УДК 378
Makarikhina I.M., Cand. of Science (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil
(Novosibirsk, Russia), Е-mail: [email protected]
INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES. CREATION OF ITS INFORMATION-COMMUNICATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. The urgency of our project is to create special pedagogical conditions for the formation of general educational and students' professional competencies. We use in modern English classes modern methods, techniques and bilingual pedagogical support for the formation of the following competencies: 1) foreign language competence. The concept of "foreign language competence" of the multilingual education standpoint has the following hierarchical structure: cognitive-mental, motivational-regulatory and professional-communicative components; 2) personal, manifested in national-ethnic, self-educational, personal competence; 3) multilingual, including linguistic, speech, ethno-cultural, ethno-psycholinguistic, discursive, socio-pragmatic, strategic competence of the English language; 4) communicative, including information, linguo-professionally, terminological, design, design and technology, bibliographic competence.
Key words: information and communication competence, electronic provision, methodical manual, foreign language competence, electronic educational resources.
И.М. Макарихина, канд. пед. наук, доц. каф. «Иностранные языки» Новосибирского государственного
архитектурно-строительного университета (НГАСУ), г. Новосибирск, E-mail: [email protected]
Актуальность данной статьи - серьёзный подход в создании особых педагогических условий для формирования общеобразовательных и профессиональных компетенций обучающихся. Использование на занятиях английского языка современных методов, приёмов и электронного педагогического обеспечения для формирования следующих компетенции: 1) иноязычная компетенция. Понятие «иноязычная компетентность» с позиций полиязычного образования, имеет следующую иерархическую структуру: когнитивно-ментальный, мотивационно-регулятивный и профессионально-коммуникативный компоненты; 2) личностная, проявляющейся в национально-этнической, самообразовательной, персональной компетенциях; 3) мультиязыковая, включающая языковую, речевую, этнокультуроведческую, дискурсивную, социально-прагматическую, стратегическую компетенции английского языка; 4) коммуникативная, включающая информационную, лингвопрофессио-нальную, терминологическую, проектную, конструкторско-технологическую, библиографическую компетенции.
Ключевые слова: информационно-коммуникационные компетенции, электронное обеспечение, методическое пособие, иноязычная компетенция, электронные образовательные ресурсы.
The main direction of the Institute system, from the point of teaching English view, is the organization and conducting of the classes on the basis of the pedagogical process laws and regularities, as well as the adult education model through the means of the information and communication educational environment. We presented and described the model "Formation of students' foreign language competence through the design of their own competences didactic system of English in oral and written form by means of the information - communicational educational environment for solving problems of both general cultural and professional activities".
The Institute provides distance learning technologies, which make it possible to receive necessary consultation at any convenient time. As our President, V.V. Putin noted at a meeting with the winners of the All-Russian essay contest in the Zaryadie Park, that distance learning is being introduced wider and wider. We need to make this education accessible, develop modern technologies. The educational paradigm is built in our institute with the means of information - communicational educational environment based on an author's electronic training courses, webinars, Skype master classes. All e-courses have certificates of copyright and implementation acts in the educational process.
The purpose of the research.
The urgency of our project is to create special pedagogical conditions for the formation of general educational and students' professional competencies. We use in modern English classes modern methods, techniques and bilingual pedagogical support for the formation of the following competencies: 1) foreign language competence. The concept of "foreign language competence" of the multilingual education standpoint has the following hierarchical structure: cognitive-mental, motivational-regulatory and professional-communicative components; 2) personal, manifested in national-ethnic, self-educational, personal competence; 3) multilingual, including linguistic, speech, ethno-cultural, ethno-psycholinguistic, discursive, socio-pragmatic, strategic competence of the English language; 4) communicative, including information, lingvo - professionally, terminological, design, design and technology, bibliographic competence [1].
