ния устойчивого развития высших учебных заведений.
Третий этап включает в себя организацию реализации и контроль за выполнением управленческих решений. На этом этапе осуществляется документальное оформление управленческого решения и доведения его непосредственно к исполнителям, а также контроль за его реализацией. Также на этом этапе проводится оценка эффективности реализации управленческих решений на основе разработанных критериев и интерпретация результатов оценки управленческого решения, то есть оказывается или, достигнута поставленная цель, а именно решена существующую ситуацию (проблему) с целью достижения устойчивого развития высших учебных заведений.
Выводы и предложения. Таким образом, устойчивое развитие высших учебных заведений может быть достичь только за счет эффективного управления системой информационно-коммуникационным обеспечением его деятельности, которое должно способствовать рациональному использованию имеющегося совокупного потенциала за счет эффективного использования ресурсов и учитывать требования внешних и внутренних стейк-холдеров высших учебных заведений. Достижение устойчивого развития учреждений высшего образования требует решения задач эффективного управления информационно-коммуникационным обеспечением их деятельности и нуждается в совершенствовании процесса принятия и реализации управленческих решений с целью повышения их эффективности.
1. Simon H. A. The New Science of Management Decisión. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1960. 50 p.
2. Губерська Н. Л. Процедури прийняття й ре-алiзацil управлшських ршень у сферi вищо! освгга. Науковий вгсник Мгжнародного гумантарного утверситету. Серiя: Юриспруденция. 2014. Вип. 10-2(1). С. 64-67.
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4. Нестеренко О. В., Савенков О. I., Фаловсь-кий О. О. 1нтелектуальш системи тдтримки прийняття рiшень : навч. поаб. / за ред. П. I. Бвдюка. Ки!в : Нац. акад. упр., 2016. 188 с.
5. Новжова М. М. Системне управлшня тру-довим потенцiалом щдприемства : монографiя. Харк1в : Вид. ХНЕУ, 2008. 240 с.
6. Лопушняк Г.С., Рибчанська Х.В. Вища освiта Укра!ни: державне регулювання та перспек-тиви розвитку: монографiя. Львiв: «Лта Прес», 2018. 283 с.
7. Натрошвiлi С. Г. Стратепчне управлiння вищим навчальним закладом: теорiя, методологiя, практика : монографiя. Ки!в : КНУТД, 2015. 320 с.
8. Теори та технологи шновацшного розвитку вищо! освгга: глобальний i регiональний конте-ксти : монографiя / за заг. ред. А. А. Сбруево!. Суми : Вид-во СумдПу iменi А. С. Макаренка, 2015. 520 с.
9. Терованесов М.Р. Система вищо! освпи: управлшня на засадах шерцшносп : монографiя. Укр. держ. акад. залiзн. трансп. Ки!в : Едельвейс, 2015. 339 с.
10. Уварова Т. Г. Трансформационання модель управления университетом на основе организационных знаний. Экономика образования. 2009. № 1. С. 86-92.
Gorbachenko S.
PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor of Management and Innovations Department of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University Makedonskaya M.
graduate student of Odessa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
The article deals with personnel problems of Ukrainian enterprises in the management segment. Reserves have been determined to increase the professionalism of management personnel in the light of modern challenges. Much attention is given to the theoretical and methodological aspects of innovative approaches to training of management personnel. Languages to maximize the effectiveness of curriculum are defined. The article gives a detailed assessments of current needs for specific management training tools. As a result, the most promising directions for the implementation of educational technologies, such as trainings, case studies, stretching, business games, are formulated.
Keywords: innovations, personnel-technology, management personnel, professionalization, education, training.
Formulation of the problem in general. In a
post-industrial society, the activity of individual enterprises, industries and the national economy as a whole increasingly depends on managerial capital, human resources and the competitiveness of management. The main leverage for success is skillful and competent management. In such conditions, management personnel acts as the main asset of the enterprise, human capital, which not only affects the efficiency and effectiveness of economic activity, but also expects a timely and worthy economic, psychological and career reward for the result.
The main objective of the introduction of innovative personnel - technologies for training of management personnel is the disclosure of his creative potential, raising the level of professional competences and the development of the necessary personal qualities. The result of applying innovative educational technologies should be to increase the efficiency of management staff, improve the level of timeliness and quality of managerial decisions, and reduce the percentage of managerial mistakes.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The problems of optimization of modern personnel management system are devoted to the work of such scientists Korolenko, S.M., Kuznetsov, E.A., Tretyak, O.P. and others. At the same time, studies on the implementation of training technology personnel have been reflected by Hugul, O.Ya., Krasnoshapki, V.V., Hetman, O.O..
