UDC 13.00.02
Dababoeva L. teacher
Annotation: This article discusses some of the innovative educational technologies in the English class
Keywords: Foreign language, teaching, learning, technology, methods, presentation
The development of the education system requires that pedagogical science and practice study and introduce new methods of teaching and raising children. Innovations in pedagogy are connected with general processes in society, global problems, integration (lat. Integratio - restoration, integration into a whole of individual elements) of knowledge and forms of social being. Now a new pedagogy is being created, a characteristic feature of which is innovation - the ability to renew, openness to new things.
It is known that the innovation process is a complex activity for the creation, assimilation, use and dissemination of innovations. In order to arouse students' interest in learning a foreign language, we, English teachers, should look for new, interesting and effective forms and methods of teaching. During study you need to use such methods in which:
• students have a desire for creative, productive work;
• students become active, relaxed, trying to succeed, while not violating classroom behavior.
The specificity of a foreign language as an academic subject is that communication is not only the ultimate goal of learning, but also a means of achieving it. It is the teacher who does everything possible and impossible for it.
Since speech remains the only universal base of thinking, knowledge of a foreign language should be considered from the point of view of improving intellectual abilities (memory, imagination, critical, logical, creative thinking). Creativity is the highest manifestation of the development of the human mind. Creative ability is the ability to wonder and learn, the ability to find solutions in nonstandard situations, it is a focus on the discovery of new things and the ability to have a deep awareness of one's experience. Thanks to the creative activity of the child develops the ability to independently realize their potential, self-realization leads to personal growth.
The implementation of this idea is impossible without the development and implementation of appropriate learning technologies. The school should not be a preparation for life, the school should be life. This can be achieved through an innovative approach, creating an interactive environment. The word interactive (translated from English and "mutual", act - "to act") means interaction. The interactive method is a way to interact with students through conversation, dialogue.
Interactive learning is learning in a dialogue mode, during which the participants in the pedagogical process interact with the goal of mutual understanding, jointly solving learning tasks, and developing the personal qualities of students.
It is important for the modern teacher to know the newest methods of teaching a foreign language, special educational technologies and techniques in order to optimally choose one or another teaching method in accordance with the level of students' knowledge, needs and interests. Rational and motivated use of teaching methods in the classroom in a foreign language requires a creative approach on the part of the teacher.
High-quality language training of students is impossible without the use of modern innovative educational technologies. Modern innovative technologies in education are the use of information and communication technologies in training, employment in training, work with educational computer and multimedia programs, distance technologies in teaching foreign languages, creating presentations in the Microsoft PowerPoint software environment, using the resources of the worldwide Internet.
These technologies provide an individualization and differentiation of education, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of knowledge.
To achieve communicative competence - communicative skills formed on the basis of language knowledge, skills and abilities - I use the latest teaching methods that combine communicative and cognitive goals.
Innovative methods of teaching foreign languages, based on an innovative approach, aimed at the development and self-improvement of the individual, on the disclosure of its reserve capabilities and creative potential.
The main princes of modern methods are: movement from the whole to the private, orientation of the classes to the student, purposefulness and pithiness of the classes, their focus on achieving social interaction if the teacher has faith in the success of his students, integrating the language and learning it through other areas of science.
Modern communicative methodology offers a widespread introduction into the educational process of active non-standard methods and forms of work for better conscious learning of the material. In practice, such forms of work turned out to be quite effective: individual, pair, group and teamwork.
Modern technologies include technology cooperation, which I actively lead in the educational process. The main idea is to create conditions for active joint activity of students in various educational situations. Children unite in groups of 34 people, they are given one task, and the role of each is discussed. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but also for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from the strong that which is incomprehensible to them, and the strong - so that the weak understand the task. And the whole class will benefit from this, as they jointly eliminate gaps in knowledge.
During various types of work, students are faced with the problem of increasing their knowledge, vocabulary or communication skills, so they step up their activities and try to solve these issues in the process of communication. it
It has a positive effect on the development of thinking and attentiveness of pupils, interests and stimulates cooperation.
Therefore, all exercises and tasks should be communicatively justified by the lack of information, choice and response (Information gap, choice, feedback). For their implementation, students will need additional information and make some efforts to achieve it, and thus will be able to better and more effectively organize their activities.
The most effective forms of steam and group work:
• internal (external) circles (inside / outside circles);
• brainstorming (brain storm);
• zigzag reading (jigsaw reading);
• exchange of views (think-pair-share);
• pair interviews and others.
These forms of work contribute to the expansion of knowledge and skills of students. In the process of communication, students learn to solve complex problems based on the analysis of relevant information, to express alternative opinions, to make informed decisions, to communicate with different people, to participate in discussions.
One of the technologies that provide student-centered learning is the project method as a way to develop creative, cognitive activity and independence. Projects can be subdivided into mono-projects, collective, oral-language, written and Internet projects. Work on the project is a multi-level approach to learning the language, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. The project method contributes to the development of active independent thinking among students and orients them towards joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant in that it teaches children to cooperate, fosters such ethical values as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, forms creative abilities and activates students.
An important means of innovative learning is also the use of a multimedia complex (MK) as part of an interactive whiteboard, a personal computer, and a multimedia projector. Such a complex combines all the advantages of modern computer technology and takes the learning process to a new level. Thanks to the clarity and interactivity, MK allows me to engage the entire class in active work.
Using an interactive whiteboard in a classroom greatly increases the effectiveness of student learning in school.
I identified the key areas of application of MK:
• presentation, demonstration and simulation of situations;
• increased student activity in the classroom;
• increase the pace of the lesson.
So, MK provides unique opportunities for work and creativity with significant ease of management. It is necessary to take into account an important psychological point: modern schoolchildren, who have computers with numerous
games and televisions at home, are getting used to taking it as something ordinary. Opportunities MK allow students to switch to the understanding that video and game programs are successfully used for learning, contribute to the development of creative activity, fascination with the subject, create better conditions for learning listening and speaking skills, which ensures, in the end, the efficiency of learning in English class language.
I believe that using MCs in classes allows you to actively involve students in the learning process, increases the motivation of learning, stimulates creative activity and contributes to the development of the child's personality, expands the possibilities of presenting educational information, it is the most efficient and timesaving, helps students prepare for tests. exams. MK is a powerful tool that can be adapted for use in learning a foreign language with a wide range of topics.
The following advantages of innovative education can be distinguished:
• establishing a friendly atmosphere and relationships between the participants of communication;
• students can be more independent and self-confident;
• the teacher encourages students to cooperate, encourages them, they are not afraid to make mistakes;
• students can overcome the fear of the language barrier;
• teacher does not dominate;
• weak learners can get help from stronger ones;
• Each student involved in the work has a specific task;
• Students can use their previous knowledge and experience.
Thus, learning foreign languages will be effective precisely due to the integrated use of the means of the latest innovative technologies and depends on the ability of the teacher to apply a humanistic approach to learning.
Methods of teaching foreign languages, based on a humanistic approach, help unleash the creative potential of students and contribute to their development and improvement during the learning and communication process.
From my own experience, I can firmly assert that the learning process is not an automatic investment of educational material in the student's head. It requires a child's intense mental work and his active participation in this process.
The teacher will succeed only in his lessons when he realizes that children like everything new and interesting. We, the teachers, should remember that the same model of lessons, does not allow children to reveal themselves completely, stops the development of the creative potential of learning.
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