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recommends using professional industry standards to write
basic educational programs and competences established by the university [6]. The draft professional standard, corresponding to "Construction" direction, details the requirements for compliance with specific functions in the conduct of business communications. Meanwhile, in the current educational standard does not include any requirements for business communication in a competent manner, in addition to the competencies of innovation activity that we have analyzed.
Bilingual (English-Russian, Russian-English) pedagogical support includes author's electronic and multimedia training courses, printed manuals on the development of grammatical, lexical, terminological, phonetic aspects of modern English [2]. The goal of our project is to create communicative competence, ability and readiness to carry out interpersonal, intercultural and professional communication with native speakers through the means of the information and communication educational environment. The subject content of each level, organized into new cognitive-cultural complexes (CCC) includes
- a communicative sphere that reflects professional context;
- a set of speech themes and subtem of communication, realizing this sphere;
- professional communication situations.
Tasks of the educational program:
- improvement of foreign language skills (speech, language, socio-cultural, educational and cognitive);
- improvement the ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly build oral and written English speech in the field of professional activities;
- development of the ability and readiness for independent and continuous of the English language learning, further self-education, self-esteem through observation of one's English own speech, self-evaluation of personal qualities in chosen profession relation [3].
The results of the research.
The navigation system of the electronic textbook provides direct transitions from any module or block to the main page of "bookmarks" system (navigator, theory, examples, tasks, questions, tests, thesaurus), any transitions between blocks of one module, and forward and backward through already viewed frames sequence.
iSSN 1991-5497.MMP НАУКИ, КУЛЬТУРЫ, №3 (70) 2018
Fig. 1. Structure of the course
Electronic textbookson human itarinn (disciplinées differ in the features of ^li^^e ciisoifnlices ctutyrng, wlnic0 rec|uirn a large amount oft^^isilmateriel. The problemof providingln^cinitidrian dissiplines whh vsual material can be partially solvedwith the help ofmultime-n^c^.\tisi^aima^^rialcan detreeettnd trth Inthe fotm of nnearate Nluo^rativetaWe-1 grapp|cschb^^^ supplementingthe ebli^t^éït^onal tpxt, and with the help of slides, video films illuetrotins theoretical matesiol.
Videhiec^i^r^^.^eie^^tinp medelPiF¡nura2),POTcutnrlnbS| e<^t cm p-rtlally srcompietele coraptasate fortta lauk efvleual meteeial, ere nety efiecXivein thnnrueaofhumanitntse tisciaiiraw
Internet opens up wide opportunities in the process of electronic textTorhs oh) umanitarian dipnipNries nrenteh. Th tpint^ingidd' specifics allow making direct links to resources located in the worldwide netrerT, thereTp a^fj^r^n¡pntdnaEnaseofstintnte to iMrne tion and forming the foundations of the search learning activity. Many expertseelieac thatlntemettechnolagy¡sa hind of reapier¡hnbry breakthrough, surpassing the importance of the appearance of a perso nalcnтeuret.
You are going to read a magazine article about an orchestra. Choose the most suitable heading. Therù is an example at the beginning (0).
■ Mark your answers
Absolute Beginners You dont need to be able to read a note of music to play in this orchestra - a\I it takes is a little effort and a lot of enthusiasm.
0(1) I The East London Late Starters * Orchestra (ELLSO) is not we most professional orchestra in Britain, but it is seriously fun. What is more, all are welcome t to join in. After each its concerts, anyone from the audience can choose an instrument : and have a 90.Then the whole orchestra ■ launch into another piece of music and the
Not as siHyasitsounds Not the original intention A great discovery for many Leading to new ambitions Modest origins Great dedication | Nobody is excluded
Fig. 3. "Didactic preparation of an English teacher" course [4].
The electronic collective monograph in English "Development of foreign language teachers" together with scientists from Kazakhstan and the US can be used in the practical work of the institution system of teachers' professional development, higher professional educational institutions, methodological associations' teachers of language and self-education.