The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems and perspectives of introducing innovative technologies for the training of management personnel in the context of raising the professional level and enriching personal qualities.
Presenting main material. One of the basic principles of modern management is the principle of competence. This principle is based on the horizontal division of labor. Its use implies that each manager and manager possesses both practical skills of a specialist in his field and directly managerial qualities. In addition, personal professional skills of managers, their ability to lead and ability to establish internal and external communications are important.
Managers as leaders must strive for individual challenges and self-improvement. Leaders who set
themselves the task of being in the ongoing process of professional training are necessary. Accordingly, the only way an economic organization can create an innovative environment is to rethink old ways of activity and find new opportunities for innovation development [9, c. 19].
Unfortunately, the level of training of management personnel in most Ukrainian enterprises does not meet modern requirements. First of all, insufficient attention is paid to the issues of professional development of the leadership. This is mostly the case for middle and top level managers. As a result, ordinary managers lack knowledge in strategic management, psychology, law and finance. This, in turn, negatively affects the quality of making managerial decisions. After all, the latter require managers of high qualifications, appropriate level of knowledge and emotional maturity, which manifests itself in the ability to act in difficult and stressful situations.
In management, most techniques are used to improve professionalism, but their phase-by-stage sequence is not available, which in turn leads to a reduction in efficiency. For example, collective professional managerial trainings are conducted, most of whose participants do not have a sufficient initial knowledge base in management. Or, in the designated training sessions, too many specialists attended simultaneously.
Consequently, the main objective of modern managerial technology personnel is to optimize and increase the effectiveness of the managerial process for staffing through the search and application of more effective HRM practices that streamline the management process by eliminating certain types of activities or operations, in particular those that are not are necessary for the achievement of the set goal and the decision of managerial tasks [6, c. 391].
Innovative measures in the HR system are usually divided into the following groups: personnel selection and adaptation measures, measures aimed at increasing labor productivity, personnel monitoring and control system, introduction of modern training technology personnel, informatization and automation of personnel management processes, and, finally, the use of out technologies.
Fig. 1 Groups of innovative measures.
In recent years, the training block has become increasingly important. In turn, the introduction of innovative approaches to learning it is advisable to start from the very management personnel, because they are responsible for building an effective system of development at all levels.
Under managerial staff, managers, employees of the management apparatus, specialists of organizations, enterprises and their structural subdivisions understand the management. They have the same main features as the entire staff of the enterprise such as the presence of labor relations with the employer and possession of certain qualitative characteristics: skills, abilities, motivations.
To increase the efficiency of the work of management, the methods of its motivation and stimulation are used. In our time, it is the motivation and stimulation of labor, the opportunity to be realized as a specialist and as a person capable of retaining creative and promising managerial staff at enterprises [7].
In the majority of innovative training technology personnel as a basis, a continuous education system is used that covers a wide range of types, forms and individual tools. The implementation of the principle of continuity implies the transition from the «education for life» approach to the «life-long learning» approach. The mechanism of continuous education is defined as a set of targeted formal and informal actions undertaken by the subjects continuously in order to improve their knowledge, skills and competences within the existing institutional capacity.
In particular, specialization, long-term or short-term training and internships are used for professional training of management and specialists. These forms of advanced training allow you to acquire additional
knowledge, skills and professional skills within the previously acquired specialty [1].
In this context, the forms of advanced training can be divided into two groups:
- Provision of appropriate qualifications at the time of employment, confirmation of the knowledge and skills necessary to perform certain functions;
- Adaptation of managers to change, that is, training is aimed at preserving or enhancing the qualifications obtained in the position and providing the necessary knowledge for skilled work.
Often, the initiator of the learning process is directly the enterprise, which wants to increase its own management capital. In addition, since the 70s of the last century, most corporations' leaders around the world view training costs as profitable investments, and staff development departments and corporate training centers such as entities involved in generating profits.
However, the learning process can take place on its own initiative. In particular, each specialist can identify a number of knowledge or skills that, in his opinion, he lacks and independently attend courses or trainings that will improve his knowledge on certain issues. The task of a senior manager or business owner in this case will only be to reimburse the costs incurred during the course of such courses [4, p. 163].
