Научная статья на тему 'Innovative processes in Russian industry'

Innovative processes in Russian industry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kulish Sergey Mikhaylovich

Objective: to demonstrate the current status of Russian industry, to assess prospects for its development and to identify the impact of innovative processes on economic development. Methods: a systematic approach based on general scientific methods of empirical and theoretical researches, such as observation and comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as statistical methods, macroeconomic analysis. Results: in this article we illustrated trends and identified causes that hinder the production modernization of the whole Russian industry; we also revealed the sector that can become the driver of innovative development, which will allow to restructure the existing industrial policy and to use the existing competitive advantages. Scientific novelty: we defined the tasks that will allow upgrading of technological base and rational resource management in industry; moreover, we defined the indicators, which allow us to estimate the competitiveness of industrial production. Practical relevance: conclusions and suggestions can be used by governmental authorities and experts during development of strategic policy, aimed at innovative development of the Russian economy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Innovative processes in Russian industry»

Economics //TW Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016)



- ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -

УДК 338 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJH-16-11.12-79-82


1 Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan City



Objective: to demonstrate the current status of Russian industry, to assess prospects for its development and to identify the impact of innovative processes on economic development.

Methods: a systematic approach based on general scientific methods of empirical and theoretical researches, such as observation and comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as statistical methods, macroeconomic analysis.

Results: in this article we illustrated trends and identified causes that hinder the production modernization of the whole Russian industry; we also revealed the sector that can become the driver of innovative development, which will allow to restructure the existing industrial policy and to use the existing competitive advantages.

Scientific novelty: we defined the tasks that will allow upgrading of technological base and rational resource management in industry; moreover, we defined the indicators, which allow us to estimate the competitiveness of industrial production.

Practical relevance: conclusions and suggestions can be used by governmental authorities and experts during development of strategic policy, aimed at innovative development of the Russian economy.

Keywords: innovations, industry, production, competitiveness, rational resource management, industrial policy, innovative technologies.

Modern countries with highly developed economies clearly demonstrate that innovative technologies are the basis for economic development, and their high level allows to ensure the country's competitiveness for a long-term period and to form an optimal system of industrial management.

However, development of modern industry is not always based on the innovative basis. Development of technical and technological capacity of modern industry on the innovative basis requires not only implementation of innovations into production process, but also conduct of large-scale scientific researches [1-4]. It is important that Russian industry will be focused on quality growth of material-technical base, increase of production technologies and management technologies, which should be aimed at profit maximization and increase of production efficiency, primarily at the expense of resource conservation.

Innovations in the modern economy can enhance investment opportunities of industrial enterprises at the expense of increase in turnover, coverage of new markets within and beyond the state, capital-unintensive growth of capacity utilization.

Necessity for activization of investment activity and industrial modernization are the main issues that face all regions of the Russian Federation, sectors and spheres of activity [5; 6]. All these features presuppose establishment of effective incentives for transition of the Russian economy from resource-based to innovative development way, measures on growth of investment potential, development of new tools for reduction of investment risks and creation of incentives for foreign investments.

In modern Russia within the framework of implementation of the neo-industrialization policy, machine building can be considered as a basis for development of economy based on innovations [7; 8]. It is possible to determine alternative development options that would meet all-Russian interests and interests of the Russian Federation subjects only in the conditions of coordinated efforts of governmental and regional authorities. And large volume of work is laid on Russian regions; the basic objectives, priorities, opportunities and prospects for development of each individual territory are reflected exactly in the strategies of each subject of the Russian Federation.

Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016)



ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online)


Two main characteristics influence the competitiveness of the Russian economy: fixed capital and resource intensity of the production process [9]. In this regard it is necessary to renovate the fixed capital within the framework of country's industry, as the available reserve of production capacities is not sufficient for competitive development of the country; and depletion of the reserve will bring the Russian economy to a state of stagnation.

Modern science-intensive developments cannot be isolated from the business environment what allows in the course of close cooperation of entrepreneurial agents to accelerate the process of detecting the areas, which require revision in relation to implementation, integration into other productions, easiness in operation and maintenance, search of qualified personnel and implementation in the field of goods and services among population.

The analysis of development of the world industrial powers allows us to confirm that it is possible to implement the projects on resource conservation in industry only through the use of innovative technologies. Rational management of resources, possessed by the industrial enterprise during manufacture of products, and simultaneous increase of quality and competitiveness of output products allow us to solve the following tasks:

- to ensure increase in the portion of resource-based and power-efficient technologies;

- reduction of unit costs of raw material-, fuel-and-energy resources in compliance with the conditions that ensure the quality;

- improvement of consumption of fuel-and-ener-gy resources, as well as increase in the portion of the renewable energy resources;

- development and implementation of innovative power-efficient materials.