Cognitive component
Methodological component
Organizational and projecting
Motivation component
Reflective component
A knowleg ment
Authors J
Fig. 2. Computer testing system as part of anelectronic textbook
The electronic special course "Didactic preparation of a foreign language teachers "containsmultimediastructured lectures.interac-tive practical assignments, tests [4].
Fig. 4. E-monograph "Development of foreign language teachers' didactic preparation on the basis of the competence approach.
Electronic Training Manual Current questions of professional education[4].
The purpose of the special course is a teacher didactic competence improvement, the formation of an of an English teacher's individual didactic system, it is characterized by the integrity of a teacher's actions and his individual, typological characteristics, which allows him to successfully implement the educational-diadic cycle, structureunitofthelearningprocess [5].
The use of e-learning courses as the aspects of the information and communication educational environment makes it possible to formulate the following professional competencies: 1) value-semantic, 2) special methodological, 3) linguistic, 4) educational and cognitive, 5) scientific and technological competencies, 6 ) the competence of personal self-improvement and achieve such pedagogical tasks as: taking into account the individual psychological characteristics, stimulating the students' cognitive activity, strengthening the motivation to learn due to individualization and differentiation, the use of game situations,thepossibilityoflearning at anytimeandin anyplace.
Библиографический список
1. Макарихина И.М. Совершенствование дидактической компетентности учителей в процессе повышения квалификации (на примере предмета английский язык). Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата педагогических наук. Барнаул, 2013.
2. Раисова А.Б. Развитие иноязычной компетентности с использованием авторских электронных учебных курсов в условиях муль-тиязычной образовательной среды (на примере подготовки бакалавров техники и технологий Республики Казахстан). Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата педагогическихнаук.Барнаул,2013.
3. Ирхина И.В. Развитие дидактической системы учителя в профессиональной деятельностью. Автореферат диссертации ... доктора педагогических наук. Белгород, 2007.
4. Lazarenko IR, Saliy TM, Makarikhina IM Using new generation e-books in the High School educational process, including Faculty of Teachers' Development. On - line journal Middle - East Journal of Scientific Research. 2013, № 15: 1155- 1159. Available at:http://www.idosi.org/ mejsr/mejsr15(8)13/14.pdf
5. Krivoruchko V., Raissova A., Yergazinova G., Kazhmuratova B., Makarikhina I. Mobile-Assisted Learning as a Condition for Effective Development Engineering Students' Foreign Language Competence. International Education Studies. T. 8, № 7, 65 - 69. Available at: http:// www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ies/article/view/50559/27165
4. Method. Recommendations for the development of the PLO and additional professional programs, taking into account the relevant professional standards. Approved. 01/01/2015 No. DL - 1 / 05vn. Available at: http://www.petrsu.ru/Structure/fpk /met_rek_razr_osn_ prof_prog.pdf
1. Makarihina I.M. Sovershenstvovanie didakticheskoj kompetentnosti uchitelej v processe povysheniya kvalifikacii (na primere predmeta anglijskijyazyk). Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata pedagogicheskih nauk. Barnaul, 2013.
2. Raisova A.B. Razvitie inoyazychnoj kompetentnosti s ispol'zovaniem avtorskih 'elektronnyh uchebnyh kursov v usloviyah mul'tiyazychnoj obrazovatel'noj sredy (na primere podgotovki bakalavrov tehniki i tehnologij Respubliki Kazahstan). Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata pedagogicheskih nauk. Barnaul, 2013.
3. Irhina I.V. Razvitie didakticheskoj sistemy uchitelya v professional'noj deyatel'nost'yu. Avtoreferat dissertacii ... doktora pedagogicheskih nauk. Belgorod, 2007.