However, any professional management training programs can not be effective unless they are built on the basis of the results of the study of differentiated and specialized forms of management process. Knowledge of certain its specific forms, their structural and functional content, professional adequacy of the future manager's position should be fully determined by modular training programs. Objective advancement through the levels of complexity and functional orientation is pos-
sible only on the basis of sustainable forms of preliminary training of management personnel and their productive practical activities in previous posts or the preliminary range of functions performed [2, p. 40].
According to the requirements of professionaliza-tion of management activities, training of management
Three stages of management training in various spheres of economic activity:
Primary professional education
_ J
Adaptive vocational training for occupation
personnel in various spheres of economic activity should be carried out in the following three stages: primary vocational education; Adaptive vocational training for occupation; training for a new level of knowledge and professional competence.
Fig.2 Three stages of management training.
During the last stage, several teaching tools can be identified that provide stable results for improving the professional level and qualifications of management personnel.
First of all, it is about managerial training, as an opportunity to develop a small group of people. The concept of training has a generalizing meaning. In the 70's and 80's of the 20th century in the European countries widespread training on business communication skills was provided for managers of different levels, whose success in the performance of official duties is determined by the high level of developed skills of interpersonal interaction with other people.
Modern managerial training can be considered as a form of active training for the transfer of knowledge, a method for creating conditions for self-disclosure of participants or as a training where there is the formation of certain skills and competences. In parallel, the training can be regarded as a set of tools such as business, role and imitation games, discussions, debates, etc. During the trainings, a minimum of information, "cleared" from unnecessary details, is used. In turn, the required skills are formed by exercises based on the received data.
Business games can be viewed as a separate form of learning. They take place, as a rule, in the form of a concerted group mental search, which requires the involvement of all participants in the communication. By its very nature, business games are a special form of communication with distributed roles. In particular, one of the participants is an author who expresses his point of view. The second participant is the recipient, who, perceiving the author's text, builds the image of what he understood to reconstruct the author's point of view. The third participant in communication within the business game can be a critic who, based on the results of the decision, develops his own point of view, more formal and perfect. The fourth participant is the organizer of communication who coordinates all kinds of work
and transforms the disparate efforts into a deliberate movement to improve the author's point of view.
Modular training is one of the main forms of vision and needs an existing training center. It involves the use of separate thematic blocks or modules aimed at achieving a certain result (solving a specific problem or task, developing certain skills or mental characteristics). The training course should include mastering the theoretical material, performing practical work, as well as final projects. The duration of modular training depends on the functions performed by the students, the amount of knowledge to be learned and the competences to be acquired.
Another effective method for improving the skills of managerial staff on the basis of interactive technologies "Case study" or case method. The teaching tasks of the case-method consist in acquiring the skills of using theoretical material for the analysis of practical problems; formation of skills for assessing the situation, choosing and organizing the search for basic information; developed skills to formulate questions and inquiries; development of skills to develop multivariate approaches to implementation of the action plan; formation of skills to make decisions independently under conditions of uncertainty; formation of skills and methods of comprehensive analysis of situations, forecasting ways of developing situations; formation of skills and competencies of constructive critique [8].
As a result of the development of cases, managers must learn how to handle a large amount of information, to allocate key elements from the information flow in accordance with the tasks and to identify the most optimal solution. However, in order to maximize the effectiveness of the use of the case-method, it is necessary to create special conditions. These include the provision of a sufficiently high complexity of problems with available alternatives for solving, creating a speaker of a logical set of questions about a cognitive problem, creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort that should facilitate free expression of thought,
without fear of mistakes; devoting special time to understanding ways to solve the problem.
Action-training is a method of training to solve real problems in practice in the organization's activities. The basis of this method is the creation of a working group that solves the task. The term of training may last from a few weeks to a year. With this method, it is possible to improve the competencies of strategic planning, the skills of making informed decisions, to solve specific production tasks [5].
For mid-level managers, high performance results show stretching. This method involves giving professionals the opportunity to raise their professional level by delegating tasks that go beyond their immediate responsibilities. Due to this, you can go beyond the current capabilities, get yourself out of the usual comfort zone, go to a new, higher professional level, overcome obstacles that you have not yet trained, gain new knowledge and skills in related functional areas.
Using stretching is carried out in the following sequence:
- definition of stretching object;
- the choice of responsible for stretching (as a rule, it is the head of the structural unit, which will be the task);
- drawing up a plan of the task (definition of its goals, criteria and indicators of successful implementation);
- task execution;
- summarizing stretching, assessing its impact on the effectiveness of management of the company in general and staff in particular;
- discussion of the results.