Main measures for solving the abovementioned tasks are as stated below:

- implementation of large-scale investment projects on energy supply and energy conservation;

- support of energy supply and energy conservation, provided by regional authorities;

- formulation of enterprises' policies in the field of energy supply and resource conservation.

In Russia for a long time the price was regarded as the primary competitive advantage of industrial production. In this regard, even despite the low quality of Russian industrial products, they remained in demand on foreign

and domestic markets. Nowadays we have observed a considerable increase in the prime cost of Russian industrial products at the expense of increase in tariffs for energy resources, transition to import substitution in certain product groups and raw materials, increase ofwages, inefficient use of available resources and etc. [10-12].

In view of the aforesaid, reduction of the prime cost of Russian industrial products at the expense of competitive growth on domestic and foreign markets, modernization of production, growth of production efficiency, introduction of highly efficient methods of resource utilization, including introduction of non-waste technology and introduction of innovative technologies are regarded by us as expedient options.

The competitiveness of a modern industrial production can be estimated on the basis of analysis of innovative, technological, financial and marketing capabilities. Another important factor for evaluation is the analysis of human potential of the industrial enterprise. Assessment of competitiveness of the industrial enterprise allows us to evaluate advantages, disadvantages, growth reserves, risks of the economic entity, what gives the opportunity to prepare for provision of competitive positions on domestic and foreign markets. Assessment of competitiveness of the industrial enterprise includes the following group of indicators:

- need for investments at the present time, in the mid and long-term period;

- need for investments in all product groups, as per one type of products, in the individual market;

- assessment of types of competitive products, their value and volume;

- need for investments in order to ensure the marketing activity;

- need for investments into activities, aimed at demand generation;

- need for investments in order to ensure a continuous upgrade of output products through use of innovative technologies.

Competitiveness of Russian industry can be achieved through implementation of the following activities:

- transformation of the existing industrial policy, with account of modern trends in the development of groundbreaking technologies;

- development of industrial infrastructure, which meets modern world requirements;

- formation of the strategy for modernization of Russian industry in sectors with use of not only




ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online)

Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016)

public investments, but also tools of public-private partnership;

- development of capital intensive production at the expense of public investments;

- development of alternative forms of industrial productions in mono-cities, which have a high competitive potential;

- development of new technologies that are necessary for intensification of industrial production.

Nowadays most of industrial enterprises, located on the territory of Russia, develop with government assistance; they carried out restructuring of production, they are generally focused on saturation of domestic market with industrial products. The Russian state is the main agent that provides investment, innovative and technological development [13; 14]. Now there are various government programs in the Russian Federation aimed at development of the Russian industry at the federal level (State program of the Russian Federation "Development of industry and increase of its competitiveness" [15]; State program of the Russian Federation "Development of shipbuilding in 20132030"; State program "Development of pharmaceutical and medical industry in 2013-2020"; State program of the Russian Federation "Development of electronic and radio-electronic industry"; State program of the Russian Federation "Development of aviation industry in 2013-2025"), as well as at the regional level.

Implementation of federal programs aimed at development of the Russian industry will allow us to achieve the following:

- to strengthen positions of the domestic developments on internal and global markets;

- to increase the number of import-substituting products;

- to modernize the production capacities of industrial complex, including machine-building industry;

- to develop and implement energy-efficient systems into the production activity of industrial enterprises.

Programs, aimed at development of the Russian industry, are focused on improvement of normative-legal regulation of the Russian industry, on formation of new directions in state policy within the framework of industry, on development of priority sectors in the Russian industry.

In general, the state regulation of industry includes the following activities: monitoring the status of industrial production sectors, their analysis; elaboration of measures on improving the management of industrial production; improvement of normative-legal base in the field of industrial production, development of standing orders in the field of standardization and technical regulation of industrial production, development of measures on support of large-scale projects; inclusion of priority directions in researches of the industrial sector developments to the plan.

The low level of development of Russian industry is connected both with external and internal factors, among which one should distinguish lack of high management culture, lack of effective incentives for reformation of production.

In modern Russia, machine building as the main "core" of the Russian industry is a source of innovative development. But at the same time, the state remains the main initiator of establishing the directions for development of scientific-technical potential and stimulation of enterprises' innovation activity. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure the upgrade of technological basis of production, to orient industrial enterprises on development of new markets, it is necessary to reduce state financing of industrial enterprises, making transition to the non-budgetary sources, to ensure transparency in allocation of resources; to increase competition for government order; it is necessary to provide support for strategic investors, what will allow to attract new technologies for upgrade of the technological base and expansion of the range of output products. All this can lead to restructuring of the current industrial policy, which allows to use the existing competitive advantages and to establish new ones.


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Information about the authors

Kulish Sergey Mikhaylovich, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of Department "Management"

of Kazan State Power Engineering University

420066, Kazan, st. Krasnoselskaya, 51, tel.: +7 (843) 519-42-91

E-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7392-1340

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