4. Lazarenko IR, Saliy TM, Makarikhina IM Using new generation e-books in the High School educational process, including Faculty of Teachers' Development. On - line journal Middle - East Journal of Scientific Research. 2013, № 15: 1155 - 1159. Available at:http://www.idosi.org/ mejsr/mejsr15(8)13/14.pdf
5. Krivoruchko V., Raissova A., Yergazinova G., Kazhmuratova B., Makarikhina I. Mobile-Assisted Learning as a Condition for Effective Development Engineering Students' Foreign Language Competence. International Education Studies. T. 8, № 7, 65 - 69. Available at: http:// www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ies/article/view/50559/27165
4. Method. Recommendations for the development of the PLO and additional professional programs, taking into account the relevant professional standards. Approved. 01/01/2015 No. DL - 1 / 05vn. Available at: http://www.petrsu.ru/Structure/fpk /met_rek_razr_osn_prof_prog.pdf
Статья поступила в редакцию 05.05.18
УДК 371
Makina L.R., Professor, Department of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education, Stavropol State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Stavropol, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
Dengova L.E., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education, Stavropol State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Stavropol, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Abolentseva A.G., MA student (Physical training for people with disabilities in health), Stavropol State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Stavropol, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
THE DEVELOPMENT OF COORDINATION ABILITIES IN VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENTS 14-15 YEARS OF AGE. The article discusses development of coordination abilities in visually impaired students 14-15 years of age. According to some researchers, visually impaired children have a significant backlog in physical and motor development, as well as violations of the coordination of movements compared with normal-looking peers. One of the most important tasks of physical education of visually impaired students is to develop motor functions and an ability to control their movements. Without sufficient coordination, it is difficult to achieve high results in the development of motor actions. The need to increase the level of coordination abilities in visually impaired students determines the introduction into practice of new tools, methods and techniques that cause their purposeful development.
Key word: visually impaired children, motor actions, coordination abilities, methods of development of coordination abilities.
Л.Р. Макина, д-р пед. наук, зав. каф. физического воспитания и адаптивной физической культуры,
ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет Министерства здравоохранения РФ»,
г. Ставрополь, E-mail: [email protected]
Л.Е. Деньгова, канд. пед. наук, доц. каф. физического воспитания и адаптивной физической культуры, ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет Министерства здравоохранения РФ», г. Ставрополь, E-mail: [email protected]
А.Г. Аболенцева, магистрант 2 курса кафедры физического воспитания и адаптивной физической культуры, ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет Министерства здравоохранения РФ», г. Ставрополь, E-mail: [email protected]
В данной статье рассматривается вопрос развития координационных способностей у слабовидящих школьников 14-15 лет. По данным ряда авторов, у слабовидящих детей имеется значительное отставание в физическом и двигательном развитии, а также нарушения координации движений по сравнению с нормально видящими сверстниками. Одной из важнейших задач физического воспитания слабовидящих школьников является развитие двигательной функции и умение управлять своими движениями. Без развитой, в достаточной степени, координации трудно добиться желаемых результатов в освоении двигательных действий, так как координированный ребенок намного быстрее овладевает новыми движениями и способен к их быстрой перестройке. Необходимость повышения уровня координационных способностей у слабовидящих школьников определяет внедрение в практику новых средств, методов и методик, обуславливающих их целенаправленное развитие.
Ключевые слова: слабовидящие дети, двигательные действия, координационные способности, методика развития координационных способностей.
Координационные способности школьника выполняют в управлении его движениями важную функцию, согласование, упорядочение разнообразных двигательных движений в единое целое. Развитие координационных способностей слабовидящих школьников необходимо для успешного обучения их двигательным действиям.
В настоящее время существует необходимость в создании эффективных методик по развитию координационных способностей у слабовидящих школьников 14-15 лет. Координационные способности слабовидящих школьников среднего школьного
возраста наиболее успешно развиваются в том случае, если занятия проводят комплексным методом, в процессе применения разнообразных средств. Изучение практического и научного опыта по теме исследования позволило установить противоречие между: необходимостью развития координационных способностей у слабовидящих школьников 14-15 лет и недостаточным количеством методик их развития [1-5].
Сущность противоречия позволяет сделать заключение о том, что проблема развития координационных способностей слабовидящих школьников 14-15 лет предполагает необходимость