The greatest effect of stretching is observed when deciding whether to move to a managerial position or when rotation of managerial staff within large enterprises. In any case, stretching is an effective tool for staff development, used by progressive enterprises.
To create the appropriate groundwork for psychological training of managerial staff it is expedient to use the method of behavioral modeling. His main task is to work out a model of behavior in the standard and nonstandard situations. This method is based on the search for an example for imitation ("behavioral model"), its analysis and reproduction in practice. To achieve maximum efficiency, the model must adequately reflect the real situation. Then there is an opportunity to immediately apply the knowledge gained in practice.
A generalization tool for effective training of management can be the creation of a kind of corporate university where you can accumulate all training materials, case studies, business trainings that meet the specifics of the enterprise. Within it, you can also create a variety of scripts for beginners.
In addition, a positive result from the introduction of any training technology personnel can not be achieved without self-study. The indicated method of professionalization involves the use of primary media information: databases, current workflow, job descriptions.
In recent years, significant structural changes have occurred throughout the world in the educational sphere due to the development of the Internet and its
growing influence on all spheres of society. Therefore, given the modern technological capabilities in management programs, it is expedient to integrate the e-learn-ing system, using e-books, situational models, and special software.
Distance learning is a new universal humanistic form of education that is based on information technology, which creates conditions for close interaction between the teacher and the trainees remote in time and space [10]. Current situational learning can take place with the help of a career portal, ie a resource on the Internet, which is also a professional community integrated into social networks [3, p. 55].
This allows you to use the entire amount of study material and provides access to self-education, with the simultaneous ability to receive speaker's consultations and monitor the results of work. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the new role of teacher-tutor, which now lays down coordination, adjustment of the learning process, provision of advice, management of educational projects, etc.
Conclusions. At the Ukrainian enterprises, which declare the application of an innovative approach in management activities, the problem of training management personnel becomes increasingly important. Modern practice offers a range of tools for training in the form of measures for advanced training, trainings, tests. Most of the identified tools are based on the capabilities of modern IT provision and require professional lecturers or speakers.
With the use of the specified technology personnel, it is possible to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the management process. This, in turn, should lead to a general increase in the efficiency of economic activity of both individual enterprises and the national economy as a whole.
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Лысевич С.Г.
доцент кафедры экономики Донецкий национальный университет экономики и торговли имени Михаила Туган-Барановского,г. Кривой Рог, Украина
Lysevich S.
associate professor of the department of economics Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
Современное развитие цивилизации направлено на формирование устойчивого развития, под которым подразумевается возможность обеспечения всем необходимым человечества, как в теперешнем времени, так и в будущем. Устойчивое развитие включает экономические, социальные и экологические составляющие. На основании статистических данных были исследованы экономические и социальные показатели деятельности горно-обогатительных комбинатов (ГОК) Кривого Рога. Эти предприятия имеют схожие показатели, отличающие незначительно из-за различных природных условий добычи. Исследуемые комбинаты оказывают большой вред окружающей среде, что проявляется в росте числа онкологических заболеваний, заболеваний органов дыхания. Предложено повысить требования к этим и аналогичным предприятиям по раскрытию полной информации о наносимом вреде внешней среде с целью сопоставления результатов их деятельности с наносимым ущербом. При этом необходимо обязать горно-обогатительные комбинаты Кривого Рога выделять больше финансовых ресурсов для снижения вредных выбросов и повышения уровня социальной ответственности.
Modern development of civilization is aimed at formation of sustainable development which implies the possibility of providing humanity with all its needs, both at present and in future. Sustainable development includes economic, social and environmental components. Based on statistical data, economic and social indicators of the activity of mining and processing plants of Krivoy Rog were investigated. These plants have similar indicators varying slightly due to different geological conditions of mining. The studied plants impact environment adversely which results in an increase in the number of oncological and respiratory diseases. It is suggested to increase the requirements to these and similar plants to disclose full information about the environmental damage caused in order to confront the results of their activities with the damage caused. At the same time, it is necessary to compel mining and processing plants of Krivoy Rog to allocate more financial resources to reduce harmful emissions and increase level of social responsibility.
Ключевые слова: устойчивое развитие, окружающая среда, социальная ответственность, заболевания, нормативно-правовое регулирование
Keywords: sustainable development, environment, social responsibility, diseases, legal regulation.