people. This kind of sport is a kind of symbiosis of sambo and hand-to-hand combat, but at the same time it has its own competitive and training specificity. Universal fight techniques are actively used not only in sports competitive activity, but also in force structures training. Universal fight, as all kinds of combat, is based on the laws and principles of biomechanics of a person's body movements. This problem is not studied enough and presented in scientific literature. Material. Substantiation of a sportsman's biomechanics of movements during obstacle course overcoming, taking into account the rules of competitions and time factors. Research methods: scientific literature and competitions results analysis, observation, mathematical statistics methods. Result. Scientific literature analysis, concerning this scientific direction, showed the necessity to study a sportsman's biomechanics of movements during obstacle course overcoming. Sports competitions observation and analysis and also personal sports experience helped to held scientific research, summarize the received results andpresent own scientific opinion in this article. Conclusion. This scientific research can be referred to the category of the applied scientific research works ofpractical orientation. Keywords: biomechanics of movements, obstacle course, kinds of universal fight, knife throwing.

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